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#1 Old 11th Feb 2015 at 1:41 AM
Default 8 Historical Vampire Sisters Challenge
I like to play families involving 8 female vampires who are sisters and often represent historical eras or styles I like, so here's a challenge based on it. Enjoy!
Your goal is to create 8 vampiresses who are sisters, represent different historical eras, and have been left a fancy house (mansion/palace) by their deceased adoptive parents, who turned them as vampires during the era they represent.
Not too many rules in here, just have fun!

Creation Rules:
You must create 8 female sims all set as sisters in CAS or in game using mods
Sisters must be aged between teen-adult (young adult recommended)
Sisters must be created as vampires in CAS if you have Supernatural, or turned in game if you do not but have Late Night, if you have neither, pretend your human sims are vampires.
Sisters must all have Evil trait and Proper if you have Supernatural, all other traits are optional
Sisters must all be thin, with an athletic body type and the muscle definition set low and breast slider set high if possible
Sisters must each represent a historical era with name, clothing, and hair all as close to the era as possible, recommended eras are Classical (Greek/Roman/Egyptian, etc), medieval, Elizabethan, renaissance, baroque, rococo, 1500's, 1600's, 1700's, regency, Victorian, Old West, Civil War, Edwardian, 1920's, '30's, '40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, with the oldest representing the earliest era going down to more recent with youngest as most recent.
2 sisters must have blond, 2 red, 2 black, and 2 brown hair
1 blond and 1 red-haired sister must both have blue eyes with the other 2 having green, with the brown and black haired sisters having the same pattern, but red and brown eyes.
Sisters must all be "Goth" regardless of era, and each sister must have a clothing color scheme of your choice.

House rules:
Sisters must have a fancy house, either a mansion or palace, left by their parents, of your choice, recommended styles are medieval castles, royal palaces, or Victorian mansions
House may be bought using cheats if no money is available
House must be lavishly decorated to your choice of style and sisters must have bedrooms in styles representing their era and color scheme (bedroom sharing is fine)
Sisters MUST have butler, maid, or Bonehilda

Game rules:
Only cheat allowed is motherlode to make your sisters rich and you may use it as often as you wish, mods are allowed.
Each sister must have a job of their/your choice and if you have Ambitions, at least one profession
Try to keep sisters alive no matter what
Sisters may have romantic relationships and/or children, but it is not required
Sisters must stay in house their parents left them no matter what
Sisters must remain at least acquaintances with each other
Aging must be turned off and life span set as highest
Not too many rules, I know

Enjoy my challenge and have fun with it!
Original Poster
#2 Old 11th Feb 2015 at 3:53 PM
Okay, this has gotten no replies, so I've decided I'll show off the 3 of the 8 sisters I've made so far to get people inspired
Oldest sister Antigone, who is Ancient Rome/Greece inspired in her everyday


Arwyn, second sister (Medieval/Renaissance inspired) in everyday


Marie, 3rd sister (Baroque/Rococo) everyday


I am currently working on their sister Jane (Regency), and they will have 4 more sisters, Victoria (Victorian/Edwardian/Old West), Mary ('20's flapper), Bette ('40's-'50's aspiring housewife/pin-up girl), and Rainbow ('60's-'70's hippie)
Test Subject
#3 Old 12th Feb 2015 at 11:29 AM
This sounds like a unique and enjoyable way to play TS3. My only suggestion would be to make this slightly harder. Maybe each of the sisters have to play out a rich/powerful woman's average life in each of the different eras and have to complete certain tasks throughout their lives? I guess that's what people will already do, but still, I love this challenge!
Original Poster
#4 Old 12th Feb 2015 at 5:46 PM Last edited by southparkrocks : 13th Feb 2015 at 6:46 PM.
Thanks for your feedback, and that is a good idea! Here are my 5 last sims I made
Jane (Regency) everyday


Victoria (Victorian/Edwardian/Old West) everyday


Mary ('20's flapper) everyday


Bette ('40's-'50's pin-up girl/housewife) everyday


Last sim, Rainbow ('60's-'70's hippie) everyday


I just moved them into a sim version of Downton Abbey and got them all jobs.
Mary is human in the pictures because I forgot to make her a vampire using CAS until last minute, oops!
Test Subject
#5 Old 16th Feb 2015 at 4:12 PM
Good Job! I was bored, my game just crashed so i went looking for a challenge, i found this one and it suits me perfectly! I will do this, but can you make all sims self - employed/with a profession? And can you have pets?
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#6 Old 16th Feb 2015 at 7:06 PM
Yes to both
Original Poster
#7 Old 28th Mar 2015 at 1:51 AM
Tigersim15, did you do the challenge, I'd love to see your vampire sisters if you did :3
Test Subject
#8 Old 8th May 2015 at 8:15 PM
Yes, I have, I would post pictures, but i don't know how, and the computer i'm on at the moment is REALLY laggy, slow, ect.. sorry for the late reply.
Original Poster
#9 Old 17th May 2015 at 7:39 PM
Quote: Originally posted by TigerSim15
Yes, I have, I would post pictures, but i don't know how, and the computer i'm on at the moment is REALLY laggy, slow, ect.. sorry for the late reply.

To post pictures, take screenshots and upload them to an image hosting website (I use Tinypic) And when you've uploaded the picture, get the code to post the picture on a forum, which should have [IMG] at the start and [/IMG] at the end, and copypaste in your post on here in the "insert image" part, which will already have that, and you'll have to delete one of the 2 copies of [IMG]____ [/IMG] for it to work properly. And don't feel bad! I haven't played the Sims 3 in a few months, and I actually had to delete this challenge family because of errors and a crash, so I am going to make a new family of this challenge today.
Original Poster
#10 Old 17th May 2015 at 7:42 PM
Quote: Originally posted by IWANTMODSNOW!
This sounds like a unique and enjoyable way to play TS3. My only suggestion would be to make this slightly harder. Maybe each of the sisters have to play out a rich/powerful woman's average life in each of the different eras and have to complete certain tasks throughout their lives? I guess that's what people will already do, but still, I love this challenge!

If you have a good list of challenges for a rich woman in each era to complete in the challenge that I could add to this, that would be great!
Test Subject
#11 Old 22nd May 2015 at 9:54 PM
Quote: Originally posted by southparkrocks
To post pictures, take screenshots and upload them to an image hosting website (I use Tinypic) And when you've uploaded the picture, get the code to post the picture on a forum, which should have [IMG] at the start and [/IMG] at the end, and copypaste in your post on here in the "insert image" part, which will already have that, and you'll have to delete one of the 2 copies of [IMG]____ [/IMG] for it to work properly. And don't feel bad! I haven't played the Sims 3 in a few months, and I actually had to delete this challenge family because of errors and a crash, so I am going to make a new family of this challenge today.

cool thanks, and I'd like to see your new family
Original Poster
#12 Old 22nd May 2015 at 10:00 PM
I actually haven't made them yet lol
Test Subject
#13 Old 22nd May 2015 at 10:01 PM
Quote: Originally posted by southparkrocks
I actually haven't made them yet lol

I mean when you've done them :p
Original Poster
#14 Old 22nd May 2015 at 10:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by TigerSim15
I mean when you've done them :p

I've decided I will make them today because I've just deleted a family after the repoman took their stuff, but it might take a while to make them all seeing as I have TONS of content for YA females and if I make 8, it'll take a long time to load them all, I might end up making younger ones teens lol
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