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#1 Old 13th Aug 2014 at 10:37 PM
Default Sims 3: Customizable 13 Generation (and then some) Challenge
I don't know if this should be posted under the category 'Ye Olde', but there isn't an 'Alternate World' category.

Sims 3: Customizable 13 Generation (and then some) Challenge

I have a bad habit of restarting my games, so I thought I’d create a challenge for myself and share it with you.
Note: I'm using the word 'challenge' loosely, because this may not seem much like a challenge to some players. I didn't add in points because I did create it to be customizable and I would like anyone who tries it to have fun with it.

The inspiration and format for this challenge comes from the ‘Sims Through The Ages’ challenge. I am using Modern D20 SRD: Progress Levels (under the ‘Future’ section) as a guideline to tailor this challenge to the world I have created.

Pardon the grammar it has never been one of my strengths.

(You don’t have to use this. You can create your own.)
The setting: Vandia, an Earth-like world located somewhere in the Andromeda Galaxy.
The race: Vandiari, a race of gender ambiguous individuals, average to low curiosity, intelligence as broad as can be found among humans, a taste for rich foods, strangely mixed earth-toned outfits, and a strong distaste for the color pink. They live for 200 years.
The story: [SPOILERS]. Sorry. This world I’m creating is actually the setting for a book I’m working on. However, the race and planet name are not the same as in the book I’m working on; I made-up the planet name and race specifically for this challenge. But, if you really, really need to know I’ll give you the vague version of it:
The story, I am working on, has to do with artifacts, deities, a little bit of magic, takes place in a modern setting, has a supernatural flavor to it, and takes place on an Earth-like world. The race on this vague world is not human, elf, or dwarf.

The main rule to remember is technology, skills, careers and traits must be appropriate for that time period. This is set in stone as are the rules listed under the section Rules. Unless otherwise stated, anything listed under each Age is customizable to your world.
Game: Do not restart the game, unless it borks really bad.
Death: Do not use mods to disable death in your home world. Do not bring sims back to life. Once they are dead, they’re dead. If you want to have playable ghosts, go for it, but it must fit with the world you are creating. Only use ambrosia to create a ghost. Do not use ambrosia to reset your sim's age. No death flowers.
> Note: The exception to this rule will be for deity/immortal sims only, if you choose to create them. Death and aging can be turned off for deity/immortal sims.
Needs: Do not use testingcheatsenabled true to ‘make all sims happy’ or whatever that mailbox cheat is (this is going to be especially hard during the Stone Age/Tribal Age).
World: Make-up your world (This does not mean that you have to use create-a-world to build your world. You can use any neighborhood you want.)
The setting can be Earth-like or an Alternate Earth.
Create your own history, race, and culture. However, the technology level must be appropriate for the generation.
Founder Lifetime Wish: Surrounded by Family, must be completed for all Founders.
Founder Traits: Friendly, Family Oriented, and any other that will assist in self-employed careers.
Founders: Can be two people or a group; supernatural or alien. If you are playing a world that has two people being the founders, new sims must be added in during the 2nd or 3rd generation, this is to keep marriage options fresh. Until this time, near relation romances are allowed. Near-relation romances will not be allowed after the 3rd generation.
If you are playing a world that has more than just one couple starting out as founders, when to add new sims into your home world will depend on how your game is going for marriage options.
Either way, new sims must be added into your homeworld.
> Note: The new sims can be alien, however if they come in during a low-tech generation, they must ‘hide’ their technology and blend in with the rest of the population as best they can.
Lifespan: Use any one you would like. Do not change the lifespan, once it is set.
Generation Progression: Founders are Generation 0. Their children are Generation 1. Their grand-children are Generation 2, so on and so forth.

OPTIONAL TOOLS (to use for help with this challenge)
Cheats: testingcheatsenabled true, enablelotlocking true, unlockOutfits on, buydebug, kaching, motherlode
Mods: Any that will fix errors and remove unnecessary NPCs. Any that will disable certain traits and careers that will be unlocked in future generations. Any that will match the style of world you are creating, but must be tweaked to fit the generation you are currently in.
> Note: These are the mods I use that will help with this challenge. You do not have to use these.
~ MTS ~
Cmar_mpregmorphV3 & Cmar_mpregmorph_amSeasonsJacketSnowboard
~ NRaas Industries ~
Careers including the Schools, Part-time, Assassination, Unemployed, Self-employed, and Homemaker modules.
MasterController and all the MasterController suites
Story Progression and all of its suites (This mod allows me to create Castes.)
~ Naughty Sims Asylum ~
Twoftmama Less Service Sims_No Newspaper Delivery Combo
Twoftmama Don’t Eat My Plants

I have quite a few other mods, but they are for fixing issues, such as routing, and removing or limiting some of the more ridiculous actions and interactions game developers felt the need to put into the game.

If you don’t know about it, NRaas Industries has a mod called Vector , which allows certain, completely made-up, diseases into your neighborhood. I’m pretty sure there are other mods out there that allow diseases as well.

Note: You may change these according to the world you are creating.
Suggestions: Progression can start with the Stone Age and end with an Age beyond that of the Information Age. Or, it can start with a more modern age and end with the Stone Age. Or, the world you are creating starts normal and progresses well, and then something happens that sets technology back a certain number of years. Or, the world you are creating starts normal and progresses well, and then something happens that sets technology forward a certain number of years. Just have fun and be creative.
0 - 1 = Tribal Age
2 - 4= Age of Civilization
5 – 7 = Age of Nobility/Empires
8 – 9 = Age of Exploration
10 – 11 = Steam Age
12 – 13 = World Community

Generation 0-1: Tribal Age
No technology allowed. That being said, unless there is a mod somewhere out there in mod land that can disable cell phones, you’ll have to deal with a bunch of ‘cavemen’ streaming videos .
Homes: Sims must have some form of shelter.
If you want to create a long-house type of structure, go for it. You can find long-house floor plans online. Or, if you have World Adventures you can use buydebug to get a couple of tents.
Firepits are allowed, but for food you’ll need a stove, or grill, fridge, and a counter. Buy only the cheapest. Alternatively, you can just have your sims eat what they fish and harvest from their garden. You can build a fishing pond right on your lot.
You can stuff more than 8 people into a household. I would highly suggest no more than 12 sims under one roof including children.
Since you have to build on an empty lot before placing a family, I would suggest placing a random, lonely wall, which you can knock down after placing the family. You may keep any funds that are added to your family after knocking down the wall.
Funds: Whatever is left after buying what is needed to survive. Remember, what you buy must be Tribal Age appropriate. Do not use any cheat to increase this.
Careers: Fishing, Gardening
Traits: Family Oriented, Friendly, anything that will help with fishing and gardening.
Community Lots: Fishing spots
Skills: No skill books
Pets: Dogs are allowed. Horses are also allowed, if they fit with your world.
World Travel: No University worlds.
New sims: Just the ones born into families.

Note: You can create deity sims who teach mortal sims how to survive and you may use any mod that allows you to increase/decrease skills.
> Rule, set in stone: The skills you add to your sim can only deal in survival, you can only increase the skill by 1, and only increase those skills the sim has a trait for (example: Trait: Angler, Skill: Fishing). But, this is only if you have deity sims in your homeworld. Otherwise the sims have to learn the skills on their own.

Generations 2-4: Age of Civilization
Homes: Add a bathhouse and any additional rooms appropriate for this generation.
No modern technology. If using a fridge and stove, keep them at the cheapest possible. No fire alarms.
Funds: No more than 100,000 for the rich and 50,000 for the poor. You may use kaching, motherlode, or Master Controller to adjust household funds when creating wealthy and poor households. Anything beyond must be earned.
Careers: Artisan type careers, military, and firefighter. No inventor careers.
Traits: Nothing that can be found in a modern society.
Community Lots: Stadium, Military Base, City Hall, Grocery, Spa; You may unlock the Library if you want.
Skills: Any artisan skills, skills that will help with military and firefighter. No skill books or classes.
Pets: Allowed.
World Travel: No University worlds.
New sims: How many and why is up to you.

Note: On Vandia, skills will be kept in the family and passed down from generation to generation (step-children and adopted children included). You can do something similar and use any skill increasing/decreasing mod , however…
> Rule, set in stone: You can only increase the skill by 1, and only increase those skills the parent sim has. This can only be done for teenagers.

Generations 5-7: Age of Nobility/Empires
Homes: No change.
Funds: You may use kaching, motherlode, or Master Controller to adjust household funds when creating wealthy and poor households. No more than 50,000 for the poor and 100,000 for the rich. Your sims must earn anything beyond that.
Careers: No change from the previous Age. It is up to you if you want to allow the Education career.
Traits: Nothing that can be found in a modern society.
Community Lots: You are free to lock the library or leave it open as you see fit.
Skills: At this point, skill books may be added to your sims’ shelves as you see fit. Do not use a skill changing mod to increase/add skills*
Pets: Allowed.
World Travel: I’ll leave it up to you if you want to allow your rich sims to go to the university worlds.
New sims: How many and why is up to you.

*Note: If you decide to do an apprentice/master system during this Age, you may use a skill changing mod.
> Rule, set in stone: You can only increase the skill by 1, and only increase those skills the master artisan sim has. This can only be done for teenagers and maybe young adults, if that is part of the sim’s story.

Generations 8-9: Age of Exploration/Knowledge
Homes: Add additional rooms as you see fit for this generation. Still no technology, of course.
Funds: You may use kaching, motherlode, or Master Controller to adjust household funds when creating wealthy and poor households. No more than 55,000 for the poor and 200,000 for the rich. Your sims must earn anything beyond that. Add in a Middle Class, but choose funds appropriate for that class.
Careers: Science, Inventor, or any that would fit this generation.
Traits: Nothing that can be found in a modern society.
Community Lots: Any that would fit this generation.
Skills: Any that would fit this generation; Skill books allowed. You can no longer use skill changing mods.
Pets: Allowed
World Travel: All worlds allowed, including the University worlds.
New sims: How many and why is up to you.

Generations 10-11: Steam Age
Homes: Cars are allowed, upgraded appliances, telephones and radios are allowed, but only the low tech ones.
Funds: You may use kaching, motherlode, or Master Controller to adjust household funds when creating wealthy and poor households. No more than 60,000 for the poor and 300,000 for the rich. Your sims must earn anything beyond that. Add in a Middle Class, but choose funds appropriate for that class.
Careers: Nothing centered around using computers.
Traits: No traits that are not appropriate for the Industrial Age.
Community Lots: Any that aren’t too high tech, however the theatre is allowed.
Skills: No high tech skills.
Pets: Allowed
World Travel: All worlds allowed.
New sims: How many and why is up to you.

Generations 12-13: World Community
Homes: Computers, game consoles, and alarms are allowed.
Funds: You may use kaching, motherlode, or Master Controller to adjust household funds when creating wealthy and poor households. No more than 65,000 for the poor and 400,000 for the rich. Your sims must earn anything beyond that. Add in a Middle Class, but choose funds appropriate for that class.
Careers: Any
Traits: Any
Community Lots: All
Skills: Any; You can no longer use Master Controller to add skills, unless it’s for assassination.
Pets: Allowed.
World Travel: All allowed.
New sims: How many and why is up to you.

Future Generations
The Modern D20 SRD: Progress Levels (PL) does have a brief description of each Age starting with PL0: Stone Age and ending with PL8: Energy Age. I don't have the 'Into the Future' expansion, so I will have to end with PL5: Information Age (World Community). But, you may continue on if you would like.
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