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#1 Old 22nd Jul 2021 at 9:43 PM
Default Real life house listing for a lot I uploaded to MTS
I recently uploaded a lot to the gallery on MTS. I had based that house on a real life one that I had visited in my day job, and it was such a unique house that I kind of wanted to share its listing if it ever went live.

I wanted to ask if it’d be okay to link to that real estate listing on my lot’s download page. I’m aware that it’s against site rules to promote other things off-site but I don’t want to post a link to that listing to promote it, I want to show it off so others can see how similar it is to the lot that I built in the game and uploaded for download. Would that be okay?

Edit: I forgot to mention that I didn’t post the photos I took for that listing here because I didn’t believe that the owners or realtor would allow that, and that’s why I want to instead link to the listing itself.

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Warrior Gryphon
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#2 Old 22nd Jul 2021 at 9:44 PM
It's perfectly fine to share the real life pictures and floor plans of the lot in question especially since this is based on that real lot! Putting a link to the original is fine

Story books are full of fairy tales, of Kings and Queens, and the bluest skies.
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#3 Old 22nd Jul 2021 at 9:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Tashiketh
It's perfectly fine to share the real life pictures and floor plans of the lot in question especially since this is based on that real lot! Putting a link to the original is fine

Excellent, thanks for the permission.

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