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The sims 3 : Gaming expansion pack project
The sims 3 : Gaming expansion pack project
Who are we?
well me and some others came up with the idea to make a gaming related stuff pack, for instance make game posters, wallpapers, gaming related furniture and objects that can be decorative as well as functional, from retexturing to making meshes. We want to try to make something EA will never make, allot of stuff all related to classic games like mario, zelda, modern games and more!
Who are we looking for ?
We are looking for everyone that can help us out, make paintings, meshes, people who make textures and objects, make sims, clothing even builders can help us out,
together well make a package that the whole sims 3 community will talk about.
Do you want to join or help?
if you do just add your name to the list below, ideas are allways welcome!