I made something that I'm surprised no one made before. Unlocking those hidden objects of Castaway Stories in buy mode. Like the pirate ship from Wanmami's Buccaneer Cove, or the waterfall from Shady Lagoon. Some of them have proper names and descriptions, it's sad they ended up hidden.
I actually uploaded 2 different things, go to the bottom of the post to download them:
The "CS buyable hidden objects.zip" has all the necessary files to unlock the objects. There are 2 categories/folders, check the 2 lists below to know about each item and decide which ones you want. If you are lazy to read, get the "cool items" only, as the "not that cool items" may be dangerous.
The "stuckobjremover_PlaceEverywhere.zip" is a modified version of Pescado's Stuck Object Remover. It will appear in Nature section of buy mode. With this, you can get rid of items that the game doesn't let you pick up from buy/build mode (check the link for details). The original one can't be placed in sloped terrain or in water, so, because this game doesn't have the "moveObjects" cheat, I modified it to be placeable everywhere. Obviously this isn't necessary to make the objects buyable, but I highly recommend it, as most of the "not that cool items" can't be picked up/deleted after placing them.
For the hidden objects, the collection is a must! Extract all the contents from the zip and then copy the "HiddenObjectsCollection" file here: Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims Castaway Stories\Collections
You may not have the Collections folder, then create it. Don't forget the 'C' in upper case, or it won't work.
Then from the 2 categories/folders, choose the objects you want and then copy them in: Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims Castaway Stories\Downloads
(Or a subfolder inside it)
Same as before, if you don't have the Downloads folder, create it.
As for the Stuck Object Remover, simply extract the file included and copy it in the Downloads folder.
Where do I find them in game?
I put them in a collection because the catalog sorting in CS is a pain and I didn't feel like researching which number is for each section. So they won't appear in the catalogue, they will only appear in the collection (thanks to this tutorial). Unlike in TS2, Collections in this game are only accessible from build mode, and not buy mode.
Now, without further delay... The lists of items:
Chalice of Days
Yes, the chalice that is in the House of Tuzu that you can use to bring an elder Sim back to adult. Now you can have it in Wanmami island too, or maybe in your home, but that will be expensive.
Price: 32767 (It's the max possible price. I wanted to make it even more expensive.)
File name: ChaliceOfDays
"Moving Too Fast" Waterfall
This is the in game name of the waterfall from the Shady Lagoon. Normally you'd need at least 1 tile of water placed in build mode (see image). I wanted it to be placeable in beach water too, so I modified it to be placeable in any terrain (you can place it in land, but please don't do that ). If for some reason you prefer the unmodified waterfall, open the file in SimPE and delete the "Function - Init".
Price: 33 (too cheap but it was already set)
File name: Waterfall
Frigate About It
The pirate ship you can find in the Buccaneer Cove in Wanmami island. To place it, you only need a flat tile in the landing of the stairs. It's the same as the one from The Sims 2 Bon Voyage, except that the ghost doesn't appear, not sure if that's a bug. There are a lot of interactions and you can enter the cabin and randomly find the 3 different items.
Important thing, it can't be rotated normally, so it will always be facing north (the screenshot is in the Village Residence). The only lot of Felicity Island where I'd say it fits the shore is in the Abandoned Research Base, but you know, a pirate ship doesn't look good in a military base. You will need SimPE if you want to rotate it:
To rotate the ship, you will actually have to rotate the whole lot. Let's start. 1. Load the lot where you want to place it, click the ship and look at the direction it's facing. Don't place it yet, just remember the direction you want it to be rotated. Close the game. 2. Now open SimPE and open the neighborhood file: Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims™ Castaway Stories\Neighborhoods\00000000\N001\N001_Neighborhood.package
(Note 1: That's for the Felicity Island, Wanmami is N002 instead of N001.)
(Note 2: the 00000000 folder could be a different number if you created new profiles in game.) backup the file before modifying anything! 3. Once SimPE finished loading, go to the "Resource Tree" at the left and select "Lot Description (LXTX)". Now in the "Resource List", click the lot you want to place the ship. 4. Now the lot info should be loaded in the "Plugin view". Check the "U11:Rotation" property, the possible values are 0x00, 0x01, 0x02 and 0x03. Add 1 to rotate clockwise, subtract to rotate counter-clockwise. (Obviously, adding 1 to 0x03 would go back to 0x00, and vice versa for subtracting.)
You have to rotate the lot in the opposite direction which you want to rotate the ship (this will make sense later). 5. Once you changed the value, click "Commit", then save the file and exit SimPE. 6. Open the game and head to the lot. Don't worry if the beach is now in the middle of the land or whatever weird stuff that could have happened to the lot, it will go back to normal later.
Enter the lot and place the ship. If it isn't being placed how you wanted, it means you rotated the lot in the wrong direction... Try again. 7. Save and exit the game. Open SimPE, look for the lot again and change the Rotation value to the original one.
Done! Now the lot should be in the same direction as before but with the ship rotated.
Price: 32767
File name: PirateShip
"Scribal Knowledge" Bookcase
The same as the career reward bookcase from The Sims 2 Seasons, but with a different name and description. I wish there was a 4th career with this.
Note: This object is unlocked in buy mode in this download. If you have that download, remove my bookcase file. It also includes other career rewards from TS2 that I decided not to include because, unlike the bookcase, it looks like they are just remains from TS2 Seasons that shouldn't be there.
Price: 2000
File name: Bookcase
The Forlorn Tiki
Spaulding. That's it, that's the post.
Price: 305
File name: Spaulding
Mysterious Gem
The missing piece of Spaulding's head. Buy it, pick it up with your Sim, and then put it in his head, that is, if you want to get the disease back. (Now seriously, your Sim does get the disease after putting the piece in its place. They won't die in 3 days like in the story, but they will stay sick forever until you use the medkit.) Spaulding, why are you like this?
Price: 25
File name: SpauldingGem
The one you find in the Shady Lagoon. You can only use it if your Sim has the disease. Maybe for deco too.
Price: 10
File name: Medkit
Pyramid Door
The door from the House of Tuzu. You can open it with with the staff but you can't close it. So it's basically the same as the pyramid ruins arch that comes with the game. But I thought it was cool.
Price: 1600
File name: PyramidDoor
Crashed Ship
This is a pretty interesting object. It's the crashed ship you can see in the first beach. When you place it, it's just a small 1 tile rock, but if you look outside the lot, there it is. You may have to rotate the object to see it.
Price: 10
File name: CrashedShip
Wishing well
Probably another thing from TS2 Seasons that shouldn't be there, but I like it. All 3 wishes work, from what I tested, but you can only wish once, then the only interaction will be "Drink".
Price: 2500
File name: WishingWell
Urn altar
The altars where you have to put the urns of the ghosts in the forbidden village. I guess you can place any urn here, but I didn't kill any Sim, so I only tried with a random urn that appeared from nowhere when I selected "Place urn" with allmenus activated.
Price: 10
File name: UrnAltar
Temple altar
It's the altar where you have to place Spaulding in the story. You can only put him there if you have allmenus cheat, which is lame, but I guess it works for decoration too.
Price: 10
File name: TempleAltar
Spawn point
Have you ever wondered what's that rock you can't move in your Village Residence? It's like 10 tiles away in front of the portal. Well, it's the spawn point. It's the place where your Sims appear when you move them to the lot. I found out what it does thanks to a bug I had when I made Shady Lagoon a residential lot. I tried to move a family there but it never finished loading, apparently it was because of the spawn point. There is one already, but it wasn't working properly, so I placed another one and it worked.
Price: 1
File name: SpawnPoint
"Surprise!" Big Crate of Mystery
Not sure what's this but it has a proper name and description. In the game data, it's called "Airport Crate - Machete". It looks exactly like the airport crate, you can only open it with allmenus, and when you do, you get a machete. It makes sense, I guess, except that in the story you get the machete digging in the sand.
Price: 100
File name: AirportCrate
Buried chest
The chest you find buried at the beginning of the story. You can place it, then dig it out with your Sim, and you get... yes, you get the chest.
Price: 15
File name: BuriedChest
Buried crate
There's a big and a small one. All you can do with it is dig it out. Depending on the lot you are in, you can get a different item, or just nothing. For example, the Village Residence had a big crate with the electricity tower, so if you buy one and dig it out, you get the tower again.
Price (small crate): 12
Price (big crate): 20
File name (small crate): BuriedCrateSmall
File name (big crate): BuriedCrateLarge
Ominous Portal of Implicit Doom
Nice name, right? It's the door that opens after leaving Spaulding in the altar in the story. The only interaction, and it only appears with allmenus cheat active, is "open", the door will open like in the scene of the story, and then you can't do anything with it. You can't even sell it. There's a portal that looks exactly like this door. I guess that this object is only used for the open animation and then replaced by the portal, or something.
I included it because of the unique name and description. Did they really plan to have this in buy mode?
Price: 10
File name: TempleDoor
Petrified tree with staff
The tree where you find the Staff of Tuzu. Not sure why I included it. You can only pick up the staff with allmenus on, and only if the Sim doesn't have the staff already. And that's it.
Price: 10
File name: TreeWithStaff
Parachute rope
The rope you find in Shady Lagoon. You can pick it up with your Sim and it goes to the inventory. You can place it back. What you can't do is picking it up from buy mode.
Price: 80
File name: ParachuteRope
Chapter Rocket
Looks like a test item that is supposed to bring you to the different chapters of the story. The menu seems to be broken unless you use it with allmenus on. But even with it, the only thing I achieved is visiting the lot where the chapter takes place. They don't give me the mission I had to do, so I'm not sure if it has any use.
Price: 1
File name: ChapterRocket
Story Text Tester
Another test item, apparently it only shows the dialogues of the chapter you choose. You can also use it as replacement for Spaulding, as this one has the gem in the head already and doesn't make your Sim sick.
Price: 1
File name: StoryTester
The portals are those things you use to move to another lot. There are 10 different ones, so I included them all in the same file. Some of them can be used normally (the only interaction just opens the map), others don't have any interaction. They can't be picked up after placing them.
Price: 2 (all of them)
File name: Portals
Portal arrow
That green, animated arrow that's above the portals. I'm late to add this but I only now realized it's an item. I guess whoever is using the buyable portals would miss the arrow. As you can probably guess, it can't be picked up after placing it.
Price: 1
File name: PortalArrow
The "cool items" are safe, but if you are going to get the "not that cool items", please read about them in the list above, as some of them may be dangerous, like the test objects. I also don't know if having more than one Spawn Point in a lot can cause side effects. Backing up your game is always recommended before getting CC.
Note: I mentioned the allmenus cheat a few times. If you don't know what it is, check this page. Activating it in Castaway Stories is the same process, but looking for the file in C:\Program Files\The Sims Castaway Stories\TSData\Res\Config instead.
This is my first serious post. I hope I didn't mess up. And I hope someone finds this useful!
Update 3rd July 2020: Silly me made the Stuck Object Remover not placeable on floor when I made it placeable in sloped terrain.
If you want more unlocked items for Castaway Stories, I unlocked a lot of hidden items a long time ago: here
I fixed and reuploaded it, now it's really placeable everywhere.
Update 12th November 2021: Added a new not that cool item, the portal arrow. (Over a year later, why not?) The collection file is updated to include it.
I also made a tutorial for rotating the pirate ship, check the item description.
Update: (a few hours after the previous one) The new item was only buyable on residential. I'm sorry for the 4 people that downloaded it already, it's now fixed.
Update 7th August 2022: I made by request the urinal available in residential lots. I didn't include it in this post, so scroll down the replies for the link.
Update 8th January 2024: I made by request the Story Rewards (and more) available in barter mode: here
Hi! would it be okay to request the raft portal as well? i wanted to remove it from the residential lot and place it on the village harbor (where that broken portal by the water is)
@starsong765, well, you see, the raft is tricky because the completed one in the village residence is apparently "CS - Raft Parts - Raft Itself", but making that buyable, you get the uncompleted raft from the beginning of the game. You would have to build it but I have no idea how. If you want a decorative one instead... https://s22cdb.livejournal.com/31895.html
@starsong765, well, you see, the raft is tricky because the completed one in the village residence is apparently "CS - Raft Parts - Raft Itself", but making that buyable, you get the uncompleted raft from the beginning of the game. You would have to build it but I have no idea how. If you want a decorative one instead... https://s22cdb.livejournal.com/31895.html