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#1 Old 23rd Nov 2006 at 11:03 PM
Default The Stupid English Paper
Yeah. I like the title too. Anyway, this is a story about two of my favorite sims, Shae and Jill. Shae’s a third generation sim, and basically I love him. For a bit of a backstory, his father is a celebrity sim in my game, and has been since he was a teenager. That kind of just means that I take lots and lots of pictures of him and photoshoots. He has a full creativity bar though, and has had once since early teenager-hood (without cheats, yeah, his parents let him play with the xylophone A LOT.) His mom is a model I’ve used in many pictures. Jill is my self-sims daughter. Yes, I am a model. Just not as famous as the Britt in the story. Just clearing that all up before we start, and all of that does matter. *phew*

This is the exact reason why I hate English class, Mrs. Barrow. You make us do mindless work that I will never remember in about 4 weeks. Maybe more then that, I have no idea how long it will take you to correct these things. You tell us to tell you about our family. Everyone knows about my family. Open a tabloid and there’s a full story.

You see, I don’t know if you know this (But judging from the paparazzi last parent teacher conference, I’m guessing you noticed.) but my dad and mom are pretty prominent figures in Hollywood. My dad, Fin Caldwell, has been a famous musician since he was 16. He was one of those teen heartthrobs; you probably had a picture of my dad on your wall. Creepy. You’re also probably going to check right now too. Me and him are actually pretty close. I do wish he’d take his piercings out though. It’s weird being able to trade labret studs with your FATHER.

This is the picture you found on your wall, isn’t it?

My mom? She’s a supermodel. You know how guys my age sometimes have pictures hanging on their walls of chicks in fashion magazines? Yeah, if I do that, I’m probably putting up one of my mom’s co-workers. Even creepier then you crushing on my dad. She’s always been a great mom though, we’ve been really close. Sometimes she’s a little crazy, but, so isn’t everyone, I guess.

And that is my little sister, Carrigan. I was 5 when she was born, so I don’t remember much about life before I had to look out for her. We’re actually pretty close, if that’s not beyond weird for a older brother and a sister. I can tell guys are going to be chasing after her in a few years though, they’d better watch out. I’m kind of skinny, but I can punch real good. You should remember, Mrs. Barrow, when you had to break up that fight between me and that kid last year. I’m sorry for hitting your eye. I swear I thought you were him.

I also have a little brother named Foster. He’s still extremely young, he’s not even a year old yet. I think my parents were just bored one day and decided it would be cool to have another kid running around, honestly. It’s a very big jump from having older kids to a baby randomly again. I don’t even have a picture of him because when I ran up to his room to get a picture mom grabbed the camera and told me I’d give him radiation that way. Mom didn’t seem to care when she did an entire magazine spread with me the day I was born.

I figured you’d now want to see a picture of that. Yeah, I was pretty cute. Anyway, I’ll call this intro quits for now. I’ll show you a picture of my dog later. And talk about something eventful, hopefully. Hopefully I can introduce you to Jill. She better talk about me in her paper, swear to God, Jill. You’re making her class do this too, right?
1 users say thanks for this. (Who?)
#2 Old 23rd Nov 2006 at 11:15 PM

aaaah love it!! keep it up it's AWESOME!

"I swear to God, i thought you were him" Loooooooooooooooooooolll!!!
#3 Old 23rd Nov 2006 at 11:16 PM
I like the beginning! I cn't wait till the action and stuff starts. <3
I'm really wanting more. ;]
Original Poster
#4 Old 23rd Nov 2006 at 11:46 PM
Whoo. Ok. English paper. Do teachers get together and decide homework together? Because you should, this is the 4th paper I've had to write this week. And I have some hair styles to try.

Anyway, you know this already, but this is Jill. Jill Ford, daughter of Britt, yes the model, and Mark. We are supposed to write about our families, but I honestly don't want to. My family is known by everyone. Maybe not the right things, but they know of them.

My mom, Britt, is the famous one. I'm not getting into it. She's my mom, the whole fashion thing never really mattered to me.

My dad, Mark, however, is a detective. People thought it was weird that someone so normal was dating someone with a celebrity status, but, I think it was smart. They really love each other, you can tell.

I have two younger siblings, twins. The older one is Ryder, and the younger one is Stefy. They are honestly great kids, I'm proud of them. And yes, that's a little me in that picture. We were the cutest little kids I've ever seen!

And that's me. With one of my many hairstyles. I don't think I've gone more then 3 weeks with the same one. I don't know why, I just like to change my look. I know no matter what, one person won't judge me.

And that's my best friend, Shae. You obviously know we're best friends, since we're both constantly together. I know what you're thinking, girls best friends are supposed to be girls. If they are that close with a boy, something must be going on, right? Wrong. Shae's the only person who completly understands everything. His parents are in 'the buisness' too. We grew up together, our sisters are best friends too. And plus, he's way more girly then he's letting on. You've seen that hair. Do you know how long it takes him to do that? 45 minutes. Every morning. That's longer then it takes me to do mine, Mrs Barrows.

I hope this was good enough for this first part, just our introduction, right? Me and Shae are going to the bowling alley later tonight, I want to finish in time.
#5 Old 23rd Nov 2006 at 11:47 PM
Wow, awesome start! I can't wait to read the rest of it!
#6 Old 24th Nov 2006 at 9:59 AM
Its spoken in a teen way which I feel is good, its like as if we are reading someone's diary (although I could never do) Good job, keep it up Catwalk

Auroraspirit :angel:

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Test Subject
#7 Old 24th Nov 2006 at 10:21 AM
this is off to a good start, i really like it

Original Poster
#8 Old 25th Nov 2006 at 6:45 AM
Thanks for all of the great feedback everyone! It's hard to try and make it obvious between either Jill or Shae's writing, but I think as time goes on it will make itself more noticable that Shae's usually dripping in sarcasm or saying something absolutly ridiculous. I hope. ^^; Next chapter will go up either tomorrow or sunday, I'm not sure if I'll have time to get the pictures tomorrow.
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 25th Nov 2006 at 6:55 AM
geat start to your story, I like it lots:D
#10 Old 25th Nov 2006 at 1:39 PM
Oooh, nice start, I really like it. I love how casually they both write, even though it's for an English essay-thing. Keep it up!
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 25th Nov 2006 at 9:42 PM
I love it! Really awesome. Can't wait for the next update!
#12 Old 25th Nov 2006 at 10:40 PM
Cant wait for the next update!!!!!!
Original Poster
#13 Old 26th Nov 2006 at 10:32 PM
Default Shae's Chapter 2

WHOO. Ok. So today was very exciting. It was my little brother’s birthday. He looks so much like my dad, it’s crazy. He’s the only one of the three of us with Dad’s hair color too. That’s right, I’m a natural blonde. I figured you knew that by now, but, you know, whatever.

Also, I’d like to point out that we have only a month until prom. And you gave us this nice project to do. I mean, this is actually kind of a cool one. You said we could write anything and everything we want to. I could basically go on a f-this rant, or just write down lyrics to a Sex Pistols song or something. But I won’t, because this is basically the only thing I’ve attempted to work on all year. It’s my end of the year present to you, Ms. Barrows.

So, yes, for prom…I dunno. I know I’m not supposed to be excited about these things, but I really am. I know who I want to go with me too. I think you know as well. She’s only the most perfect girl in the world. NO ITS NOT YOU MRS BARROW YOU SNEAKY WOMAN YOU. Tried to pull a fast one on me, didn’t you? But, in all seriousness, I’m terrified to ask her. She’s only my best friend, we’ve been that way since we were, hmm, 6 years old, and, OH YEAH I’ve had a crush on her since I was 11.

Could you possibly tell her for me? Scratch that, I’ll grow a pair and ask her next week.

By the way, here are those pictures I promised. That’s Twinkle. No, I did not name my dog Twinkle. Carri did. Even though it’s my dog. I hope mum and dad will let me bring her with me after we graduate. I might as well ask Twinkle to prom. She’d look cute in a dress and would probably just lick my shoes all night long.

This is also proof that my mom is off her nut. I was minding my own business, walking down the hallway, and that crazy woman throws a pillow at me. So, I pick it up, and she whips another out of nowhere and starts beating the life out of my nice hair. MY HAIR. Jee whiz mom. Do you know how much time and effort it takes to make it stand up like that?

I paid her back by burning the life out of supper. Nobody said I should ever cook.
#14 Old 26th Nov 2006 at 10:34 PM
Nice update! I love Shea, especially when he's thinking about taking Twinkle to the prom. xD
Original Poster
#15 Old 26th Nov 2006 at 11:40 PM
Default Jill's Chapter Two

I’m back to my natural color again! I’m pretty sure you noticed that in class, but still, I figured I’d write it down. Who knows when I’ll look back at this and laugh at my choices in hair?

As you know, it’s coming close to prom time. Mom got a few racks of dresses sent to the house for me to look through to try and find a dress. I know, I’m not the girliest girl ever, but every girl gets a little excited finding a prom dress. Even if they aren’t sure they are going.

You see, the thing is, I want Shae to ask me more than anything. But will he? Probably not. Because he’s Shae. He acts like he could speak up about anything any moment, but the second it really matters, he just falls through. Maybe he’ll finally grow up. I doubt it though.

So I’ve narrowed it down to two dresses. It’s either this blue one:

Or this green one:

I can’t decide which…hopefully I’ll decide before the actual dance!

I don’t have much else to talk about, but, today, I did make supper. Who’s the best cook ever? I think it might be Jill.
#16 Old 26th Nov 2006 at 11:55 PM
Wow, great story. I like how it's written. Very lively and teeny.. :D

Feel free to call me Squash

Lab Assistant
#17 Old 27th Nov 2006 at 7:11 AM
This is such a good story, really teenage...ey...
and great pictures
retired moderator
#18 Old 27th Nov 2006 at 7:27 AM
This story is very funny; I hope to read more soon

Formerly known as boolPropped
#19 Old 27th Nov 2006 at 3:14 PM
They're so cute, I want to steal them! I love this story.
Lab Assistant
#20 Old 27th Nov 2006 at 5:43 PM
fun story!...update soon:D
Lab Assistant
#21 Old 27th Nov 2006 at 6:47 PM
Great story...i like the green one :D
Lab Assistant
#22 Old 27th Nov 2006 at 7:44 PM
They're so cute! Kind of weird English papers, but it's always important to amuse your teacher, I guess. I also like the green dress better.
Original Poster
#23 Old 27th Nov 2006 at 10:08 PM
The whole idea is that it's kind of like a journal that they have to pass in for English class. I dunno if it makes much sense, but I thought it was a good way to get real emotions out of them.

And thanks for all of the compliments everyone, glad you're enjoying.
Field Researcher
#24 Old 29th Nov 2006 at 3:41 PM
This is awesome! Moremoremore plzkthx :P

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Original Poster
#25 Old 3rd Dec 2006 at 2:23 AM
Alright, this was origionally supposed to be way longer, but I'm going to be very very busy the next few weeks, so I'm shortening it quite a bit. There's only 2 more chapters, this one included. Sorry for keeping it so short. ><

I'm so happy you are letting us write our journals together this week, Mrs Barrows. Of course I decided to write with Shae. To keep you from being confused, Shae suggested we use different colors. So what Shae says is in bold, and what I say is normal. Got it?

So prom was amazing. I finally got off my *** and asked Jilly over here to the prom. I'm so happy I did too. Here's our poloroid from the dance.

He cleans up pretty well, doesn't he?

After was really fun too...we went to a pretty sick party.

...What? It was a pretty intense episode of Degrassi on. Look at those facial expressions!

The night went off without a hitch. There was only one really awkward moment as well. That's a record.

It's so sad that this is the last time we're writing in these journals. We've spit out our thoughts in them for a few weeks now.

I'm just glad we don't have much more work...graduation is in a week!

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