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Mad Poster
#35226 Old 30th Jan 2025 at 2:47 AM
Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
Because they wanted that feature to be in the game? It would have been better to have some in-game explanation of what that did, but it was clearly something they wanted people to be able to do.

My guess - Maxis never got enough time to properly test the repercussions of binned occupied lots. Or if they were aware, never got enough dev time to properly fix it.

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

Mad Poster
#35227 Old 30th Jan 2025 at 3:00 AM
I'm sure they knew exactly what would happen, and just assumed that that's what players would want to happen. There's nothing inherently wrong with putting occupied lots into the bin, it just does something that most people don't want to do, and permanently moving sims between neighborhoods isn't really a big part of anyone's playstyle.
Mad Poster
#35228 Old 30th Jan 2025 at 11:43 AM
It seems to be more so in players who have moved from TS3 or TS4. I think that actually the main reason it isn't part of most people's playstyle is that we were all told repeatedly that it was very very bad and game breaking (which was of course wrong!) so we all developed ways of playing without doing that.

It might be a fun "ending" to an apocalypse style playthrough to create a big spaceship lot, place every survivor from the hood in it, and move them to a brand new, perhaps custom, neighbourhood to "rescue" them from the dilapidated landscape!

Check out my thoughts on Psymchology (Sim Psychology) - latest post is on the main six aspirations.
Mad Poster
#35229 Old 30th Jan 2025 at 11:50 AM
Quote: Originally posted by LauraPamplonaS
Does anyone know if there's a mod that disables sims getting membership cards to visit the hobby lots?

Depends. Do you want them not to exist at all? In which case, attach a totally empty version of Hobbies or don't let it attach at all. No more hobby lots. (If it's already attached you would need to make the subhood visible using the SimPE method and then delete it, or just delete the lots, I suppose). Plus No Hobby Stalkers, this combo gets rid of them all totally.

If you want them to exist but for the cards to have to be given manually, I am not sure there is one for that. But I can highly recommend TunaIsAFish's Enthusiasm Overhaul. He basically discovered that enthusiasm is coded like skills, where the first few points are easy to get and the last few points are very hard to get, and he reversed it so sims don't constantly gain enthusiasm for things because they happen to do those activities randomly. His Food Enthusiasm Fix is also a must-have IMO - it stops all sims getting loads of cuisine enthusiasm just from eating.

Edit: Never mind, I missed that Nopke's update of No Hobby Stalkers has a no rewards version! Though the memberships can still be gained at work or school, so you'd need to use a mod to disable hobby chance cards too. https://modthesims.info/d/622669/no-hobby-stalkers.html

Check out my thoughts on Psymchology (Sim Psychology) - latest post is on the main six aspirations.
Mad Poster
#35230 Old 30th Jan 2025 at 12:39 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
It seems to be more so in players who have moved from TS3 or TS4. I think that actually the main reason it isn't part of most people's playstyle is that we were all told repeatedly that it was very very bad and game breaking (which was of course wrong!) so we all developed ways of playing without doing that.

It might be a fun "ending" to an apocalypse style playthrough to create a big spaceship lot, place every survivor from the hood in it, and move them to a brand new, perhaps custom, neighbourhood to "rescue" them from the dilapidated landscape!

But wasn't the point of the apocalypse challenge that your sims restore civilization by reaching the top of all the careers and lifting all of the restrictions, indicating that everything is back to normal after the last one? Why would they abandon the neighborhood after putting all that work into it?
Mad Poster
#35231 Old 30th Jan 2025 at 8:41 PM Last edited by M.M.A.A. : 30th Jan 2025 at 8:53 PM.
Is the sweater highlighted in the pic below a maxis hidden/lost and found item or do you all have it in your games? Just checking and in need of confirmation. (I already checked by searching through my Downloads folder but couldn't find anything - unless it's under a different name. No CC star so perhaps not, but you never know...)
Mad Poster
#35232 Old 30th Jan 2025 at 9:22 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
Edit: Never mind, I missed that Nopke's update of No Hobby Stalkers has a no rewards version! Though the memberships can still be gained at work or school, so you'd need to use a mod to disable hobby chance cards too. https://modthesims.info/d/622669/no-hobby-stalkers.html

Was about to link this one, then saw you'd already linked it.

Tried it out (the mystery sim version - the silent one is probably better for storytelling whenever I get back to that) after playing with the Curious brothers for a round or two. Those hobby stalkers sure are annoying! Had them running in left and right.

I don't think I've had a single sim visit a hobby lot since around the time I installed FT, so not quite sure what my sims need hobby cards for, but eh.
Mad Poster
#35233 Old 30th Jan 2025 at 9:25 PM
Quote: Originally posted by M.M.A.A.
Is the sweater highlighted in the pic below a maxis hidden/lost and found item or do you all have it in your games? Just checking and in need of confirmation. (I already checked by searching through my Downloads folder but couldn't find anything - unless it's under a different name. No CC star so perhaps not, but you never know...)
It's in my game as an ordinary base game adult male jumper:


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Mad Poster
#35234 Old 30th Jan 2025 at 10:22 PM
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
It's in my game as an ordinary base game adult male jumper:

Hehe! That was helpful! Thanks for checking!
#35235 Old 31st Jan 2025 at 2:21 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
Depends. Do you want them not to exist at all? In which case, attach a totally empty version of Hobbies or don't let it attach at all. No more hobby lots. (If it's already attached you would need to make the subhood visible using the SimPE method and then delete it, or just delete the lots, I suppose). Plus No Hobby Stalkers, this combo gets rid of them all totally.

If you want them to exist but for the cards to have to be given manually, I am not sure there is one for that. But I can highly recommend TunaIsAFish's Enthusiasm Overhaul. He basically discovered that enthusiasm is coded like skills, where the first few points are easy to get and the last few points are very hard to get, and he reversed it so sims don't constantly gain enthusiasm for things because they happen to do those activities randomly. His Food Enthusiasm Fix is also a must-have IMO - it stops all sims getting loads of cuisine enthusiasm just from eating.

Edit: Never mind, I missed that ...Nopke's update of No Hobby Stalkers has a no rewards version! Though the memberships can still be gained at work or school, so you'd need to use a mod to disable hobby chance cards too. https://modthesims.info/d/622669/no-hobby-stalkers.html

THANK YOU! Yes, I'm actually thinking about not having the hobbies subhood exist at all, so that they never get memberships to these secret lots, I just didn't know that was possible. I'm using the outdated version of the no hobby stalkers mod, so thanks for letting me know about the update!!!
Mad Poster
#35236 Old 31st Jan 2025 at 2:46 AM
They get the cards whether the membership lots exist or not. They just aren't good for anything.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
#35237 Old 31st Jan 2025 at 3:06 PM
What is causing me to be incapable of changing any settings in this item in SimPe?
Field Researcher
#35238 Old Yesterday at 1:52 AM Last edited by Craft90 : Yesterday at 2:06 AM.
I have an issue with some of my CC. I have this EB Sims buildpack. It's a game store pack. I loaded an old lot I made and I noticed an issue. Some of the shelves had lost their textures. Instead showing what seems to be part of a skintone(?) I'm not sure what happened... and I can't seem to find where I downloaded it from. Maybe I have an old backup somewhere... but would that work even? Any advice on how to fix the issue?

Edit. found a backup... no help. I wonder if it's because I fiddled with a skintone changer mod from here? Maybe it corrupted something.
The Babel fish is a dead giveaway
retired moderator
#35239 Old Yesterday at 11:37 AM
Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
What is causing me to be incapable of changing any settings in this item in SimPe?

What version of SimPE are you using? Mine works when I select a clothing item. I'm on 075qa for that screenshot.

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Lab Assistant
#35240 Old Yesterday at 11:48 AM
Last month I bought a new computer and installed the Ultimate Collection. Now I am slowly moving my CC back and want only to keep what is really necessary. Does anyone now, if I still nead the braedfruit tree fix? Or is it fixed in the Ultimate version?
Mad Poster
#35241 Old Yesterday at 12:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by BinahLaGoaty
Last month I bought a new computer and installed the Ultimate Collection. Now I am slowly moving my CC back and want only to keep what is really necessary. Does anyone now, if I still nead the braedfruit tree fix? Or is it fixed in the Ultimate version?

I still have the fix and I have the UC.
Lab Assistant
#35242 Old Yesterday at 1:34 PM
Ok, I will keep it then. Thank you.
#35243 Old Yesterday at 2:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
What version of SimPE are you using? Mine works when I select a clothing item. I'm on 075qa for that screenshot.

I'm not sure...
It's not a constant problem. Some items, I can easily click anything, and others, it's just greyed out.
The Babel fish is a dead giveaway
retired moderator
#35244 Old Yesterday at 3:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
I'm not sure...
It's not a constant problem. Some items, I can easily click anything, and others, it's just greyed out.

Are the items that don't work repoed or otherwise unusual? Maybe the scanner isn't able to reconcile something.

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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Field Researcher
#35245 Old Yesterday at 9:42 PM
What are the requirements for a sim to get scared by a ghost? I haven't had ghosts in a house for ages as I usually transfer them to a cemetery right away. My one sim had his wife die and her ghost keeps reenacting her death (from disease, poor dear) all over the lot but he hasn't been scared by, or even seems to notice, her at all. Is there some requirement a sim has to meet to be scared by a ghost?
Field Researcher
#35246 Old Yesterday at 11:00 PM
Is there a risk for rabid rodent fever in Sims 2? I know it can happen in Sims 1 and 4, but what about Sims 2/3?
Mad Poster
#35247 Old Yesterday at 11:01 PM
Is there a boolProp SetQuarterTilePlacement, or just without the boolprop?

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Mad Poster
#35248 Old Yesterday at 11:33 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
Is there a boolProp SetQuarterTilePlacement, or just without the boolprop?

boolProp QuarterTilePlacementEnabled true
can be used as "always on" (but you still need to activate/deactivate with Ctrl+F. Much easier to remember when there's no cheat to type, though - and yes, it does work in the startup cheat. I've had it there ever since I came across this version of the cheat, and I definitely use it more now than earlier)
Field Researcher
#35249 Old Today at 12:39 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Craft90
Is there a risk for rabid rodent fever in Sims 2? I know it can happen in Sims 1 and 4, but what about Sims 2/3?

Not in a vanilla game but simler90 and Midge the Tree both have mods for that.
Field Researcher
#35250 Old Today at 1:08 AM
Quote: Originally posted by pinkdynamite
Not in a vanilla game but simler90 and Midge the Tree both have mods for that.

Whew. I was worried for a sec it might be something I've to deal with. I'd rather not risk it.
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