These are the rubrics that MTS staff use for evaluating TS2 Body Shop content shared here. The corresponding guidelines may be found here: MTS Creator Guidelines: TS2 Body Shop
The title above the post text controls the rubric's category, a number indicating its display order in the list, and its title, with no spaces between the word and the dividing | character: Category|Display Order|Title
Titles that begin with ** are rubric items that will not apply to every upload (an "Other" sim is not going to need a comparison picture or be evaluated based on likeness, for example) and thus can be set to N/A by the moderator when evaluating an upload. Links below the title are provided to the creator along with the rubric reasons and are links to the appropriate section of the guidelines, relevant tutorials, etc.
In the post text, the numbers at the beginning of a line indicate the star rating for a particular rubric item, with a possible 1 to 5. Exactly how these numbers are used will vary based on the type of rubric item... Is it a "was it done right? yes or no?" type evaluation which would have only 1 or 5 as options? Or a matter of quality that will be more of a sliding scale including 1, 2, 3, 4, 5? Or something else?
A dividing | character can be given at the end of any one of the 1-5 star items to give a link that is relevant to that item.
Note to moderators: This first post (the summary) must be maintained manually. If you delete or add a rubric item or reorder anything, please edit this first post. All edits to Common Rubrics requiring editing its summary must be manually updated on every single individual rubric thread. Please copy the # link to use in the summaries, not the post number, to view the individual post. Quality
1. Textures - Clarity Crisp, Unpixellated Textures
2. Textures - Brightness Color Intensity
3. Textures - Black and white Black and White Intensity
4. Textures - Highlights and shadows
Highlights and shadows
5. Textures - Details Not sure this needed
1. (From common rubrics) Title Title
2. (From common rubrics) Description Description
Resource Credits
3. Required info
Proposed addition: Required information - a requirement to say what sort of food it is (breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert) and, thus when it can be cooked. Plus cooking skill level required - I think this goes in the guidelines
Also Additional (preparation stages, what sort of cutlery used)
Required screenies: a picture of the dish cooked; a picture of the serving: a picture of the preparation - again I think this is in the Creator Guidelines