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#1 Old 15th Oct 2020 at 1:26 AM
Default Assigning a music station to a lot
So in regards to this download here: https://modthesims.info/d/644106/th...l-spa-2020.html
In the description, the creator says the music from the speakers are assigned to a particular station. How does this work? I've never been able to decide what music station will be played at a community lot. When searching for an answer, I've only found out-dated info that does not work anymore.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 15th Oct 2020 at 3:45 AM
It's the community lot speakers that need to be set for a specific station, not the lot itself. Go to Build/Buy Mode and ctrl+shift+click on each speaker to change its station. If any of them stubbornly won't change, then I would suggest replacing the speaker and then setting the station on the new one.
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#3 Old 15th Oct 2020 at 8:05 PM
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
It's the community lot speakers that need to be set for a specific station, not the lot itself. Go to Build/Buy Mode and ctrl+shift+click on each speaker to change its station. If any of them stubbornly won't change, then I would suggest replacing the speaker and then setting the station on the new one.

Yeah, sorry, I phrased it wrong, I know it's not the lot itself but the speakers. However, the ctrl+shift+click does not work for me. Only possible to delete the object through this interaction and not pick any station. I'm running on 1.67 btw.
Mad Poster
#4 Old 15th Oct 2020 at 8:11 PM
Does it matter which way you enter Build/Buy Mode?

1 - From Edit Town
2 - Testingcheatsenabled true, then shift-click on the lot to enter Build/Buy while still in Live Mode
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#5 Old 21st Oct 2020 at 9:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
Does it matter which way you enter Build/Buy Mode?

1 - From Edit Town
2 - Testingcheatsenabled true, then shift-click on the lot to enter Build/Buy while still in Live Mode

Hi! No, unfortunately none of them work. Both look like the attached image (I have the Transmogrifier mod). Doesn't matter if it is the wall speaker or a stereo.
Mad Poster
#6 Old 21st Oct 2020 at 11:03 PM
I might be misunderstanding this because you are using the Transmogrifier mod and apologies if that's the case, but possibly you are not using community lot speakers and instead are using residential ones?
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#7 Old 22nd Oct 2020 at 1:23 AM
Haha oh my god I'm so stupid I didn't know there was specific community lot speakers, I just used the residential ones. I will look into that next time I play. Are they under the other community objects?
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