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#26 Old 2nd Dec 2006 at 8:50 PM
I really need a mod for this. I can't keep remebering all of this! Too much brain overload! :bombface:
Field Researcher
#27 Old 19th Dec 2006 at 12:53 AM
I had to type mine out in a way that was understandable for me with other info like: what skills are necessary for each career, etc. and print it out. I also made a list of each restriction with a space to write who lifted it or who I am planning on lifting it and a place to put a check mark when they are met. That has helped me tremendously. My gen. four are children now and I only have 2 restrictions left! It has been a really fun challenge!
#28 Old 15th Feb 2007 at 4:36 PM
Can we get a mod for this? :einstein
#29 Old 18th Mar 2007 at 6:09 PM
Black Barook, why don't you just copy/paste the rules into a text or word file and then print it?

I'm thinking of tweaking the rules to make Seasons-compliant versions. Rules I have so far include:

- No produce-gardening until the Culinary restrictions have been lifted. No Garden Club until a sim has earned a Gold Talent Badge (not required to be an heir) or become a Plant-sim (which nets the Gold badge anyway).
- No fishing until three days after the Natural Science (or Science, following my non-Uni variation) restrictions have been lifted. The sim who lifted the restriction has spent these days creating and distributing genetically-altered food fish that can cope with the radiation poisons in the water.
- No fishponds or gardens outside the 8x8 spaces until Political restrictions have been lifted. Meaning you CAN still garden/fish if you want, but it will be a REALLY tight squeeze.
- Music career can be substituted for Show Business in non-Uni variations. If done, add the following restriction: The stations on the radio cannot be changed. Sims are still able to use the stereo to work out.

Any other suggestions?

- No membership in the Garden Club until you have a Gold Badge/Plantsim.
-No inviting the Garden Club to review your garden until the Military Restriction is lifted.

Contemplating making Golden Sun stuff for TS2.
Lab Assistant
#30 Old 11th Apr 2007 at 6:48 AM
I think I found a possible flaw in this: how can you build a certain skill for a job if it is restricted? I mean, if Joe Sim wanted to go in the medical career, he can't go to the top, as he would be restricted from learning mechanics, unless you can use books for skill building?
#31 Old 11th Apr 2007 at 10:46 AM
Black, No that would be too much to mod really. I suppose you could ask modders, but jsut print the rules out!

Yeah... alright, you can PM me to request a house I suppose... Might take a while though as forewarning...
#32 Old 11th Apr 2007 at 7:22 PM
Default Errg what a pain, but I love it.
I started with a female and adult to make it harder. (using the pets and season rules as well)
She got fired from her first job lol.
So I started over, this time I dicided to buy a bed (because none of the couches have 3 energy) She had to take the first job in the paper ( Law Enforcement) pays good money so She decided to keep it.
I kept up with everything and She slowly got promoted. She had built up her relationship with Joe Carr, but in no time She had only five days left until Her birthday.
She hadn't got to the top of her career yet, but She needed to get preg within the next two days.
I relized that I could invite Joe over to try for a baby on tues between 12am-12pm, and it was tues hehe.
I don't remember reading that you have to invite them to live with you before having a baby, so my sim was preg.
The long night with Joe had worn my sim out, so of course no promotion.
and then she had to qiut her job.
Having the baby and the next three days of bottles, feedings, she was so red she started panhandling lol. I thought of having her get a job in the slacker career sence I beleave it is the fastest to compleat but with everything red that wasn't going to happen.
So ok She will just raise the baby and the baby can remove the first restriction, right?
Now here I am with a todler and a elder in the house, when I relized that I can't control the elder anymore.
Now what? lol.
#33 Old 12th Apr 2007 at 6:55 AM
Are there rules for which season must be active during the challenge?

And, could I move in my own Sims, if I cheat them to have only 1000§?
#34 Old 12th Apr 2007 at 9:49 AM
Lord Valcus, there are no season rules to the best of my knowledge yet, but personally I'd go for an all round nuclear winter until the Natural science has been lifted!


### The seasons rules are in testing for anyone who wants them! ###

I was right, you have to have a permenant winter, until Music is lifted so that Rock god can blast it from the sky! I've missed so much... I didn't even know the pet restrictions were there!

Oh and Lord Valcus, of course you can! What some people don't understand is it's a game, and you can play it your way! If you want to bend the challenge rules a bit, that's fine, if it makes it all more enjoyable for you! Personally I don't like pets so will be playing without pet restrictions next time!

Yeah... alright, you can PM me to request a house I suppose... Might take a while though as forewarning...
#35 Old 15th Apr 2007 at 7:14 PM
How do you keep your children in good hygiene before the medical is lifted? I don't think they can sponge bathe... I've lifted the culinary but it was taking so long for my spouse to find the medical listing with the new journalism restriction that I had her pop out some twins just to keep it going in the meantime, but now she's almost an elder and I'm worried that they'll fail school due to not doing homework due to hygiene
#36 Old 16th Apr 2007 at 12:42 PM
Quote: Originally posted by yamikuronue
How do you keep your children in good hygiene before the medical is lifted? I don't think they can sponge bathe... I've lifted the culinary but it was taking so long for my spouse to find the medical listing with the new journalism restriction that I had her pop out some twins just to keep it going in the meantime, but now she's almost an elder and I'm worried that they'll fail school due to not doing homework due to hygiene

I have no clue, I am wondering if this is something new, with the new expansion, or have kids ever use the sink to sponge bath?
mine spend so much time washing there hands, that he wouldn't sleep and there is no way home work is getting done.
#37 Old 16th Apr 2007 at 9:25 PM
Well that's the challenge of it all! Not many things survive a nuclear holocaust! It's tough going!

Yeah... alright, you can PM me to request a house I suppose... Might take a while though as forewarning...
#38 Old 16th Apr 2007 at 11:42 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Cheeseisgood
Well that's the challenge of it all! Not many things survive a nuclear holocaust! It's tough going!

I love the challenge, but the kids do not sponge bath, they just keep washing there hands and even that dose nothing.
The adults sponge bath and wash hands about 8 times and it fills there hygiene.
the kids wash there hands 16 times and it doesn't hardly move the hygiene meter.
With hygiene all red, they wont do there homework, they won't really even sleep, Grades drop, and they get taken away.
Or am I wrong? Wont they get taken if they keep a F report card.
It took me for ever to get my sim to the top of her career, and now she has two baby's that will be taken if I don't give them a shower lol.
I like the challenge, but I would also like to know that it is beatable.
Field Researcher
#39 Old 17th Apr 2007 at 1:21 AM
Purchase a sink with a higher hygiene level. That should work much easier.

I used the Download Catagorizer from Paladin's Palace to 'tweak' some of my custom downloads such as: made a plain, simple sink cost $25 with a 10 in hygiene and 5 in comfort, a cheaper single bed with higher comfort and energy, etc. I didn't do this to too many items, and certainly not fancy looking ones. Just mismatched items that I could pick up at a junk sale for really cheap in real life. It might be cheating, but oh well. It's my game, right? Good luck all.
#40 Old 17th Apr 2007 at 11:42 AM
I have the higher hygiene level sink, it still dose nothing for the kids.
I just gave up on hygiene and worked on everything else, sent the kids to school there mood was a hair in the red and they came home with improving grades. (They hadn't got home work yet)
#41 Old 9th May 2007 at 8:37 PM
The Culinary restriction says "can't stock the fridge with fresh food", but the Business restriction says "can't sell homegrown food", and the Athletic restriction says "only 3 items per inventory". So... what do you do with your homegrown produce?!

Contemplating making Golden Sun stuff for TS2.
#42 Old 15th May 2007 at 5:14 AM
Quote: Originally posted by discordkitty
There are three safe houses to choose from. You can download the (Bomb Shelter) the (Shotgun Shack) or the (Witch’s Hut).

Starting this today ... but dumb question ... where are these for download? Or do they come with the game. I have all eps and stuff packs.

Thanks in advance!
#43 Old 15th May 2007 at 9:21 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Jax
Starting this today ... but dumb question ... where are these for download? Or do they come with the game. I have all eps and stuff packs.

Thanks in advance!

I did a search at The Sims 2 site, and found them.
I beleave that I had to do the search for the member not the name of the house's.
I don't remember there name, but it is one of the owner's of The Apocalypse Challenge web site, I beleave the wife.
The screen names at there site, is the same name used at the sims 2 site.
Sorry hope this helps.
#44 Old 16th May 2007 at 3:51 AM
It does. thank you SO much! My founder is just about ready to graduate college, so I wanted to get the place.
#45 Old 16th May 2007 at 3:03 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Jax
It does. thank you SO much! My founder is just about ready to graduate college, so I wanted to get the place.

Your welcome, I just finally got the last job filled took forever hehe.
#46 Old 28th Jun 2007 at 8:00 AM
I'm playing with the new Seasons rules and it's really hard like this. Finally, I managed to have my founder lift the Culinary restrictions and marry his college love on a nice, cold tuesday morning... after quitting job for he normally has to work on tuesday mornings. :-(
Now, she was there, she got pregnant, she locked up the bathroom for hours and hours shrubbing her hands... and she got a cute little daughter for whom daddy cares as long as he isn't growing old. (Fortunaly, it's enough time to bring her through the toddler age.)
When she's old enough she'll start working in the Military career. But, one question... when they move out, after they are allowed to do: Do they have to move on another 5x5 lot? When the go to college, they can choose, but how is it, when they go out in the world, becoming neighbours of their parents?
Lab Assistant
#47 Old 3rd Jul 2007 at 8:28 AM
I'm a little confused- if the artist restriction is that you can't buy any items that increase creativity, how would they ever reach the top of the artist career?? If they can't increase creativity, they can't advance in the career. Some of these restrictions are really weird, and I would like to try this challenge but at the moment I'm too busy trying to sort through all the contradictions...
#48 Old 15th Jul 2007 at 11:51 PM
Lomelindi, your sims are allowed to write novels with the computer, which builds Creativity.

Contemplating making Golden Sun stuff for TS2.
#49 Old 19th Jul 2007 at 4:41 PM
I made my own safe house - because I didn't like the ones included, but I did look at how they were built - so I built my own, set everything up, had someone live there a bit meditating, made her a townie, removed the shrub.

I got rid of natural science first, since any sim could do science, that being my next goal, so I could work on turning my founder into a plant - and she got abducted and turned into one [ Since that mod can go all sorts of wrong, I don't see how its against the rules ]. Now I've got a house full of plants, 12 more careers to max, and a cat.

I can't make more baby plants to keep things going, until one of the elders die and now I'm wondering - do plants sims even die?
Lab Assistant
#50 Old 14th Sep 2007 at 4:30 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Reyn
I can't make more baby plants to keep things going, until one of the elders die and now I'm wondering - do plants sims even die?

Yes, they can die.
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