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#1 Old 21st Jul 2021 at 11:07 PM
Default Family Farm Challenge - for Cottage Living 2021
Hey all,

Having played Sims since its release, I have found Challenges as a way of keeping the game alive. I have played many challenges before but never written my own.. until now

The aim of this challenge is to live through 8 generations of farming, from 1900-1980. It has been created for the new pack, Cottage Living. This challenge has been inspired by the Decades Challenge by CuteCoffeeGal and the Upgrowth Challenge by Hollie155.

The challenge begins in the 1900s in a run down, basic farmhouse. Its off the grid and generally filthy. You must work the land and build up your farm, trying to avoid disaster as much as possible! This may be easier said than done, however, as you are required to use a Random Number Generator each decade which will decide if you will earn a reward or suffer a misfortune during that generation. You will also have aims within each decade to complete. This is definitely not an easy challenge!

Packs required - Base Game, Cottage Living
Packs recommended - Eco Lifestyle, Discover University, Seasons, Get to Work, Cats & Dogs, Get Together, Bust the Dust, Laundry Day, Nifty Knitting
Mods and CC not required but a recommended list is included in the file.

Please note that this is a beta/WIP as I have based the challenge on the details already released by EA about the pack. I haven’t had a chance to play-test the new pack yet so I might need to change a few things once its out!

I’ve included a few screenshots of the rules so you get an idea of the challenge. You can download the full challenge document ready for tomorrow below


Thanks for reading!
#2 Old 23rd Jul 2021 at 4:06 PM
hey i recently made mine expect it's called gardening challenge, and it looks a bit like homeless

if you want to, you can share my challenge everywhere, i want it to get recognized, i might give it a try with the farming challenge you've made later haha

you can either check it on wattpad https://www.wattpad.com/1102851017-...challenge-rules

or in this site https://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=658494

i'm so into challenges to keep myself busy and i made my rules with the do's and the don't's with the gardening challenge :P
i can try to play with this challenge some day, just not now but it's so interesting
#3 Old 24th Jul 2021 at 11:14 AM
Idea is great but I don't like that it goes in revolution way. In fact after industrial revolution gardening and farming start to decay. It is not even mentioned in your rules in any way.

I think you need to lead simmers through decades from the understanding that farm is a life important plant to produce crops for living to modern meaning this a place for hanging and joy. When closer to modern ages, I'd like to have ability to remove some crops. That will bring there more freedom. It's a good start however I won't participate with rules like it's now. It's too raw and unpolished.
Regards Vic

Here you can see more of my creations and conversions for sims 3. ;) I`ll glad to see your comments in.
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#4 Old 8th Aug 2021 at 10:15 PM
I’m giving this a try!! Just a few questions: how do I kill the sims, especially a baby, when the rng requires me too?
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#5 Old 26th Oct 2021 at 7:49 PM
This challenge sounds really interesting so I am going to give it a try. The only thing is, I am not sure how you would go about killing a baby so I am going to make an orphanage to send all the babies to. Also, when the men go off to war, I am going to make sure they have tents and their basic needs are met because if they were really off to war the army or military would see to their basic needs versus just putting them on a empty lot. Other than that I think this will be a fun challenge.
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#6 Old 27th Nov 2021 at 4:06 PM
Just wanted to give you a heads up that the Google Drive file doesn't work anymore. Hope you can get it back up soon, looks like a fun challenge!
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