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#1 Old 16th May 2022 at 12:41 AM
Default How do I fix the issue with the Elixir Register
I'm playing sims 3 again and all of a sudden I can't buy or sell anything at Alister's Elixirs shop. It just keeps resetting my sim when I try. I think I had this issue once before, but unable to fix now. I've demolished and placed a new shop. I've deleted the register and put a new Elixir Register there. I don't have the option to cancel previous consignments with my sim... so not sure what to do now. Any help would be appreciated. thanks
#2 Old 16th May 2022 at 4:35 AM
are you installing any mod related to Elixir consignment register? If you have ErrorTrap by chance, it might produce a script log when your sim got reset.

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#3 Old 16th May 2022 at 8:21 AM
I had a similar issue once, and that was because of the "More Alchemy Potions+Potions for Pets" mod and once I removed it the problem went away.
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