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#51 Old 25th Dec 2022 at 1:28 AM
Quote: Originally posted by beestew
Yes! See this thread. Clone your food of choice via the object workshop with all the boxes unticked to create an override, and delete everything but your modified BCON. Save that to a package and you're good to go - and if it's a custom food, no need to clone, just edit it directly

Wow, awesome! Thanks so much for the response and for this mod in general!!
Test Subject
#52 Old 26th Dec 2022 at 3:28 AM
Quote: Originally posted by beestew
RE: The folks curious about Sun&Moon compatibility - I do have a solution in mind which would have the additional benefit of greatly simplifying the process of adding new ingredients - it'll likely be some time before it is implemented. Well done to those who managed to modify the mod to their tastes regardless! I'll keep backwards compatibility in mind.

I'm thoroughly humbled and grateful of the continued interest in this mod.

I actually got it working! I've successfully added Sun & Moons Harvestables - so far I've just done it with artichokes, and am starting on the others shortly.
The way Sun & Moon create their harvestables actually makes it perfect for your mod! The only thing we have to do, is to set the harvestables to be buyable in the catalogue (don't buy them from the catalogue for the mod, just harvest them from Sun & Moon stations - tested as working with artichokes so far), and from there just add them to your mod via your wonderful tutorial!

I'm happy to help anyone through the process.
Lab Assistant
#53 Old 30th Dec 2022 at 1:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by literarygoth
I actually got it working! I've successfully added Sun & Moons Harvestables - so far I've just done it with artichokes, and am starting on the others shortly.
The way Sun & Moon create their harvestables actually makes it perfect for your mod! The only thing we have to do, is to set the harvestables to be buyable in the catalogue (don't buy them from the catalogue for the mod, just harvest them from Sun & Moon stations - tested as working with artichokes so far), and from there just add them to your mod via your wonderful tutorial!

I'm happy to help anyone through the process.

This is so exciting! Thank you for doing the testing and figuring out a workaround.
Test Subject
#54 Old 31st Dec 2022 at 12:37 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Mortia
This is so exciting! Thank you for doing the testing and figuring out a workaround.

Confirmed that corn, grain, and rice are working as well. I've had some issues with the debugger recognizing them, but harvesting from Sun & Moon custom harvestable stations (grain/rice field, etc) confirmed as working with Food Overhaul.
The ingredients that I couldn't get to work, is the prepared vegetables and fruit from Preserves - which makes me really sad because that would have just been so lovely, not to mention would have been a great short cut XD rather than adding every single harvestable fruit/vegetable manually.
Test Subject
#55 Old 2nd Jan 2023 at 11:26 PM
Quote: Originally posted by literarygoth
I actually got it working! I've successfully added Sun & Moons Harvestables - so far I've just done it with artichokes, and am starting on the others shortly.
The way Sun & Moon create their harvestables actually makes it perfect for your mod! The only thing we have to do, is to set the harvestables to be buyable in the catalogue (don't buy them from the catalogue for the mod, just harvest them from Sun & Moon stations - tested as working with artichokes so far), and from there just add them to your mod via your wonderful tutorial!

I'm happy to help anyone through the process.

That's awesome!!

Sorry for the dumb question but what do you have to modify to make the object buyable in the catalogue?
Test Subject
#56 Old 8th Jan 2023 at 1:25 AM
Quote: Originally posted by popcorns
That's awesome!!

Sorry for the dumb question but what do you have to modify to make the object buyable in the catalogue?

Apologies for my delayed response.
Not a dumb question at all.

First, open up the item you want to make buyable/make into an ingredient with SimPE. Then click on OBJD, left side of the screen. Then click on the file that shows up on the right side. For ex: you open the Sun&Moon Harvestable Produce File for Artichokes. Clicking OBJD brings up the Garden Crop Artichoke file on the right, click that. Down in the bottom of SimPE under the Object Data Editor you'll see two lists, Room Sort and Function Sort. You have to choose a Room Sort in order for an item to show up in the catalogue.

For custom foods I want to make buyable, I click Kitchen under Room Sort, and under Function Sort I select appliances, and in the drop down menu I select Appliances/Miscellaneous, as I personally find that's the easiest place to remember to find buyable foods. Commit and save and you're done!

So far I've found, so long as you make the custom food buyable from the catalogue as explained above, that that item can be used as a custom ingredient for Food Overhaul - excepting, so far, the prepared fruits & vegetables from Sun&Moon Preserves. Those I've just not been able to get working no matter what I try, so it's beyond me to figure out what is going wrong.
Test Subject
#57 Old 8th Jan 2023 at 9:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by literarygoth
Apologies for my delayed response.
Not a dumb question at all.

First, open up the item you want to make buyable/make into an ingredient with SimPE. Then click on OBJD, left side of the screen. Then click on the file that shows up on the right side. For ex: you open the Sun&Moon Harvestable Produce File for Artichokes. Clicking OBJD brings up the Garden Crop Artichoke file on the right, click that. Down in the bottom of SimPE under the Object Data Editor you'll see two lists, Room Sort and Function Sort. You have to choose a Room Sort in order for an item to show up in the catalogue.

For custom foods I want to make buyable, I click Kitchen under Room Sort, and under Function Sort I select appliances, and in the drop down menu I select Appliances/Miscellaneous, as I personally find that's the easiest place to remember to find buyable foods. Commit and save and you're done!

So far I've found, so long as you make the custom food buyable from the catalogue as explained above, that that item can be used as a custom ingredient for Food Overhaul - excepting, so far, the prepared fruits & vegetables from Sun&Moon Preserves. Those I've just not been able to get working no matter what I try, so it's beyond me to figure out what is going wrong.

Thanks so much!! Now artichokes and the like work for me too(:

I wonder why Whole Chicken/Pheasant/etc work without making them accessible from the buy mode.

I also can't get Fresh Eggs to work, even if I make them buyable and add a BHAV to allow it to be put in personal inventory. It's giving me an attribute error (Log attached if anyone is curious). Wonder if it's at all related to the reason preserves doesn't work?
Attached files:
File Type: txt  ObjectError_F001_t1449.txt (56.0 KB, 2 downloads)
File Type: txt  ObjectError_F001_t1577.txt (56.6 KB, 4 downloads)
Test Subject
#58 Old 15th Jan 2023 at 2:03 AM
Sorry for the spam, but after a considerable amount of time spent with sims tutorials and fruitless efforts, I've hit a wall. On my journey with this mod I noticed something interesting, and I wanted to describe it here in case someone who is familiar with modding might have some insight!

Okay, here we go!

So, I'm following beestew's wonderful tutorial, and going nuts adding ingredients. After a certain point, I noticed that the debugger is behaving oddly. Some pie menu interactions are missing. What might be the problem?

I do the typical stuff like looking for mod conflicts (none!).

Loading a clean save and turning on testingcheats immediately generates an error log when I prompt my sim to interact with a fridge.

"Error: Attribute number out of range." Bingo.

Could I have followed the tutorial wrong? I triple-checked every file. Reloaded the game. Still nothing.

I noticed in the tutorial that "Attribute number out of range" could be caused by failing to adjust the file BartekStu-FoodOverhaul-Controller-BETA-1.01.package. But that's not the issue here! I updated Text Lists (STR#) (1) > Number of Ingredients Stored. It contains all of my custom ingredients, which comes to 31 lines (picture attached). The last few items in the list are (29) is Duck Stored, (30) Butter Stored, and (31) Herbed Butter Stored, whose values are all corresponding to their cross-ref ID edited in the BCONS.

Maybe the secret lies in the error log? Having no idea what to actually look for, I just start aimlessly scroll through the thing. I find mostly gibberish that even google can't help me decipher.

But, persist, and if you make it to a section nearly alllllllll the way down, there's this part called Attributes (hey! That's in the name of my error!), and here's what it says:

The attributes listed in my error log are missing the last two (30) butter and (31) herbed butter! Hmm...Could these be my missing attributes generating my error?

Time for more digging! Here's what sims wiki says: https://simswiki.info/wiki.php?titl...er_out_of_range

I try to implement this by going back to the Controller-BETA file (screenshot attached). In the Object Data (OBJD) (1) In Bartek Stu - Ingredient Controller, under Raw Data tab there's a section called Data Space. There's a line 0x003A: num attributes | 0x001e (wtf does that mean? Oh. It's a Hexadecimal). The decimal value is 30! That's how many attributes are printed in my error log! The final attribute listed is 29) Duck Stored, but this is the 30th value since the list starts counting from 0. Is this the cause of my problems?

Let's see! I increase the num attributes decimal value to 32, save the file in SimPE, delete all my logs and accessory.cache just for superstition, and very pleased with myself, I launch the game!

Aaaaand, guess what happens?

Error: Attribute number out of range.

I close the game, and reopen SimPE, and check the file I just adjusted. Lo and behold, 0x003A num attributes has a value of 30 ! Again! Did I not adjust it? Did I forget to save?

I repeat this process 3 more times. Each time, I save the value to a number higher than 30 (does it need to be divisible by 4? 8? what if I set it to 100?). Each time, for some reason, the value resets itself back down to 30.

I am utterly defeated.

Does anyone know what's going on here?

..Do the gnomes living in my computer strongly prefer my sims to be able to make omelets out of fresh eggs?

If you've managed even to read to the end, thanks for the consideration
Attached files:
File Type: txt  ObjectError_F001_t1786.txt (80.5 KB, 5 downloads)
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#59 Old 17th Jan 2023 at 9:35 PM
Quote: Originally posted by popcorns
Sorry for the spam, but after a considerable amount of time spent with sims tutorials and fruitless efforts, I've hit a wall. On my journey with this mod I noticed something interesting, and I wanted to describe it here in case someone who is familiar with modding might have some insight!


I close the game, and reopen SimPE, and check the file I just adjusted. Lo and behold, 0x003A num attributes has a value of 30 ! Again! Did I not adjust it? Did I forget to save?

I repeat this process 3 more times. Each time, I save the value to a number higher than 30 (does it need to be divisible by 4? 8? what if I set it to 100?). Each time, for some reason, the value resets itself back down to 30.

I am utterly defeated.

Does anyone know what's going on here?

..Do the gnomes living in my computer strongly prefer my sims to be able to make omelets out of fresh eggs?

If you've managed even to read to the end, thanks for the consideration

popcorns, I hope that you will be pleased to know that it is possible to increase the number of attributes.

You are pressing the 'Commit' button before saving, right...?
Test Subject
#60 Old 4th Feb 2023 at 2:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by beestew
popcorns, I hope that you will be pleased to know that it is possible to increase the number of attributes.

You are pressing the 'Commit' button before saving, right...?

Ahh. Nope!

I'll play around today and see if I can get Fresh Eggs to work
Test Subject
#61 Old 6th Feb 2023 at 5:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by popcorns
Ahh. Nope!

I'll play around today and see if I can get Fresh Eggs to work

I greatly admire your dedication to keep going with all this! I basically put it down once I realized I couldn't get the prepared vegetables and prepared fruits to work as ingredients. I would prefer those to work as ingredients, as it cuts out the need to add every single S&M fruit or veggie, and would let me just add the animal products and other ingredients (like vinegar and oil) separately. But alas.

Anyone able to figure out why the mod won't recognize the prepared fruits and vegetables from S&M sets?
Test Subject
#62 Old 26th Feb 2023 at 6:34 PM
I've been playing with this mod for a while but recently, the debugger throws errors whenever I hover the mouse over it. Also, the collection file/folder will no longer show in game - i've tried putting it in the collection folder, the downloads folder, etc. with no luck. HCDU reports no conflicts so i'm kinda stumped. I just need one of these to work so I can have a way to buy ingredients.
Attached files:
File Type: txt  ObjectError_N002_t762838.txt (163.9 KB, 2 downloads)
Attachments Pending Approval
File Type: txt ObjectError_N002_t763268.txt
Test Subject
#63 Old 26th Feb 2023 at 9:42 PM
Quote: Originally posted by mrcsthernr
I've been playing with this mod for a while but recently, the debugger throws errors whenever I hover the mouse over it. Also, the collection file/folder will no longer show in game - i've tried putting it in the collection folder, the downloads folder, etc. with no luck. HCDU reports no conflicts so i'm kinda stumped. I just need one of these to work so I can have a way to buy ingredients.

NOTE: I also did the 50/50 method on my mods, and also took them out - neither of those methods did the trick.

SOLVED: So somehow, my K&B Stuff pack uninstalled itself and it took me a while to notice until I went looking for some of the specific objects for that pack. After re-installing the pack, I no longer get errors from the food debugger. So it must've been related to the missing program files. Whew! I was ready to exhaust all options to make this mod work - i love it too much.
Test Subject
#64 Old 5th Aug 2024 at 11:50 AM
My HCDU says this possibly conflicts with hexagonal bipyramid's trait mod "Family Oriented Sims can make Grandma Soup" or "No Need Aspiration Benefits"
Test Subject
#65 Old 10th Oct 2024 at 8:25 PM
Will the vegetarian trait plug-in still be done at some point?
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