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#26 Old 26th Dec 2024 at 12:51 AM
OMG, you could finally fix the pink flashing? It's soo nice to see you're back in the TS2 community! And you already started working on a neighborhood project?
Squeee, I can't wait for Whiskerton!! The lots that you've already recreated so far look spot on and remind me of TS1 Old Town (another nhood I love)

Again, welcome back and Merry Christmas/Holidays to you too!

Catalogue of Custom Neighborhoods for TS2
All Hood Building Group neighborhoods are available here
Want to get rid of EA's sims in neighborhoods? Check out my Clean and Empty Steatlh Hoods and Clean and Empty Neighborhood Templates
My Simblr
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#27 Old 27th Dec 2024 at 9:27 PM Last edited by M.M.A.A. : 28th Dec 2024 at 1:44 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by Jawusa
OMG, you could finally fix the pink flashing? It's soo nice to see you're back in the TS2 community! And you already started working on a neighborhood project?
Squeee, I can't wait for Whiskerton!! The lots that you've already recreated so far look spot on and remind me of TS1 Old Town (another nhood I love)

Again, welcome back and Merry Christmas/Holidays to you too!

Thank you so much, @Jawusa ! It's so nice to see you all again on this side of MTS too! And congrats on becoming a mod!

Also, really appreciate the feedback! I'm hoping to start creating the Sims themselves soon...

For Testers: For now, I'm sharing an updated version of the neighborhood file - v0.1 (see attached zip file). The only new addition so far is the only community lot, Town Square:

Town Square hosts the following amenities:
  • Pet Emporium (Mainly to buy collars).
  • Pet Adoption Shop/Shelter
  • Pet "Spa" (Bathtubs, to bathe your pets)
  • Grocery Store
  • Clothing Store
  • Entertainment (Magazines and Video Games) Shop
  • Two restrooms
  • A makeshift food-stand (grill)
  • A makeshift coffee stand (espresso maker)

Looking forward to any feedback!
Attached files:
File Type: zip  W001 - v0.1 - Town Square Included.zip (30.38 MB, 0 downloads)
Lab Assistant
#28 Old 28th Dec 2024 at 9:16 PM
Hey!!! Wow, I remember your Wiskerton project, and wondered a lot what happened to it. I even wanted to make a version myself, but you got there first tee heee

I'm very interested in playing it; TS2 Pets was a glitchy mess on my PS2, but I loved the nhood and the houses, the likes of which haven't been seen since on the franchise. I specially love Fishbone island, love to see you could make such a fantastic recreation!!
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#29 Old 29th Dec 2024 at 4:18 AM Last edited by M.M.A.A. : 29th Dec 2024 at 5:51 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by ed95
Hey!!! Wow, I remember your Wiskerton project, and wondered a lot what happened to it. I even wanted to make a version myself, but you got there first tee heee

I'm very interested in playing it; TS2 Pets was a glitchy mess on my PS2, but I loved the nhood and the houses, the likes of which haven't been seen since on the franchise. I specially love Fishbone island, love to see you could make such a fantastic recreation!!

Thank you, @ed95 ! Yep, beat you to it! I still need testers, so you're more than welcome to try it out.

For Testers: Uploaded a new version - v0.2 (see attached zip file below), which includes terrain modifications, mainly flattening the terrain behind Feline Farm (thanks, @HarVee !), among other minor changes:

Used HoodReplace to replace the terrain.

Looking forward to any feedback!
Attached files:
File Type: zip  W001 - v0.2 - Modified Terrain.zip (34.53 MB, 5 downloads)
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#30 Old Yesterday at 7:33 AM Last edited by M.M.A.A. : Today at 7:28 AM.
Hey, everyone!

(Belated) Happy New Year!

New Update: Populated version!

All playable households, as listed on The Sims Wiki, have been created and moved into their homes.

  • Memories: Memories have been added and modified as much as possible to match the Sims' bios.
  • Aspiration Mismatches: All the Sims in the console version appear to be designated the Family aspiration, but it appears to be an error made by the developers, according to The Sims Wiki. For some Sims, it seems that even though they have the Family aspiration, their wants are more aligned with other aspirations. So, in order to avoid having a neighborhood full of Family Sims only, I decided to follow The Sims Wiki and attempted to correct these mistakes. (Here is an example of a Sim with a mismatching aspiration: https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/William_Townsend )
  • Lack of Popularity and Romance Sims: Also, at the moment, there are no Popularity Sims but do not fear, because I intend to recreate the Unlockable Townies that appear in the console version and have them either in the Family Bin or as Townies that you can later choose to move in. You see, according to the wiki, some of them are intended to be Popularity Sims, so that should help fill in the gap. However, we are still lacking in Romance Sims, as the console version doesn't have the Romance aspiration at all. This brings me to my next point...
  • Peter Arnold: According to Penelope Arnold's bio, she has an older brother. So I decided to create him from scratch along with their deceased elderly parents, just to add that extra layer of ancestry, because I'm not a fan of having Sims show up as siblings without any parents on the family tree, so I felt I needed to add that extra bit of detail. (Is this Sims-related OCD? Maybe...) The important thing here is that Peter is a Romance Sim. He can be found in the Family bin.
  • Question: Do you think I should've kept the parents alive? I ask because I could have set one of them as a Popularity Sim. (I still have a backup from prior to their death by old age.)
  • Gravestones: The parents' gravestones can be found at the cemetery.
  • Resting Paw Cemetery (RPC): The name of the cemetery is a homage to the RPC launcher and its developer, a thank you for making this project even possible once again.
  • What about the Creativity aspiration?: Since the Sims 2 on PC doesn't have a Creativity aspiration, I decided to pick the Knowledge aspiration as the next best alternative, given that Sims with this aspiration are more likely to roll wants to gain skill points, among them would be the Creativity skill.
  • Oops! An NPC Service Sim got generated: Yeah, so, I needed to use the Taxi to move the gravestones to the cemetery, but I forgot it would generate a Sim. At the moment, this is the only new NPC to be generated. There are currently no other NPCs or Townies, so I hope this is not a problem for anyone, since no one will actually be interacting with this NPC to begin with. (If anyone can confirm and let me know if it's safe to delete the NPC Driver Sim, then just let me know! )
  • Story Mode: I tried to come up with some story-lines to add to Story Mode and I've added the text along with some (placeholder) images. If you have suggestions for alternative story-lines, feel free to share!
  • Bob and Betty Newbie: I loaded up the console version of Pets, and I managed to check and confirm that these iterations/versions of Bob and Betty Newbie are NOT married. (There was no wedding rings icon/symbol in the relationship panel, unlike other married Sims). Despite this, the Sims wiki states that they are married. With this in mind, I decided to go with what is featured in the game and set them up as roommates, with the potential of developing their relationship into something more!
  • Age Range: Since the console version of Pets technically only allowed players to create adults, the neighborhood only has adults at the moment. The only elders that have been created are Peter and Penelope's parents. Most of the adult Sims are at the beginning of the adult life stage, except for Mira May, because of her bio, Dottie Simpson, because she's a cat lady, and Peter Arnold, because he's Penelope's older brother.
  • Screenshots: Below are some labelled screenshots of the playable households. (Will add in one of Peter later. )

Looking forward to any feedback!

ETA: File has been removed! Please refer to post #32 below. (Direct link: https://modthesims.info/showthread....245#post5983245)
Mad Poster
#31 Old Yesterday at 9:12 AM
Can't wait to give this a try later. I can play as beardy guy again! :D

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

Mad Poster
Original Poster
#32 Old Today at 3:26 AM Last edited by M.M.A.A. : Today at 7:22 AM.
New Update: Fixed Populated version!

Hey! Sorry for the rapid update, but I just discovered that in the version I've uploaded above/before, the tombstones for Pat and Pam Arnold both disappeared from the cemetery. Not sure why and I tried using the Cat teleporter and batbox to retrieve them but it didn't work. I have removed the version I've uploaded previously, so please refer to the latest version below instead.

As a result, I will be keeping the elderly parents alive in the Family bin with Peter, as two separate households:
  • Arnold Household #1: Peter Arnold (Adult, Romance Sim - Penelope Arnold's older brother)
  • Arnold Household #2: Pat Arnold (Elder, Popularity Sim) and Pam Arnold (Elder, Family Sim).

Also, in this version, since I didn't send anyone to a community lot, there's no NPC driver.

Overall, I believe this is the best solution for now. Plus, we now get both playable Romance and Popularity Sims.

Apologies for any confusion!
Attached files:
File Type: zip  W001 - v1.0 - POPULATED - FIXED VERSION.zip (52.74 MB, 0 downloads)
Mad Poster
#33 Old Today at 9:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by M.M.A.A.
Hey! Sorry for the rapid update, but I just discovered that in the version I've uploaded above/before, the tombstones for Pat and Pam Arnold both disappeared from the cemetery. Not sure why and I tried using the Cat teleporter and batbox to retrieve them but it didn't work.

Hmm, well if it's anything like what happened to me with one my graves in HVPL, the graves got moved to an 'invalid' neighborhood and were not technically deleted, which would explain why batbox can't find them. For me I was able to restore my grave by simply using Hood Checker.

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

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