Quote: Originally posted by cookniro
Hi wanted to play but the Role page is incomplete. It is missing the roles with their skill objects, Listing # and BDR and SR rating. Anyone have a copy?
I have this challenge in a txt document. Here's the part with the roles with objects.
Your merry band of survivors should set up shop in a location other than a traditional house. Clear a 30x20 lot (one should already be free) and download #purgechallenge. You may edit this if you like (set them up in a factory, prison, clinic, whatever) but the starting furnishings cannot change. I've even left you a half eaten bowl of fruit salad on the table in case you get desperate
In addition, most of your survivors will bring something with them to add to the base. See the list below and add the appropriate items for your group (you may need to use the bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement cheat to access some of these items.
Ex-Marine – A wall with gate
Handyman - Workbench
Mad Scientist - Cheapest rocket
Biologist- Large microscope (the one that analyzes plant samples)
Hippie Prepper – 1 veggie seed pack, 1 fruit seed pack, and the old fashioned refrigerator (icebox).
Young Child - 1 skill building toy of your choice
Master Thief - Nothing...for now
Chef - Wood burning stove
Model - The fancy clothes on their back
Computer Guru - Cheapest desktop computer
Leader - Cheapest desktop computer (if you already have one form the guru, bring an extra cot instead)
Grumpy Old Fart - A bad attitude
Ex-Con - Nothing but their experience
Lazy Bum - A comfy folding chair (something that looks transportable)
Jock/Cheerleader - An athletic item (not electric)
Pro Athlete - An athletic item (not electric)
Housewife - A child's toy or furniture item (not electric)
Teacher - See the "teacher" section under ROLES section
Musician - Instrument
Accountant - Skill book or Computer (Only allowed to use for writing)
In addition to the above, complete the following:
---If you have a chef, the kitchen should be locked to all but them. If you do not have a chef, the designated cook should only have access.
--Use of the computer is EXTREMELY limited and dangerous. Only the leader and computer guru should have access and only as needed. Keep the room locked to everyone at all other times.
--You may not have ANY lights at the start. The power is out. Sims using plumbing is considered using water they scavenged.
And the BDR + SR ratings...the roles part on the site where it talks about the teacher ends at hippie prepper but musician and accountant should have been after that so I've included that as well.
(Musician: Raise instrument to lvl 7 - Everyone may have a shot of the instrument till the teacher becomes proficient enough to be the musician or teach someone else for the role)
(Accountant : Raise writing to lvl 7 - May keep extra ingred but not one of each harvested, maybe too of one harvest of your choice) or (count a harvest that doesn't count (i.e daisy) as a substitutes ingred for something)
ROLE: Biologist
NOTE: Seeking a cure for all the new diseases sims face. The closest thing you have to a doctor. The biologist can travel to Granite Falls once per week to collect 1 of every plant/insect for 1 day. Others can come for protection but cannot collect.
GOAL: Reach Lvl 10 in Logic Reach Lvl 10 in Herbalism (optional) Complete the microscope prints collection
REWARD: May now create (purchase on computer) two medicines every Sunday.
SUB: None other than teacher (see above)
SR: 1
Ah, Gordon Ramsay did well for my sims. The chef knows how to make great dishes with limited food (see feed restriction)
GOAL: Reach Lv 10 Cooking
REWARD: Create food at half the ingredient cost
SUB: Can only eat cold dishes (no stove) and raw food
SR: 2
Computer Guru
Your typical gamer with a nerd-like flare for computers. Hacks and runs network interference for the group, gathers alien data. Add +1 to BDR against alien attacks.
Reach Lv 10 Programming
Add an addition +1 to BDR vs. alien attacks if the guru is well and on the lot.
None other than teacher (see above)
Profesional survivor.
Immediately builds base defenses and adds a wall (+2 BDR). Additional marine +1 BDR
GOAL: Fitness Lvl 10 Defend a base twice
SUB: None
SR: 3 Day 2 Night
Grumpy Old Fart
I'd call this the grandpa/ma of the group but that would imply they gave a crap. He'd beat you with his cane if he had one (damn you EA) S/he wants to get out of this hellish world and reunite with a spouse killed by aliens.
GOAL: Die and get out of this misery (remember, you can't orchestrate a survivor death)
REWARD: The pearly gates (or somewhere a bit warmer the way this old codger is going).
SUB: None
SR: 0
Repairs, upgrades, modify base (construction). W/o him, sims cannot use the build panel. Use workbench to craft furniture. Add +1 BDR per handyman
Handiness Lvl 10 Upgrade (using parts) all possible base items to max
Add +1 BDR
Any can repair broken items.
Hippie Prepper
Long haired, ganga smoking, conspiracy theorist that has been prepping for this! Your main farmer/fisherman (see food restrictions). The hippie spends his evenings by the spinach patch where he stashes those weed plants. Often high, suffer a -1 BDR when he's around.
Reach Lvl 10 in Gardening and Lvl 5 Fishing
You may now have 2 of each plant in your garden and only toss back 1 in 3 fish (if you haven't cleared the food restriction.
Only the Hippie can maintain a garden and fish. Any sim may harvest wild plants.
One of your MVPs on the team. Without a leader, sims cannot actively recruit for survivors outside of random events. See General Rules for directions.
Reach Lv 10 Charisma + Complete the penpal postcard collection
You may recruit any penpal who sends you a postcard (even if you already have one like it).
(Penpals can't actually be met ingame, choose someone you like from town to be the penpal and follow the rules for leader recruitment under general rules)
None other than teacher (see above)
Mad Scientist
Build/upgrade starter rocket (money cheat ok). Upgrade once before space travel. Afterward must expend a space rock of any size and have required skill to upgrade.
Rocket Science Lvl 2 Completely upgrade a rocket alone, Complete space rock & alien life collections
Large & Unusually Large Space Rocks can now be used as generators. (Lg=1day, UL=3days of power IF electricity restriction is lifted)
None other than teacher (see above)
Master Thief
An ex-con that knows how to use the night to their advantage. The only role that can steal from other colonies (homes). See "Thieving" section under general rules.
Reach Lvl 10 Mischief Steal at least 10 useful items for the base w/o getting caught (i.e. food w/4+ servings, skill books, beds, items for a 2nd bath, etc.)
Increase nighttime SR to 4
2 Day 3 Night
More concerned w/looks than being practical. Still yearns for comfort items. Will often take a cot from a more deserving sim.
Survive and look good doing it baby!
The eye candy they provide your survivors?
Young Child
Can be groomed to grow up into any needed role. On the down side, -1 to BDR until young adult. Applies to babies born at base.
GOAL: Once grown to young adult, select any survivor role and use CAS to edit traits if needed.
SUB: None
SR: -1
S/he used to be a gang banger in the area. While they no longer follow that path, their knowledge increase your SR by +2 when going up against thugs (does not include aliens).
GOAL: Reach Lvl 10 n Fitness
SUB: None
SR: 2
Teen (male or female) who was popular in school and has athletic ability.
When aged up, they have a 50/50 chance of being useful to the group. Reach Lvl 5 in fitness before age up or not be able to become a Thief or Athlete
Random Rolls 1--Bum 2--Model 3--Thief 4--Athlete
Lazy Bum
This is someone who has spent their life finding the best ways to get out of work. They are incessantly lazy and good for very little.
GOAL: Every time the bum is forced to do something useful (i.e. go out on a scavenge, etc., he crashes in one of your beds and monopolizes it for 1 day. No other sim can use that designed bed until 24 hours expires. Using him in a combat scenario counts as "work".
REWARD: If he gets his way and does absolutely nothing, you may kick him out of a bed (something you can't do to anyone else).
SUB: None
SR: 1
Professional Athlete
This is someone who spends a lot of time honing their body through physical exercise. As a result, they are fairly strong and fast making them excellent lookouts. If you are attacked and the athlete is at the base, gain +1 to your BDR.
Ward off at least 3 base attacks (must be at the base to count).
Once the goal is reached, this survivor gives you an early warning on all base events if he is present at the base. With the lookout, you would roll your event and give yourself one GAME hour (not real hour) to take any actions to prepare for what is coming.
None other than teacher (see above)
The teacher loves to learn and pass her knowledge onto others. This is the only role that can change the role of another sim once she completes her goal. At the start, the teacher comes with one skill item of your choice (i.e. workbench, rocket, etc.).
GOAL: Reach Lvl 7 in a skillrelated to a role to train someone to fill it (or fill it themselves). See the teacher section above
REWARD: Unlike many other roles, the teacher doesn't unlock anything, they make it possible for others to UNLESS they give up being a teacher and assume the role permanently.
SUB: None
SR: 1
Due to the alien contaminations, most women have become sterile. These particular few are still able to procreate. Since they must stay at the base, they are usually responsible for keeping everything neat and tidy.
To have a child.
Their children assume the "young child" role.
Can be an ex-rock star, pop artist, part of a jazz band, whatever you like. They provide much needed entertainment and raise the morale of the base.
GOAL: Reach Lvl 10 with desirec instrument
REWARD: Adds +2 to BDR when at the base.
BRINGS: Instrument
SR: 1
The base organizer. He/she keeps track of everything coming and going. As a result, things tend to run more smoothly and there is less waste. Prior to completing goal, keep one extra piece of fruit or vegetable per day (i.e. one extra apple).
GOAL: Reach Lvl 10 in Writing skill
REWARD: All food dishes require one less of an ingredient (i.e. if 4 servings of fish & chips would normally cost 2 veg & 2 fish, complete the dish with 1 veg & 2 fish, etc.)
BRINGS: Computer or Skill Book of Your Choice
SR: 1