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#1 Old 6th Mar 2013 at 6:07 PM
Default dating
now this is how it goes,answer this questions

ever had a messed up date?

ever taken a girl out

how many girls you had?

(if you have) how was your last date like,what did you do

ME :

sure,many (NOT MY FOLT TOUGHT)



it was ...Neutral...i taken her out to a bar bought her coffie and myself a coca cola,we talked and THEN THIS DOUCHEBAG CAME IN AND RUINED IT ,since i left my old highschool due to medical problems,i have never seen her prety face again

your turn mates
Top Secret Researcher
#2 Old 6th Aug 2013 at 9:52 PM
Hmm, well I had a girl, like 15 months ago.

I messed up a few, specially since she got the idea I was flirting with her friends... *raised eyebrow *

Hmm.. Took her out to the coffee shop (well more she said "let's go to Costa" and I said OK then!)

And my last date... Didn't see ,much of her... She wondered away and I met loads of her friends instead...

Just Call me Square!
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