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#1 Old 29th Nov 2024 at 3:28 PM
Default Help with Modifying Custom Mesh
I downloaded a 3-Shade Ceiling Light by SimAddict99 which I found here on the booty: http://paysites.mustbedestroyed.org...jects/lighting/

I'm trying to turn it into a single shade version. I downloaded Milkshape, deleted the faces of the left and right lamps to retain the one in the centre and re-sized the bar at the top. When I preview the GMDC in SimPE it shows up complete however in game, the lampshade is missing. Anyone know where I've gone wrong and how to fix it? The original mesh is reposited to a floor standing lamp from the same collection - if that has anything to do with my problem?

Appreciate if anyone can help. This is the first time I've tried to modify an existing mesh and have largely no idea what I'm doing but think I've made decent progress...!!

Thank you in advance!
Mad Poster
#2 Old 29th Nov 2024 at 9:28 PM
Is the GMDC the only resource you've modified?

Are you modifying the actual file, or are you making a new version? If you're making a new version that's compatible with the other lamps, make sure you follow the full guidelines on how to make objects.

If you're working with the same file, it could have to do with the resource naming. Objects are a bit more touchy on this than CAS files. If you fully replace a GMDC, the best way is to copy the filename, replace, then paste it back in before committing. Your file says "ModernCeilingLight_tslocator_gmdc" but the actual filename is "modernbarlight-[simaddict99-25.10.2005-b2d0]_tslocator_gmdc"
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