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#1 Old 12th Feb 2021 at 3:06 AM
Default Island Paradise - What should I do post installation?
Hey guys,

Just wondering what tips you can give for me when I install Island Paradise - I know that the game suffers from laggy issues, but could use some input on what I need to get to try and address them.
Mad Poster
#3 Old 12th Feb 2021 at 9:40 PM
I play the EA version and never had any problems. Play it and see what happens? Unless you have lag in your game already you may be fine?
Test Subject
#4 Old 15th Feb 2021 at 2:39 PM
Quote: Originally posted by daisylee
I play the EA version and never had any problems. Play it and see what happens? Unless you have lag in your game already you may be fine?

Yes, I had no problem either, you can try.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#5 Old 15th Feb 2021 at 7:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by daisylee
I play the EA version and never had any problems. Play it and see what happens? Unless you have lag in your game already you may be fine?

What, the disc version?
Mad Poster
#6 Old 15th Feb 2021 at 8:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by JustACasualSimmer
What, the disc version?

My 3 is all disks, but I meant I do not play the EllaCharmed one. I play as EA made. Give it a try and see what happens? If there are problems you can head to plan B.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#7 Old 15th Feb 2021 at 9:36 PM Last edited by JustACasualSimmer : 15th Feb 2021 at 11:26 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by daisylee
My 3 is all disks, but I meant I do not play the EllaCharmed one. I play as EA made. Give it a try and see what happens? If there are problems you can head to plan B.

I mean, that's all my expansions which I currently have are lol. I'm still waiting a few days for it to arrive.
#8 Old 16th Feb 2021 at 12:00 AM
There is a middle way! I saw in various places including EllaCHarmed's thread that some of the problems are from particular lots having bad routing from problematic building decisions. I remember that EllaCharmed fixed a few things besides these, and besides the world routing problems, some of which I personally didn't agree with (they were more or less esthetic decisions, I felt). .I no longer remember any of the fine details, but I do remember that she documented every change.

If you install the pack and do a tour of the world, then read EllaCharmed's thread, you'll be able to decide whether you agree with her about the changes she made, and so therefore whether you want to download her save, or make some of the changes yourself and leave some of them the same, or play as is.
Mad Poster
#9 Old 16th Feb 2021 at 4:13 AM
Quote: Originally posted by lucy kemnitzer
There is a middle way! I saw in various places including EllaCHarmed's thread that some of the problems are from particular lots having bad routing from problematic building decisions. ...

Excellent advice in your post. One reason that may have contributed to my no problems is I touch, or redo, or replace darn near all EA lots in the worlds. I may have fixed some issues or totally gotten rid of them, not knowing it.
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 20th Feb 2021 at 1:13 PM
IP is one of my favourite worlds, but the vanilla map has it's issues.

A couple of game hours into a new game and you start to lag, this is caused by everybody and their granny deciding to visit the second island, problem is they all do it at the same time and from the exact same spot, so lots of waving arms and stamping feet as they get in each others way.

Three of the houseboat docks are too close together, sims arriving there by boat get stuck in the thin strip of land between the lots, visitors will just jump back in their boat after a few minutes, but residents are stuck and need reset.

The Medina household is a regular pain, it's all first floor living, the problems only start once he puts down his toddler daughter, as there is nowhere on that floor where he can pick her up again.

There is one issue that can happen in any world, but it was IP that I first experienced it, pregnant sims and toddlers. In IP the Collins woman is pregnant and anywhere she goes she takes the toddler with her. Going into labour while on a lot isn't an issue, she just drops the toddler, game sends it home, and she can go and have the baby. Different story if she isn't on a lot when it happens, as she can't drop the toddler and ends up locked in a feedback loop as a result, resetting the toddler will free her.
Forum Resident
#11 Old 20th Feb 2021 at 9:37 PM
So here is BlueSpaarkle's post.

"Island Paradise

Isla Paradiso's World Fix for lag/stutter/freezing.

I had the same problem and I solved it. All you need to do is go to edit town and delete some houses. You need to delete houses of the households below:

Los Amigos

If it still lags, then remove those houses as well:

The Romantic
The Prince

Just delete those houses and move sims living in them somewhere else. Or just delete the sims as well.

I hope this helped."

I also added The Angler Household to the list because I notice when this Sim resets sometimes he or others will be in an unroutable location.
-Los Amigos
-The Romantic
-The Prince
-The Angler

The timestamp is around 19:30 when the freezing starts and 31:00 after I fixed it. You want to save the household without the house for all of them and then move them elsewhere. I just got confused the first time around and I didn't bother to move them because the video is just a test based on performance before and after following BlueSpaarkle's post. Certain EP's can put more work on the CPU, so if the CPU doesn't at least meet minimum system requirements then don't expect the game to run well. Also, the minimum system requirements in general does not mean TS3 will run at peak performance either and since The Sims Studio did not ever release a recommended system requirements then it's anyone guess as to what that would be from 2009-2012.

Personally, since I notice 2012 is the last year the developers added any new GPU's, then I would say hardware from that year would be in the recommended requirements. Of course, anything after that should be fine too as long as everything is compatible and there's no bottlenecking issues. Because all gaming desktops and/or laptops are not the same, as in, performance. And if one doesn't know much then can easily get bamboozled by the sales representative. Everything is important and works together with all the other hardware. The CPU and GPU will not alone determine the best gaming experience. The motherboard, RAM and speed, etc are all just as important.

For quick reference this is the shortened version of my computer specifications for the video below:

Win 10 64-Bit
Intel Core i7-9700K @ 3.6 GHz
NVidia Geforce RTX 2070 8GB VRAM


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