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#1 Old 13th Jan 2022 at 2:14 AM
Default splitting and moving to elsewhere (s2 newbie)
Hello. Very new to sims 2. Pls keep it in mind my brain tuned to play sims 4, I searched many tutorial guides, by now I see the two game works very differently. So s2. I made a household of 4 sims, dad with two teens and a friend and put them in Desiderata Valley. Got to the point where I want to split the household into two. Dad stays with one teen, the friend moves away with the other teen. I plan to relocate them to Riverblossom Hills. I have a custom downloaded house what I like to use for them in RBH.

Here comes my confusion and questions and hope that somebody can clear it up, so make sure I do the right choice for my game play. I understand the separated pair will go into my sim bin 'folder' for temporarly keep.
Q1. With the separation my teens never gonna meet again, they have a good sibling bond in my game, nor the single teen who goes away will meet his father again. Am I right? if yes oouch

Q2A. Unrelated to the splitting. Can I simply move the separated pair into any house available in the new neighbourhood and bulldoze the build down to put the chosen one waiting in the build bin to be put down or ...

Q2B. ...or first I have to place the house down then move the sims in?

I know I could keep them on the same neighbourhood in a separate household to still meet and mingle, but my Desiderata neighbourhood not fit any cult sims and the dad and one teen is not into supernaturals, they should stay. The other two ( friend and the other teen) very much interested about supernaturals so they should really move to their own kind to Riverblossom.

any advise or help much appreciated. and sorry I am not good at english but hope still understandable what I try to work out. Thank you.
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#2 Old 13th Jan 2022 at 2:34 AM
I'm not going to pretend to be the most knowledgeable person so someone please correct me if I tell the OP anything wrong but here's what I know.

Q1: Yes, if you "moved" 2/4 of the sims to a new hood they'd lose all relationships HOWEVER you should NOT move them from the bin to a new hood. They'd carry over references which would likely corrupt one if not both hoods. What you'd need to do is clone their appearance via SimPE and essentially recreate them. You'd need to do this regardless of how many sims you intended to move as it's not safe to move hoods at all.

Q2A/B: Not sure I completely understand (but you apologized for the english so it's my own fault) but I'd put down whatever house you want them to live in and then move them in. But if it's a house you've already played in and want to take to the new town you should clean the lot first, there's tutorials how to do so as this something I've only done once or twice and so I don't know how to tell you to.

You know, this makes me wonder how come ts2 never had any safe way to move neighborhoods/worlds like the following games do. We've really gotten spoiled, especially with all the worlds being connected the way they are in 4.

Edit to add: the alternative to all of this that I can think of is to download riverblossom hills as a subhood. I think you would need to download Mootilda's multiple shopping districts mod as well then. But if you're new to ts2 that may be just as if not more confusing, I'm not sure.
Mad Poster
#3 Old 13th Jan 2022 at 2:38 AM
It's good that you asked first, as there's years of experience on here and somebody's done almost anything, so we can save you some trouble.

Okay, first let me make sure I understand what you want to do. You have a family in Desiderata Valley, and you wish to send half of it to Riverblossom Hills, both main hoods, by moving two members into a house and putting the house into the lot bin.

If so, don't do it. Never do this. Moving the sims to the lot bin (as opposed to family bin) deletes them from the neighborhood and corrupts the neighborhood. It also, as you feared, wipes the memory and relationships of the sims going into the lot bin. If you put them into Riverblossom Hills, they will bring corruption with them.

Each main hood is a separate universe from all of the others. You can make copies of sims in one neighborhood using the tools SimPE (which you will need to download) and BodyShop (which was installed alongside your game), recreate them in CAS in another neighborhood, and play them there, but moving between main hoods is a bad idea.

What you might want to do is add a fanmade subhood version of Riverblossom Hills (found here: https://meetmetotheriver.tumblr.com...ates-rerelease), move those two sims to the family bin by using the "find own place" option with the computer or newspaper, and move them in there. They will retain their memories and relationships and be able to contact their old friends on the telephone, invite them over, meet on community lots, and in the case of the teens go to University together, while living in different neighborhoods and having different life experiences.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
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#4 Old 13th Jan 2022 at 2:44 AM
Hah, Peni and I had the same idea on the subhood, just it took me too long to edit my post after I thought of it!
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#5 Old 13th Jan 2022 at 3:21 AM
Quote: Originally posted by CASnarl
I'm not going to pretend to be the most knowledgeable person so someone please correct me if I tell the OP anything wrong but here's what I know.

Q1: Yes, if you "moved" 2/4 of the sims to a new hood they'd lose all relationships HOWEVER you should NOT move them from the bin to a new hood. They'd carry over references which would likely corrupt one if not both hoods. What you'd need to do is clone their appearance via SimPE and essentially recreate them. You'd need to do this regardless of how many sims you intended to move as it's not safe to move hoods at all.

Q2A/B: Not sure I completely understand (but you apologized for the english so it's my own fault) but I'd put down whatever house you want them to live in and then move them in. But if it's a house you've already played in and want to take to the new town you should clean the lot first, there's tutorials how to do so as this something I've only done once or twice and so I don't know how to tell you to.

You know, this makes me wonder how come ts2 never had any safe way to move neighborhoods/worlds like the following games do. We've really gotten spoiled, especially with all the worlds being connected the way they are in 4.

Edit to add: the alternative to all of this that I can think of is to download riverblossom hills as a subhood. I think you would need to download Mootilda's multiple shopping districts mod as well then. But if you're new to ts2 that may be just as if not more confusing, I'm not sure.

Thank you so much. Probably you just saved my game and my sims. I think that sub hood is a perfect option. I didn't know this is a thing. I will read upon it how and what and if the 'original' residence/townies come with it then that is what I need. And thank you on the house advise. New house, nobody lived in it yet. I will put that down first.
Mad Poster
#6 Old 13th Jan 2022 at 3:29 AM Last edited by simmer22 : 13th Jan 2022 at 3:54 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by shatinn
Q2A. Unrelated to the splitting. Can I simply move the separated pair into any house available in the new neighbourhood and bulldoze the build down to put the chosen one waiting in the build bin to be put down or ...

Q2B. ...or first I have to place the house down then move the sims in?

With TS2 you have to either move sims in and then build them a house, or build/place a house and then move in sims. You can not move in sims and then place a ready-built house practically "on their heads", like you can in TS4.

If you go with the first option, you can't save the house in the bin if you decide you like it and want to reuse it, since there are sims living on the lot (there are ways, but you're going to need a tutorial for that). If you build the house first, it's safer to save it to the bin (since no sims have lived in it).

You also can't bulldoze a house with sims living on it without moving the sims out, so be careful here, too.

In TS4, sims and their houses seem to be separate entities when placed down in a neighborhood - but in TS2, not so much.
Forum Resident
#7 Old 13th Jan 2022 at 3:34 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
With TS2 you have to either move sims in and then build them a house, or build/place a house and then move in sims. You can not move in sims and then place a ready-built house practically "on their heads", like you can in TS4.

Ah, so that's what OP meant. I haven't opened ts4 in over a year so shows how much I know, didn't even know you could do that.
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#8 Old 13th Jan 2022 at 3:36 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
It's good that you asked first, as there's years of experience on here and somebody's done almost anything, so we can save you some trouble.

Okay, first let me make sure I understand what you want to do. You have a family in Desiderata Valley, and you wish to send half of it to Riverblossom Hills, both main hoods, by moving two members into a house and putting the house into the lot bin.

If so, don't do it. Never do this. Moving the sims to the lot bin (as opposed to family bin) deletes them from the neighborhood and corrupts the neighborhood. It also, as you feared, wipes the memory and relationships of the sims going into the lot bin. If you put them into Riverblossom Hills, they will bring corruption with them.

Each main hood is a separate universe from all of the others. You can make copies of sims in one neighborhood using the tools SimPE (which you will need to download) and BodyShop (which was installed alongside your game), recreate them in CAS in another neighborhood, and play them there, but moving between main hoods is a bad idea.

What you might want to do is add a fanmade subhood version of Riverblossom Hills (found here: https://meetmetotheriver.tumblr.com...ates-rerelease), move those two sims to the family bin by using the "find own place" option with the computer or newspaper, and move them in there. They will retain their memories and relationships and be able to contact their old friends on the telephone, invite them over, meet on community lots, and in the case of the teens go to University together, while living in different neighborhoods and having different life experiences.

Thank you for the many advise. Now I am less confused but mighty scared. I don't want to lose my sims. So the safest way to hang onto them is 'FAMILY BIN' then I can put them to the sub Blossom world. I would much like to have their past memories to be there.
Copy sim is a new idea to me, I have to study SimPE to doit right. Great help. tysm
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#9 Old 13th Jan 2022 at 3:47 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
If you go with the first option, you can't save the house in the bin if you decide you like it, since there are sims living on the lot (there are ways, but you're going to need a tutorial for that). If you build the house first, it's safer to save it to the bin (no sims having lived in it).

Thank you, I will go with option no2. Yes I am still thinking with s4 logic. It is so easy there much harder in s2. So no sim> house down >sim can move in. Is it sensible to save the game after I put the house down so that the game saved with a new element (house) Get out then launch again and put the sim in or now I am just over thinking?
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#10 Old 13th Jan 2022 at 4:02 AM Last edited by simmer22 : 13th Jan 2022 at 4:50 PM.
I tend to save both when I've placed a house down and when I've moved sims in, just in case of crashes or other annoying problems.


If you ever want to extract a sim who was born ingame, for use in a different neighborhood, for sharing/packaging, copying a sim, for Bodyshop, or anything like that, here's a tutorial on how to do that safely: https://pixel-trade.livejournal.com/16091.html

Could be useful, since there's no other way to put a sim back into CAS in TS2 (but there's lots of ways to edit a sim's looks and info, so usually you can edit a sim via mods ingame or using SimPE, depending on what you want to edit and how well you want it to stick).

(It's perhaps not something you'll want to do immediately as a TS2 newbie - but coming from TS4 where you can just use a cheat and have the full CAS available, or move families between neighborhoods on a whim, it's useful to know you can't do that by default in TS2, so you have to be more careful with how you plan out your families and neighborhoods/subhoods).
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#11 Old 13th Jan 2022 at 4:06 AM
Quote: Originally posted by shatinn
Hello. Very new to sims 2. Pls keep it in mind my brain tuned to play sims 4, I searched many tutorial guides, by now I see the two game works very differently. So s2. I made a household of 4 sims, dad with two teens and a friend and put them in Desiderata Valley. Got to the point where I want to split the household into two. Dad stays with one teen, the friend moves away with the other teen. I plan to relocate them to Riverblossom Hills. I have a custom downloaded house what I like to use for them in RBH.

Don't ever use the move sims between neighbourhoods button.
Don't ever move occupied houses into the bin (occupied includes graves and urns)
Don't ever delete sims (although this can be a point of argument between players)

For moving to different hoods, this is why many of us play an Ubber hood. An Uubber hood has one main hood and then the other hoods like Riverblossom Hills are sub hoods that can be attached to the main hood, like going downtown or to a uni. This is the only safe way to have a family living in two different areas.

You can attach a shopping type subhood to this hood and move them there. Attached subhoods like downtown, shopping, uni are all still a part of that main hood.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
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#12 Old 13th Jan 2022 at 4:38 AM
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
An Uubber hood has one main hood and then the other hoods like Riverblossom Hills are sub hoods that can be attached to the main hood, like going downtown or to a uni.

Hmmm. I am lost now. Question. I leave one part of the family at Desidarada. I make the sub hood to Des and move my other half of the family into that sub neighborhood. I like to hmmm 'ignore' the Des family, play them as secondary interest and concentrate on the sub RBH family who I want my main household. Will I be fully able to play the River family and the Des family also if I want to level them up time to time. Sort of jumping between the two family by jumping between two neighbourhood.
sorry I am getting complicated. these all good and helpful infos and overwhelming for a newbie like me.
Mad Poster
#13 Old 13th Jan 2022 at 5:00 AM
You should, yes.

In TS2 (as long as you don't play with the new story progression mod), households pretty much stay the way you left them after saving. A few things can change if sims you play with have interacted with the sims in those other households, like relationships and such, and you'll sometimes see them popping up in community lots or as walkbys, but other than that they don't go doing their own thing.

So you're free to completely ignore that other half of the family for as long as you want. If you don't interact with them, nothing should happen to them either (except for things that can happen to walkbys/community lot visitors and such).
Mad Poster
#14 Old 13th Jan 2022 at 5:00 AM
Yes. That's exactly how most of us play. Each household will be exactly where you left them the last time you played them. Things that happen at community lots or visits to other active households will be remembered and will affect the aspiration and relationship levels, but motives, age, jobs, etc. will all pick up where you left off.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
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#15 Old 13th Jan 2022 at 5:29 AM
Quote: Originally posted by shatinn
Hmmm. I am lost now. Question. I leave one part of the family at Desidarada. I make the sub hood to Des and move my other half of the family into that sub neighborhood. I like to hmmm 'ignore' the Des family, play them as secondary interest and concentrate on the sub RBH family who I want my main household. Will I be fully able to play the River family and the Des family also if I want to level them up time to time. Sort of jumping between the two family by jumping between two neighbourhood.
sorry I am getting complicated. these all good and helpful infos and overwhelming for a newbie like me.

Many of us play rotationally. So we play one house for a set number of days then load and play another house for the same set number of days. This may be as small as two houses or as many as 200 houses. The one thing about the Sims 2 is it's very much a sandbox- You decide the rules and how it will play.
If you wish that all those houses would just play themselves, well we have story progression too. https://lazyduchess.tumblr.com/post...n-mod-open-beta

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Mad Poster
#16 Old 14th Jan 2022 at 2:20 AM
I've done similar things before on my old computer by adding a shopping district as a new neighbirhood to a town and begun moving a grown kid from their childhood home to a new apartment downtown on my old computer.I can do much the same only using a shopping district and even with a campus for young sims going to school before coming back to start adult lives.I would use the blank terrain to make a shopping district to move one group into and have the other stay in the central district which is named after the town.I've moved an entire household to another neighborhood by using the evict button after they got packed up for moving and once in the bin I loaded up the new shopping disrtict and moved them into their new home.
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