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Mad Poster
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#1 Old 4th Jan 2025 at 4:07 AM
Default zombie breeding
I have a hack that allows zombies to give birth (without it, the whole game glitches). But now I can't figure out how to get them pregnant. I know I could use the hack that "cures" zombie, but isn't there another way?
Also: I've seen a hack that makes babies born of creatures inherit that trait. Anyone?

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#2 Old 4th Jan 2025 at 5:53 AM
Quote: Originally posted by grammapat
[...] I've seen a hack that makes babies born of creatures inherit that trait. Anyone?
I believe that's Midge's Hereditary Supernaturalism. Just FYI, though, I see nothing in the write-up about zombies, because they don't age by default.

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Quote: Originally posted by DooMStalK
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Mad Poster
Original Poster
#3 Old 6th Jan 2025 at 3:53 AM
Thanks for the mod. As for the zombies; yes their default to not age is the thing I want to get around. Even with a mod to age them up, I can't age zombies to die.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Forum Resident
#4 Old 6th Jan 2025 at 6:50 AM
I checked BO's Slow Aging Controller https://www.leefish.nl/mybb/thread-2419.html and Midgethetree's version for it with added vampires and fairies https://midgethetree.tumblr.com/tagged/dl%20vampires , but none of them include zombies.

In theory it should be possible to add zombies to the mix as well, but I don't know enough about modding to help with that. Maybe someone else here can though? That's in principle pretty much what you're looking for, and you can easily adjust it to your own preferences.

Hereditary Supernaturalism doesn't include zombies either, probably because of the not aging thing.
Mad Poster
#5 Old 6th Jan 2025 at 1:48 PM
Don't vampires not age as well though?
Forum Resident
#6 Old 6th Jan 2025 at 7:25 PM
Not by default, but with midge's mod they age every Sunday. That's why I figure it'd work with zombies too
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