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Lab Assistant
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#1 Old 18th Jan 2019 at 9:20 PM Last edited by PurpleThistles : 16th Jan 2019 at 11:53 PM.
Default The One Percent Challenge
All sims that age up into a young adult are eligible to take part in the opportunity of a life time. Sims will be put through a series of tests of which by the end, only ONE sim will pass. That sim will have proved they have the qualities it takes to become a part of an elite society, leaving behind the weak and the pitiful. Do you have what it takes to be this years ONE PERCENT?!

Eight Sims. Seven Rooms. Seven Tasks. Have you got what it takes?


1. Create or download 8 sims, aged young adults. Any Gender. Human Species Only. They must all have the creative trait. Other than that, you can choose whatever aspirations and other traits you would like.
2. Move your household into Arid Ridge, in Oasis Springs. Immediately pause game.
3. Use the cheat Motherlode to give you 200000 simoleons.
4. Download The One Percent House from the gallery. Search by the hashtag PurpleThistles
5. Place house and immediately lock every single DOUBLE door for everyone, except the front door, which is green, not the blue exit door.


1. Absolutely no cheats other than motherlode when needed or kaching. The only mod i would highly recommend is No Autonomous Phone Actions, which will stop your sims mucking about on their phones all the time. You may also use reset object/sim if you feel any of your sims autonomy is broken.
2. Life span should be normal, all sims should be on HIGH FREE WILL.
3. No directing ANY sim, unless specified for that task or rest room.
4. No rerolling when doing the random events, you get what you roll!
5. The house was built using base game as much as possible, the exception would be the wellness skill and the dance skill. These skill rooms can easily be replaced with skills of your choice if you dont have the expansion packs.


Task Room One - Bonsai Bonanza

Welcome to the One Percent Challenge! Please Enter Task Room 1, via the front door. If you look around, you will see eight separate little rooms, each with three bonsai tree each inside. You will all be locked into your own individual room and must not fail to adequately shape each bonsai tree. Your ability to focus and pay attention to detail is very important for our elite society. I feel now is the time to warn you all, that one sim will not pass through to the next room. They must stay locked in their room, with their failed bonsai, until the end of time. It is the price you pay, for failing the One Percent.

* You may direct all sims into a bonsai room each and also direct them to shape their trees. You must lock the front door and each individual room door once all sims are inside.
* Sims have three chances to successfully shape their bonsai trees. Any sim that shapes all three first go, you may unlock their door and allow them access to the next room. For sims left behind, next send through any who successfully shaped more than the least successful sim. In the event of a tie, replace the bonsai trees for the tied sims and direct them to keep shaping, until you have one loser sim left.
*The loser sim MUST stay in their locked bonsai room.
*Once the other 7 sims are all in the next room, the door to the bonsai room MUST be locked behind them.

REST ROOM 1 - Plumbob Peace

Well done, you have successfully passed Bonsai Bonanza and proved you have what it takes to progress forward. You may feel guilt about leaving behind the losing sim. Remember, if you become the One Percent, you will have to leave everyone you know and love behind. However, we believe in generosity and will allow you all to make a decision what will happen to the losing sim. Will you rescue them? Or will you put yourselves first instead?

* Use a dice, a Dice App or a random number generator. a single dice, with numbers 1-6. Roll ONCE only. Do NOT re-roll if you dont like what you get, part of the fun of this challenge is the inability to predict the winner!

If you rolled a 1 or a 2 - One of the successful sims must swap places with the losing sim in task room 1. IMPORTANT - The sim who performed the best in task room 1, is exempt from swapping places. Number each remaining successful sims 1-6 and roll again to decide who has to swap.
If you rolled a 3 or a 4 - You may control one sim of your choosing for a MAXIMUM of TWO sim hours.
If you rolled a 5 or a 6 - The Losing Sim may be granted access to the rest room, no swap needed, but they must remain locked in rest room 1 for the rest of the challenge. At least they won't die!

* Make sure every sim CLAIMS a bed, if you do not do this, the games autonomy doesn't always work well and sims either wont sleep or will keep trying to get into each others bed.
* Leave all the sims to get on with it, NO DIRECTING unless determined by the random event roll above. They will remain in rest room 1 until 9am the following sim day.

TASK ROOM 2 - Logical Logistics

Welcome Survivors! I do hope you got enough sleep last night because today you will be in this room until 5pm, showing us your logic abilities. Being able to problem solve is one of the many qualities we expect from our One Percent. Once 5pm is reached, we will know your logical ability and all but the lowest scoring, will be granted entry to rest room 2. Good Luck, you are going to need it.

*Unlock double door to Task Room 2 at exactly 9am and you may cancel current actions, then direct all surviving sims into the room, making sure to LOCK the door behind them.
*You must now leave the sims to their own devices. No matter how tempting it gets, you must not direct the sims in any sort of way.
*At exactly 5pm on the same sim day, pause the game and check the logic skill gained by each sim in the room. You can hover over the skill bar to get an exact percentage. The sim with the lowest percent of skill gain, must stay locked in task room 2. In the event of tie, all except the tied sims can be granted access to rest room 3, the tied sims must play a match of chess, the loser must stay locked in task room 2.

Rest Room 2 - Blue Salvation

REPEAT STEPS FOR REST ROOM 1, as soon as all surviving sims are in the rest room, lock the door behind them and do the event roll. Sims then get left to their own devices unless determined otherwise by the event roll, until 9am the following sim day. The sim that gained the most logic skill is exempt from swapping places with the previous losing sim. In the case of rolling a 5 or a 6 which means allowing the trapped sim in task room 2 into a rest room, they must go back to restroom 1.

TASK ROOM 3 - Paint Your Perspective

Well now, I imagine life in the challenge house is beginning to get tough about now. Did you enjoy the use of the shower in rest room 2? Now, todays task is all about showing us your painting ability. Many of us in the One Percent are painters and we feel painting can provide a deeper look into a persons psyche. Each of you will enter your own painting room and paint a single, small, classic painting for us to judge. No Pressure now!

* AT exactly 9am, unlock the door for Task Room 3. Direct each of the six surviving sims into a painting room each, direct them to start painting a small classic picture and lock them into their room.
* If any sim does not complete their painting, they are automatically the losing sim.
* If all sims complete their painting, the sim with the lowest value painting is the losing sim.
* if there is a tie, all sims but the tied sims should be granted access to rest room 3, the tied sims will paint again until there is one loser.

Rest Room 3 - Purple Perfection

REPEAT STEPS FOR RESTROOM 1. The sim that painted the highest value painting is exempt from swapping with the previous losing sim. Sims should be left to their own devices unless the random event roll determines otherwise, until 9am the following sim day. In the event of rolling a 5 or a 6 which allows the trapped sim into task room 3 into a rest room, they must go back to rest room 2. No directing sims unless event rolled until 9am the next sim day.


Welcome Survivors! In the Wellness Room, you will be expected to work on your yoga skills until 5pm this same sim day. All sims in the One Percent must be calm and in control of their emotions as well as their bodies. This prevents such rash emotions such as anger and lowers crime rates. Oh, you may by now have heard rumors of dying losers...just rumours. I assure you. Good Luck!

*At exactly 9am unlock the doors to Task Room 4 and direct all surviving sims inside, before locking the door behind them.
*You must now leave them to their own devices until 5pm.
*At exactly 5PM, the sim with the lowest wellness skill gain, is the losing sim and all other sims must be granted access to rest room 4.
*In the event of a tie, the tied sims must remain in the wellness room, until one has gained more skill than the other. The loser must remain locked into the room.

Rest Room 4 - And Then There Were Four

REPEAT THE STEPS FOR RESTROOM 1. The sim with the highest wellness skill gain is exempt from swapping with trapped sim. If you roll for the trapped sim in Task Room Four to be granted access to a rest room, they must be locked into restroom 3. Unless the event roll specifies it, sims must be left to their own devices until 9am the following sim day.

TASK ROOM 5 - Music Magic

Welcome Survivors! I hope you are feeling grounded and centered after your day of yoga! Today you will be showing us your ability to learn the guitar. We know none of you know how to play already, this will demonstrate to us the speed of your ability to learn new things, which will be very important as a member of the elite society. You will need to learn our ways, and fast. Good Luck!

* At exactly 9AM the door to task room 5 should be unlocked.
* The surviving four sims should be directed to practice the guitar in a guitar room within task room 5 on their own. Once they are in their own rooms, lock the doors behind them.
* You must leave them to their own devices until 5PM the same sim day.
* At exactly 5pm, pause the game and check the guitar skill gain for the four sims. The sim with the lowest is the loser and must remain locked in their guitar room. The three other sims must be granted access to Rest Room 5.
*check inventories of surviving three sims and remove guitars if placed in them.

Rest Room 5 - Black Beauty

REPEAT STEPS FOR REST ROOM 1. The sim with the highest guitar skill gain is exempt from swapping with the previous room's trapped sim. If the event roll is for the trapped sim to be locked into a rest room, it must be rest room 4. No directing surviving sims unless specified by the event roll, until 9am the following sim day.

TASK ROOM 6 - Llama Luck

Welcome Survivors! Down to the last three of you, you should all be very proud to have come so far. Sadly, two must go yet. However lets have a little fun today and play a game. Of course it is fun for you, for us, we will see more of your morals, your ability to cope with failure or success and how well you cope under pressure. Only the best become the One Percent. Good Luck!

* AT exactly 9am, unlock the door to Task Room 6
* Direct the three surviving sims to play The Llama game, click on the game table and choose change game, then challenge, to have all three sims playing at the same time.
* Be sure and watch the game, there is a winners animation and also a buff. Make a note of the winner.
* Keep directing the sims to play best of three to determine who is winner, second place and loser. Play to best of five if tied. Least winning sim is the loser and must be locked into Task Room 5. Surviving sims must be granted access to rest room 6.

REST ROOM 6 - Regal Relaxation

REPEAT THE STEPS FOR REST ROOM ONE. Should the event roll be for the trapped sim in task room 6 to be locked into a rest room, it should be rest room 5. No directing the two remaining sims unless specified by the event roll, until 9am the next sim day. The highest winning sim is exempt from swapping with trapped sim.


Congratulations! You made it to the final room and the final test. What better way to finish than a test of your dancing skills! We, the One Percent, do enjoy a good dance and whichever one of you wins the test today, will be expected to dance at their welcoming festival! I do hope you enjoyed the luxurious rest room 6, it is but a taste of life living with the One Percent! Good luck!

*At exactly 9am, unlock the door to the hallway between restroom 6 and task room 7. Unlock the door for task room 7 and direct both sims into the room, before locking the door behind them.
*Ensure music speakers are turned on, then do not direct the two finalist sims, leave them to their own devices until exactly 5pm.
* At 5pm, pause the game. The sim with the highest dance skill gain, is the winner of the One Percent and may be directed out of the exit of The One Percent House. The loser must remain locked into Task Room 7.


Well, Well, Well. I never expected it to be you who has all the qualities we need in the One Percent! Never the less, the tests never lie! Well done, you are fit to become one of us. I am afraid I must now tell you a harsh truth. The losers of the One Percent will be left locked in the house until they pass on. We cannot risk our methods of finding our One Percent leaking to all sims. If you choose to come with us now, you will live a life of luxury, with everything you need to live a long, happy life. If you choose to stay, then we must lock you into the One Percent House with the others. Choose wisely. We hope to see you very soon.

Test Subject
#2 Old 19th Jan 2019 at 9:54 PM
Thanks for making this challenge! I really enjoyed it!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 20th Jan 2019 at 1:37 AM
You are welcome, I have played it through a good few times now, so interesting to see who wins in the end! I would love to see how your sims got on!
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 21st Jan 2019 at 4:42 AM
Fun challenge. I grabbed a set of death eater sims from the gallery so of course most of them were evil and nuts. lol The sims were Bellatrix, Snape, Voldie, Narcissa, Lucius, Barty, Dolohov, and Yaxley.

First Bellatrix and Barty were the worst at Bonsai. After many extra attempts, Bellatrix finally lost, but then Snape changed places with her. He died after a couple of days. Next Barty lost at chess because all he did was stand around and act crazy. He got lucky though and got to stay in a rest room. Lucius and Voldie were the best at painting, and Narcissa and Yaxley had a paint off, which Narcissa won. Yaxley had to stay in his painting room and eventually died. After a somewhat restful night's sleep (except Bella who is apparently too loony to rest, eat, pee, or do anything lol), the group moved on to yoga. Narcissa and Lucius did surprisingly well, considering they seemed to spend more time making out than actually practicing their yoga. Dolohov was next to useless so he remained in the room, where he yoga'd himself to death. If he'd showed that kind of dedication to begin with, he might have made it out of the house. Next was the green room, where Bella did not like the bed and refused to sleep. For the musical challenge, Lucius did the best at playing the guitar. Narcissa apparently felt it was beneath her so back to the green rest room she went. Once the others were in the next rest room, it was discovered that Bella and Voldie had managed to steal their guitars. Voldie was in a bad mood at this point and hid under the covers. The game room was next and Lucius kept winning and winning. Finally he was sent to the other room so that Bella and Voldie could have a sudden death playoff. (otherwise they'd still be playing game after game with Lucius winning lol) Voldie is the least coordinated sim ever, and so Bella moved on to the next room where she took care of her needs for a couple of hours. The next morning, Lucius and Bella moved on to the dance off. They both immediately started showing off their moves, but Bella soon got bored. In the end, Lucius won the One Percent.

I'll try it again with a different set of sims at another time. Sorry no pictures, I never think to take them until it is too late. lol
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#5 Old 21st Jan 2019 at 10:45 AM
Love it Divia! Laughed at Dolohov and his lack of dedication earlier in the challenge, sounds lot of fun! Thanks for sharing 😊
Test Subject
#6 Old 23rd Jan 2019 at 1:55 AM
I used characters I could think of off the top of my head and two sims of my own. The sims subjected to this torture, I mean opportunity were Flynn Rider, Jack Sparrow, Two-Face, Tris from Divergent, Katniss, Scar and my two sims Goldi and Susan. The first challenge I had all those who succeeded all three tries move on and be safe then did a tiebreaker for the remaining sims. In the end, it was just between Jack Sparrow and Flynn and the two refused to stop successfully shaping the bonsai! I was tempted just to flip a coin and declare the loser but Jack Sparrow finally lost allowing Flynn to move on. Only, Flynn didn't. I got a switch places with the loser for my random roll and Flynn got the short straw. Meanwhile, over in Plumbob Peace, everyone was arguing due to the evil people in the group. Such irony. In the next challenge, Logical Logistics Tris did absolutely nothing. Apparently, chess is overrated. However, somehow she got a random roll and Two-Face took Tris' place as the loser. Goes to show who needs skill if you have luck. If I remember right Scar did the best in the Logical Logistics. More arguing in Blue Salvation... I think the only one who had a positive relationship with anyone in One Percent was Flynn because he died before he could talk to anyone. In Paint Your Perspective Katniss lost, however, was saved by another random roll. Karma caught up with Tris and she replaced Katniss as loser. That's what you get for not participating. I don't have spa day so I didn't know how to replace Well Body, Well Mind I tried giving them all a treadmill. That challenge didn't work out very well, if I did it again I'd find a different replacement. Anyway, Goldi lost but she got to go back to Purple Perfection so even if my attempt at a replacement was rigged she didn't die. I don't remember who lost Music Magic but I do remember they were replaced by Susan. In Llama luck Scar lost twice making him the loser, however, thanks to random roll he was replaced by Jack Sparrow. As soon as Katniss and Scar, my two remaining sims, entered Regal Relaxation the two got into a fight causing them to despise each other. The next day during the dance off, Scar refused to dance. Apparently dancing was beneath him. So Katniss won One Percent.
So that's how my one percent went, again thanks for making it I enjoyed the challenge!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#7 Old 23rd Jan 2019 at 5:59 PM
Fantastic Cats! I'm so pleased you enjoyed the challenge and hurrah for katniss. When replacing wellness for another skill, the skill must give fun as well or sims won't use them autonomously. I wonder if computers might work as sims have a habit of playing video games autonomously, or you could possibly give all sims the cheap gym rat reward trait as that gives them fun for exercising so they should start autonomously using gym equipment.
Test Subject
#8 Old 2nd Aug 2021 at 10:22 PM
I might do this and then convert it to a repopulate the world challenge. I could see myself making San Myshuno, Windenburg, Sulani, Newcrest, and Glimmerbrook into "One Percenter Worlds" where the only people who can live there are people who have passed the challenge. Sims from the other worlds may enter to try to be One Percenters and have to go through the challenge and I'll build up the 1% worlds to be beautiful and awesome while the other worlds are sad and empty
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#9 Old 24th Aug 2021 at 1:37 AM
Quote: Originally posted by 1amCorbinDallas
I might do this and then convert it to a repopulate the world challenge. I could see myself making San Myshuno, Windenburg, Sulani, Newcrest, and Glimmerbrook into "One Percenter Worlds" where the only people who can live there are people who have passed the challenge. Sims from the other worlds may enter to try to be One Percenters and have to go through the challenge and I'll build up the 1% worlds to be beautiful and awesome while the other worlds are sad and empty

I love this idea!
Test Subject
#10 Old 29th Aug 2021 at 7:22 AM
Default So much fun!
I loved this challenge! I was really surprised who won - the sim who had the insane trait AND who'd been sick most of the time. Wow. Next up!
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