The Sunset Asylum Challenge
This mental institution in Sunset Valley needs a doctor who can meet the challenges of taking care of the mentally ill. To start, download or build an Asylum any way you want it. It must have enough beds for 10 patients and a separate living area for the doctor which is off limits to the patients. These are the rules:
1. The doctor must graduate from university with an A in science and medicine.
2. Take care of 10 mentally ill patients, 5 male and 5 female
3. In order to be admitted to the asylum patients must have random traits that include at least 2 mental illnesses. They cannot go out to work until released but can earn money from skills. (For acceptable mental illnesses see note at the end)
4. Cure all their mental illnesses (based on traits) by fulfilling their wants and/or Life Time Wishes so they gain enough life time reward points to buy a cure (the "Midlife Crisis" reward). Then roll randomly for new traits. If all mental traits are replaced, the patient is cured. If they roll other illnesses, they need to stay and work toward another cure.
5. Start with 100 simolians per patient and receive 500 simolians for each illness cured.
6. Prepare each patient to become employed upon their release by helping them gain needed skills for their chosen career and/or life time want.
7. Have no hired staff.
8. Provide outings as a group not individually.
9. Control of the patients is only allowed for them to fulfill wants/Life Time Wishes and follow doctor given therapies - not for personal care (such as sleep, eat, bathroom etc.).
10. All wants must be fulfilled - except those related to travel, jobs, harming other patients, engagement and marriage.
11. Patients must leave the asylum fully cured of all illnesses.
12. There are no restrictions on the doctor regarding marriage/family. However, the doctor is the only person allowed to be involved with the patients. Family must be kept separate from the asylum (Basement suite, upper living quarters, separate house on lot with restricted access to the patients)
Notes: Mental illnesses accepted for admittance are:
ADHD (Absent Minded); Delusional Disorder (Bot Fan); Hyperkulturemia (Can't stand art); Immature Personality Disorder (Childish); Philophobia (Commitment issues); Panic Disorder (Coward); Geophagia (Daredevil - eating dirt); Pedophobia (Dislikes Children); Histrionic personality disorder (Dramatic); Antisocial personality disorder: Sociopath (Evil); Conduct Disorder (Mean Spirited); Intermittent Explosive Disorder (hot headed); Agoraphobia (Hates the outdoors); Hydrophobia (Hydrophobic); Asperger Syndrome (Inappropriate) Social Phobia (Socially awkward); Schizoaffective Disorder (Insane); Kleptomania (Kleptomaniac); Enochlophobia (Loner); Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (Neurotic); Gymnophobia (Never nude); Oppositional defiant disorder (Rebellious); Bi-polar Disorder (Over Emotional); Technophobia (Technophobe); Anxiety Disorder (Unlucky); Multiple Personality Disorder (Unstable); Ablutophobia (Slob); Social Anxiety Disorder (Shy); Anti-Social Personality Disorder (No Sense of Humor).
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