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#1 Old 21st Dec 2024 at 3:06 PM
Default Here a mess, there a mess ...
I noticed that three out of for top four posts are mine and I thought - why not four out of five? What a quibbling nOObie, you must be thinking.

- Sex: far too easy. I use WickedWhims mod by now; I know quite a few of you dislike it but you can disable the hardcore part, or at least disregard it, and it brings some welcome complications. - One of my Sims made a townie pregnant: the mod warned me that she might be, but I never heard about it again until I noticed that my Sim had a daughter. The mother invited my Sim to her place but they never discussed the child or him or her moving over or anything like that. She wandered off to watch TV, he cuddled the child (who automatically became his friend even before that) and left. OK ...
- Toddlers: I remember they were not included in the base game at the beginning; now they are, but very poorly. My Oasis Springs Sim, the painter, had a child with Johnny Zest - very persistent but quite a jerk, so she is still living on her own. She is the richest of all my Sims so no problems there, but it was quite a chore finding out how the toddler could learn anything. Why didn't they just copy the TS2/TS3 system?
- Worlds: not really - it's all just one big 'hood. I bought Get Together, thinking my other Sims would like to travel to Windenburg; I even got the hotel mod for that. Now Windenburg Sims are all over the place and my Sims are constantly invited to Windenburg. My Willow Creek writer was invited to a club whose main function was to try out clothes: a Sim would go into a closet to reappear in some very strange clothing, like a bikini with bottom half missing, take a selfie and disappear to try another one. The first time I felt like a real idiot while playing a Sims game. - I was flirting with Snowy Escape but now I know what would happen, so no.

I guess I just had to vent. Hopefully, it won't happen again.
#2 Old 21st Dec 2024 at 3:44 PM

For those that are honest, nobody has ever said playing TS4 is free of mess.

As for Wicked Whims, if people want to use it, whatever.

Problems start when people forget that there is a human behind the pixel porn mod and when these people don't get the updates they want, PRONTO, death threats and doxxing starts. This flies in the face of those that are constantly chest-thumping about we meanies that pick on the game, Maxis and EA. Doxxing and death threats get a pass. Calling out EA / Maxis for something that is shady? Not allowed! Even a popular TS4-playing ally by the name FakeGamerGirl has gotten the dirty end of the schtick lately.

TS4 is messy, some people that play TS4 are messy. I guess there is a balance in there, somewhere.
Original Poster
#3 Old 21st Dec 2024 at 5:54 PM
Not my thought, but somebody said (or wrote) that most people who are playing TS4 have not played any other Sims game and therefore some of them hate anybody who dares to attack it. I think that is very true.

There are trolls all around (I noticed that one favorite line of attack on Steam discussions is "This game is too woke", or a variation of it), but most game forums I know, MTS included, generally feel fine.
Mad Poster
#4 Old 21st Dec 2024 at 11:46 PM
Quote: Originally posted by pico22
Not my thought, but somebody said (or wrote) that most people who are playing TS4 have not played any other Sims game and therefore some of them hate anybody who dares to attack it. I think that is very true.

Posts are mostly your ones due to site you are on. This section of this site is mostly people trashing this game. Like all versions there are good and bad things. I have owned and played all 4. Many people have played prior versions and there have been new people that have started Simming with each version. I will look at 5 as free to download supposedly, then odds are will dump it.
Forum Resident
#5 Old 22nd Dec 2024 at 1:53 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat

TS4 is messy, some people that play TS4 are messy. I guess there is a balance in there, somewhere.

You calling me messy Gargoyle Cat? *looks around the room* Then again, you might have a point there!

I stand by my criticisms of Sims 4, I mean currently, it won't hold any sort of an action queue if there are other sims moving around. But.... Sims 3 was unplayable without NRaas mods and even then my game required constant cache flushing or the removal of thousands of vehicles! I would rate Sims 2 as the one that was probably the most stable, but it had, in my case, less expansions, bought content and mods to slow it down. Sims 1 was pretty basic.

HOWEVER I have had bucket loads of fun and emotional moments playing all 3 later versions. It's just that after all this time I would have expected such a hugely well off company like EA to have a product that runs properly.

♥ Receptacle Refugee ♥
Lab Assistant
#6 Old 22nd Dec 2024 at 10:36 AM
Quote: Originally posted by pico22
- Worlds: not really - it's all just one big 'hood. I bought Get Together, thinking my other Sims would like to travel to Windenburg; I even got the hotel mod for that. Now Windenburg Sims are all over the place and my Sims are constantly invited to Windenburg.

Home regions by Kuttoe is a mod that allows you to assign townies to worlds (i.e. only Willow Creek residents will show up at Willow Creek venues). It is a great mod with lots of customization options.
#7 Old 22nd Dec 2024 at 1:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Flaygor
You calling me messy Gargoyle Cat? *looks around the room* Then again, you might have a point there!

Nah. I said some players are messy. I said nothing about players that sparkle.

The TS4 community generally speaking has issues. I don't know if it's because the base game is free or what, but... yikes.
Original Poster
#8 Old 22nd Dec 2024 at 4:00 PM
I guess it's a mixture of factors - a free game, people who don't know other Sims games, people who have invested far too much money in TS4 (even with sales) and feel bound to defend it no matter what, and, of course, trolls in general: in TS/TS2 times I was a member of two other forums and both folded because of them.

Quote: Originally posted by Casimir
Home regions by Kuttoe ...

However, I was given a lot of great advice here, and I also feel comfortable on MTS; discussions don't get out of hand even when people disagree, at least in my experience.
Test Subject
#9 Old 22nd Dec 2024 at 4:53 PM Last edited by dikosay77 : 22nd Dec 2024 at 5:04 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Flaygor

HOWEVER I have had bucket loads of fun and emotional moments playing all 3 later versions. It's just that after all this time I would have expected such a hugely well off company like EA to have a product that runs properly.

THIS is what blows my mind.

You would think that EA/Maxis would have produced a much better game after 4 tries and 20 or so years of producing such a game. So, what does that say about experience?

Or, perhaps, the question is, what does that say about the love of money?

Who care how sh*tty something is as long as it brings in the dough, huh? Well, I guess that's the way of the world nowadays.

Indeed, the Sims 4 can't last forever (can it?) Makes me wonder what Sims 5 - or whatever the hell it'll be called - will be like. And there will be another try at producing Sims 5. The love of money dictates it. It'll probably be AI powered and very sophisticated . . .

. . . and messy, too. I mean, who at EA cares if it's messy or not? As long as it'll make the dough.

--- (If you think about it, making dough is kinda messy. I remember my mother and grandmother making cakes and pies in the past. Afterward, they were always covered in flour and pieces of scrap dough all over their hands.) ---
Mad Poster
#10 Old 22nd Dec 2024 at 11:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by pico22
I guess it's a mixture of factors - a free game, people who don't know other Sims games, people who have invested far too much money in TS4 (even with sales) and feel bound to defend it no matter what...

There are some 4 players I am sure that see no issues with it and live in lala land but they are not here as do not last long. 4 has some issues for sure. Sad thing though is this has pretty much just turned into another trash it thread which is the norm on this site now. And in part why so little activity here now.

Enjoy the good things, and note the issues. 4 has some things that were well done. And it also has things that were not. And as per prior versions there are CC and mods to make it more of a game that we want. YAY for that. And thank you to the people that do them for us.
Original Poster
#11 Old 23rd Dec 2024 at 2:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by daisylee
Enjoy the good things, and note the issues.

That's the recipe.
There are quite a few good things in the game, but most of them are details that you notice - and sometimes laugh at - in passing. (One detail I hate, though, is Sims constantly looking at their phones. That's quite realistic, of course, but I hate it in RL as well.)
The two real issues for me:
- too easy. Mods can help but they can't do everything.
I recently started TS(1) once more. Now that is a really hard game, from the time when men were men and games were games. Just keeping your Sim reasonably content from morning till evening is quite a chore.
- not enough space, No mods for that, AFAIK.
I've been playing Pitchfork (an empty TS2 'hood from MTS) for years and I still have space for more Sims. - The only reason I find Newcrest useful in TS4.
Test Subject
#12 Old 24th Dec 2024 at 12:26 AM
Yeah, like daisylee said this has become a trash thread on this forum. And I am one of those who did a lot of trashing. I did it because I am one who played all the games from 1. After 3, I expected more. and became butt-hurt because I didn't get it.

Indeed, I play the Sims as more of a hobby than anything else. I do spend a lot of time on it, trying to set up my own scenarios instead of using Maxis'. I stopped spending a lot of money on it after Horse Ranch. Indeed, mods help, but as said, they don't do everything. And that's understandable.

With this post, I end my trashing of 4, especially since I don't own For Rent, Lovestruck or Life & Death. Maybe those packs do improve the play. I don't really know and am too afraid of wasting my money to find out.

In any case, to both those who unconditionally love 4, and those - like me - who have a love/hate relationship with it, Merry Christmas - or, if preferred, Happy Holidays - to all.
Smeg Head
#13 Old 25th Dec 2024 at 6:44 PM Last edited by coolspear1 : 25th Dec 2024 at 7:07 PM.
Here a mess, there a mess, and now Merry Christmess

Why the heck not? Happy holidays, folks. 2025. 25 years of the Sims. What could that possibly hold? I thought these last few years, 2025, 25th Anniversary of The Sims, would be an absolute marketing godsend to launch Sims 5. TS5 for 25 in 2025, you simply could not fail with that once-in-a-lifetime hook. I thought EA would, surely, take every advantage of this.

Errr, nope. Fucking dumbasses, through and through. "Here's a new Kit for TS4 for our sims to wear 25th Anniversary Slippers for the whole family, even the cats, dogs and horses! Beautifully engraved by the CC creator we are collaborating with this month." Yay! Fucking dumbasses.

Though if you spend your money on that, I don't know who the bigger dumbass is.

"Become a government informer. Betray your family and friends. Fabulous prizes to be won!" Red Dwarf - Back to Reality.

Find all my TS4 mods and lots here: Main Website - simsasylum.com My Section - coolspear's Mods & Lots
Test Subject
#14 Old 26th Dec 2024 at 1:13 AM
Quote: Originally posted by pico22
That's the recipe.
Sims constantly looking at their phones.

Especially egregious with the werewolves doing their all on four run then they decide to browse their phones at the same time. It's just so incredibly ridiculous.
#15 Old 26th Dec 2024 at 1:47 PM
I know some of you don't want to use mods, but there is really a nice one for these things that Sims constantly do autonomously (like using their phone). It's called "less obsession" and is made by Chingyu. https://www.patreon.com/posts/less-obsession-54552921
You can pick and choose the ones you want.

You never know what’s comin’ for ya.
#16 Old 27th Dec 2024 at 6:07 AM
my one of pet peeves of the sims 4 is that sims need to constantly social more often. my sim was hungry, then made a meal, left it on counter, and went socialize with anyone. the other day, my sim made a drink then went disturbing my sim's other half who was still painting, so it was kinda difficult to make them focus on one task with autonomy on. then there's community lot that inactive sims love invading just to social when my sim and his other half just want to talk alone. and then there's my sim's stupid dog who is obsessed fighting with skunk in a bush.

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