Recommendation: Play this is challenge in a very well populated town or in maxis given with its pre-default town setting. {Maybe you win find a way to even adapt the neigbhorhood’s provided storyline, that is if you even care or considering on doing so }
EP Requirements:
TS2 University.
TS2 NightLife.
TS2 Pets.
TS2 Apartment Life.
A boy, by the name of [insert your main character’s name], in a world, where is divided into four nations, which each consisting a over-populated population with the associated occults: Witches, Vampires, Werewolfs, and PlantSims. The Boy was born in a [insert the chosen first supernatural] nation. Not long ago, after [boy’s name] founding out by the monks that he happens to be The Avatar, the spirit of the world manifested into human form, with the duty to maintain balance among the nations of the world, he ran away shortly after overhearing a conversation with Gyasto and the other mentors, about the impending separation from his mentor, Monk Gyatso. Distraught and left afraid,as he was fleeding during a heavy storm, a near upcoming tsunami from the lake took the avatar by suprised, washing him away from the area. In order to save himself from drowning, he instinctively entered the avatar state and froze himself. After he awoken from his 100 year old animation suspensive sleep, from the ice sphere, he later found about the [insert another life state] nation planned launched assault and massive slaughter of his people (leaving him the only last [supernatural] nomad left in the world). Shocked and in disbelieve, the horrible genocidal event of his nation, lead him to his and of the people that suffer from the 100 year lasting war promise, that he will end it once and for all, and that he bring balance and harmony to the world[/i]
Basically the story goes similar to the The Last Airbender show/universe:
Create a household of one particular supernatural: vampire/werewolf/plantsim/witch, that consists of 7 adults and 1 child.
Kill all 6 adults, and leave one 1 adult remaining but isolated from the world&child by trapping in a square boxed in room (unless you don’t mind modding the game, install a mod that prevents the child from being taken away by SW and kill all 8 adults instead)
Have the kid, aka the avatar, be raised all alone by himself.
When he grows up into a teen, you then kill of the remaing adult.
Due to the “”genodice” of the supernaturals that you killed of in this household, that particular life state must be swiped of the neighborhood, because they are suppose to be extinct.
Wait until the child grows into well grown up adult. (for the rpg purposes, that sim, and his fellow household supernatural friends, are still a child and should act like one)
Now, the main goal task of this challenge is to transform your avatar into a occult hybrid of four creatures (suggested by the title) and defeat all the firelord’s troops before going face-to-face with the firelord. Starting with the supernatural that your avatar lived-in/got extinct, by following the order (see below) the avatar must become that being/bender before the next season arrival (or week; for those who don’t have the weather expansion pack).
(As a witch, (right after transforming into one) the avatar must master the magic hidden skill before moving onto becoming another supernatural).
Goal: You win the challenge when you complete all the following tasks:
1)Manage to turn the avatar into the whole four-being-hybrid (a witch-vampire-werewolf-plantsim), each per season/weak before a year. (failing will result in LOSING THE CHALLENGE)
2)By defeating all the firelord’s troops, aka. members from his household, by making them enemies with him and winning a fight.
[You can even create an “avatar team”, that consists of whole sims after they helped throught the process of becoming an hybrid, by moving them in your household. They could aid you as your allied companoun, to fight along through the avatar’s journey, by brawling firenation’s troop that they happen to encounter.]
3)By killing off (in-game “winning a fight against”) the firelord the next day after defeating the troops. Only the avatar must go toe-to-toe with the firelord, and has only one attempt in doing so. If the avatar loses, you must quickly think of a way to kill the lord/boss indirectly (meaning while he is in your household, you cannot starve him to the death). As a witch, you can try to burn him alive with the Inflammo spell. If you fail to do that before midnight, YOU LOSE THE CHALLENGE
4)(Optional: ) Complete the avatar’s LTW.
General Rules:
Since the story in the show/universe predates in a historic-old timeline, no electrical appliances should exist, apart from a fridge.
The Avatar must not die without completing the challenge. (Otherwise, you loose the challenge.