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#1 Old Yesterday at 11:37 PM
Default Can't play in any resolution other than native
So, i bought the sims 1 legacy collection on origin/the ea app, but when i opened the game the neighborhood map was ridiculously small and cropped, the ui was tiny, and the game was way too zoomed out for my liking. There wasn't any way to change the games resolution and alt + enter did nothing, despite people saying it changes the resolution, so i decided to change my computers overall resolution temporarily while i play. But when i did that and opened the game, as soon as i enter a family the screen starts flickering black and it continues to do so until i either quit the game, or go in windowed mode. Normally I'd just play in windowed mode and not really care but in windowed mode it doesn't fully fit on the screen (because of an annoying border at the top) and part of the UI is cut off and i can't see the bottom 2 needs.

Does anyone have any advice? I posted this in 3 different subreddits and nobody even replied. Please help.
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