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Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#1 Old 12th Dec 2023 at 5:14 PM
Default Roll A Die Challenge
An enigmatic artifact has intertwined your Sims' Wants and Fears, and the roll of a mystical dice, leading to a whimsical combination of chance-driven decisions and unpredictable outcomes in their lives.

You assign each number on the dice to a specific Want and Fear. Fulfilling a particular Want for Sim A, is fulfilling Sim B Fear and vice versa. You have to roll a dice everyday and complete their lifetime aspiration while watching the circumstances. You win the challenge when your Sims' lifetime aspiration is complete.

1. Create 2 Sims, male and female. Randomize their personality points and Aspiration. They are roommates.

2. Move them to your desired household.

3. You control one Sim until you fulfill one Want of theirs. After fulfilling their want, you switch to the other Sim and fulfill one Fear of theirs, after that fulfill one Want of theirs. And repeat.

4. Use a dice that has 3 digits. Each number is assign to one Want box and Fear box. From left to right.
For example, Rolling a 1 is Want box number 1. Rolling a 2 is Want box number 2 and so on. Same with Fears.
Fulfilling a particular Want for Sim A, triggers Sim B Fear of the same number box.

5. Progress their life based on their Wants and Aspiration, you have to complete their lifetime Aspiration before they die from old age.

6. No one is allowed to leave the house, only if they roll a want to do so.

7. You lose the challenge if one of them dies as a result of something, and you failed to resurrect them in 24 hours.

Happy Simming
Mad Poster
#2 Old 13th Dec 2023 at 3:23 AM
sounds hard to do, especially since some wants take a long time to fulfill, like 3 kids in college.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 13th Dec 2023 at 1:15 PM
Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
sounds hard to do, especially since some wants take a long time to fulfill, like 3 kids in college.

It sounds difficult but it's possible. Since you only need to fulfill one Want at a time, while progressing their lifetime wish. I would say that what makes the challenge difficult or simply entertaining, is dealing with a breakdown when fulfilling a big fear. It's a challenge where you have to deal with the good and bad consequences of want and fear that is not in your control, while working your way towards a goal.
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