If you could...
..Save one person , who would you save ?
If you had to choose between say saving Dumbledore or Severus ?
Yes it would break his perfect plan lol and the story . But if you could do either a tempus spell (return to X hours in the past) or use a ressurect spell .
Who will you save ? Severus or Dumbledore ?
Or maybe , you rather save somoene else maybe ? say like Sirius Black maybe ?
But remember you can only take one choice . Choose one of the above spell , and you can only alter ONE life . And if you do dare choose....you have to come up as to how you will explain the 'how I did and why' to Hermione lol cose she sure like hell wouldn't let YOU break the rules !
So the rules are the following (Be kind I'm a noob here ) :
1- Pick either the spell or the Gadget (return to the Past) .
2- Choose ONE person that has DIED from H.P 1 to the last H.P Movie (book peoples can be used but fill me in , I didn't read the book) .
3- The person can be GOOD , or BAD . It can be a witch , a half-witch , evil witch , good witch , a store owner , bar owner . Anyone , but they must've been in the movie at least , AND they must be dead .
4- You can't choose the spell then go Jedi . If you do a ressurect spell that mark you black art .
5- Tell me why you choose who you did choose . Exemple : I choose to ressurect that psycho Bella . Cose she is hot and wanna share her bed . (This is a bad answer) .
Good Answer would be : I choose to use the Gadget and return in the episode where they are fighting in the bank . And save Sirius Black from that psycho . I pushed him away , and I gave myself for her spell . Yes Sirius Black was in the last fight /No sirius Black was harmed shortly after my death by Blondie daddy of Malfoy and he wasn't able to fight in the last battle .
And yes , it is make belief you can twist how and Who saved THE WHO here . As long as you don't remake the harry potteer from scratch lol .
So..Ahem..I go first :
I choose to use the Spell Ressurect to save Severus Snape . After Harry and his friend took his memory (so we can get the ending we saw ) . Severus from then left the school after the fight and kept a never ending watch over Potter . Not because the boy had some evil lurking in his back but because of how much he remind him of her...lily .
Now your turn...