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#1 Old 30th Dec 2024 at 3:26 PM
Default The sims 2 caravan cc
Does anyone know a working link for this caravan set please? Or something similar? Looking mainly for wheels and a trailer bar.

It's stuck at 1,638 B/s - 6.3 MB of 74.9 MB, 12 hours left... for like 2 hours and not changing

The door downloaded instantly and I have tried it a few times and keep getting stuck at the same download point.

Mad Poster
#2 Old 30th Dec 2024 at 6:05 PM
Simfileshare has generally been slow most of December. Give it a few more days, and hopefully when people are out of holiday (and downloading/uploading) mode, it'll return to faster speeds. Could also depend on time of day (for me, evenings are generally slow going, but early morning/noon the downloads are faster. Depends where you live, though). Larger downloads are also slower (less than 5 mb doesn't take too much time, but climbing over 10 mb could take minutes to hours).
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retired moderator
#3 Old 2nd Jan 2025 at 8:57 PM
@awesomekateface Did you manage to get this downloaded? Could you share the download link please (I can't view SimPearls as I don't have an account).

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#4 Old 2nd Jan 2025 at 9:25 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
@awesomekateface Did you manage to get this downloaded? Could you share the download link please (I can't view SimPearls as I don't have an account).

Not awsomekateface but here @simsample
https://www.simfileshare.net/download/978021/ set
https://www.simfileshare.net/download/978109/ doors

I have found this set to be invaluable for very poor sims as everything costs only $1 You might find this great or annoying depending on your perspective. I have a feeling someone upgraded this set, but I can't recall what or who.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
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retired moderator
#5 Old 3rd Jan 2025 at 12:09 AM
Thanks @joandsarah77 They won't download for me either; I can get really tiny files to download but anything larger than a few kb stall and then fail. I think we will have to keep our fingers crossed that SFS will be fixed soon.

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#6 Old 3rd Jan 2025 at 12:16 AM
I think we are all having trouble with Sim file share. I tried downloading the sims 2 Sunset vally a couple of days ago and it took hours to reach 97% and then it sat there unmoving. Let me know if you can get it or I can rar each one up. The add on I also have is windows that open and close by Gummi.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Lab Assistant
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#7 Old 5th Jan 2025 at 11:15 AM
No they never did, I tried again today but nothing. Just gets stuck.

Will try again in a few weeks.
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retired moderator
#8 Old 5th Jan 2025 at 11:56 AM
Re: Simsfileshare Tashiketh says that Nysha is aware of the SFS problems, and that they will be doing some work to upgrade the server soon. So we shall be patient!

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#9 Old 5th Jan 2025 at 4:22 PM
Had it on all day today and it worked!

I have added it here (I hope that is allowed, will remove if not) it's Talja conversion of Madaya74 set.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  Caravan Set.rar (74.95 MB, 18 downloads)
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