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#1 Old 15th Mar 2012 at 4:55 AM
If you could...
..Save one person , who would you save ?

If you had to choose between say saving Dumbledore or Severus ?
Yes it would break his perfect plan lol and the story . But if you could do either a tempus spell (return to X hours in the past) or use a ressurect spell .

Who will you save ? Severus or Dumbledore ?
Or maybe , you rather save somoene else maybe ? say like Sirius Black maybe ?

But remember you can only take one choice . Choose one of the above spell , and you can only alter ONE life . And if you do dare choose....you have to come up as to how you will explain the 'how I did and why' to Hermione lol cose she sure like hell wouldn't let YOU break the rules !

So the rules are the following (Be kind I'm a noob here ) :
1- Pick either the spell or the Gadget (return to the Past) .
2- Choose ONE person that has DIED from H.P 1 to the last H.P Movie (book peoples can be used but fill me in , I didn't read the book) .
3- The person can be GOOD , or BAD . It can be a witch , a half-witch , evil witch , good witch , a store owner , bar owner . Anyone , but they must've been in the movie at least , AND they must be dead .
4- You can't choose the spell then go Jedi . If you do a ressurect spell that mark you black art .
5- Tell me why you choose who you did choose . Exemple : I choose to ressurect that psycho Bella . Cose she is hot and wanna share her bed . (This is a bad answer) .

Good Answer would be : I choose to use the Gadget and return in the episode where they are fighting in the bank . And save Sirius Black from that psycho . I pushed him away , and I gave myself for her spell . Yes Sirius Black was in the last fight /No sirius Black was harmed shortly after my death by Blondie daddy of Malfoy and he wasn't able to fight in the last battle .

And yes , it is make belief you can twist how and Who saved THE WHO here . As long as you don't remake the harry potteer from scratch lol .

So..Ahem..I go first :
I choose to use the Spell Ressurect to save Severus Snape . After Harry and his friend took his memory (so we can get the ending we saw ) . Severus from then left the school after the fight and kept a never ending watch over Potter . Not because the boy had some evil lurking in his back but because of how much he remind him of her...lily .

Now your turn...
#2 Old 12th Oct 2012 at 7:15 AM
1. Time Turner
2. Severus Snape is who I would bring back if I could.

Reason: Severus Snape was one of the two most important characters to me. He was not good and he was not evil, he was somewhere on the in between, and he was smart - no smart isn't the right word he was a genius, and I loved his sarcasm, wit, and mind. He has always been one of my favorite characters, and he always will be. I think something else could have been done to prevent Snape's death, and the HP world would never be the same without him.
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