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Lab Assistant
#1126 Old 19th Apr 2018 at 1:41 AM
Welp, I've decided to retry this challenge once again..
Test Subject
#1127 Old 5th Jun 2018 at 8:34 PM
I've wanted to try this for a REALLY long time, but the prospect of raising so many kids makes my heart sink a bit lol...
Lab Assistant
#1128 Old 7th Jun 2018 at 2:29 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Vrxmya
I've wanted to try this for a REALLY long time, but the prospect of raising so many kids makes my heart sink a bit lol...

It's actually pretty fun really, you get to see how genetics work in the game, it (hopefully) makes you love larger families & I would really, REALLY recommend that you try this at least once!
Mad Poster
#1129 Old 7th Jun 2018 at 4:25 PM
I've been doing a modified version of this invloving the entire town for a while and my town's about to enter into the spring of 1553 and the settlers will begin building new additions onto their homes so they can start getting ready for that time when they'll start trying for babies and there's also new couples due to arrive as new settlers over the coming few years though the town may be facing a drought soon and it might last a good few years.
Lab Assistant
#1130 Old 8th Jun 2018 at 12:15 AM
Quote: Originally posted by TadOlson
I've been doing a modified version of this invloving the entire town for a while and my town's about to enter into the spring of 1553 and the settlers will begin building new additions onto their homes so they can start getting ready for that time when they'll start trying for babies and there's also new couples due to arrive as new settlers over the coming few years though the town may be facing a drought soon and it might last a good few years.

Ooooh that sounds very interesting I'd love to hear/see some updates on how your challenge is going!
Mad Poster
#1131 Old 22nd Jun 2018 at 3:03 PM
I've just entered into the spring of 1553 and they've not had any rain since the new year started and the Ivanovitch family is expanding their house already.The Jankowskys will also start adding to their home soon.
Test Subject
#1132 Old 22nd Jun 2018 at 6:07 PM
Is it okay if I have nraas story progression to reduce lag? It removes homeless sims as well.
Lab Assistant
#1133 Old 25th Jun 2018 at 1:41 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Flour
Is it okay if I have nraas story progression to reduce lag? It removes homeless sims as well.

Yes of course it is It doesn't give your family cheaty benefits so it's okay to use!
Mad Poster
#1134 Old 2nd Jul 2018 at 4:15 AM
I've been playing this in a very heavily Modded game file and use NRaas to fix most game issues and AwesomeMod to fix the school issues like overcrowding,routing fails,students enrolled in the wrong school and routing fails in transit which are avoided by the automated school assignment override in AM's config file being enabled.It's noe an issue to have to enroll children manually as they age from toddlers and older ones who were six or older when the school is added won't get enrolled unless they get signed up for home-schooling.I can still enable automated assignment for home schooling though the rabbit hole's automated assignment is disabled.
Lab Assistant
#1135 Old 18th Jul 2018 at 8:07 AM Last edited by FairyKairi : 21st Jul 2018 at 6:20 AM. Reason: unable to record for YouTube
Okay, nearly 2 years later, I am going to try this challenge again. This time it will be on my YouTube channel so I, hopefully, finish it this time, lol. Stay tuned.

EDIT: Okay, it looks like I actually will not be able to record it due to my recording software not being compatible with the Sims 3. I may have to stop my boycott of the Sims 4 after all, heh.
Lab Assistant
#1136 Old 18th Jul 2018 at 9:59 AM
lol this time I started out with a teen... how original.... then she got pregnant with quads.... ON HER FIRST PREGNANCY... goodness gracious...how is is supost to care for 4 children when she can barely take care of herself?
Mad Poster
#1137 Old 21st Jul 2018 at 7:23 PM
I've had to fix some tunings in story progression to fix my 100 baby challenge because I wanted the skills pushes in story progression disabled so I don't get script errors or have the save bloat.I've got the Jankowskys about to start building an addition on their home soon.
Test Subject
#1138 Old 26th Jul 2018 at 4:23 AM
Oh boy, an interesting challenge I'll definitely try out sometime.
Lab Assistant
#1139 Old 9th Aug 2018 at 6:18 AM
Founder sim managed 42 babies before her uterus crapped out and she aged up. Her daughter is currently on nine with more on the way. The hardest part of this challenge is getting to gen 2 and finding people she's not related to to procreate with.

Living high contrast
Mad Poster
#1140 Old 9th Aug 2018 at 11:22 AM
I've got more building on their homes when I load up next time as they get ready to make room for their first babies.Eli is sixteen and Ami's about her age and they'll be wanting to start working on babies fairly soon.Tanner and Tracy Ivanovitch are about the same age and are also getting ready for babies.More new settlers should also be arriving sometime soon as it's mid spring in Storybrook.
Lab Assistant
#1141 Old 5th Dec 2018 at 4:29 AM
Hello all. Just wanted to drop a link to my new blog Painted Canvas where I will be attempting a 100 Baby/Perfect genetics challenge. Should be fun!


-Also, I can kill you with my brain.-
Mad Poster
#1142 Old 27th Dec 2018 at 6:43 AM
I should be getting back to my own 100 baby challenge and getting them through the rest of the year and having them adding to their homes to prepare for starting families.
Test Subject
#1143 Old 1st Jan 2019 at 11:39 PM
So, I've just started this challenge, and I may have done a tiny bit of a cheat already. I had made a house in hidden springs that is pretty much perfect for this challenge and wanted to use it. So I used the freerealestate cheat to move my sim and her dog into it.
But since I felt bad doing that, I had my sim on house arrest for the first 2 days and also had her adopt a puppy.(two dogs might be a hassle in the future) Before anyone panics, the appliances in the house aren't the best, I'm not that much of a cheater. I'd post pictures but my laptop won't allow it currently.
It's the morning of day 3 and I've realized that 1) I forgot the buy a car when making the house and 2) that since I have my house on a foundation, my puppy has become my time limit. Cause If I leave the house, I would have the puppy outside so it can potty as needed, but the food bowl is inside so I'll have to come home by the time the pup is hungry so he can eat. (Puppies don't do stairs)

Anyways, wish me luck!
Mad Poster
#1144 Old 10th Jan 2019 at 5:32 PM
I've been having my sims expanding their homes and the town has started building another house for a new family soon to be arriving in town.They're working on getting ready for possible babies to start arriving as the sims begin to try for babies over the next few years.
Lab Assistant
#1145 Old 16th Nov 2019 at 5:16 AM
As soon as I get a new charger for my computer, I'll get back into this challenge!
Lab Assistant
#1146 Old 28th Nov 2019 at 12:50 AM
Ive added an extra challenge to this where my Mum can only have 3 pregnancies per life stage. Annnd I have to have the challenge complete by 15th gen, want to get it done at least by 10 again though (Took me 10 gens last time with unlimited pregnancies per gen). So far Ive had 6 kids with my founder and have 2 pregnancies left in her Adult life stage. Hopefully some triplets will appear.

"Fear is only in our minds. But it takes over all the time."
Lab Assistant
#1147 Old 16th Dec 2019 at 12:58 AM
Quote: Originally posted by xPennyxTallyx
Ive added an extra challenge to this where my Mum can only have 3 pregnancies per life stage. Annnd I have to have the challenge complete by 15th gen, want to get it done at least by 10 again though (Took me 10 gens last time with unlimited pregnancies per gen). So far Ive had 6 kids with my founder and have 2 pregnancies left in her Adult life stage. Hopefully some triplets will appear.

I could never bring myself to only have my 100 baby heir only be limited to 3 pregnancies, but like...as long as you enjoy it, that's cool :p
Lab Assistant
#1148 Old 18th Dec 2019 at 7:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by LoveViolet
I could never bring myself to only have my 100 baby heir only be limited to 3 pregnancies, but like...as long as you enjoy it, that's cool :p

6 pregnancies per heir. 3 as a YA and 3 as a Adult. Stops me burning myself out with babies, I usually have too many too quick and end up sick of the challenge. It also makes the challenge that lil bit harder, makes the chance of failing like 80% higher too if you're having a run of boys lol

"Fear is only in our minds. But it takes over all the time."
Lab Assistant
#1149 Old 22nd Dec 2019 at 8:30 AM
Quote: Originally posted by xPennyxTallyx
6 pregnancies per heir. 3 as a YA and 3 as a Adult. Stops me burning myself out with babies, I usually have too many too quick and end up sick of the challenge. It also makes the challenge that lil bit harder, makes the chance of failing like 80% higher too if you're having a run of boys lol

Still, I could never bring myself to do that but as long as you enjoy the challenge that's good ^-^
Lab Assistant
#1150 Old 8th Apr 2020 at 1:58 AM
Halp! I just had 3 sets of quads in a row. Im going insane, she's too fertile

"Fear is only in our minds. But it takes over all the time."
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