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#1 Old 21st Feb 2024 at 8:31 AM

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Sims 3
Default what is Pregnancy Score anyway?
so I installed birds and the bees mod by Mingos and then modded the mod to remove the miscarriage modifier (though realistically speaking I could add more 0 to the logic to make it less likely) so I sent my pregnant sims for prenatal things (birth class, Ultrasound, Prenatal check up) and then when I used Cmar's pregnancy options both my pregnant sims are jumping through the amount of babies born.... is this... normal?? the wife sim is currently at 30000% triplets without the pregnancy option switched helping me and then his "teen fairy mistress who also lives in the same household" is now also at 1000% chance of triplets.... from what was formerly 150% twins and 50% triplets
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