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#1 Old 5th Mar 2013 at 3:11 AM Last edited by justJones : 7th Feb 2014 at 12:28 AM.
Default 100 Overstuffed Baby Challenge?
I had a thought, what if we tried a 100 Baby Challenge but allow for an overstuffed household with a mod.

Does anyone who has done the 100 Baby challenge think this is possible?
Forum Resident
#2 Old 5th Mar 2013 at 4:56 AM
It's certainly possible to attempt it. I bet the results would be visible from space before you got to 100 babies, though.
#3 Old 6th Mar 2013 at 12:56 AM
i would love to see a house with 100 kids in it... the chaos...
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 6th Mar 2013 at 1:03 AM
XD cool. That would be fun. Like the show 19 kids and counting. Or, how many kids they have now. :3
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#5 Old 6th Mar 2013 at 1:22 AM
I'm going to try it now you guys, and post photos here! Will anyone else try?
#6 Old 6th Mar 2013 at 1:24 AM
Quote: Originally posted by towritelove0
I'm going to try it now you guys, and post photos here! Will anyone else try?

i might if uni ever finishes downloading >_<
Top Secret Researcher
#7 Old 6th Mar 2013 at 2:06 AM
Quote: Originally posted by xxsoulfire123
i would love to see a house with 100 kids in it... the chaos...

Well, I'd say this video comes reasonably close.
#8 Old 6th Mar 2013 at 2:28 AM
My family is up to 10, and I think the parents are starting to display signs of trauma.

Mom never gets out of the rocking chair. She'll rock all day and stand up to pee herself or scream that she's starving. Dad wears a sport coat and board shorts to work, but when he gets home it's all underpants all the time. He spends most of his waking hours posting inappropriate messages online or rolling wishes to go to a lounge. The cat has taken up permanent residence on the very edge of the property, and my butler quits about every other day.

Multiply this by 10...
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#9 Old 6th Mar 2013 at 4:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MinghamSmith
Well, I'd say this video comes reasonably close.

I'm going to plan it so hopefully not too many are infants at once! lol
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#10 Old 6th Mar 2013 at 4:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by gnomequeen
My family is up to 10, and I think the parents are starting to display signs of trauma.

Mom never gets out of the rocking chair. She'll rock all day and stand up to pee herself or scream that she's starving. Dad wears a sport coat and board shorts to work, but when he gets home it's all underpants all the time. He spends most of his waking hours posting inappropriate messages online or rolling wishes to go to a lounge. The cat has taken up permanent residence on the very edge of the property, and my butler quits about every other day.

Multiply this by 10...

What are the ages of your 10? And are you still going to try for more? Where any multiples? Your description of the household is hilarious, btw
#11 Old 6th Mar 2013 at 11:51 PM Last edited by gnomequeen : 7th Mar 2013 at 12:33 AM. Reason: Edited to add a pic
Quote: Originally posted by towritelove0
What are the ages of your 10? And are you still going to try for more? Where any multiples? Your description of the household is hilarious, btw

2 teenagers and a now real IF, 5 child-aged (1 in boarding school because she's "special"), 4 toddlers, and the mother is pregnant again (not sure if it belongs to her husband or the butler). Should I include the 3 piranha, 2 dragon fish, a frog, a ghost, 2 invisible IF, and a lizard named Travis?

The toddlers are two sets of twins. All of the others have been single births. Oh please don't let the mother have triplets!

If you plan to do this, get the mod that lets your kids eat out of pet bowls, and buy several of the endless food bowls from buydebug. Also, turn your volume down. The sound of four toddlers singing to their dolls at once will drive you slowly insane.

My cat has started tackling one of the kids every time I turn my back, and he now just rolls wants to hiss at the kids.

Mad Poster
#12 Old 16th Mar 2013 at 9:48 PM
Oh God why do I want to try this my computer is going to hate me.

Forum Resident
#13 Old 17th Mar 2013 at 9:59 AM
...and that's just with 10. I'm bringing popcorn and candy bars for this one.

So far it's just towritelove0 and gnomequeen. Gnomequeen is off to an early start. You won't
see me trying this one on my pc. Yours is a different story altogether. (I dread to watch, yet
cannot turn away)
#14 Old 17th Mar 2013 at 4:16 PM
It turned nightmarish pretty quick after that last post. I was afraid of having triplets, and I would come to regret those words. I wasn't even aware that quads were a possibility, but old fertile Myrtle brought four more horrible children into the picture. Oh the horrors of seeing that box to name the child pop up over and over. The butler watched the whole affair, made himself some coffee, and pulled a runner at 4am. I followed him and found his escape almost poetic:


It took military precision to get everyone up and ready for school and work. I enlisted all of the teens to get toddlers in and out of their cribs. Pathing was a nightmare, pretty much everything had been booby trapped, and the laundry started to pile up.
There were piles like that one in about three places. Even with Bonehilda and a new butler, the house was constantly messy.

I finally snapped and started sending kids to boarding school. Take a look at the nightmare in the attic/barracks after they left:

I actually started to like the oldest son, so I moved him out and started playing him and his partner. It was almost too easy with just two adults in a small house. A few of his siblings aged and moved out, and that's when SP told me that his mother was pregnant, again. Triplets. I checked in and found the babies scattered all over the floor, and I noticed something...

Sorry for the giant post. That family just cracks me up.
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 17th Mar 2013 at 6:34 PM
What issues can you have id you down lode Master Controller?
#16 Old 17th Mar 2013 at 7:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Kittens!
What issues can you have id you down lode Master Controller?

These mods seem pretty essential to creating this type of monster:
Master Controller
Portrait Panel
Debug Enabler
Story Progression

It goes without saying that I've had some lag, and there have been random and hilarious glitches, but I've been able to fix most with debug enabler and resetsim. However, one of the oldest children got totally borked. From the time she was a toddler, there were weird issues (random clothes, dropping queue). Her portrait was then greyed out when she hit young adult(even though she was still doing things in SP), and a townie spawned with her looks, personality, and a different name. My sim was nowhere to be found. I finally ended up annihilating her with debug enabler to save my game. So -1 child.
Lab Assistant
#17 Old 17th Mar 2013 at 7:08 PM
Forum Resident
#18 Old 18th Mar 2013 at 5:05 AM
Ah, the high point of my day. Gnomequeen, what's your count?

Where's towritelove0? Did his brood drive him to join Gnomequeen's butler?

Anybody else got the rocks to try this? I know I don't!
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#19 Old 18th Mar 2013 at 5:20 AM
Up to 6 and counting.

5 toddlers. 1 infant. One of the five toddlers is going to age up soon. And using MasterController i've "pollinated" her as they call it. I'm hoping for triplets this time. Going to upload a picture when I get to 10.
#20 Old 18th Mar 2013 at 6:08 AM
You should try it! What's the worst that could happen? lol

Current count: 17 living, 1 transported to another planet, 4 IF, and a mother waiting to pop.

Trying to find a shot of them all gathered in one place. I may have to go into my old save, but it will be missing the triplets.

A shot of the quads and twins. I think the other set of twins is probably off playing in traffic.

What exactly should a mother do after dropping quads on the front porch? Sing karaoke!

Pretty sure she's standing like that because she can't put her legs back together.
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#21 Old 18th Mar 2013 at 3:44 PM
gnomequeen - you crack me up! lol. So i'm lost, how many do you have living in your household right now?

By the way, just in general for anyone trying or looking to try, here are some tips:

-you have one stay at home parent, preferably the mother
-if she has a job then she'll just be on maternity leave for the end of time, unless you get a mod to get rid of maternity leave. I don't recommend getting rid of it, i've tried playing like that before and it makes things super wacky.

-have the parents sleep as soon as possible
-for example, have the mother get all the infants/toddlers on full happiness, straighten up the house, go back to change some more diapers and then immediately go to sleep. Whether her sleep meter is totally empty or not.

-you don't have too many infants at once
-when you have your first infant or infants, get the mother pregnant immediately in the same day. When your first batch of infants become toddlers, your mother will give birth. Repeat the process.

If anyone else has anything to ask or add please feel free
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#22 Old 18th Mar 2013 at 3:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by lenglel
Ah, the high point of my day. Gnomequeen, what's your count?

Where's towritelove0? Did his brood drive him to join Gnomequeen's butler?

Anybody else got the rocks to try this? I know I don't!

Didn't see your post earlier when I posted.

I totes agree with gnomequeen, you should try it. I found that playing on different life spans affects how hard the gameplay will be. I say normal life span is the easiest (and even that is hard) with epic being the hardest of the hard. In epic life span, all the infants and toddlers are the same ages for a LONG while and it's really bonkers.
#23 Old 18th Mar 2013 at 5:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by towritelove0
gnomequeen - you crack me up! lol. So i'm lost, how many do you have living in your household right now?

lol I'm having a hard time keeping track of who is in my house. IIRC 12 kids, 2 real IF, and both parents. Two kids moved out with their real IF's, one left the planet, and 3 live with the husband's mistresses. I may be forgetting someone.

I take it you're having one batch of kids after another? That's hardcore. My family started pretty slow because they were just meant to be testers for a mansion I was building for another family. I just had to try out the risky setting on WooHooer, and things went downhill quickly after that. The good part is that I had teenagers around for the influx of multiples. I would highly recommend that!

Interested to see your family!
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#24 Old 18th Mar 2013 at 7:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by gnomequeen
I take it you're having one batch of kids after another? That's hardcore.

Interested to see your family!

I was playing some this morning. There's 10 in the household now, and without cheats or modding the genders for 9/10 of the kids are female.

3 kids
3 toddlers
4 infants
And some buns in the oven...

Right now everything is really crazy, and I regret giving the parents fertility treatments...but honestly I'm really curious about how many toddlers they can handle before the parents just explode or a social worker comes. Lol

Can I ask, what lifespan are you playing on, and what's your system for some slivers of happiness? :0
#25 Old 18th Mar 2013 at 8:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by towritelove0
I was playing some this morning. There's 10 in the household now, and without cheats or modding the genders for 9/10 of the kids are female.

3 kids
3 toddlers
4 infants
And some buns in the oven...

Right now everything is really crazy, and I regret giving the parents fertility treatments...but honestly I'm really curious about how many toddlers they can handle before the parents just explode or a social worker comes. Lol

Can I ask, what lifespan are you playing on, and what's your system for some slivers of happiness? :0

Wowza! Not sure that I had that many little ones all at once (or not for more than a day anyhow). I ended up with a pretty even distribution of boys and girls by chance. I think I may have had her eat an apple for the first because I wanted to see if it worked.

Those fertility treatments are a nightmare waiting to happen, aren't they?! 4 infants was a little more than I wanted or needed in one go. I was kind of hoping the social worker would show up. If memory serves, it seemed to happen to my sims all the time in the first two games.

For happiness? I pretty much have them woohoo and throw crazy parties. Woohooing is quick and easy, and if you leave instruments out, party guests will entertain you and all of your children for free.

Not sure what type of house you're playing in, but start considering pathing now. Elevators are bad! They never want to take the stairs, but they will wait for 2 sim hours to go one floor. Also, I found it helpful to put fridges and tables in the child containment facility. It was much easier than having them all crowd into the kitchen for breakfast.

ETA: I have tweaked my lifespan. 2 days for infants, 6 for toddler, 14 for kids, 30 for teen
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