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#1 Old 9th Dec 2024 at 3:17 PM

This user has the following games installed:

Sims 3, World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Showtime, Supernatural, Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise, Into the Future
Default Suddenly Stopped Working Mod
Hey all!
I'm having two problems regarding the game, the first one is the disappearance of the social interactions and I can't figure out which mods I installed conflict with them. But I installed all of TSS's Babies, Toddlers and Pregnant Sims interaction, and a one called Passion & Romance, and Advice Interaction.

The second problem is that my game crashes at the loading screen whenever I install Twinsimming's Milk Mod https://modthesims.info/d/672036/pa...tive-delta.html although I used to have it working properly before!

I think I'm gonna have to live without having that mod but I was hoping to find a solution.

Lab Assistant
#2 Old 9th Dec 2024 at 3:47 PM Last edited by vesko_sims3 : 12th Dec 2024 at 9:15 AM.
You need to try Sims 3 Dashboard tool to check if you have any duplicated, corrupted or some kind of other conflicts with the mods you have installed. If the problem is still remaining try to make a new clean folder of the game data:
1. Uninstall all of your CC you have via the game launcher.
2. Make a fresh copy of the game's data folder - rename the The Sims 3 folder to whatever you want (it's located usualy in C:\User\XXX\Documents\Electronic Arts). The game will regenerate it and then you have clean data folder. Your mods, saves and other stuff will remain in the old one that you have renamed already (backup folder).
3. Move your data from the backup folder to the new one (mods, saves, downloads) and then install your CC again.
4. Delete all the cache files including the files with .temp extension after the new CC installation These files will be generate after every CC installation, located in DCCache folder.

Hope that helps
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