How to Customize Lifetime Wants - Tutorial on Editing WantTuning Package
WantTuning package is basically a list of lifetime wants and some other want related things.
Let me show you how to
add, remove and customize lifetime wants for your own game by editing it in SimPE. It's as simple as adding or erasing a line of text or changing a number in a straightforward text field.
First of all, you need the WantTuning.package in your Downloads. There are two ways to get it.
1. With a downloaded custom LTW. Make sure the package is exactly for your latest pack (e.g. M&G for Ultimate Collection). If you have more than one set of LTWs, each with their own WantTuning, you'll have to keep only one WantTuning package and edit it to include LTWs from other packages.
2. By copying the original package from the game files, if you don't have any additional LTWs that come with it. Find the WantTuning package in a Wants folder where your latest pack is installed. Example location for Ultimate Collection:
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSData\Res\Wants
Put the WantTuning.package in your Downloads folder or its sub-folder,
not program files!
Now let's see what you can do with it.
Open the WantTuning package in
SimPE and click on the
UI Data file.
In Plugin View, scroll down to the
<lifetimeWants> part (don't confuse it with the careers part or the lifetimeGoals part).
Here it is. As you can see, it is a list of lifetime want IDs with comments. Recognize anything?
- <lifetimeWants>
- <want guid="0xae9562b5" number="10"/> <!-- LifetimeAnniversary -->
- <want guid="0xee955fce" object="0xEC9EBD5F" number="10"/> <!-- LifetimeCelebrityChef -->
- <want guid="0xae955fe7" object="0xEC77620B" number="10"/> <!-- LifetimeCelebrityPartyGuest -->
- <want guid="0x4e95602d" object="0x6C9EBD32" number="10"/> <!-- LifetimeGeneral -->
- <want guid="0xce956161" number="3"/> <!-- LifetimeGraduateChildren -->
- <want guid="0x4e95603d" object="0x2C89E95F" number="10"/> <!-- LifetimeHallOfFamer-->
- <want guid="0x8e956054" object="0x0C7761FD" number="10"/> <!-- LifetimeHospChiefStaff -->
- <want guid="0x6e95612b" number="6"/> <!-- LifetimeLotsGrandchildren -->
- <want guid="0x8e9560eb" number="100"/> <!-- LifetimeLotsOfMoney -->
- <want guid="0x6eb8c463" object="0x0C9EBD47" number="10"/> <!-- LifetimeMadScientist -->
- <want guid="0xee956296" number="6"/> <!-- LifetimeMarryChildren -->
- <want guid="0xee956264" number="7"/> <!-- LifetimeMaxSkills -->
- <want guid="0x6e956095" object="0x2C945B14" number="10"/> <!-- LifetimeMayor -->
- <want guid="0x2e956206" number="20"/> <!-- LifetimeSimulBestFriends -->
- <want guid="0x4e95624e" number="20"/> <!-- LifetimeSimulLovers -->
- <want guid="0x0eb8c43b" object="0xAC9EBCE3" number="10"/> <!-- LifetimeSuperhero -->
- <want guid="0x4e9560a9" object="0x6C9EBD0E" number="10"/> <!-- LifetimeSupervillain -->
- <want guid="0xee9560bc" object="0x45196555" number="10"/> <!-- LifetimeTycoon -->
- <want guid="0x8e9562da" number="20"/> <!-- LifetimeWooHoo -->
- <want guid="0x8f978d36" number="200"/> <!-- Eat 200 Grilled Cheese -->
- <want guid="0xaf978d5d" number="50"/> <!-- Have 50 Dream Dates -->
- <want guid="0xcf978cb9" number="50"/> <!-- Have 50 1st Dates -->
- <want guid="0x107d1cb5" number="5"/> <!-- Own 5 Top Level Businesses-->
- <want guid="0x31b02406" number="20"/> <!-- Raise 20 Puppies or Kittens-->
- <want guid="0x91b02345" number="20"/> <!-- Have 20 Simultaneous Pet Best Friends-->
- <want guid="0x31b0246c" number="6"/> <!-- Have 6 Pets Reach the Top of Their Careers-->
- ... and so on ...
Things in tags like these are comments:
The game ignores them, they are there to let you know what's what.
The file is in XML. You can edit it in
SimPE window directly or copy-paste its contents into a notepad and copy-paste the edited text back. You could also use a code editor that highlights syntax to make sure it stays correct, but you don't have to. Personally, I edit it right in SimPE, and only do the copy-pasting if I think I made a mistake and want to find it.
1. Removing wants
This part is for custom lifetime wants. I don't recommend removing in-game LTWs from the list like this. Uni LTWs are considered custom, by the way. I use my own wants as examples, but it will work the same for any other.
Let's say you want to get rid of the Astronomer LTW. Find a line where it says Astronomer and erase the whole line:
- <want guid="0xf5029006" /> <!-- Astronomer -->
Hit Commit in the lower right corner.
Then Save the package. That's it.
After that you may proceed to delete the LTW_Astronomer file from your Downloads.
Some lifetime wants come in sets that can't be separated, like my crafting set. Before you delete the LTW package that has all 5 wants, erase 5 corresponding lines in the UI Data list:
- <want guid="0xf5029007" number="300"/> <!-- Sew X Projects (up to 30K) -->
- <want guid="0xf5029008" number="300"/> <!-- Sculpt X Pottery (up to 30K) -->
- <want guid="0xf5029009" number="300"/> <!-- Make X Toys (up to 30K) -->
- <want guid="0xf502900A" number="300"/> <!-- X Robot Devices (up to 30K) -->
- <want guid="0xf502900B" number="300"/> <!-- X Flower Arrangements (up to 30K) -->
Commit and Save. Delete the LTW_Crafting package. Done!
2. Adding wants
Now let's say you need to add a want, e.g. you downloaded Rio's Firefighter and Social Worker lifetime wants.
Just paste new lines at the bottom of the list, before the closing </lifetimeWants> tag:
- <want guid="0xF5029001" object="0x004A7080" number="10" /> <!-- LifetimeFirefighter-->
- <want guid="0xF5029002" object="0x004A7085" number="10" /> <!-- LifetimeSocialWorker-->
The result will look something like this:
- <lifetimeWants>
- <want guid="0xae9562b5" number="10"/> <!-- LifetimeAnniversary -->
- ... lots of lifetime wants here...
- <want guid="0xF5029001" object="0x004A7080" number="10" /> <!-- LifetimeFirefighter -->
- <want guid="0xF5029002" object="0x004A7085" number="10" /> <!-- LifetimeSocialWorker -->
- </lifetimeWants>
Don't forget to Commit. Then Save. After that the game will see your new LTWs. Oh, and remove the WantTuning package that comes with Rio's mod, unless it's the one you edited (doesn't matter whose file is it as long as all lifetime wants you have in your game are listed in one file and it suits your game version).
If you want to use Life Stories career lifetime wants, these are the lines to add:
- <want guid="0x91592b8b" object="0x117DF1D4" number="10" /> <!-- LifetimeMogul (LS Entertainment) -->
- <want guid="0x51f60e0b" object="0x713E7857" number="10" /> <!-- LifetimeGamePresident (LS Game Designer) -->
Don't forget to download the files, if you haven't already. I provide edited and separated versions in
LTW Chooser's thread.
You may leave empty lines in between for readability. For example, I spaced out maxis and my own LTWs:
- <want guid="0xf42cd46d" object="0x00000000" number="10"/> <!-- LifetimeIntelligence -->
- <want guid="0x542cd4b9" object="0x00000000" number="10"/> <!-- LifetimeOceanography -->
- <want guid="0xae956019" object="0xEE70001C" number="10"/> <!-- LifetimeEcologicalGuru-->
- <want guid="0x0E956081" object="0xAE6FFFB0" number="10"/> <!-- LifetimeShowBiz-->
- <want guid="0x4E955FFF" object="0x2E6FFF87" number="10"/> <!-- LifetimeParanormal-->
- <want guid="0x8e9560d8" object="0x4e6fffbc" number="10"/> <!-- LifetimeArtist-->
- <want guid="0xf502900C" number="50"/> <!-- Restore X Cars (10 to 30000) -->
- <want guid="0xf502900D" number="200"/> <!-- Catch X Fish (10 to 30000) -->
I don't think it matters what order the elements are in, as long as they are inside the <lifetimeWants> tag. Maybe the order matters for cycling through LTWs with BatBox or SimBlender, not sure.
3. Customizing wants
Feel like some amount of "X things to do" is unreasonable? Want to have to make 30 friends instead of 20? You can change that fairly quickly -- edit a "number" field of a certain want in the file. It works for original lifetime wants as well as for custom, so you won't need a separate mod for that. The change may not affect sims that already have the lifetime want you've customized, you'll have to reroll it to refresh the number.
Let's say you want to change a goal for toy makers to make 200 toys instead of 300.
Find a lifetime want you wish to customize.
- <want guid="0xf5029009" number="300"/> <!-- Make X Toys (from 10 to 30000) -->
Change the number field from 300 to 200, like so:
- <want guid="0xf5029009" number="200"/> <!-- Make X Toys (from 10 to 30000) -->
Make sure to only edit numbers, do not remove quotes, brackets, slashes or other syntax.
Commit. Save. You've made the toy making lifetime goal require 200 toys instead of 300.
In my package, I noted min and max amounts in comments, where it matters. In any case, the number can not exceed "30000".
If you also use my LTW Chooser, it'd be neat to update this number there too, although
not necessary. The Chooser uses it for the "Choose LTW from Personally Available" option to check if a want is available, but it won't matter for the "Choose LTW from All" option, because all checks are ignored.
So, open LTW Chooser file in SimPE. Click on Behaviour Constant (BCON) #1001 - Choosing LTW Number Args. Make sure you're in Plugin View.
Click on a line with a want in question. Notice the Dec field to the left? Change the number in that field.
Commit File. Save package. All done!
Some lifetime wants are not customizable -- the career ones, for example, even though it looks like the number makes sense.
4. Troubleshooting
Common causes of problems with WantTuning package are:
- syntax mistake that renders the file partly unreadable - the quickest way to check for it is to copy-paste file's contents into a code editor that has the ability to check XML syntax;
- more than one WantTuning package, e.g. sneaky file from another mod that overrides your good package - check for conflicts with a conflict detection program to find it and keep only one, correct WantTuning package;
- extra reference to a want you don't have in your game makes the rest of the file unreadable - look at the <lifetimeWants> list and find a want that doesn't belong. You might have removed a custom LTW and forgot to delete the reference from WantTuning package.
If you see an "
unnamed wantable category" iconless want in game, it might be the wrong version of the WantTuning package that is missing a reference to that object category. Note that AL file doesn't suit M&G game, because Mansions have two more object categories. Common causes mentioned above may also cause this bug.
♥ That's it. Test your file in game and enjoy having customized lifetime wants suited to your own play style!