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#1 Old 17th May 2017 at 7:45 PM Last edited by freidapearl : 2nd Jun 2017 at 3:13 AM.
Default Sims 3 Castaway Survivor Challenge (Parts One and Two)
[IMG]Sims 3 Castaway Survivor Challenge[/IMG]
Sims 3 Castaway Survivor Challenge - Part One

This is a Sims 3 Castaway Challenge that can be played in two ways; Challenger Version (Sim Team verses Sim Team) played on 2 World Platforms, or Last Sim Standing Version (Sim verses Sim) played on 1 World Platform.
I am a huge fan of “Lost”, so I used some of the plot twists in this challenge to come up with the round activities.
It is a bit more complicated and involving than some of the other Castaway Challenges out there, so if you like to keep it simple, it’s probably not the challenge for you.
I have game tested this challenge and it plays well. You can follow my game play on my Facebook Groups page here https://www.facebook.com/groups/288087181589028/ I hope you like it!

EA Worlds/Expansions are not required for this challenge; however, you will need to use an Island World platform. I would recommend using Paradise Island or Barnacle Bay, or you can download one of the CAW player created worlds off the internet. If you have Pets, it adds a lot to the challenge.

Challenger Version –You will need to set-up 2 separate World Platforms for this one. I would suggest using small island worlds, as you will need to load and play each platform (first one, then the other) per round in the game. One Team of 8 Sims per platform.
Last Sim Standing Version –You will need to set-up only 1 World Platform for this one. It can be any size platform, but I would still suggest using an island world in keeping with the story line. One Team of 8 Sims.

Background Story
Your Sims were flying over the ocean on route to an all-expenses paid resort vacation they won in a contest over a radio, when the plane went down and crashed into an uncharted island. The contest winners were not the only passengers on the plane. Both pilots and some of the passengers died on impact. Your sims survived…so far.
Game Rounds - There are 20 game rounds in this challenge, some only one Sim day long, others several Sim days long. Each round has specific rules, challenges, and rewards.
Object of Game: The Sim or Sim Team with the most Lifetime Happiness Points at the end of the last round wins the challenge.

In Game Rules:
1. No career ambitions
2. No rabbit holes or career lots
3. No electronics allowed (remember, this is an uncharted island)
4. No vehicles. Your Sims must walk, run, or swim to all destinations (Sims are lazy and will naturally take the shortest/quickest route to their destination. For this reason if your island has roads, you will have to form a group, and then use the “go/walk/swim here” command for your Sims when visiting lots)
5. Funds are inconsequential to the game
6. Skills are okay to work on as long as they are not Rabbit Hole skills. They will help with obtaining food and knowledge, which will up Lifetime Happiness Points
7. No adding or fulfilling wishes unless instructed to do so as part of a round or a reward.
8. No career wishes. (if your Sim options a career wish, delete it)
In Game Settings:
1. Adjust your options settings to the following:
a. Turn off Winter, snow, and hail (if you have and are playing Seasons expansion pack with this challenge)
b. Demographics – Pets and Horses only (if you have and are playing Supernatrual expansion pack with this challenge)
c. Opt out of Celebrity Status
d. Life Expectancy to Epic, and Highest Free Will
2. Adjust In Game Settings:
a. Cancel the paper with the paper boy
b. Turn off Ringer on cell phones
*** Note: As most EA Sim players are aware, the game will generate other Sims, as well as vehicles and boats, etc. There is no way to turn these things off, so for the purposes of the game, just ignore them or treat them as a hallucination or figment of your Sims imagination.

World Platform Set-up
Whether you choose to play the Challenger version or the Last Sim Standing version, worlds must be set up in the same way. You will want to pre-stage them for authentic game play. This is the minimum you should do for best results when playing through the rounds.
3. Choose an Island world, one for each Sim Team, and name them differently.
4. If your island world has more than one island in it, like EA’s Paradise Island, choose one of the Islands for your Castaways’ island.
5. Wipe (Bull Doze) all the residential lots from the world except for the following lots:
a. one – 40 x 40 residential lot for your Castaways
b. one – 40 x 40 residential lot empty
c. one – 30 x 30 residential lot placed as, or on a separate small island empty
d. one – 64 x 64 residential lot (or as large as your chosen island will accommodate)
6. Wipe (Bull Doze) all the community lots from the world except for the following lots:
a. Crash Site – one 25 x 50 community lot set to Junk Yard with the following objects and spawners:
i. Downed Airplane
ii. One fridge (use the bar fridge if you have it)
iii. One toilet (use the all in one toilet if you have it)
iv. One metal spawner – Common 1
v. One junk yard spawner – Common 1
vi. One Death fish spawner
vii. Paints and Objects that will help make the Crash Site look authentic, like passenger chairs that were thrown out in the crash, corpses (if you have custom content), scraps of metal, etc.
b. Shipwreck Site – one (any size) community lot set to Grave Yard with the following objects and spawners:
i. Pirate Ship run aground. You can use custom content for this or you don’t have Barnacle Bay, but because the one in Barnacle Bay is a rabbit hole, you must either ignore other sims coming and going and of course any of the options for that lot, or burry it under water so it is not accessible.
ii. Grave marker named for a pirate.
iii. Two gem spawners (any two, but keep them the same in both worlds)
iv. Paints and Objects that will help make the Shipwreck look authentic, like treasure chests, coins, discarded cannon, create boxes, valuable objects, etc.
c. Natural Grove – one (any size) community lot set to No Visitors Allowed with the following objects and spawners:
i. One seed spawner – Common 1
ii. One seed spawner – Common 2
iii. One seed spawner – Rare
iv. One butterfly spawner (choose the same for both worlds)
v. One beetle spawner (choose the same for both worlds)
vi. One small bird spawner
vii. Three harvestable fruit trees (any three, but choose the same for both worlds)
viii. Six harvestable ground growing fruits/vegetables (any six, choose the same for both worlds)
ix. Paints and Objects that will help make the Natural Grove look authentic, like plants and flowers, rocks, trees, a pond if there is room, etc.
d. Fishing Hole – one (any size) inland community lot set to Fishing Whole with the following objects and spawners:
i. One freshwater fish spawner – Common 1
ii. One freshwater fish spawner – Rare
iii. One water spider spawner
iv. One mosquito spawner
v. Paints and Objects that will help make the Fishing Hole look authentic, like plants and flowers, rocks, trees, a pond (to fish from)
e. Rest Spots – two 40 x 40 community lots set to No Visitor’s Allowed, placed at the water’s edge on opposite sides of your Castaways’ island with the following objects and spawners:
i. One fire pit (any one)
ii. One tent and one sleeping bag, or three sleeping bags
iii. Three chairs or sitting stumps/rocks
iv. One large bird spawner
v. One ocean fish spawner – Common 1
vi. One ocean fish spawner - Rate
vii. One death fish spawner
viii. One sea shell/bottle spawner
ix. One lizard/snake/turtle spawner
x. Paints and Objects that will help make the Rest Spots look authentic, like plants, trees, rocks, debris, etc.
Sim Teams – Create 8 Sims per team. They can be any ages, but you can have only up to 1 child/teen Sim and, or 1 elderly Sim per team. No pets, however, you can acquire wild or stray pets during gameplay. No more than 1 established relationship (siblings, parent/child, fiancés, spouses).
Sim Traits – Assign up to three (3) traits per Sim when you are creating your Sim Teams. Try to give them at least one (1) trait that will help them survive the island.
Now that you have your World/Worlds pre-staged, your In-Game Options and Settings configured, and your Sim Team/Teams built you can begin the challenge.

Let the Games Begin!
If you are playing the Challenger version, you will open the first world, perform Round One with Team A, and then Save and Quit. Then open the second world, perform Round One with Team B, and then Save and Quit. (if you wish you can perform more than one round, or even the whole game with each team and play them on separate days, just remember to keep it equal).
You are limited to only specific sets of actions and commands in each of the rounds. However, you may take screenshots at any time throughout the game. You may take videos at any time throughout the game. You can post comment at any time throughout the game (as long as you, the player is performing these actions, and not commanding your Sim to do it).

Round One – Survive!
It is Day one. Your Sims have just come to the realization that their plane has crashed and they have gathered together a safe distance away from the crash site. They have no idea where they are, or how many of them have survived. They are growing emotional, hungry, and tired.
Action: Open your World Platform and place your Sims/Team A on the Castaway residential lot.
Duration: Round ends at 6 AM on Day Two (that following morning).
Boundaries: May not leave the lot.
Commands: You may not command your Sims to do anything in this round. They must survive on their traits and emotional states alone.
Buy/Build: You may add paints, trees, flowers, rocks, ponds, and natural objects only.
You may not add harvestable or food producing plants, trees, animals of any kind. You may not add any sheltering objects, utilitarian objects (like toilets, sinks, fire pits, etc.), decorative objects, or furnishings of any kind. (And of course, you may not add any spawners at all).
Object of this Round: To make it through the night alive.
Rewards: The sim with the highest Lifetime Happiness points in this round may add and fulfill one wish.

Round Two – Search and Salvage
It is 6 AM on Day Two. Your Sims have survived a terrible, long, and sleepless night. But the sun has come up on the horizon and they are ready to put their survival skills to the test. They will return to the crash site to search for any missing survivors, and salvage any useful items from the plane.
Action: Visit the Crash Site. Set up base camp.
Have all of your Sims visit the Crash Site (may want to form a group for this as they will have to walk/swim there). They will automatically want to use the toilet and get food from the fridge once they get there. After each Sim has done this on his/her own, delete the fridge and toilet. Then have them return to the Castaways’ lot.
Duration: Round ends at 12 AM on Day Two (midnight, that same day).
Boundaries: Castaways’ lot and Crash Site lot, only. Your Sims may now access the Crash Site lot at anytime throughout the Challenge.
Commands: Now that you are back at the Castaways’ lot, you may now command your Sims to eat, relax, nap, sleep, and use the toilet only. Your Sims will be tired and hungry and likely overheated or dripping wet, so you may also command them to light a fire and warm themselves, or cool themselves off.
Buy/Build: You may add the following objects (choice is yours because money doesn’t count) to your Castaways’ lot:
 1 fire pit/grill
 3 chairs or sitting stumps/rocks
 3 tents and 2 sleeping bags
 1 hammock or lounger
 1 fridge (same as the one from the Crash Site)
 1 toilet (same as the one from the Crash Site)
Object of this Round: To fulfil their immediate survival needs.
Rewards: First Sim to use the toilet on the Crash Site may add and fulfill one wish. First Sim to access the fridge on the Crash Site may add and fulfill one wish. First Sim to go to sleep on the Castaways’ lot may add and fulfill one wish. First Sim to wake fully rested may add and fulfill two wishes.

Round Three – Fish and Forage
It is 8 AM on Day Three. Although they found no further survivors at the crash site, your Sims did meet their immediate basic needs, and established a base camp using the items salvaged from the plane. They have shelter and are well rested, but the food won’t last long. With no way of knowing how long it will be until they are rescued, they will need to find fresh water, and other food sources.
Action: Visit the freshwater Fishing Hole. Visit the Grove.
Select three (3) Sims visit the Fishing Hole (may want to form a group for this as they must walk/swim there). Once there, command them to fish. Once they have finished fishing, have them return to the Castaways’ lot.
Select three (3) other Sims visit the Grove (may want to form a group for this as they must walk/swim there). Once there, command them to Harvest. Once they have finished harvesting, have them return to the Castaways’ lot.
Duration: Round ends at 6 PM on Day Five.
Boundaries: Castaways’ lot, Fishing Hole lot and Grove lot only. The Fishing Hole lot and Grove lot may now be accessed at any time throughout the Challenge.
Commands: Your Sims need to learn new skills. You may now command your Sims to fish and harvest, and to gift fish and vegetables to other team members only. You may not command them to gather seeds, or collect items.
Buy/Build: You may add the following objects (choice is yours because money doesn’t count) to your Castaways’ lot:
 1 counter top
 5 objects that will depict fishing and, or food foraging activities, like baskets of fruit or vegetables, containers for gathering food, knives, or fishing gear, etc.
Object of this Round: Learn to fish and find food.
Rewards: Sim with the highest count of fish may add and fulfill one wish. Sim who harvests the most food may add and fulfill one wish.

Round Four – Taking Care of Business
It is 6 PM on Day Five. Living conditions have improved, but with food and water rations, and limited furnishings and amenities, there is constant competition. Tensions are high and your Sims need to chill out because they want OFF THE ISLAND NOW!!!
Action: Spell SOS on the beach. Have a bonfire party.
If your Castaways’ lot does not have a beach, build it in a clearing on the lot.
Duration: Round ends at 2 AM on Day Six.
Boundaries: Castaways’ lot, only.
Commands: Your Sims need to lighten up. You may now command your Sims to sing, dance, turn the radio on/off, play the guitar, tell ghost/funny stories, tell jokes and secrets, and other entertainment actions during the bonfire party.
Buy/Build: You may add the following objects (choice is yours because money doesn’t count) to your Castaways’ lot:
 one small battery operated radio (found at the crash site)
 one guitar (found at the crash site)
 Small stones or logs or contrasting paints (like white sand on grass, or dark soil on sand) to spell out SOS
***Once the party is over, you must delete the radio (batteries don’t last very long).
Object of this Round: Relieve tensions and lift spirits.
Rewards: The two Sims with the lowest lifetime happiness points may add and fulfill two wishes each.

Round Five – The Day After
It is 10 AM on Day six. Your Sims really let loose last night! A good time was had by all, but the mess has gotten out of control. Time to clean up their act.
Action: Clean up all the dishes, counters, and garbage on the lot. Clean the toilet. Pay the metaphorical bills (if any). Take a shower. Change outfits.
Select one or several Sims to clean everything up. Have each Sim take a shower and change their outfit (your choice).
Duration: Round ends at 8 AM on Day seven.
Boundaries: Castaways’ lot, only.
Commands: Your Sims have a lot of work ahead of them. You may now command them to clean up, wash dishes on the lot, shower, and change outfits.
Buy/Build: You may add the following objects (choice is yours because money doesn’t count) to your Castaways’ lot:
 1 sink
 1 outdoor shower or tub
Object of this Round: Clean the lot and reduce bad smells and flies that can make your Sims sick and decrease their lifetime happiness points.
Rewards: Everyone likes a tidy lot, and although no one likes to get stuck with a dirty job, the rewards far outweigh the efforts! Each Sim may add and fulfill one wish. Each Sim may buy one small decorative object (found rummaging through the Crash Site debris) that you feel best reflects their personality.
Round Six – Map the Island
It is 8 AM on Day seven. Your Sims are relaxed and ready to take it to the next level. In addition to putting out an SOS, they have decided to map out the perimeter of the Island and do a little exploring. After all, they may not be in the best location to be discovered by a search party.
Action: Walk the perimeter of the island.
Select three (3) Sims walk the perimeter of the island (you may want to form a group for this as they must walk/swim every step of the way).
Choose a starting point close the Castaways’ lot. If they come to a path or a road, they may take it to its end, and then retrace their steps back before continuing but they may only stick to the path/road or perimeter. Once they have returned to the starting point, have them return to the Castaways’ lot.
Depending on the size of the island, the journey may take days to complete. Make use of the Rest Spot lots along the way, where they may fish, sleep, and access foods found on the rest spot lots, or in their inventories.
Duration: Round ends at 6 AM the day after your adventurers arrive home.
Boundaries: Castaways’ lot, Rest Spot lots, the perimeter of the Island and inland paths/roads, only.
Commands: Your Sims have a long and taxing journey ahead of them. You may command them to fish, eat, sleep, sit, swim, walk, run, gather, and collect.
Your Sims may not put the rest spot furnishings or fire pit/grill in their inventories as they may need to stop here again in the future. (We will assume they brought these items along with them).
If they come across any lots (residential or community) or encounter any outsider sims along they way, take note that they exist, but do not command your Sims to visit or interact with them.
Buy/Build: Do not buy/build during this round.
Object of this Round: Acquire knowledge of the island and improve inventory supplies.
Rewards: Is your current location ideal? You decide! If not, you may want to move the team to a lot of equal or larger size in a more advantageous location. (you will need to place an additional lot to do this from the Edit World menu). But remember, new choices come with both rewards and sacrifices.
Choosing to relocate will cause all of your Sims to lose their wishes, so choose carefully!

Round Seven – A Celebration Feast!
It is 6 AM of the same day. Your adventuring Sims have returned home. They have discovered many things, and brought home the spoils of their adventures to share with the Team. They have stories to tell and decisions to make.
Action: Move you Castaways’ lot (if your Sim Team has chosen to relocate base camp).
(First save a copy of your lot to the library as you will need it in another round of the game, then perform a move – this neighbourhood. Your Sims will put their items in their inventory, so you will be able to access them after the move to set-up base camp again. Yours sims will retain their Lifetime Happiness points, but they may lose their yet unfulfilled wishes.)
Cook a Meal. Call everyone to supper/dinner.
Select two (2) Sims to Cook two separate dishes and call everyone to supper.
Duration: Round ends at 12 AM (midnight) of the same day.
Boundaries: Castaways’ lot only.
Commands: You may now command your Sims to cook.
Buy/Build: You may add the following objects (choice is yours because money doesn’t count) to your Castaways’ lot:
 1 outdoor or wood stove (no fire alarms – remember, no electricity)
 1 rustic looking table and 8 crude chairs
 1 vase of flowers for the table
Object of this Round: Acquire cooking skills.
Rewards: The adventuring Sims may add and fulfill two wishes each.

Round Eight - The Others
It is 6 AM of the following day. During the celebration feast yesterday, your Sims shared what they have discovered. They are not alone! They have seen others. They decide to make contact and find out more about them.
Action: Create the Others. Place their lot. Place the Sim Others on their lot.
Choose 6 premade or custom Sims of your choice – keep all their traits and likes and Lifetime goals, but change their physical appearances and names to your suiting.
Set-up their lot the same as your Castaways’ original lot (remember you saved it to the Library in Round Seven) by placing it on the remaining 40 x 40 empty lot. Then place the Others Team on that lot.
Return to your Castaways lot.
Duration: Round ends at 12 AM (midnight) of the following day.
Boundaries: The Others’ lot and the Castaways’ lot, only. (However, your Sims may not visit the Others’ lot, or interact with the Others yet).
Commands: You may now command your Sims to choose and read a basic skill book.
Buy/Build: You may add one (1) small bookcase.
Object of this Round: Establish the Others. Learn a basic skill.
Rewards: Knowledge of other humans on the island holds great expectations and also great apprehensions. The team will have to prepare for the unknown. Each Sim may choose and read one book that will teach them a basic (non-career) skill, like cooking, gardening, or charisma.

Round Nine – Wild Things
It is 7 PM the following evening. The sky is clear, the moon is bright. Who knows the mysteries under dark of night? Bathed by the moon, surrounded by the tides, one creature lurks, while another hides!
Sims have been known to do many a strange and wondrous thing under the hypnotic effects of an entrancing full moon.
Action: Complete the following:
 Get two (2) Sims to Woo Hoo in the tent
 Get one (1) Sim to acquire or make friends with a wild animal or horse
 Get one (1) Sim to find and eat a 3 wild mushrooms (hopefully not poisonous)
 Get three (3) Sims to go skinny dipping in the moonlight
 Get one (1) Sim to eat everything in their inventory
Duration: Round ends when you complete all five (5) tasks.
Boundaries: No boundaries for this round.
Commands: No restrictions on commands for this round.
Buy/Build: None required for this round.
Object of this Round: Go crazy.
Rewards: Add one emotional trait, like hopeless romantic, or neurotic, or heavy sleeper, to each Sim. (Do not add a survivor skill trait like angler, or green thumb, as this will give unfair advantage.)

Round Ten - No One is Coming
Your Sims have been castaway for so long now, they have completely lost track of time. They’ve mapped the island, considered new rescue strategies, and it’s been days since the Team put out an SOS…but no one is coming.
With heavy hearts they decide it is time to put down more permanent roots.
Action: Build 3 small simple sleeping structures on the lot (no more than three sims to a structure). Delete the tents. Build a community cooking shelter (can be open or enclosed)
Duration: Round ends when you complete the rebuild.
Boundaries: Castaways’ lot, only.
Commands: No commands for this round.
Buy/Build: You may add the following objects (choice is yours because money doesn’t count) to your Castaways’ lot:
 2 - 3 beds per sleeping structure (all singles, bunks are fine)
 1 desk and 1 chair per sleeping structure
 up to 4 counters for the cooking structure
 up to 4 overhead storage cabinets (can be open shelves or cabinets) for the cooking shelter
 1 sink for the cooking structure
 add a second toilet, tub/shower, sink or an additional all in one bathroom to the lot
 paints, shrubs and flowers, and objects to make it look authentic
Object of this Round: Put down roots.
Rewards: Check point. Check the Lifetime Happiness points for each Sim before the upgrade and after. Now calculate the difference. Some Sims will be happier with the decision to settle in, while other will not. Learning to be adaptable to one’s situation can be a huge asset in times of trouble. Add and fulfill two wishes to the Sim with the biggest improvement – Good Attitude!

This is the end of the first half of the challenge, but there are still 10 more rounds to go. Please proceed to the second half of the challenge – Sims 3 Castaway Survivor Challenge Two

Sims 3 Castaway Survivor Challenge - Part Two
This is a Sims 3 Castaway Challenge that can be played in two ways; Challenger Version (Sim Team verses Sim Team) played on 2 World Platforms, or Last Sim Standing Version (Sim verses Sim) played on 1 World Platform.
I am a huge fan of “Lost”, so I used some of the plot twists in this challenge to come up with the round activities.
It is a bit more complicated and involving than some of the other Castaway Challenges out there, so if you like to keep it simple, it’s probably not the challenge for you.
I have game tested this challenge and it plays well. I hope you like it!

EA Worlds/Expansions are not required for this challenge; however, you will need to use an Island World platform. I would recommend using Paradise Island or Barnacle Bay, or you can download one of the CAW player created worlds off the internet. If you have Pets, it adds a lot to the challenge.

Challenger Version –You will need to set-up 2 separate World Platforms for this one. I would suggest using small island worlds, as you will need to load and play each platform (first one, then the other) per round in the game. One Team of 8 Sims per platform.
Last Sim Standing Version –You will need to set-up only 1 World Platform for this one. It can be any size platform, but I would still suggest using an island world in keeping with the story line. One Team of 8 Sims.

Background Story
Your Sims were flying over the ocean on route to an all-expenses paid resort vacation they won in a contest over a radio, when the plane went down and crashed into an uncharted island. The contest winners were not the only passengers on the plane. Both pilots and some of the passengers died on impact. Your Sims survived…so far.
Game Rounds - There are 20 game rounds in this challenge, some only one Sim day long, others several Sim days long. Each round has specific rules, challenges, and rewards.
Object of Game: The Sim or Sim Team with the most Lifetime Happiness Points at the end of the last round wins the challenge.

In Game Rules:
1. No career ambitions
2. No rabbit holes or career lots
3. No electronics allowed (remember, this is an uncharted island)
4. No vehicles. Your Sims must walk, run, or swim to all destinations (Sims are lazy and will naturally take the shortest/quickest route to their destination. For this reason if your island has roads, you will have to form a group, and then use the “go/walk/swim here” command for your Sims when visiting lots)
5. Funds are inconsequential to the game
6. Skills are okay to work on as long as they are not Rabbit Hole skills. They will help with obtaining food and knowledge, which will up Lifetime Happiness Points
7. No adding or fulfilling wishes unless instructed to do so as part of a round or a reward.
8. No career wishes. (if your Sim options a career wish, delete it)
In Game Settings:
1. Adjust your options settings to the following:
a. Turn off Winter, snow, and hail (if you have and are playing Seasons expansion pack with this challenge)
b. Demographics – Pets and Horses only (if you have and are playing Supernatrual expansion pack with this challenge)
c. Opt out of Celebrity Status
d. Life Expectancy to Epic, and Highest Free Will
2. Adjust In Game Settings:
a. Cancel the paper with the paper boy
b. Turn off Ringer on cell phones
*** Note: As most EA Sim players are aware, the game will generate other Sims, as well as vehicles and boats, etc. There is no way to turn these things off, so for the purposes of the game, just ignore them or treat them as a hallucination or figment of your Sims imagination.

World Platform Set-up
Whether you choose to play the Challenger version or the Last Sim Standing version, worlds must be set up in the same way. You will want to pre-stage them for authentic game play. This is the minimum you should do for best results when playing through the rounds.
3. Choose an Island world, one for each Sim Team, and name them differently.
4. If your island world has more than one island in it, like EA’s Paradise Island, choose one of the Islands for your Castaways’ island.
5. Wipe (Bull Doze) all the residential lots from the world except for the following lots:
a. one – 40 x 40 residential lot for your Castaways
b. one – 40 x 40 residential lot empty
c. one – 30 x 30 residential lot placed as, or on a separate small island empty
6. one – 64 x 64 residential lot (or as large as your chosen island will accommodate)
7. Wipe (Bull Doze) all the community lots from the world except for the following lots:
a. Crash Site – one 25 x 50 community lot set to Junk Yard with the following objects and spawners:
i. Downed Airplane
ii. One fridge (use the bar fridge if you have it)
iii. One toilet (use the all in one toilet if you have it)
iv. One metal spawner – Common 1
v. One junk yard spawner – Common 1
vi. One Death fish spawner
vii. Paints and Objects that will help make the Crash Site look authentic, like passenger chairs that were thrown out in the crash, corpses (if you have custom content), scraps of metal, etc.
b. Shipwreck Site – one (any size) community lot set to Grave Yard with the following objects and spawners:
i. Pirate Ship run aground. You can use custom content for this or you don’t have Barnacle Bay, but because the one in Barnacle Bay is a rabbit hole, you must either ignore other sims coming and going and of course any of the options for that lot, or burry it under water so it is not accessible.
ii. Grave marker named for a pirate.
iii. Two gem spawners (any two, but keep them the same in both worlds)
iv. Paints and Objects that will help make the Shipwreck look authentic, like treasure chests, coins, discarded cannon, create boxes, valuable objects, etc.
c. Natural Grove – one (any size) community lot set to No Visitors Allowed with the following objects and spawners:
i. One seed spawner – Common 1
ii. One seed spawner – Common 2
iii. One seed spawner – Rare
iv. One butterfly spawner (choose the same for both worlds)
v. One beetle spawner (choose the same for both worlds)
vi. One small bird spawner
vii. Three harvestable fruit trees (any three, but choose the same for both worlds)
viii. Six harvestable ground growing fruits/vegetables (any six, choose the same for both worlds)
d. Paints and Objects that will help make the Natural Grove look authentic, like plants and flowers, rocks, trees, a pond if there is room, etc.
e. Fishing Hole – one (any size) inland community lot set to Fishing Whole with the following objects and spawners:
i. One freshwater fish spawner – Common 1
ii. One freshwater fish spawner – Rare
iii. One water spider spawner
iv. One mosquito spawner
v. Paints and Objects that will help make the Fishing Hole look authentic, like plants and flowers, rocks, trees, a pond (to fish from)
f. Rest Spots – two 40 x 40 community lots set to No Visitor’s Allowed, placed at the water’s edge on opposite sides of your Castaways’ island with the following objects and spawners:
i. One fire pit (any one)
ii. One tent and one sleeping bag, or three sleeping bags
iii. Three chairs or sitting stumps/rocks
iv. One large bird spawner
v. One ocean fish spawner – Common 1
vi. One ocean fish spawner - Rate
vii. One death fish spawner
viii. One sea shell/bottle spawner
ix. One lizard/snake/turtle spawner
x. Paints and Objects that will help make the Rest Spots look authentic, like plants, trees, rocks, debris, etc.
Sim Teams – Create 8 Sims per team. They can be any ages, but you can have only up to 1 child/teen Sim and, or 1 elderly Sim per team. No pets, however, you can acquire wild or stray pets during gameplay. No more than 1 established relationship (siblings, parent/child, fiancés, spouses).
Sim Traits – Assign up to three (3) traits per Sim when you are creating your Sim Teams. Try to give them at least one (1) trait that will help them survive the island.
Now that you have your World/Worlds pre-staged, your In-Game Options and Settings configured, and your Sim Team/Teams built you can begin the challenge.

Let the Games Continue!
If you are playing the Challenger version, you will open the first world, perform Round One with Team A, and then Save and Quit. Then open the second world, perform Round One with Team B, and then Save and Quit. (if you wish you can perform more than one round, or even the whole game with each team and play them on separate days, just remember to keep it equal).
You are limited to only specific sets of actions and commands in each of the rounds. However, you may take screenshots at any time throughout the game. You may take videos at any time throughout the game. You can post comment at any time throughout the game (as long as you, the player is performing these actions, and not commanding your Sim to do it).

Round Eleven – Let it Grow!
Your Sims have grown tired of making long treks through the jungle to harvest vegetables and fruits found in the grove. A few of your Sims have naturally green thumbs, and others are good at gathering; it’s time to put in a garden.
Action: Gather seeds and plant a garden.
Have two (2) Sims (preferably two that have a gathering and or green thumb trait, and have acquired a basic level gardening skill) gather seeds from the grove or nearby surroundings and plant them. Water and tend them.
Duration: Round lasts for three (3) full Sim days.
Boundaries: No restrictions outside of residential lots, with the exception of the Castaways’ lot.
Commands: You may now command your Sims to plant, water, weed, talk to, and tend their gardens.
Buy/Build: You may add the following objects (choice is yours because money doesn’t count) to your Castaways’ lot:
 natural fencing and a gate around your garden
 paints, shrubs and flowers, and objects to make it look authentic
You may not add harvestable or food producing plants, trees, animals of any kind (other than the ones your Sims will grow from seeds).
Object of this Round: To acquire gardening and further harvesting skills.
Rewards: You may add and read two more gardening skill books to your gardening Sims inventories.

Round Twelve - A Hunting We Will Go
The island may be beautiful, but living on it is no walk in the park. Your Sims spend the majority of their days fishing and gardening, gathering and cooking, and when they aren’t doing that, they are endlessly scavenging for things and ways to make island life, a little bit easier.
Action: Scavenge the island for the following items:
 scavenge two (2) choice (junk yard) items from the Crash Site lot
 find three (3) rare seeds
 harvest (1) Life fruit plant
 spot a ghost at the Shipwreck lot
 collect 3 precious gems
 pick 2 kinds of flowers
 spot one of the Others on common ground (cannot visit their lot)
 pet a wild horse or wild animal
 catch a rare fish
 fulfill one wish for each of your Castaway Sims.
Duration: Round lasts for five (5) full Sim days.
Boundaries: No restrictions outside of residential lots, with the exception of the Castaways’ lot.
Commands: Whatever it takes to complete the Scavenger Hunt. You may now also command your Sims to use whatever reward your Sims achieve!
Buy/Build: You may buy/build whatever reward your Sims achieve.
Object of this Round: To complete the Scavenger Hunt and acquire useful objects.
Rewards: Your may add:
 a mirror if your Sims complete 3 of the 10 items in 5 Sim days, or
 a non-electrical outdoor/indoor activity item if your Sims complete 6 of the 10 items in 5 Sim days, or
 a sprinkler (natural irrigation system) to the garden if your Sims complete 9 of the 10 items in 5 Sim days, or
 all three of the above rewards if your Sims complete all 10 items in 5 Sim days
Good Luck!

Round Thirteen - No Man’s Land
Your Sims cannot explain it, but there have been times they could sense someone secretly watching them from the trees on a smaller island a short distance away from the shoreline, which they refer to as Creepy Little Island. The island is too small for any inhabitants, except maybe monkeys, which caused a lot of speculation. They now believe it was the Others….or was it?
Action: Create a Hermit. He must possess the traits of Insane, Commitment Issues, Shy, Socially Awkward, and Grumpy or Mean Spirited.
Place the Hermit on the 30 x 30 residential lot and name the lot Creepy Little Island.
Create the Hermit’s home. Return to your Castaways’ lot.
Duration: Round ends when all actions are complete.
Boundaries: The Hermit’s lot and the Castaways’ lot, only. (However, your Sims may not visit the Hermit’s lot, or interact with the Hermit in this round).
Commands: You may now command your Sims to perform any and all social actions.
Buy/Build: Create the Hermit’s lot on the 30 x 30 residential lot you placed as or on a separate small island during the World platform set-up. Go wild and use your imagination with no restrictions other than, he may not own a car, or any electrical or motorized appliances or devices.
Also, you must add:
 one (1) telescope
 one (1) small boat object (from the objects menu) or
 one (1) small sail boat to his island (if you have Paradise Island expansion pack)
Object of this Round: Establish the Hermit.
Rewards: Your Sims think they are all that and a bag of chips for figuring out the mystery of Creepy Little Island. Of course it was the Others! Time for a little ego strokin’ - have each Sim Shack Rah each other.

Round Fourteen – Sink or Swim
Your Sims have spotted a boat at the water’s edge of Creepy Little Island. Even if the boat is in bad repair, they are sure they can fix it. They hatch a plan to swim out to the Island, assess the condition of the boat, and bring it back.
Action: Swim to Creepy Little Island. View the boat. Meet the Hermit. Return to the Castaways’ lot.
Have all of your Sims swim to Creepy Little Island (you may want to form a group to do this.) Have each one view the boat, introduce themselves to the Hermit, and then, swim back. Hopefully all of your Sims will make it.
Duration: Round ends when all actions are complete.
Boundaries: The Hermit’s lot, the ocean, and the Castaways’ lot, only.
Commands: Once all actions are completed, you may now command your Sims to sail the boat and use the telescope.
Buy/Build: Once all actions are completed, you may add to your Castaways’ lot:
 one (1) telescope
 one (1) small boat object (from the objects menu) or
 one (1) small sail boat to his island (if you have Paradise Island expansion pack)
Object of this Round: Acquire a boat. Establish contact with the Hermit.
Rewards: The first Sim to arrive at Creepy Little Island may add and fulfill one wish. The first Sim to arrive back to the Castaways’ lot may add and fulfill one wish.

Round Fifteen – Around the island in 8 days
The boat is too small to make an ocean voyage, or transport everyone off of the island, but your Sims have hatched a clever plan. They will sail the perimeter of the island in hopes of flagging down a larger ship or a plane from the water.
Action: If you have Paradise Island, have each Sim sail the perimeter of the Island. If you do not, have each Sim walk the perimeter of the island. Count the number of other boats each Sim sees on their tour around the island.
Duration: Round ends when all actions are complete.
Boundaries: The ocean/island perimeter, and the Castaways’ lot, only.
Commands: You may now command your Sims to sail, swim, snorkel, and dive.
Buy/Build: None is required on this round.
Object of this Round: To improve sailing skills and water activities.
Rewards: Even if they were only a hallucination or figment of the imagination, the Sim who spotted the most sea fairing or air born vessels may add and fulfill three (3) wishes.

Round Sixteen – A Friend in Need – Your Sims have put forth a valiant effort but had no luck in flagging down a larger ship or plane from the small boat. They decide to invite the Hermit back to their base camp to find out what they can about where he/she came from, and how he/she got the boat.
Action: Invite the Hermit back to base camp. Shower the Hermit with attention and gifts.
Each Sim must have three (3) social interactions with the Hermit to try to get to know him/her better.
Each Sim must give the Hermit one (1) gift to show their appreciation for the giving them the boat and the telescope.
Your Sims may never ask the Hermit to leave; the Hermit will leave when ready to.
Duration: Round ends when all actions are complete.
Boundaries: The Castaways’ lot, only.
Commands: Social interactions and gifting commands are required.
Buy/Build: None is required on this round.
Object of this Round: To improve social skills.
Rewards: Your Sims were successful in discovering the Hermit was born on the island. His parents had been tossed out to sea while sailing during a severe storm and got stranded on the island. One day, when he was five years old, they took the sailboat out to watch for passing planes or boats, and told him they would be back soon. He watched for them through the telescope for days, but they never returned. Then, one day the sail boat washed up on the shore, and he knew they had drowned at sea. He never used the boat or telescope again
Add and fulfill one wish for each Sim on your team.

Round Seventeen – The Beating Drums
Your Sims have been awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of beating drums.
Action: Create a native tribe. Build/Buy the tribal village. Place the tribe. Return to your Castaways’ lot.
Create a tribe of eight (8) Sims. They may have any traits you would like to give them, and any ages, but create at least one adult as the chief of the tribe.
Duration: Round ends when all actions are complete.
Boundaries: The Tribal lot only. (However, your Sims may not visit the Tribal lot, or interact with the Tribal members in this round).
Commands: You may now command your Sims to perform any and all social actions.
Buy/Build: Create the Tribal lot on the 64 x 64 residential lot you placed during the World platform set-up. Go wild and use your imagination with no restrictions other than, they may not own a car, or any electrical appliances or devices. Place the tribe on the lot. Return to your Castaway’s lot.
Also, you must add:
 one (1) tikki hot tub
 one (1) small tikki bar and two stools
 one (1) in ground pool
 any custom or EA indoor/outdoor activities that seem fitting to the theme (like darts, painting easel, musical instruments, hot coal walk, archery ranges, etc.)
Object of this Round: Establish the Tribe and Tribal lot.
Rewards: Your Sims will need to come up with a clever plan to protect themselves against the native tribe. Select a couple of Sims to add and read one (1) logic book and one (1) charisma book to up their negotiating skills.
Round Eighteen – Harvest Moon
Your Sims have followed the sound of the beating drums to discover a native tribe living deep in the heart of the island. They are fierce and strong and they clearly do not speak Simlish!
In addition to good negotiating skills, your Sims will need allies.
Action: Harvest all of the produce in the garden. Visit the Others. Gift half of the harvested produce.
Make note of the number of produce in each Sims inventory. Have all of your Sims harvest all of the produce on the lot. Count the amount of produce in each Sims inventory after harvesting. Calculate the difference and divide it in two. Have each Sim gift that amount to one of the Others.
Duration: Round ends when all actions are complete.
Boundaries: The Castaways’ lot and the Others’ lot only.
Commands: You may now command your Sims to form alliances and relationships with the Others and each other.
Buy/Build: None required for this round.
Object of this Round: Establish alliances and relationships.
Rewards: Your Sims have learned that the others were also passengers on the plane. They have traded food for information and formed alliances with the Others. Their negotiating skills are already beginning to pay off!
You may add and fulfill one wish for each Sim and you may add and fulfill an additional two wishes to the Sim who gifted the most produce.

Round Nineteen – Salvation or Doom
The day your Sims have been dreading has finally arrived. The Tribal Chief has requested your Sims presence to a sacred sacrificial ceremony.
None of your Sims wants to go; they do not want to end up the sacrificial lambs, or worse, end up on the menu! On the other hand, they don’t want to insight a war by insulting the Chief’s generous invitation –no matter what the motives.
Action: Visit the Tribal lot. Offer a gift. Engage in the activities. Return to the Castaways’ lot.
Visit the Tribal lot (you may want to form a group for this). Have each Sim make a generous gift of rare items (gems, fish, seeds). Have your Sims randomly engage in the activities suggested below:
 swim
 indoor/outdoor activities
 get juiced
 eat any food found growing on the lot
 dance
 whoo Hoo
Duration: Round ends 24 hours after your Sims all arrive.
Boundaries: The Castaways’ lot and the Tribal lot only.
Commands: Anything Goes!!!!
Buy/Build: None required for this round.
Object of this Round: Establish alliances and relationships.
Rewards: Your Sims have pleased the Chief by bringing a gift and participating in all of their ceremonial events. He will spare their lives, grant your Sims peaceful residency, and help one (1) of your Sims get off the island!

Round Twenty - End Game
Your Sims have won the favor of the Tribal Chief. Soon he and his warriors will load up their long boats to escort the most deserving of your Sims home, but there are still 72 hours left before the departure… and the clock is ticking!
Action: Let the clock run down. Add up the Lifetime Happiness Points. Determine the lucky Sim to leave the island!
Let the clock run down for the next 72 Sim hours. You cannot interact with any of your Sims. Whatever last minute Lifetime Happiness Points they acquire or lose in this last round is strictly up to them. When the clock strikes 11:59 PM on the third day, count each Sims / Sim Teams Lifetime happiness points up!
Duration: Round lasts for 72 Sim Hours (3 Sim days).
Boundaries: The Castaways’ lot.
Commands: You may not command your Sims to do anything in this round. They must conclude the game on their traits and emotional states alone.
Buy/Build: None required for this round.
Object of this Round: Establish a winner.
Rewards: Not all of the ballots are in yet!
If any Sims formed an established relationship while on the island add to their tally:
 50 lifetime happiness points (girlfriend/boyfriend)
 100 lifetime happiness points (fiancé)
 150 lifetime happiness points (married)
If one of your Sims experienced a generational event while on the island, add to their tally:
 100 lifetime happiness points (aged up)
 200 lifetime happiness points (had a baby)
 100 lifetime happiness points (each additional baby after the first)
 500 lifetime happiness points (died)

May the best Sim / Sim Team win!
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