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#1 Old 21st May 2014 at 4:28 AM
Default WCIF sterling sims 2 items?
My computer crashed and I'm starting over. I love Tatiana's stuff from Sterling Sims 2 site. Unfortunately the site is now dead and is not in the Graveyard, Simscave, or the Booty. Help please!!!
#2 Old 21st May 2014 at 4:39 AM
Here are Tatianas ceiling mesh and controller http://www.mediafire.com/download/6...+Controller.rar, found searching simscave for sterling sims http://simscave.mustbedestroyed.org...p?topic=31309.0
Tatiana also has some stuff on here http://modthesims.info/m/173777

And using the wayback machine you can get into Tatianas stuff and sterling sims http://web.archive.org/web/20130723...47d1d25dfbc14ee
not sure about if you can download though, didnt get that far! Might be a start?

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#3 Old 22nd May 2014 at 6:49 PM Last edited by tempmars : 24th May 2014 at 12:07 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by ekrubynaffit
Here are Tatianas ceiling mesh and controller http://www.mediafire.com/download/6...+Controller.rar, found searching simscave for sterling sims http://simscave.mustbedestroyed.org...p?topic=31309.0
Tatiana also has some stuff on here http://modthesims.info/m/173777

And using the wayback machine you can get into Tatianas stuff and sterling sims http://web.archive.org/web/20130723...47d1d25dfbc14ee
not sure about if you can download though, didnt get that far! Might be a start?

Thank you so much!! for the ceiling link. I tried the wayback machine but I can't download. Still looking for help.
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#4 Old 8th Feb 2022 at 5:07 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ekrubynaffit
Here are Tatianas ceiling mesh and controller http://www.mediafire.com/download/6...+Controller.rar, found searching simscave for sterling sims http://simscave.mustbedestroyed.org...p?topic=31309.0
Tatiana also has some stuff on here http://modthesims.info/m/173777

And using the wayback machine you can get into Tatianas stuff and sterling sims http://web.archive.org/web/20130723...47d1d25dfbc14ee
not sure about if you can download though, didnt get that far! Might be a start?

The wayback machine is not working. It takes you to the stuff, but you can’t download it. ????
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