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#1 Old 6th Mar 2011 at 8:15 PM Last edited by natasha699 : 5th May 2021 at 4:11 PM.
Build a Royal Kingdom Challenge
Warning, extremely many rules here, but it can be really nice to play, if you have any suggestions for different kinds of rules, please leave them below.
A historic sims 2 city friendly challenge. Infact meant for it.
I spend a bit of time making the Build a City Challenge, and Royal Kingdom Challenge one challenge. Result: BaRKC.

Starting Out
-You must create an entirely new Neighborhood to start with. It can be on any template you choose, but you MAY NOT add a University, Downtown, Shopping District, or any community lots. However, if you have Bon Voyage, you MAY add vacation destinations.

* Make 1 King and Queen for your royal family
* Make 3 families that will become the Noble class
* Make 2 families that will be the Merchant class
* Make 3 families that will be the Peasant class
* You may not use any cheats except where specified
The families may only contain 1 man and 1 woman. The families only count as 1 each to the SM. The children after that count normal-wise.

The Sim Multiplier
-The goal of this challenge is create a city with a population of atleast 50,000. Of course you won’t literally have that many Sims to worry about. This number is purely figurative and that is where the Sim Multiplier (SM) will come into play.
-The SM is just a number that you will multiply your number of playable Sims by in order to get the city’s population.
-At the start of the challenge, the SM is 1. As you progress and unlock certain additions for your neighborhood you’ll increase your SM. Points for your SM are added as follows:
+1 for your first community lot
+1 when you reach a total of 5 community lots
+1 for every additional 5 community lots
+5 for adding a Downtown
+5 for each Business District
+5 for each University
+1 for every heir married to same class or higher
+1 for ever generation of each family
+1 for every family that moves up a class
-From now on when population is mentioned, it simply means your total number of playable Sims multiplied by your SM.

-As your neighborhood expands, you must play EVERY household for the same amount of time. If you move in townies just for their money and move them back out, they CANNOT just sit in the Sim Bin. ALL Sims MUST be played.
-When Sims have children, it is up to you whether or not they remain at home or move out. Keeping them home means a higher lot value which can earn a university (rules in a later section). Moving them out means more households and more community lots. Choose which works best for you.
-At the beginning ALL careers are locked, meaning no job for your founder. You must find other ways to make money (painting, novels, business, treasure hunting, etc). We’ll get to how to unlock careers soon, but first we must cover a few other subjects.
-Sims may not have fire detectors or burglar alarms until the first position in the Law Enforcement Career is unlocked (rules in the career section).
-Sims may not call for any services except for the Nanny and Adoption. Service calls are unlocked when the population reaches 500 (figuring out population is in the next section). Pizza and Chinese Food delivery are unlocked with a population of 3,000.
-Servos are not allowed.

Unlocking Neighborhood Additions
Community Lots: There are two ways to unlock a community lot. The first way is to place any community lot, have a Sim purchase it, and start a business on it. The second way is every 4 Sim households earns one community lot. If you place a community lot using the second way, it does not need to be own by a playable Sim, but if you want a Sim to have a business there they can. In addition to adding to your SM, for each community lot you also earn 1 CAS Sim. [You don’t have to add the new Sims as you earn them. You can save up and add whole families if you choose.]
Business Districts: You unlock a business district by having 5 player owned community lot businesses of any rank, and having the Business Career unlocked (rules in the career section). You MAY earn multiple business districts. To do this you will need 5 additional businesses on community lots and another Business Tycoon. For example: If you want to add a 2nd business district you’ll need 10 community lot businesses and 2 Business Tycoons; to add a 3rd you’ll need 15 businesses and 3 Business Tycoons, etc.
In addition to adding to your SM, for each business district you also earn 5 CAS Sims. [You don’t have to add the new Sims as you earn them. You can save up and add whole families if you choose.]
Downtown: Adding a downtown only requires that your city’s population reaches 25,000. Unlike other additions, you may only earn a single downtown. In addition to adding to your SM, the downtown also earns you 20 CAS Sims. [You don’t have to add the new Sims as you earn them. You can save up and add whole families if you choose.]
Reach a population of 5000, and the state will build your neighborhood a public university for free.
You may earn multiple universities using any of the three methods mentioned. In addition to adding to your SM, for each university you also earn 5 CAS Sims (students perhaps). [You don’t have to add the new Sims as you earn them. You can save up and add whole families if you choose.]

Unlocking Careers
Athletic: The Athletic Career path is unlocked as soon as a sports themed community lot is placed. The actual “sport” being played can be anything from Bowling, Darts, even Kicky Ball (use your imagination). The lot can look however you wish but it must be on a 5x5 (or larger) lot, contain an area for competitive games, and be worth $250,000. The lot has to be player owned.
Business:A new position opens in the Business Career track every time a player owned business reaches level 10(home or community lot). When a playable Sim reaches the top of the career, it is then unlocked to every one.
Criminal: Wherever there are people there is also crime. When the population of the town reaches 100 one spot on the Criminal Career track opens. Every time a Sim reaches the top of the Criminal Career, they open an additional position in both the Criminal and the Law Enforcement careers. The Criminal Career track is never truly unlocked, but can have many open positions.
Culinary: The Culinary Career earns an open position for each player owned restaurant business that reaches level 5. When a playable Sim reaches the top of the career, it is then unlocked to every one.
Law Enforcement:A position in Law Enforcement is unlocked when one of the following events occurs.
1) There have been 3 burglaries.
2) The population reaches 500.
3) There have been 3 fires in someone’s home.***
4) A playable Sim reaches the top of the Criminal career.
Like Crime, Law enforcement is never truly unlocked, but can have many positions available rather quickly.
Medical: The first position in Medical is unlocked when the town population reaches 1,000. Another position is opened at 5,000 and an additional position is opened every 5,000 after that. The career as a whole is unlocked when the town acquires a university.
Military: The Military Career track is unlocked when a community lot is placed that represents a military base. It takes the place of a NPC community lot that you can add once you accumulate 4 households, but it does not contribute to the total number of community lots present and can never be purchased by a playable Sim.
Politics: Politics is completely unlocked as a career choice when the town reaches of population of 1,000. However, there cannot be more than one playable Sim as Mayor at the same time.
Science: A Science Career position will be earned every time any Sim transitions into Adulthood with maxed Logic. A position can also be opened for every 3 electroctions by electronics or lightening. When a playable Sim graduates from a university, the career is unlocked to every one.
Slacker: A position in the Slacker Career is opened every time a community lot is created for the soul purpose of being a “Club”. It is unlocked completely when a Downtown Area is Unlocked.
Adventure:To open a position in the Adventure Career, a community lot must be placed to represent a Museum. This lot must be at least $250,000. When a playable Sim reaches the top of the career, it is then unlocked to every one.
Education: Once the population of the town reaches 250 a position in the Education Career opens. The career gains an additional opening for every 250 in population. This career is always open to any Sim who has a diploma regardless of population.
Gamer: Open to people with the LTW for it, who also owns 3 kinds of fitting game/playing things like a dart game.
Journalism: When the town reaches a population of 1,000 the first position in Journalism is unlocked. An additional spot is added every 1,000 in population thereafter. Every time someone reaches the top of the Law Enforcement, Criminal, or Show Business career tracks an additional position can be added. If someone reaches the top of either careers before the town reaches a population of 1,000 they do not count towards the total number of Journalist openings until the population requirement is met.
Law: The Law Career is open to any Sim with a diploma.
Music: The Music Career is unlocked when a music venue community lot is placed. To be considered a music venue there must be a stage and at least 3 music instruments. This lot can serve other purposes other than just music, such as a park or club (won’t count for the slacker career).

University Careers:
Artist: A position is opened for every art gallery business that reaches Rank 5. It is always open to Sims with maxed creativity who have also sold 10 masterpieces.
Natural Science: A position is opened for every nursery, flower, or landscaping business that reaches Rank 5. It is always open to Sims with gold gardening badges.
Paranormal: The first position is opened when a cemetery is added and there are 5 graves in the neighborhood. After the first position opens, another is opened for every 10 additional graves. The graves do not have to be sent to the cemetery and pet graves do NOT count. It is always open to the wizard family.
Show Business: A position is open for every Prestidigator (entertainment) and Professional Party Guest. Whenever a Sim reaches the top of the career, a position is opened in Journalism after the population reaches 1,000.
-Of course Show Business, Paranormal, Natural Science and Artist are only available to Sims who have a diploma.
-If you move in a townie that has a job in a career that does has not been unlocked, they MUST quit. If you move in a townie and they have a job in a career that already has all its available positions filled, either they must quit or have another Sim with that career quit. The fairest way is to have the person with lowest rank quit.
-Teen and Elder jobs count as a position filled in any given career.

Pet Careers:
Show Biz: Only "talented" pets who have learned all their tricks may enter this career (excluding toilet training for cats).
Service: Career opened once phone service options are unlocked when the population reaches 500.
Security: 1) Job opened for all pets when there at least 5 sims in Law Enforcement. OR...
2) Owner must be in Law Enforcement.

Free Time Careers
Architecture: A position in Architecture will be opened for every 10 lots, residential or community, and each neighborhood addition (University, Downtown, Business District). The residential lots must be occupied. The community lots must be complete and functional (no blank lots), and can be player owned. Apartments only count as one lot, no matter how many playable families live in the building.
Dance: A position in the Dance Career is opened whenever a Sim owned dance studio/club opens and reaches Rank 5.When a playable Sim reaches the top of the career, it is unlocked to everyone.
Entertainment: A position is opened whenever a Sim transitions into adulthood with maximum charisma. The career is never unlocked.
Intelligence: A position in the Intelligence Career is opened each time a Sim reaches the top of the Military, Criminal, or Science Career.
Oceanography: The career is open to any Sim with a gold fishing badge. The career is unlocked when a Sim tops the Natural Science career.

Apartment Life
-Each family living in an apartment counts as a seperate household when calculating how many NPC community lots you can have.
-However, each apartment building only counts as ONE lot towards the Architecture career.
-You may not have Sims ask the landlord to do repairs or any other chore around the apartment until Service calls are unlocked at a Population of 500. The landlord doing his daily rounds of cleaning up outside is okay.

***Fire List
-Fires in a Sims home. COUNT.
-Fires started as a Sim repairs an object. COUNT.
-Fires caused by lightening. DO NOT COUNT.
-Fires caused by a Sim BBQing outside. COUNT.
-Fires caused by Cafeteria workers. DO NOT COUNT.
-Fires on business lots caused by the controllable Sim. COUNT.
-Fires on business lots caused by employees or customers. DO NOT COUNT.
-Fires caused by a witch's spell. DO NOT COUNT.

* Rules for the Royal Family All money cheats are acceptable
* You may use boolProp cheats for building their castle
* You may download a castle for the royal family is you don’t want to build one
* The first-born son of the current King and Queen will become the heir to the throne and must never move out of the house except to go to university
* The heir to the throne may only marry a Sim from the royal family or the Nobel class, but they may have lovers of any class (They can marry as close a relation as the game allows)
* The heir to the throne must be the legitimate son of both the king and the queen.
* If you have university, all male royal children must attend, but they can drop out after at least completing freshman year (except for the heir to the throne, he/she must complete college) (Only if you have earned your uni)
* Women of the royal family are not permitted to have a job or live alone
* Don't forget to use any influence points that a Royal Sim gets. Members of the Royal family should be able to influence their subjects
* Children must get accepted to private school (Keep trying until you get accepted)
* Non-heir Peasants may move in as servants to cook and clean
Royals may chose the following careers: Criminal, Military, Politics
Royals that went to college may also choose: Athletics, Business, Science, Artist, Natural Science, Paranormal, Law, and Architecture
Royal Non-heirs may additionally choose: Law Enforcement, Slacker, Show Business, Music, Intelligence, and Oceanography
o Are only allowed a Venue business. This is encouraged, with this Royals could hold court with their subjects ‘donating’ money to the good of the kingdom for a chance to mingle with the Royal Family and enjoy the luxuries of the Royal Castle or Palace
o Royals may use a crafting table as a hobby but it would be below them to sell what they made
May have pets, pets do not work.

* Rules for The Noble Class You may use the motherlode cheat only two times
* You may use boolProp cheats for building purposes only
* The first-born son will be the family heir and must never move out of the house except to go to university
* The HEIRS may not marry below their status
* Women are not permitted to have a job
* Children of the Noble Class are encouraged to attend university
* Don't forget to use any influence points that a Nobel Sim gets. Members of the Nobility should be able to influence their subjects
* Only one elixir of life is allowed per Sim
* Children must get accepted to private school (Keep trying until you get accepted)
* Non-heir Peasants may move in as servants to cook and clean
Nobles may take careers in the following: Athletic, Business, Criminal, Law Enforcement, Military, Politics, Artist and Intelligence.
Nobles going to College may also take: Medicine, Science, Natural Science, Paranormal, Law, Architecture.
Noble Non-heirs may additionally take: Slacker, Show Business, Music, Education, Entertainment, Dance and Oceanography.
o Are allowed Retail and Venue businesses
o Must hire a manager as soon a possible
o Women of the family may only help out by crafting items such as paintings or flower arrangements
May have pets, pets do not work
Pay 20% tribute to the King (Optional)

* Rules for The Merchant Class You may use the motherlode cheat only one time
* You may use boolProp cheats for building purposes only
* Although the eldest son traditional becomes the heir, if the eldest becomes enemy¡¦s with his father, any of the children may inherit their father's house and fortune
* The heir must never move out of the house
* The HEIRS can't marry below their status
* Only single women may have jobs
* Only one elixir of life is allowed per Sim
* Children can only attend private school if their family has at least 5,000 available simolians in their account
Merchants may take the following careers: Athletic, Business, Cruminal, Culinary, law Enforcement, Medicine, Military, Politics, Science, Artist, Natural Science, Paranormal, Show Business, Adventurer, Music, Journalism, Education, Entertainment.
Merchants who attend college may also take:
o May have a home business and/or community lot business
o Are allowed Retail, Service and Venue businesses
o If a Merchant family has a community lot business, they are allowed to purchase a carriage (car) for more efficient transport
o All family members may work in businesses, at home and community lots
o May hire an employee of merchant or peasant status (Use hair or skin tone classification when employing a townie)
May have pets, pets may hold any job, when open to them
Pay 25% tribute to the King (Optional)

* Rules for The Peasant Class You may not use any cheats (except boolProp for building purposes only)
* Anyone and everyone is encouraged to have a job since they will have very little money
* Although the eldest son traditional becomes the heir, any of the children may inherit their father's house and fortune
Peasants can hold the following careers: Athletic, Criminal, Culinary, law Enforcement, Military, Politics, Slacker, Artist, Paranormal, Show Business, Music, and Entertainment.
* The heir must never move out of the house
* Children of this class are not permitted to go to university since peasants did not receive much of an education.
* Since they are the lowest rank, peasants may marry anyone but royalty.
* You may not use the elixir of life on a peasant since they generally would not live as long anyway
* Children are not permitted to attend private school
* The only service NPC they are allowed to hire is the nanny and the matchmaker (when unlocked)
o Only a Home Business is permitted
o Are allowed Retail and Service businesses
o May only sell items they make themselves
o Only family member may work in business
May have pets, pets may hold any job, when open to them
Pay 30% tribute to the King (Optional)¨
Peasants are only allowed to have ambition points in Hot Toast, Family and Romance. The Need's may not be spend points in, they lived miserably. Work you may not take final point in.

Magi (optional, count as a peasant family)
*May only be taken from non-heirs of the Royal, Noble, or Merchant classes
*Must move to the academy when they reach teen age
*Must attend college if possible
*May return home or live alone
*May marry any other magi, but otherwise must follow class rules.
*Upon reaching maximum magic skill and extreme alignment, they may take on pupils
*May make Servos as the only ones
*May use Elixir of Life and use aging off cheat every other week
*Pay no tribute to the King, but accepts tribute from families with members apprenticing.

Changing Class Status
Royalty – Becomes Nobility if the bloodline ends and a Noble family picks it up (i.e. no sons and the daughter marries a noble man)

Nobility – Becomes Royalty if the family has a son who marries the oldest Royal Daughter and the Royal family has no living suitable heirs. Also, if the Royal family dies out, the richest Noble family ascends the throne. Nobility becomes Merchantry if the family goes broke.

Merchantry – Becomes Nobility if it has 5 level 10 businesses, Nobility is granted to the next generation. Merchantry becomes Peasantry if they go broke.

Peasantry – Becomes Merchantry if it has a level 10 business, Merchantry is granted to the next generation.

When making a new CAS family, use a dice to determind if the family is gonna be peasantry, merchantry or nobility.
Peasantry = 1, 4, 6
Merchantry = 2, 5
Nobility = 3

For more realism, download:
Realistic Illness
Autonomous Casual Romance
Field Researcher
#2 Old 6th Mar 2011 at 9:26 PM
This sounds really fun, I think I may try it. ^^
I've already made a small adjustment to the rules myself...I kinda broke down the nobility to more layers - like duke, marquee(don't know if I spelt that right), earl, viscount, etc. I haven't thought of any certain rules these groups should go by, though. ^^;
Test Subject
Original Poster
#3 Old 6th Mar 2011 at 10:44 PM
Well, if you figure some rules out, feel free to tell me, and I'll put them into the rules if they're good And good luck. My town is Egyptian themed
Field Researcher
#4 Old 7th Mar 2011 at 12:16 PM Last edited by TUL : 7th Mar 2011 at 12:18 PM. Reason: Spacing issues
Alright...I've made a bit of a rough draft based on your rules for nobility. Feel free to use them or tweak them as you see fit. I also took out a few levels of nobility because there already was enough already. These are based on Victorian English class levels.

• May use motherlode 5 times
• The first born son will be family heir and must never move out of the house
• Heirs may marry below their status
• Females may marry below their status, but they lose their duchess status
• Males may marry below their status, and their wife will become a duchess
• Women may not have a job
• Children class are encouraged to attend university
• Use influence points
• Three elixirs of life are allowed per Sim
• Children must get accepted into private school
• Non-heir peasants may move in as servants
• May work in: Business, Criminal, Law Enforcement, Military, Artist, and Intelligence
• Allowed retail and venue businesses
• Women may only help out by crafting items
• May have pets, but they do not work
• Pay 5% tribute to the King (Optional)

• May use motherlode 5 times
• The first born son will be family heir and must never move out of the house
• Heirs may marry below their status
• Females may marry below their status, but lose their marchioness status
• Males may marry below their status, and their wife will become a marchioness
• Women may not have a job
• Children are encourage to attend university
• Use influence points
• Two elixirs of life are allowed per Sim
• Children must get accepted into private school
• May work in: Business, Criminal, Law Enforcement, Politics, Artist, and Intelligence
• Are allowed retail and venue businesses
• Women may only help out by crafting items
• May have pets, but they may not work
• Pay 5% tribute to the King(optional)

• May use motherlode 4 times
• The first born will be the family heir and never move out of the house
• Heirs may marry below their status
• Males may marry below their status, and their wife will become a countess
• Females may marry below their status , but lose their countess status
• Women may get a job
• Children are encouraged to attend university
• Use influence points
• Two elixirs of life are allowed per Sim
• Children must attend private school
• May work in: Athletic, Business, Criminal, Law Enforcement, Politics, and Artist
• Females may only work in Artist and Criminal
• Are allowed retail and venue businesses
• Women of the family may help out by crafting
• May have pets, only one can get a job
• Pay 10% tribute to the king(Optional)

• May use motherlode 3 times
• First born will be the heir….yadda yadda
• Heirs may marry below their status
• Males may marry below their status, and their life will become a viscountess
• Females may marry below their status, but lose their countess status
• Women may get a job
• Children are encourage to attend university
• Use influence points
• One elixir of life are allowed per Sim
• Children must attend private school
• May work in: Business, Criminal, Politics, Artist
• Women may only work in: Artist
• Are allowed retail and venue businesses
• Women may help out by crafting
• May have pets, only one can get a job
• Pay 15% tribute to the king (Option)

• May use motherlode 2 times
• First born will be heir, et all
• Heirs may not marry below their status
• Women may get a job
• Children are encouraged to attend university
• Use influence points
• One elixir of life allowed per Sim
• Children must attend private school
• May work in: Business, Criminal, Law Enforcement, Politics, Artist
• Women may work in: Artist, Criminal
• Women may help out by crafting
• May have pets, only one can get a job
• Pay 20% tribute to the king (Optional)
Test Subject
Original Poster
#5 Old 7th Mar 2011 at 3:58 PM
Just one thing. Wouldn't the heir be allowed to go to uni?
Test Subject
Original Poster
#6 Old 7th Mar 2011 at 4:03 PM Last edited by natasha699 : 9th Mar 2011 at 3:51 PM.
I have an idea for a "few" new rules.
Peasants may not have beds with better than 6 rest.

No electricity else than a phone, and firealarm if unlocked.

No non-torch/candle lamps.

No cars if you haven’t got anything fitting like horse carts.

Can only order food if there’s a local food merchant.

Can only buy furniture from a furniture store.

Can only buy land from a store with plots.

Graveyard 1 = Noble + Royal

Graveyard 2 = Merchant + Peasants

When peasants move into a plot, reduce money to 10.000 §

Furnished house, reduce money to 300 §

Unfurnished house, reduce money to 5000 §

No woohoo before marriage, if married may also woohoo with lovers too.

You may use cheats to make your magi’s family into wizards and witches if you have apartment life.

Only magi’s may use the ressurect-a-tron.

Dead sims counts towards population.

First families doesn’t count towards population. (To do with the SM, balance issues )
Test Subject
Original Poster
#7 Old 7th Mar 2011 at 4:38 PM
Ofcourse the shop things are if you characters has opened one.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#8 Old 7th Mar 2011 at 5:38 PM
Btw, the first born son is gonna be Dukes, the others are going to be lords
And the daughters would always have to marry to gain a title.
Test Subject
Original Poster
#9 Old 7th Mar 2011 at 6:41 PM
How will you decide what class they are in Nobility? Is it about money?
Field Researcher
#10 Old 7th Mar 2011 at 9:02 PM
I would just say that you choose what nobility you want the family to be when you make them, like when you make everyone else. Then you just build the lower levels up from there. It's your challenge, so really you can make the rules however you want. XD
Test Subject
Original Poster
#11 Old 7th Mar 2011 at 9:18 PM
There's a spreadsheet to keep track of your game on my website that you can download.
Field Researcher
#12 Old 8th Mar 2011 at 1:13 AM
Do you mind linking me? I don't see a link on your profile thing here or anything, so I have no idea how to get there. :/ I'm trying to teach myself how to use spreadsheets effectively for the game, so seeing other people's versions would probably help me. ^^;
Test Subject
Original Poster
#13 Old 8th Mar 2011 at 3:20 PM
I have linked it to the end of this thread, as I plan on making small updates from mini rules from my game, and suggestions there
Field Researcher
#14 Old 8th Mar 2011 at 9:11 PM
Thanks. ^^ That should come in handy...if I ever get the time for Sims again. Darn Nintendo, releasing the new Pokemon game and getting me addicted! *shake fist*
Test Subject
#15 Old 3rd Apr 2011 at 8:16 AM
The additional rules - I don't think the no woo hoo before marriage is very 'valid' considering it was common in medieval times for it to happen before marriage - in some cases it was traditional for the engaged to woo hoo until they were with child and then they would get married.

I always added a 'dowry' and 'arranged marriage' aspect to my kingdoms. Really comes in handy when there is a shortage of females - fathers and potential husbands relationships play the biggest role.
Test Subject
#16 Old 3rd Apr 2011 at 8:24 AM
And since I forgot to add this in my above comment, I like to spice things up with a maternal death percentage for each childbirth for Kingdom challenges - what I do is I use the random number generator on RANDOM.ORG and select a gap of 10 numbers that are 'death for mother' giving the mother a 10% chance of death which is on the friendly estimate I would guess. Each successful childbirth the odds are lowered for that particular mother. Odds go even lower still once there are medical career becomes unlocked.
Lab Assistant
#17 Old 3rd Apr 2011 at 6:12 PM
random death to the mother is a great idea ! I think I might start to use that in my challenge. I always thought the sims didnt have enough random ways to die lol Thanks for the tip :-)
Test Subject
#18 Old 7th Apr 2011 at 11:32 PM
I am loosely following this but I have custom careers, and university majors installed so I plan to use those instead. But I'm going to be following the SM rules that you're using here. I created a medieval neighborhood just for my "kingdom"
Test Subject
#19 Old 16th May 2011 at 10:10 PM Last edited by Phaenoh : 11th Feb 2014 at 5:22 AM.
Default Build a Kingdom
Next in line to the throne
The idea behind this challenge is to build a city, with a king and queen, and to eventually have everyone in the city somehow related to royalty. How ever, there are rules, the queen wont just sleep with anyone you know! There are 3 classes of people bellow royals, nobles, merchants and peasants, if you wish to play it on easy you may leave it here. If you want to play it on hard, there is also, a farmer, a gypsy, a harlot and a family of oddballs. This challenge works best with seasons, nightlife, pets and open for business, but can be played without. I also feel the need to say, that this isn’t entirely my idea and is actually a whole bunch of different challenges that I like to do mushed together with a different objective.

General Rules
No electronics except for: phone, fridge, juke box (royals and nobles only), oven.
Maxmotives may be used once per day when the Sims wake up in the morning.

Easy Rules
1. Start by making a royal family, a King and a Queen, no children at all.
2. Now make 2 noble families, man and wife, nothing else.
3. 3 Merchant families, as above.
4. 4 Peasants, no children.

Royal Rules
You may use the cheat Motherlode 3 times.
Build your Sims a castle!
You must have a minimum of 2 kids, both of which must attend private school, if the first two are both girls, you must continue to have children until you have a boy.
This is an old fashioned city, women do not work, nor may they live alone when they become adults and must stay within the Castle until marriage.
The first born son of the family becomes the heir to the throne and will never leave the castle, his wife must move in to become queen.
Royal children must marry nobles.
Things made on craft tables (eg. Flower arrangements, toys, paintings) may not be sold and if done, it must be purely for pleasure.

Noble rules
You may use Motherlode twice.
You must have a minimum of three children, which must attend private school, if they are girls they must max out a skill before adulthood, if they are a boy they must get a job and reach the top promotion.
The first born son of the family becomes the heir and will never leave the house, his wife must move in with him.
Girls do not work at all, but may sell things they have painted or made.
A male (not the heir) in the family may marry a Merchant if he pleases, but, it is discouraged. If this happens, you must flip a coin, if tails they are rejected from the family and must live as a merchant, if heads, the merchant becomes a noble and the family accepts them.
May have pets.

Merchant Rules
You may use Motherlode once.
You must have a minimum of two children.
The first born son of the family becomes the heir and will never leave the house, his wife must move in with him. He must attend private school, the rest of the family do not have to.
You must have a home business (unless you don’t have Sims 2 open for business). The head of the family (Dad) must own it and make the majority of the things for it.
Teenagers and unmarried women may work outside of the home business, however, once married, women must stop working, but may sell the things they have crafted in their husbands shop.
May hire peasants to work in the business.
Pet dogs may have a job.
A male (not the heir) in the family may marry a Peasant if he pleases, but, it is discouraged. If this happens, you must flip a coin, if tails they are rejected from the family and must live as a merchant, if heads, the merchant becomes a noble and the family accepts them.

Peasant Rules
A 2 room house must be built on minimal funds.
Familyfunds 100 after the house is built.
Minimum 3 children.
No private school.
Everyone works, including women and pets.
The first born son of the family becomes the heir and will never leave the house, his wife must move in with him.

Hard Rules
1. Make a family of odd balls, a man and a woman.
2. Make a farmer.
3. Make a gypsy (if your farmer was male, make them female or vice versa).
4. Make a harlot (prostitute), set her life want to romance or pleasure.

Odd Ball Rules
Motherlode may be used 3 times.
Build a gathering place for worship, pick a day, you must lock the entirety of the family in this place for 12 hours of that day. The worship should consist of everyone sitting down in front of the leader and then the leader talking to them before opening a bottle of champagne and handing it round, you can then do what you like, if you have someone who can play piano, it might be nice to have everyone dance or something, write your own ritual.
Build a separate building purely made of bedrooms, I had 5 in mine, 3 doubles and 2 singles, but you could easily change that around.
Build a communal bathroom, segregated loos and one of 2 showers.
Build a big recreation room, lots of sofas, bookcases, an oven, fridge, tables and chairs, anything else you want for skills or fun. No electronics.
Build a 3x3 room with a desk, a lamp a loo and now windows, this is a punishment room, make sure it has a lockable door. Punish your Sims for flirting or kissing before they are adults, failing at school, or work, men studying mechanics, women studying cleaning, missing the holy ceremony.
Allow space for a garden, when a Sim dies put their gravestone here.
The first woman you create is the head of the family, she may not work, but see’s through the punishments and is head of the worship place.
The first born daughter of the family becomes the heir and will become the next head of the family.
Only women may work and unmarried men.
Whoever your Sims marry must move in and join the oddball family, follow their customs, there are no exceptions, until the 8 family spots are full.
If you like you can make the whole family dress the same/similarly, and make their spouses do similar, mine are based on the Addams family!

Farmer rules (needs seasons)
Buy the biggest plot of land available.
Build a 3x3 minimalistic bathroom, it may not have a roof.
You may buy (the cheapest of all) ; toilet, shower, sink, counter, BBQ, bookshelf, single bed, recliner chair, dog bowl, fire place, table, phone (I think that’s it, but if there is anything I have left out that is essential, then get it).
Fill the rest of the plot with trees and a big pond, and a little land left for growing stuff.
Plant one tree that grows fruit.
Make a vegetable patch of 3 squares.
Familyfunds 100
You must make your money by selling fish you have caught, the plants you have grown, and the fruit you have picked.
You must have at least one pet.
You may have noticed it will be difficult with the rest of the community to make this family continue, they can either get with and marry an NPC, get the harlot pregnant (assuming he is male), or have a promiscuous baby with one of the locals, if one of the last two, flip a coin to decide who gets to keep the baby, keep going until he gets an heir (male or female). The rules for heirs, and marriage are the same as for peasants.

Gypsy Rules
Build a 6x3 (2x3 bathroom) house on a plot of land with all the essentials (see farmer, but get an oven instead of BBQ , normal chair instead of recliner and no fire place, no table, also, you need an easel)
Have one tree that grows fruit.
Familyfunds 100
You must make money by selling paintings and home grown fruit, as you make more money, you should buy more things that you can sell, eg. craft tables.
As with farmers it will be difficult with the rest of the community to make this family continue, they can either get with and marry an NPC, get the harlot pregnant (assuming he is male), or have a promiscuous baby with one of the locals, if one of the last two, flip a coin to decide who gets to keep the baby, keep going until he gets an heir (male or female). The rules for heirs, and marriage are the same as for peasants.
Must have at least one pet.

Harlot rules.
Build a house in the same style as the peasants, double bed is essential. She can upgrade this as she makes more money.
Familyfunds 100
No marriage.
No pets.
She must go out and build relationships with potential clients and once they are comforatble enough together have WooHoo.
Award 100 simolians for WooHoo with a peasant, 500 with a merchant, 700 with a noble and 1000 if you blag a royal! similarly for a date, 50 for a peasant, 250 for a merchant, 350 for a noble and 500 with a royal, add them together if you get both.
She may not initiate dates, and may only invite people round if they call her first.
Upon having WooHoo with one male client 5 times you must force her to become pregnant, cheats are aloud for this. After that child, the next male client she has WooHoo with 6 times before she becomes pregnant, and then after that child 8 times, etc. This is to signify accidental pregnancy, unprotected or what ever.
First born is the heir, may not marry and must live in the house and become the next harlot when she becomes an elder, the others may marry as if they were peasants, except, under no circumstances would a merchant marry them.

And don’t forget!
The aim of all this is to eventually make every one in the kingdom somehow related to royalty, you have a long game in front of you. Good luck!
#20 Old 17th May 2011 at 4:09 AM
LOL this sounds quite interesting!! love how you have tried to tie in so many of the good challenges into one! can't wait to try the 'hard' version out!
Lab Assistant
#21 Old 17th May 2011 at 10:32 AM
I agree, interesting. I don't think I have the attention span to try this, but if I did do it I think I'd adopt that system I've seen where each class has a different hair colour. And possibly, instead of trying to work out family trees, I'd make my end goal to have a peasant born with the "royal" hair colour. But if you did that you would have to make a "no NPC" rule so that you couldn't just find a peasant a royal-coloured NPC and win in the first generation.
Technically this way is actually playing by the rules, if I think about it. You need to go through each class to get to the peasants, and each class comes from one original family, so a noble-gened baby means everyone's related! Assuming it still counts as "being related" if a sim is disowned for marrying below their status...
Test Subject
#22 Old 17th May 2011 at 8:44 PM
In my idea of the game it does still count as being related if they are disowned. x
Test Subject
#23 Old 19th May 2011 at 3:54 PM
I have just re-installed TS2 after a very very long break and am going to give this a go!
For my own amusement I have relocated some of my fav Sims to a new neighbourhood which I named The Village of Thames.

The Royals, last name also Thames, are newly created and have blonde hair.

The Nobles are the Kim's, (their son met a mysterious demise) and the newly created Dracule couple who are of course vampires. All have black hair.

The Merchants are the Pleasants, as each of their daughters are now grown and living separately, and they too have become merchants but I have bent the rules a touch and need to find them husbands. Of course they have red hair from their gene pool.

The Peasants are an interesting lot. Since Bella left and Mortimer got mixed up with the Caliente sisters, he basically drove his family into poverty and now his grown children Cassandra and Alexander each live in their own hovel as a peasant, while Mortimer's house disintegrates around him and he just wanders around in delirium. Speaking of the Calientes, Dina kicked Nina out and so Nina is also now a peasant and Dina took to the gypsy life and is now the village Gypsy.
Don Lothario is also a peasant. All peasants have brown hair.

The farmer, a little lady with the last name of Moss, took an over zealous approach to spraying her plants for bugs and has turned a little "green", maybe in time she will learn to grow something special in her cabbage patch!

As for the oddballs, I am looking towards the Curious family, perhaps an old housekeeper will move in, take over their lives, start doing rituals etc.

That only leaves Bella and of course the role of Harlot.

Wish me luck!!!
Lab Assistant
#24 Old 26th Jan 2015 at 7:39 AM
I am going to do this amazing challenge thank you for putting this up!! I love it! :3
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