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#1 Old 22nd Sep 2013 at 6:04 AM
Default The greatest thing that ever happened to you
Tell me what's the greatest thing that happened to you. Mine would be going to a Breathe Carolina concert
#2 Old 24th Sep 2013 at 1:57 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Lin
Tell me what's the greatest thing that happened to you. Mine would be going to a Breathe Carolina concert

Whats a breathe carolina concert???

I have had a lifetime of greatest things, recently is making $1200 at a art show.
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#3 Old 14th Oct 2013 at 2:51 AM
Let me Explain :D
Quote: Originally posted by klk01
Whats a breathe carolina concert???

I have had a lifetime of greatest things, recently is making $1200 at a art show.

Breathe Carolina is a band that David Schmitt made. Don't worry a ton of people haven't really heard of them but one of there hit songs are Blackout. Thats the first song i heard and i loved it but that's my opinion. And Holy Crap You won that much money. You Must Be A Great Artist. What did you do that you won that much money? but i find that really amazing And the picture is of them 1 or 2 years ago Sorry I just saw the reply
#4 Old 14th Oct 2013 at 3:11 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Lin
You Must Be A Great Artist. What did you do that you won that much money?

I make sterling silver jewelry and gourd art.
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#5 Old 14th Oct 2013 at 3:33 AM
Oh Thats Really Cool!
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