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#1 Old 21st Sep 2024 at 3:53 AM Last edited by lynbutnot : 21st Sep 2024 at 8:04 AM.
Default [SOLVED] Baking not working in Blender 2.93?
I'm trying my hand at a 4t3 conversion using this tutorial, and it says to use a specific version of Blender, but I'm most familiar with 2.93 so I wanted to see if I could make that work first. Everything went okay until I got to the baking part—baking seems to work a bit differently in 2.93, but after doing some searching I figured out how to do it (you need to change Render Engine to Cycles). However, it's still not working correctly as you can see in the picture—for some reason it's only affecting the hands. Does anyone know what's going on? Am I doing something wrong or is it just the version of Blender I'm using?
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#2 Old 21st Sep 2024 at 7:20 AM
See the camera icon next to the eye icon used to show/hide objects? That's whether the object is visible to the rendering engine, even if it's invisible to you.
The result is coming out black because the hidden morphs are being used in the render, so the fat morph is being seen as being in front of everything except the one part that doesn't morph (the hands)

There's also nothing wrong with having multiple versions of Blender- if things still don't work quite the same between versions, it's not uncommon practice to switch between versions to get something done and back again.
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#3 Old 21st Sep 2024 at 8:04 AM
Quote: Originally posted by CardinalSims
See the camera icon next to the eye icon used to show/hide objects? That's whether the object is visible to the rendering engine, even if it's invisible to you.
The result is coming out black because the hidden morphs are being used in the render, so the fat morph is being seen as being in front of everything except the one part that doesn't morph (the hands)

There's also nothing wrong with having multiple versions of Blender- if things still don't work quite the same between versions, it's not uncommon practice to switch between versions to get something done and back again.

Ah thank you, it worked!! And I will keep that in mind for the future, thank you for the tip! I think it feels extra nice to get everything done in one version, but it's good to know it's not necessarily wrong to switch.
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