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#176 Old 11th Sep 2015 at 2:04 AM Last edited by Dsydk11 : 12th Sep 2015 at 1:12 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by Roseblossom90
Love the story and just have to ask... Are any of your male sims up for download? Please don't hate me. lol

I sent you a private messege with some downloads.
Field Researcher
#177 Old 22nd Nov 2015 at 6:50 PM
This is such a lovely story that I've been following for quite a while now. I was sad when Rhys died but he lived a hell of a life. I hope you continue with this.

My simblr
In the name of the Moon, i will right wrongs and triumph over evil, and that means YOU! ❤️
Original Poster
#178 Old 6th Jan 2016 at 11:41 PM
Thank you Steffyn for commenting on my story. Glad you are enjoying it. I received all the EP's for Christmas, so now I hope to continue writing about my families in Buford Falls.
Lab Assistant
#179 Old 4th Jul 2016 at 7:49 PM
Cute story, is there a new chapter soon ?
Original Poster
#180 Old 5th Jul 2016 at 10:22 PM
New chapters will be added soon. Thanks for reading.
Original Poster
#181 Old 5th Sep 2016 at 10:43 PM Last edited by Dsydk11 : 15th Sep 2016 at 12:15 AM.
Default Picket Fences! Part 113

You are invited to the wedding of Jason Anderson and Elizabeth Carras

Over at the new Buford Falls Chapel the wedding ceremony is about to begin. Come on in . . .

"Welcome family, friends and loved ones. We are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of Jason Anderson and Elizabeth Carras", said Rev. Mark Williams.

Nick and Jennifer Carass, parents of the bride were seated together.

Matthew Custer, half-brother of the bride attended. His father is Ryan Carlton.

Tony Carras, uncle of the bride, was with his wife Mary.

The bride's nephew and neice, Adam and Amy Lynn, were together.

Heather and Kevin Anderson, parents of the groom were seated together.

Joy Anderson, grandmother of the groom also attended.

The bride walked down the aisle, wearing a floor length white gown trimmed in lace and a finger tip white veil.

She joined her groom under the wedding arch. Then the pastor began the ceremony . . .

"Jason and Elizabeth, you have come here today to enter into a bond of marriage. I ask that you remember, as with any aspect of life, marriage is a journey, it has its ups and downs, its trials and its triumphs. You will not only be joined by the love you share, but also by your hopes, your dreams and by your promise to remain together through time as husband and wife", said the pastor.

"Jason, do you promise to love, honor, cherish and respect Elizabeth, to encourage her and stand by her for the rest of your life, and be her best friend forever and from this day forward, your heart will be her home? ", he asked.
"I do", said Jason.
"Elizabeth, do you promise to love honor, cherish and respect Jason, to encourage him and stand by him for the rest of your life, and be his best friend forever and from this day forward, your heart will be his home??", the pastor asked.
"I do", said Elizabeth.

Elizabeth placed a plain gold ring on Jason's finger and said ""With this ring I promise you my honesty, my trust and my love forever."

Jason placed a matching ring on Elizabeth's finger and said ""With this ring I promise you my honesty, my trust and my love forever."

'You have made your vows and promises to each other. From this moment forth, always look to your fortune and remember what you can create together. Remember, that at last, your lonely days are over. By the power of your love and the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

"Jason, you may kiss your bride!"

"Family and friends, I introduce to you for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Jason Anderson."

The Reception

Elizabeth cut the first slice of wedding cake . . .

And crammed it into Jason's mouth.

They both laughed at the joke.

The bride's father proposed a toast to the bride and groom.

The guests joined in.

The newlyweds left to start their life together.

To be continued . . .
Original Poster
#182 Old 15th Sep 2016 at 12:13 AM
Default Picket Fences! Part 114

Mary Lou died yesterday at her home.
She is survived by two daughters
Julie Martin and Carrie Carlton,
four grandchildren, Amanda Martin,
Jeffery Carlton, Joseph Carlton,
Brianna Carlton, three great-
grandchildren, Caleb Carlton,
Chloe Carlton and Rhys Martin,
son-in-law, Nathan Martin and
daughter-in-law, Lauren Carlton.
The funeral will be held at Buford
Falls Church, where she will be
buried beside her husband Peter.

Over at the church . . .

Rev. Mark Williams, the pastor of the church conducted the funeral services
"You the family and friends of Mary Lou have come today to pay your respects and say goodbye to a beloved mother, a loving grandmother and great-grandmother, a wonderful friend and a beloved patriach of Buford Falls."

Mary Lou's oldest daughter Julie was seated with her husband Nathan Martin.

Mary Lou's younger daughter Carrie Carlton was seated with her daughter Brianna Carlton.

Mary Lou's best friend Joy Anderson came to pay her respects.

Mary Lou's grandson Jeffery Carlton was seated with . . .

His son Rhys Martin and Amanda Martin (Mary Lou's adopted granddaughter and Rhys' mother).

Mary Lou's grandson Joseph and his wife Lauren were seated together.

Mary Lou's great-grandchildren, twins Caleb and Chloe Carlton were seated together.

"Life is but a stopping place, a pause in what's to be. We all have different journeys and paths along the way, and when the journey finally ends, we'll clain a great reward. You all here today will miss Mary Lou dearly, but should be grateful for having known her", said the pastor,"We will, at this time, go out to the cemetary for burial."

"The following poem was chosen by Mary Lou's daughters to remember her by . . .
"If my parting has left a void
Then fill it with remembered joy
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss
Oh yes, those things I too will miss
I could not stay another day
To laugh, to love, to work, to play
Tasks left undone will stay that way
I found that peace at the close of day."

After the funeral, the mourners left to go home . . .

To be continued
#183 Old 15th Sep 2016 at 5:28 AM
I'm so glad you kept this story going

Peace, Harmony & Balance... Libra is Love..
Original Poster
#184 Old 1st Oct 2016 at 10:05 PM
Default Picket Fences! Part 115

Picket Fences! Part 115

Like any other small town, Buford Falls' population is forever changing. Babies are born, elders die of old age, a few folks die from accidents and new families move into town . . .

The Stone Family moved to town from Veronaville shortly after Jacob's wife (Trisha) died. Jacob has a teenage daughter (Danica) and a teenage son (Jake) who live with him.

His two adult daughters (Madison and Raylie) live in The Town Apartments.

The Stevens Family moved to town recently from Pleasantview. The widowed father (Theodore) lives with his teenage son (Theo).

His two adult daughters (Carter and Brocklyn) live in The Town Apartments.

Brody Evans was raised by his single father (Cody) after his mother (Sara) died in childbirth. Brody moved to Buford Falls shortly after his father died in an accident.

The Morgan Family moved from Riverblossom Hills this past week. The parents (Michael and Isabella) have two daughters (Hailey, an adult and

Angela, a child) and a teenage son (Mattox). All their children live at home.

The Johnson Family recently moved from Veronaville. The parents (Thomas and Susan) have two adult daughters (Abby and Laci) who still live with them.

The neighbors of Buford Falls are happy to welcome these new families to their town.

To be continued . . .
Original Poster
#185 Old 27th Nov 2016 at 9:05 PM
Default Picket Fences! Part 116
Picket Fences! Part 116

At the Johnson Family's house . . .

Matthew Custer and his brother Jeffery Carlton came to welcome them to the neighborhood.

Abby invited them in and sit on the sofa with Matthew.
"How long have you lived in Buford Falls?", she asked.
"I was born and grew up here", he said.
"Does your family still live here?", she asked.
"Yeah, my mom, my step-dad, my dad, my sister, my half-brothers and my half-sister live here", he answered.
"Goodness! You have a big family!", she said.
"Yeah, kinda", he said.

Jeffery sit on the loveseat with her sister Laci.

After they got to know each other better, Matthew asked Abby to cuddle. They became best friends.

They cuddled and kissed.

Laci and Jeffery developed a crush on each other. The only difference between these two couples is that Jeffery and Laci are both Romance Sims and Matthew is a Popularity Sim and Abby, a Family Sim.

Matthew and Abby went outside and got in the hottub. They cuddled, kissed and developed a crush each another.

Laci and Jeffery also got in the hottub. They cuddled and kissed.

When they got out of the hottub, they chatted while eating lunchmeat sandwiches for lunch. Jeffery told the girls that Matthew was his half-brother.

Matthew grabbed Abby and gave her a kiss . . .

Then he and Jeffery left to go home.
To be continued . . .
Original Poster
#186 Old 29th Nov 2016 at 11:27 PM Last edited by Dsydk11 : 23rd Dec 2016 at 1:27 AM.
Default Picket Fences! Part 117

Picket Fences! Part 117

The next day over at Brody Evans' house . . .

Brianna Carlton and her brother Jeffery came to welcome him to the neighborhood. After chatting for awhile, Brody invited them to come inside.

Brody sat on the sofa and asked Brianna to join.
"Where did you live before you moved here?", she asked.
"I grew up in a small town in Texas. My mama died when I was born. My daddy raised me on his own. He up and died a few weeks ago", he answered.
"I'm sorry you've had such a rough life", she said.

"It ain't your fault", he said.

"I didn't mean it that way, silly", she said, nuzzling his neck

Then he asked her if she wanted to get in the hottub with him. "Okay", she said.

When they got in the hottub, Brianna said "You don't have any bathing trunks on."
"I'm a Leo, we go nude in the hottub. I thought everyone knew that", he said.

"Well, I didn't", she said, "Although, you do have a beautiful body."
"Yeah, I know", said Brody.

In the house, Jeffery called Laci Johnson and invited her over.
"Yes, I'll be there in a few", she said.

When she arrived, Jeffery greeted her with a romantic hug. "Do you want to join Brody and Brianna in the hottub?", he asked. "Yes, I would", she answered.

They got in the hottub, they cuddled and kissed,

After she got out of the hottub, Brianna left to go home . . .

And Jeffery and Laci soon followed.
To be continued . . .
Test Subject
#187 Old 9th Dec 2016 at 2:19 AM
Thank you for giving me a giggle today, I really needed it. The only thing I have to advise is "STAY OUT OF THE HOT TUB". Hahahahaha
Original Poster
#188 Old 18th Jan 2017 at 9:56 PM
Default Picket Fences! Part 118

Picket Fences! Part 118

At Brody's place, he called Brianna and invited her over.

"I'll be there in a few", she said.

When she arrived, he greeted her with a romantic kiss.

"I'm glad you came", he said.
"I'm always glad to see you", she said.

Brianna got in the hottub and Brody joined her. This time she wasn't surprised when he got in nude.

She motioned for him to "come here".

They cuddled.

They madeout and . . .

They did woo hoo!

"You were wonderful", she said.
"Yeah, I know", said Brody.

They went inside and ate spaghetti that Brianna fixed.

They cuddled on the sofa.

"I don't want you to think I do woo hoo with every goodlooking man I meet", she said, nuzzeling his neck.
"I would never think that", he laughed.

"I must go home. My mother will wonder what happened to me", she said.

Brody kissed her goodbye.

Then Brianna left to go home.
To be continued . . .
Original Poster
#189 Old 26th Jan 2017 at 1:20 AM
Default Picket Fences! Part 119

Picket Fences! Part 119

Over at the Carlton house, Brianna was sitting on the sofa with her mother Carrie.

"Mom, I met the most wonderful man last week. He's so goodlooking and he even owns a beautiful beachhouse", said Brianna.

"I'd love to meet him. Why don't you invite him over?", Carrie said.

"Alright, I will", she said.

She picked up the phone and called Brody.

"Can you come over? My mom would like to meet you", she said.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be there in a few minutes", he said.

When Brody arrived, he chatted with Carrie. They soon became friends.

She asked him to join her on the sofa.

"Where are you from?", Carrie asked.

"I come from a small town in Texas. After my daddy died, I moved here where my grandparents live", he answered.

Brianna joined them.

"Did Mom find out your whole life story?", she asked.

"No, we were just getting to know each other". said Brody.

Carrie went in the kitchen to fix macaroni and cheese for lunch.

In the living room, Carrie and Brody cuddled on the sofa.

"Will you come to my place tomorrow?", he asked.

"You know I will", she said, nuzzeling his neck.

He gave her a romantic kiss.

When she got lunch ready, Carrie called Brianna and Brody to meal.

After they finished lunch, Brianna told Brody goodbye.

"I'll see you tomorrow", she said.

"I can hardly wait", he said.

Then Brody left to go home.

On the other side of town, Matthew Custer called Abby Johnson and invited her over to his apartment. She said she would be delighted.

Matthew gave her a romantic hug when she arrived. They have been dating for the last few weeks.

They cuddled on the sofa.

He gave her a romantic kiss.

They madeout.

"I want to ask you something", he said.

"What is it?", she asked.

Matthew dropped to one knee and asked her if she would be engaged to him.

She admired the ring . . .

"Yes!', she said, hugging him.

To be continued . . .
Original Poster
#190 Old 29th Jan 2017 at 12:49 AM
Default Picket Fences! Part 120 Johnson and Custer Wedding

Picket Fences! Part 120

You're Invited to Abby and Matthew's wedding ceremony and reception

At Buford Falls Church the wedding of Abby Johnson and Matthew Custer is about to begin . . .

"Welcome family and friends. We gather here today to celebrate the wedding of Matthew and Abby. We share in this public commitment they make to one another, offer our love and support, so they may start their married life together surrounded by the people dearest and most important to them", said Rev. Nathan Jordan.

The bride's parents Thomas and Susan Johnson were seated together.

The bride's sister was escorted by her boyfriend Jeffery Carlton (the groom's half-brother)

The groom's mother and stepfather, Jennifer and Nick Carras were seated together.

The groom's half-sister, Elizabeth was escorted by her husband Jason Anderson.

The groom's father Ryan Carlton was with the groom's half-brother Joseph Carlton.

The bride entered the church and walked down the aisle. She was wearing a floor length white lace gown with a floor length veil.

The bride joined her groom under the pink flowered wedding arch.

"No ceremony can create a marriage. What a ceremony can do is whitness and affirm the choice to stand together as life mates and partners."

"So I ask now, Matthew, do you take this woman to be your wedded wife?", asked Rev. Jordan.
" I do", said Matthew.
"Abby, do you take this man to be your wedded husband?", he asked.
"I do", said Abby.

Matthew held up a plain gold wedding band and placed it on Abby's finger.

"I give you this ring, as a daily reminder of my love and lifelong commitment to you", he said.

Abby placed a matching gold wedding band on Matthew's finger and said "I give you this ring, as a daily reminder of my love and lifelong commitment to you."

"It is with great honor and by the power of your love and commitment and by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife", said the pastor, "Matthew, you may kiss your bride."

"I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Custer", Rev. Jordan announced.

The bride cut the wedding cake . . .

And fed it to her groom with a fork.

The bride's father proposed a toast to the newly weds.

At the end of the reception, the bride and groom came out of the church . . .

And got into the taxicab that will take them to their newly decorated apartment where they will start their life together as husband and wife.

To be continued . . .
Original Poster
#191 Old 4th Feb 2017 at 12:32 AM Last edited by Dsydk11 : 4th Feb 2017 at 10:44 PM.
Default Picket Fences! Part 121

Picket Fences! Part 121

The cab took the newlyweds to Matthew's apartment.
"This will be our home now", he told Abby.
"It;s a nice apartment building. I love it", she said.

He gave her a romantic hug.
"Do you want to go relax on the bed?", he asked.
"Yes, I'm ready", she answered.

They changed into their pajamas and relaxed on the bed.

He gave her a romantic kiss.

They madeout.

"You want to do woo hoo?, he asked.
"Yes!", she answered.

Woo Hoo!

"I love you, Matthew", she said.

"I love you more, Abby", he said.

Over at Brody's house, he was exercising . . .

When he finished, he had one thing on his mind.

The telephone rang and he answered it.

"Brody, I'm pregnant", Brianna said.
"Can you come over?", he asked.
"I'll be there in a few minutes", she said.

When she arrived, he gave her a romantic hug.

They sit on the sofa.
"What are we going to do about the baby?", she asked.

"I'll help you take care of it", he said.

"I can hardly believe I'm going to be a mama", she said.
"And I'm going to be a daddy", he laughed.

"You don't look like nobody's daddy", she said, nuzzling his neck.

"Let's go upstairs", she said.

He picked her up in his arms and carried her upstairs.

They relaxed on the bed.

He gave her a romantic kiss.

Then Brianna went to sleep in his arms.
To be continued . . .
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