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#1 Old 25th Dec 2024 at 5:22 AM
Default Sims 2 Exercise Machine
Hello all Simmers I hope you all can help Is there a "Working" Bike Exercise Machine that I can use for my GYM without the need of having Freetime ? I removed FT from my game it gave me problems, if there is a working Bike I can still use for my GYM without FT please share.

"Nothing in life is a Surprise it just happen to come your way at the time".
#2 Old 1st Jan 2025 at 5:19 AM
I don't think so, but what about FT gave you problems? Maybe it can be fixed. I think a lot of people are running the UC these days; rare to see someone uninstalling an EP.

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Meet Me In My Next Life
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#3 Old 5th Jan 2025 at 2:31 AM
@PhantomKnight Thanks for your reply, but to be honest I have no idea what UC is ( Enlighten me lol ) all my Eps are disk that you have to download to installed.
I have all SIms 2 From base game up to Seasons. I do have BV and FT but not installed for me to install I will have to search for updated hacks that will continue to work with the hacks I already have. With BV and FT some of the hacks would not work without an update if I added those into my game.

As Of now all my Hacks work perfect with Seasons, why break it if it's not broken. ( lol )
I did find some updates but very few I did not want to stop my game play because Of hacks I would have to change in order to work with those two EPs if added to Seasons.
I had my Sims EP way back when they first came out. I think you and I join this site together in 2007 ( Old School ) lol

"Nothing in life is a Surprise it just happen to come your way at the time".
Mad Poster
#4 Old 5th Jan 2025 at 6:13 AM Last edited by simmer22 : 5th Jan 2025 at 6:28 AM.
UC = Ultimate Collection, the full collection of all the packs put together by EA as a digital download, and was available for a short(ish) time for free at Origin, back in 2014/2015.

I've probably seen a deco exercise bike somewhere (the "where" of it I have no memory of, though), but I'm not so sure you'd find a working one that doesn't require FT.

If the issue is that your mods need updating to be compatible with FT, then I'm reasonably sure it would be possible to find updates for most of the mods (maybe all?). It's likely a big job, but not impossible (maybe a bit difficult if you've got a lot of Squinge's mods, since Insim is currently down).
#5 Old 5th Jan 2025 at 6:31 AM
Ok, so if you're not updating your EPs because you're worried about mod conflicts, I have to say, that's a bit silly--there's so many creators and modders nowadays that most mods I've seen have either been updated to be compatible or recreated by a newer modder. And you're already here on MTS in the WCIF section no less--tell us what's in your folder and the community will help you find the right updated mods. Chances are, we have some of them! So we know what to tell you to look for. You could have a true rare gem that hasn't been updated nor can be replaced by a newer mod, but I've found that really isn't the case for most simmers.

Plus, I have to say that there are some pretty cool new things the community has created that require either AL/MG, or a No-CD version MG. Like the Separates for All mod by Lazy Duchess, for example. That's actually the reason why I switched from using my disks and the TS2 Store Edition to using the UC, or Ultimate Collection and the Sims2RPC, a modified launcher, also by Lazy Duchess, that allows for improved graphics, and applies a fix for First-born Syndrome. The UC is the digital complication that EA released a few years ago. It's actually not as up to date as the Store Edition (which is why I was still using that), but it's way easier to install than the disks on a modern computer. (I had even made copies of my old disks years ago for manual installs, but even then some CD drives would give me issues when it came time for the new EP to update the old one. In contrast, installing the UC is pretty painless once you find a good file to download.)

So, if you're not installing later EPs because you don't like the functionality and new additions in them, that's one thing, but if you're just worried about updating your mods--well, like I said, tell us what you have and we can help you find the updated mod. Plus we can help you troubleshoot any issues with EPs. Like what exactly were the problems you were experiencing with FT? Maybe we can help you troubleshoot it. And if you do decide to move to the UC like I did, we can help you with that, too.

"Thinking of you, wherever you are. We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend." - Kingdom Hearts

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aka Kelyns | she/her
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#6 Old 5th Jan 2025 at 7:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Phantomknight
The UC is the digital complication that EA released a few years ago. It's actually not as up to date as the Store Edition (which is why I was still using that), but it's way easier to install than the disks on a modern computer.

The store edition that followed some of the original collection packs (Fun With Pets, etc.) was causing people some issues, so probably a good thing it wasn't included in the UC. I'm not sure, but it's possible the first version of the UC included the Store Edition, but was removed in an update. It doesn't appear the Store version had any real use in the game - it was mainly for use with the EA Store (I never used it, never had any reason to miss it, and reasonably sure items from the store worked fine with the game even without the Store edition, exception being the two baby items that either required AL/M&G or the Store version to work).
Meet Me In My Next Life
Original Poster
#7 Old 8th Jan 2025 at 4:13 AM Last edited by Simonut : 8th Jan 2025 at 5:05 AM.
@Phantomknight Quote Originally posted by you So, if you're not installing later EPs because you don't like the functionality and new additions in them, that's one thing, but if you're just worried about updating your mods--well, like I said, tell us what you have and we can help you find the updated mod. Plus we can help you troubleshoot any issues with EPs. Like what exactly were the problems you were experiencing with FT? Maybe we can help you troubleshoot it. And if you do decide to move to the UC like I did, we can help you with that, too.

Thanks for your reply Some of the Mods I have are the known Great Modders and have retired Like Numenor, Carrigon, Merola, Hunter, just to name a few.
My mods are old school and some of those modders have left the community even Pescado and Squinge, BO, Lord Darcy, Cyjon, Two Jeff's, Inge I have their mods and some of these people mods are not updated and they are not as active to do so. Even Chris Hatch Mods ( for Adults Only ) are still as is. Hunting for updates for all the mods I have is like a rabbit hunt and will be very time - consuming. And I am sure some of my mods you can not find anymore they are rare. Anyway I don't want to stress myself out over FT or BV there are a few things I did not like within those two Eps especially BV if I was to add one back it would be FT. In my own personal opinion I think EA best Eps are NL and Seasons. I will still hope to find mods that will blend in with what I already have and can work with FT if I should add it back.

@simmer22 Thank you as well for your input.

"Nothing in life is a Surprise it just happen to come your way at the time".
Mad Poster
#8 Old 8th Jan 2025 at 5:27 AM Last edited by simmer22 : 8th Jan 2025 at 1:14 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Simonut
My mods are old school and some of those modders have left the community even Pescado and Squinge, BO, Lord Darcy, Cyjon, Two Jeff's, Inge I have their mods and some of these people mods are not updated and they are not as active to do so. Even Chris Hatch Mods ( for Adults Only ) are still as is. Hunting for updates for all the mods I have is like a rabbit hunt and will be very time - consuming. And I am sure some of my mods you can not find anymore they are rare. Anyway I don't want to stress myself out over FT or BV there are a few things I did not like within those two Eps especially BV if I was to add one back it would be FT. In my own personal opinion I think EA best Eps are NL and Seasons. I will still hope to find mods that will blend in with what I already have and can work with FT if I should add it back.

Finding FT-compatible mods shouldn't be difficult. Most old-school modders kept a version going for at least a couple or so packs back, and some of them had all of their versions available (Squinge and Pescado in particular). Pretty sure all of these updated to AL/M&G.

Pescado has an archive of mods for most of the games. You can select by EP. Everything important was updated up to AL/M&G. http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/ffs/
Squinge's archive at Insim (if the site ever goes back up again) was sorted (mostly) by EP. Most mods were at least EP6/EP7/EP8+ compatible, while some even go back to much earlier EPs.
BO - Don't think they're active, but mods are updated for the latest EPs, possibly compatible with older ones: https://www.leefish.nl/mybb/forumdisplay.php?fid=73
TwoJeffs - there's an archive of their mods at Simfileshare. https://simfileshare.net/folder/92516/
Inge - Site is still up, and mods are marked with which EPs they work for/multiple versions of mods. https://simlogical.com/sl/Sims2Pages/Sims2.htm
Chris - I have no idea about compatibility, but a lot of his stuff is archived here: https://simfileshare.net/folder/23917/ + https://simfileshare.net/folder/89012/ (I think he's got an archive of his own, too - couldn't find it when searching). Most is very likely AL/M&G unless otherwise noted.
Cyjon - http://cyjon.net/
Lord Darcy - not sure where they were most active, but here's their MTS page: https://modthesims.info/m/159869 (looks like their mods were updated to AL/M&G, so you're likely to find FT ones, too).

And so on. Most mods are possible to find still, and quite a lot of them are both updated to the latest EPs and still available for some of the lower EPs. There are exceptions, but you're very likely to find alternatives to those.

Just because you find "old" mods doesn't mean they're not updated or won't work for your game. FT came out in 2007, and AL/M&G came out in 2008 - mods that worked then but weren't updated since can still work just as fine as mods that were updated yesterday.
Mad Poster
#9 Old 8th Jan 2025 at 1:07 PM
All those modders quit modding long after the final Sims 2 EPs came out, so there shouldn't be a problem finding updated mods.

I have the UC and mods from them still work. I'm surprised that you don't have the UC. You were around when EA was giving it away.
Meet Me In My Next Life
Original Poster
#10 Old 9th Jan 2025 at 2:46 AM Last edited by Simonut : 9th Jan 2025 at 3:57 AM.
@simmer22 Thanks you left some good finders in your post # 8 for me to once again go on a hunt for You was very clear as to what you posted thank you.

@Charity Thanks for your comment, Yes a lot of the Great Modders are in retirement I probably will add just FT back I have both BV and FT still in the box since the day I return them back in the box. I think It will be FT that I will hunt down mods for to add to my Last install which is Seasons.
I really don't remember when EA was giving out UC all I know is I installed from the disk and download all my games .
But to start my games up on my PC I use ( the pirate Seasons ) because the ones I pay money to buy the Seasons disk over time worn out after buying it two times.
Then someone turn me on to what to do.

"Nothing in life is a Surprise it just happen to come your way at the time".
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#11 Old 9th Jan 2025 at 1:12 PM
@Simonut You can install Sims 2 UC by following the guide here:
Links and tech help available there. And then, tell us here exactly what mods you are using that you want for the UC, and we can help you to find the updated versions.

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#12 Old 14th Jan 2025 at 4:51 AM Last edited by Simonut : 14th Jan 2025 at 5:04 AM.
@simsample I just came on line today and saw your comment. You are always so kind and helpful to all of us here, ( thank you ) Is the UC better than what I already have?
I have the base game it came with holidays included also I add GL stuff, then after that all of the Eps up to FT BV but I am using Seasons as my last installed.
As far as my mods some are rare and hard to find.

Do this UC have all the games of Sims 2? And I think a lot depend on your computer rams how much you can take for the game to work smoothly.
Some of my mods are for Adults only and with censor remove and parts added on. I try to have a more realistic game also special skins with body shapes and build
I do use Chris Hatch adults only mods.

If using UC will break what I already have and how my game run than having it may not be worth it.
I most likely will add FT honestly I have so many mods for this and that. I will do a study as to what I need to add to FT and check to see what mods I need to update .
I am grateful for your help if needed Thank again.

"Nothing in life is a Surprise it just happen to come your way at the time".
Mad Poster
#13 Old 14th Jan 2025 at 5:05 AM Last edited by simmer22 : 14th Jan 2025 at 5:21 AM.
The UC (the original Origin version, anyway) has all the EPs and SPs. It's the full game, already patched (the Origin version has a slight issue with one or two borked files from the Holiday packs, but there's a fix for it).

Most mods these days (and quite a lot of older mods - I dare say most of the more useful ones) were/are updated for AL/M&G, which are the latest EPs (and included in the UC). You're very likely to find most of (perhaps even all of) the mods you currently have as updated mods for AL/M&G. These days it's much easier to find mods updated for all packs than trying to find mods for non-AL/M&G games.

Having all the packs can affect the game somewhat - if you run the game on a "potato" with crappy specs, it will likely cause lag and all that. If you've got an average but decent computer that can handle a bit of gaming, and as long as you don't throw a ton of CC at the game, having all the packs should be fine. If you've got a gaming computer, it shouldn't have any problems with the game (apart from setup issues, that is - the usual "getting the game to run"/pink-flash troubleshooting/etc. which is almost more common on gaming computers than on a "potato" )
Meet Me In My Next Life
Original Poster
#14 Old 14th Jan 2025 at 11:11 PM
@simmer22 Thanks you again I was lol when you said POTATO because I still use Window 7 I refuse to update my computer I had it from the floor up custom made around ( 2011 ) cost me too much money than I could afford. But until this day the system never gave me problems. At the time I had all good specs place within I am still thinking if I should get UC or not.
Thanks again for your kind help.

"Nothing in life is a Surprise it just happen to come your way at the time".
Mad Poster
#15 Old 14th Jan 2025 at 11:47 PM
^ Windows 7 doesn't mean potato - my old gaming computer ran on Win Vista, and the laptop after that on Win7, and those performed decently (I'd much rather go back to Win7 than the nightmare fuel of Win10/11...). My old "potato" from 2006 with XP even did reasonably well after the circumstances (everything up to FT and roughly 10 GB of CC, with no dedicated graphics and just 512 mb RAM, though it spent 3 hours loading ).

Most computers today have at least somewhat decent specs, for use with older games. For use with TS2 I'd say steer clear of anything smaller than a 15'' laptop, anything "ultra-thin", anything clearly advertised as a very cheap "for school/work" PC/laptop (they've got just enough juice to run internet and Word together, if you're lucky), and macs (just a bother if you want to play games on it - you can get a better PC/laptop for half the price). Having a gaming PC/laptop, or something custom-made definitely does help on performance (but with newer hard/software comes potential compatibility issues).

Windows 7 is less annoying around older games, too. Win10 barely accepts opening any programs...
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