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#1 Old 15th Jan 2025 at 1:09 AM
Default Order Groceries through the computer
Under 'Phone Call - Delivery - Groceries' (accessed through the Object Workshop), in the BCON section,
I was able to modify the Grocery Delivery Cost (default 50) to a desired value.
While this tuning worked in-game through the phone call delivery option, however,
when trying to order groceries through the computer,
it persists to display the default value of 50 simoleons as opposed to the one I changed for the phone delivery.
I am aware that this might require a different instance in the Object Workshop,
however, I have looked everywhere to find something that offers the various features for computers,
and cannot find it. Should there not be an instance like 'Computer Order - Delivery...' or something similar?
I looked under 'unknown,' 'template,' 'person,' and 'sim type,'--but cannot seem to find anything computer related.
I am also using the advanced version of SimPE.
Please help. I would like to set delivery cost of the groceries ordered through the computer same as the phone's.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#2 Old 15th Jan 2025 at 3:44 AM
nvm I finally figured it out. It was one heck of a process,
requiring to extract a BHAV interaction through the TTAB
in order to adjust and commit the necessary changes.
Feels great to have finally figured it out.
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