27th May 2012 at 10:46 AM
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Doctor who: Vampires of Venice
Vampires of Venice is the sixth episode of the fifth series of doctor who since it was brought back a few years. When I heard of this I thought that it would be awesome, doctor who true it has not been as good when David Tenet did the show as the doctor and this was not very good as he was but although most of series had been a little bland and at some points fluffy for my tastes I watched the episode hoping that this would be the kick ass episode that I have been waiting for. It was not that episode at all and it made me so angry when I look back at even now I’m hacked off with doctor who for doing this to me.
The story
The summary is on BBC Iplayer (I will post a link to this at the end of the review and you do not need an account on it to watch it) “Corpses and terror fill the canals as the Doctor, Amy and Rory visit 16th century Venice” from this summary alone you could not tell that this was about vampires if you did not look at the title.
As the opening credits role we are told that this episode is set in Venice, 1580 we already know it’s Venice if we looked at the title in the TV guide. Also we a father and daughter walk up to speack with a lady on a throne it appears that he wants his daughter to apply for this girl school, college thing which is weird as if that is the case then why are they running this school for girls unless it is for the purpose of making them worthy wives. The father is taking away by a mysterious man in black who looks like a poor maybe Renfield knock off. As the woman and a guy who we find out later is her soon prowl around her probably thinking of how much blood she has got.
It then cuts to Morden day and the stag do of Rory, Rory good god is the character annoying true this is the first we see him in a episode but from the fist minute I saw him I thought this was a human version of Jar Jar Binks from star wars. He is getting married or supposed to marry Amy pond who is afraid to marry and had sex with the doctor at the end of the last episode which in turn makes the big over all plot device for the rest of series in away. Anyway the doctor decides that he wants to emerge out of a cake. He then talks to Rory about Amy and says that practically says to him at his stag night that she tried to kiss him which makes everyone in the pub go ohm, this is not going to end up in awkwardness now is it?. To add insult to bloody injury he says that she is a great kisser although she does kiss him in the last episode, episode five as well as have sex with him makes her seem like allot like Bella Swan from twilight. To get Rory and Amy in love again so he decides that he is going to ... VENICE!!
When the gang, Amy, the doctor and Rory arrive in Venice the doctor starts calling every name that you could call Venice even calling that same name that Ezio from assassins creed 2 calls it. To the shows credit the Venice looks pretty nice, it looks like the right time period and costumes although most of them look more Tudor than reissuance look nice. It turns that the doctor owes a guy a chicken and he likes Venice but the loveliness ends with a guy wanting to see some papers as apparently the plague was still happening according that chick in the nice dark purple dress earlier, who is called Rosanna.
After that they move on and to cut down the size of this part the rest of story is. They send Amy to investigate the girls at the school after the father from earlier thinks that there is something wrong. Amy gets captured and bitten by the Rosanna, whose evil plan is to flood the world so that the vampires can live again. The doctor wants her stop although she is tiring to save her people. He stops her plan, she gets killed and Amy does not become a vampire.
All in all a doring storyline and is executed ok for boring storyline but proves that is not a good story in this series.
"I know, and it breaks my heart to do it, but we must remain vigilant. If you cannot tell me another way, do not brand me a tyrant!" - knight commander Meredith (dragon age 2)