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#26 Old 29th Apr 2008 at 9:11 PM
I think that only applies if a person doesn't have nightlife cause that's the expansion that introduced that aspiration.
Mad Poster
#27 Old 30th Apr 2008 at 8:22 AM
ohkey, I did the aspiration, but I'll re-roll them again to get pleasure in.
Test Subject
#28 Old 3rd May 2008 at 5:21 PM
I just started this challenge but my rolls sucked.

Only 1 family with 2 members.

Female Teen, Romance, Leo (Anita).
Male Teen, Fortune, Capricorn (Anton).

Anitas ltw is to become Hall of Famer and Antons is to become Business Tycoon.
#29 Old 3rd May 2008 at 5:53 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Gothic By Night
I just started this challenge but my rolls sucked.

Only 1 family with 2 members.

Female Teen, Romance, Leo (Anita).
Male Teen, Fortune, Capricorn (Anton).

Anitas ltw is to become Hall of Famer and Antons is to become Business Tycoon.

In the rules, you reroll if you only get 1 family because you need to start out with at least 2 families. So hopefully you get a better roll next time!

I just started this Challenge again (this time I'm gonna finish it!) and got 5 families, which will hopefully keep it interesting.
#30 Old 3rd May 2008 at 6:45 PM
Anyone doing this should really join the yahoo group to get access to updated rules and tracking sheets to keep score (excel spreadsheets). The rules have been updated for EPs through Free Time.


I just started this challenge again for my second try about a week ago. I started with three families.

Family #1 - Oliver (Elder male, Pleasure aspiration, Gemini), Doren (Adult Male, Fortune aspiration, Taurus), Jenna (Teen Female, Population aspiration, Scorpio)

Family #2 - Nathan (Adult Male, Knowledge aspiration, Aquarius), Britt (Teen Female, Pleasure aspiration, Cancer)

Family #3 - Liu (Adult Female, Pleasure aspiration, Scorpio), Kyle (Teen Male, Popularity aspiration, Leo), Lyle (Child Male, Libra), Will (Toddler Male, Libra)

This challenge can make the sim population huge resulting in large rounds, which is why I didn't finish last try. So this time I'm trying to inter-marry the families as much as possible. I know it won't be plausible in a couple generations or so since the families will all be related by then, but hopefully that will help keep my population down a little bit. lol.

I'm into round 2 now. I sent Britt (teen female, family #2) to uni at the end of the round 1 and played her university time at the beginning of round 2. She graduated and married Doren (adult male, family #1), which makes her a step-mother to his teen daughter who is only a few years younger than herself. lol. Britt and Doren had twins, Beldon and Beladonna and then Doren got abducted and had his alien daughter Breanne. They will not be having any more children.

Oliver (elder male, family #1) has married Liu (adult female, family #3) and they have the only child they will be having--a little boy named Blake.

Nathan, alone in the house since Britt went to uni and got married, married a downtownie named Maura with a lifetime want of graduating 6 children from uni, so this family will be big. They have so far adopted a child, Gina, and had their own child, Bali. Maura is pregnant again and they will probably be adopting another as well.

Jenna (teen female, family #1) will be heading to university with her intended spouse, Kyle (teen male, family #3) at the end of this round. XD
Test Subject
#31 Old 3rd May 2008 at 8:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by inkbottleblue
In the rules, you reroll if you only get 1 family because you need to start out with at least 2 families. So hopefully you get a better roll next time!

I just started this Challenge again (this time I'm gonna finish it!) and got 5 families, which will hopefully keep it interesting.

Ah cool.

I just rerolled and got two families instead (slight improvement). Family 2 has 3 members:
Male elder, pleasure, libra
Male elder, family, aquarius
Female child, capricorn

Still kind of sucks that I only get 5 sims (out of a possible total of 36) and no adults at all, but it'll be interesting to see if I can pull it off.
Mad Poster
#32 Old 5th May 2008 at 11:44 AM
I tried but got bored because I felt I didn't have any connection to these randomly generated sims. I was really excited when I decided to do it, but had no passion for the people.
retired moderator
#33 Old 5th May 2008 at 3:53 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ani_
I tried but got bored because I felt I didn't have any connection to these randomly generated sims. I was really excited when I decided to do it, but had no passion for the people.

I used the random generator to set up the families in my latest neighborhood and spent time developing their individual family stories in my head before I ever got to CAS. Since I've always started neighborhoods with a combination of adults/young adults before, I love the variety this method provided. (Oddly enough, my first generation adults and teens don't really like the adults or teens from other families, but all the kids are quickly becoming friends.)
#34 Old 5th May 2008 at 4:44 PM
Two of my families had 2 elders each. One of them have had both elders die. The last lot I played had one pass away. I'm liking this challenge fairly well. I also used the random generator.
#35 Old 5th May 2008 at 7:53 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ani_
I tried but got bored because I felt I didn't have any connection to these randomly generated sims. I was really excited when I decided to do it, but had no passion for the people.

I usually get attached after playing them a while. I think freetime is great for them to develop more personality. I only let them dabble in their one true hobby and let that be a part of their personality. I kind of made up stories for all the families in my head as well.

Thanks for the link to the yahoo group, Issy. However reading through it I decided I like the playstyle, but keeping track of any points, does seem to much of a hassle. Also I love to let my sims move, as I really like building houses from real houseplans.

In addition most of the loopholes don´t apply to my game anyway. I play with no 20k handout from MATY, so moving a sim out certainly will not produce money. I also use the community-time hack from there, so that time spent on a community lot is really spend. After you direct your sim to go home from a community lot, the lot will load, but the sim will only be back at the time you made him leave the lot. In the meantime he is offlot, like being at work.
Mad Poster
#36 Old 5th May 2008 at 8:55 PM
Quote: Originally posted by abel
I usually get attached after playing them a while. I think freetime is great for them to develop more personality. I only let them dabble in their one true hobby and let that be a part of their personality. I kind of made up stories for all the families in my head as well.

I was hoping to get attached to them bu I wasn't. Anyhow, I'm still using this method to reproduce the people for my new hood, but instead of making the whole family, I only made the founders, for example, one family is two elders, an adult, two kids. So instead of making the whole family, I just made a couple, that will eventually be the elders. Also I didn't create all six random families + the three families that I wanted to have as well, but I made only three. I'm already lieking my new families alot. It seems going slow in familly building suits me better than fast.

mangaroo: took me a while to figure out how the random generator worked - really cool link
#37 Old 5th May 2008 at 9:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by abel

Thanks for the link to the yahoo group, Issy. However reading through it I decided I like the playstyle, but keeping track of any points, does seem to much of a hassle.

I agree to an extent. I started out trying to keep track, but became rather bored really inputting all the data into the tracking sheets to tally the score for me. I've decided I have one goal with this challenge: finish the 5 generations. Other than that, I'm not bothering with the score and strict rule following.

I'm in the beginning of round 3 right now. My elder male just died last night, leaving behind his wife and newborn son. I don't think his wife will be remarrying. She's got three boys at home still.

Good luck to everyone trying this challenge. I'm off to see if there are any pics or stories following this challenge in the appropriate areas here. Cheers!
#38 Old 5th May 2008 at 9:31 PM
Yes the pointsystem looks like it is kind of a hassle. I try to follow the rules, but of course I don´t know them all by heart.

My main goal is gen5 as well, as I never made it that far. I played every lot for 26 days now and as I started out with five quite big families, I do have nine households already. And I started this challenge, because the rotations in my big merged maxis neighbourhood were taking so long.
#39 Old 5th May 2008 at 9:35 PM
Yeah my main reason for starting this was to actually try to get through several generations. Never done it really before cause I always restart lol

Right now I have a few sims close to graduating college. I started out with 4 families so now i may have 5 to 6 households.
#40 Old 13th May 2008 at 11:41 AM
I have just completed the first cycle of generation one; I like it. I've never played four entirely seperate households before (Never even two, they'ver always have blood ties).

I even had entirely unexpected drama when one of my single parents came home from work (with a promotion) and died. From a cold a pop-up had just informed me she'd recovered from. Cool. I did have to cheat though, because both children were still children and would have been taken by the Social Worker. One of the boys was a day away from Transition so I aged him up but then I did something I wish I hadn't which was have him plead with Grim. He won and Mum was saved. I should have let her go. Ah well, next time.
#41 Old 13th May 2008 at 1:55 PM
LOL My one household started out with 2 elders, an adult male, and a teenage girl. The elders have died. The man got married and had 4 children with his new wife. 2 sets of twins in a row. She's pregnant with number 5. Has come close to dying of starvation several times, I can't keep her awake long enough to eat. But I was laughing to myself cause the oldest teens which are twins are supposedly BFF's and they got in a brawl in the kitchen. I was so confused...then I looked at their personalities. The whole household with the exception of the mother are all grouchy sims. The teen boy started slapping around this townie teen that was there after the brawl. Since the younger twins just turned into children I bet those two will start fighting.

5 grouchy sims in one house should be interesting.
Field Researcher
#42 Old 9th Jun 2008 at 3:09 PM
Oooh! After playing this game for so many years, I need something new. Not that I ever get bored of it, mind you. But I tend to make my families too perfect, carefully planning every nuance of their aspirations and personalities to suit an optimal career and lifestyle. Which can be too easy sometimes. In real life, people are not so perfect. This is a great motivator to infuse more realism (and therefore challenge) into our games.

Thanks so much for putting this up! I think this will be a blast and an interesting challenge to try. So, I'm off to go make my neighborhood and families. I'll let you know how it goes!

Field Researcher
#43 Old 9th Jun 2008 at 3:48 PM
I used the randomizer. Here's what I have so far:

The Samuels Family:
Harold - Male Adult, Pleasure Aspiration, Virgo.
Kevin (Harold's son, born out of wedlock) - Male Child, Family Aspiration, Leo.
David (Harold's brother) - Male Adult, Popularity Aspiration, Leo.

The Mayfield Family:
John: Male Elder, Fortune Aspiration, Leo.

The Beltran Family:
William - Male Adult, Popularity Aspiration, Aquarius.
Tracy (William's daughter) - Female Teen, Popularity Aspiration, Gemini.
Rose (William's daughter) - Female Child, Romance Aspiration, Taurus.
Scott (William's son) - Male Child, Popularity Aspiration, Libra.
Kenneth (William's father) - Male Elder, Romance Aspiration, Pisces.

The Campos Family:
Anna - Female Adult, Fortune Aspiration, Pisces.

The McDaniel Family:
James - Male Adult, Fortune Aspiration, Cancer.
Amy (James' wife) - Female Adult, Romance Aspiration, Capricorn.
Susan (their daughter) - Female Teen, Family Aspiration, Pisces.
Charles (their son) - Male Toddler, Romance Aspiration, Pisces.

This should be interesting. I already have some good stories brewing in my imagination for these families. Off to go have fun with it!

I'm not sure if I'll keep score yet, but I will definitely follow the rules. It makes play much more challenging, and the rewards when you achieve something with your Sims are all the sweeter. This is a good incentive for people to play different types of more realistic families that interact dynamically with each other, instead of just playing the same perfect family endlessly. I may never make another 'hood without this system again!

Test Subject
#44 Old 16th Jun 2008 at 8:01 AM
I just started this challenge yesterday.
I have 5 families:

The Milligan Family: George [Adult/Family/Capricorn], Heather [Teen/Girl/Sagittarius/Family], Ashley[Child/Girl/Virgo], and Clayton[Child/boy/Leo]

The Zayas Family: Haidee[toddler/girl/gemini], Cacio[elder/man/fortune/libra], and Stefano[child/boy/virgo]

The Russo Family: Laura[toddler/girl/capricorn], Ginevra[teen/girl/romance/gemini], Enzo[teen/boy/family/aries], and Carlo[child/boy/capricorn]

The Atkins Family: Alisha[Adult/woman/knowledge/leo] and Grace[teen/girl/popularity/virgo]

The Mitchell Family: Kimberly[adult/woman/fortune/pisces]

So far I have only played the Milligan and Mitchell Family.

Milligan Update: The Milligans had a rough first week. For some reasn George hates all his kids. He NEVER talks to them and on the rare occasion that he does, he plugs his ears and makes mean faces. Heather takes care of the whole family. She gets up three hours early to cook and clean around the house. On one of the first few times of her cooking the kitchen caught fire. Both John and Clayton died. George cried for a day but never since. He married a townie named Melissa theday before and spent that evening woohooing [I have an autonomous woohoo hack]. Melissa is now pregnant. I wonder if George will love the new baby or neglect him like his existing kids. Oh by the way, George is a security guard so he is home all day and NEVER does he clean up [unless forced to]. He lectures the kids ALL the time and is th meanest family sim I have EVER had!!

Mitchell Update:
Kimberly Mitchell is rather boring. She doesn't have much going on. She was in the business field for a few days but quit to enter the medical field in order to achieve her LTW. Right now she is dating the Diva. I hope this goes well because she NEEDS the money. I don't think there will be kids in her future un;ess someone else's kid gets taken because the orphan kids are UGLY! lol.

But yea I really like this challenge.
#45 Old 24th Jul 2008 at 6:45 PM
I'll give it a go- but I normally don't get past generation 2 of any family, let alone a townful. Have decided to randomize the names as well, which should be fun.

So, families:

GASPARI (six people):
Luisa (EF//Romance)
Amanda (AF/Family/Leo)
Alda (TF/Pisces/Fortune)
Mohana (CM/Aries)
Rosangela (CF/Cancer)
Guerino (TM/Gemini)

HORNBY (six people):
Gregory (AM/Libra/Fortune)
Presley (TM/Libra/Romance)
Jamison (CM/Aquarius)
William (CM/Cancer)
Oliver (CM/Aquarius)
Fern (TF/Leo)

EDDINGS (five people):
Gayle (AM/Cancer/Romance)
Ace (AM/Scorpio/Romance)
Felicia (AF/Capricorn/Fortune)
Wibeke (TeenF/Pisces/Knowledge)
Dorothea (TeenF/Aries/Family)
Garbhan (ToddlerM/Cancer)

Lotsa big families... fun.
Test Subject
#46 Old 24th Jul 2008 at 8:02 PM
Default If I may suggest
I just saw this, today, and am rolling up my sims here at work. I have a suggestion to make on the age. Rather than 1-5 being Toddler - Elder and 6 being a re-roll, make 5 the adult, 6 the elder and on a roll of 4 make a teen that must immediately go to University (i.e. College-age)?
Lab Assistant
#47 Old 24th Jul 2008 at 8:43 PM
I'd just like to point out for everyone who's thinking about starting a Prosperity challenge, Phaenoh wrote a program that rolls your family in an instant:
Random Aspect Generators
So you don't have to roll your die for every aspect of your new Simmies that you can think of- although that may have its charm, ofcourse!
Test Subject
#48 Old 24th Jul 2008 at 9:54 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Nimi
I'd just like to point out for everyone who's thinking about starting a Prosperity challenge, Phaenoh wrote a program that rolls your family in an instant:
Random Aspect Generators
So you don't have to roll your die for every aspect of your new Simmies that you can think of- although that may have its charm, ofcourse!

Hell, I'm an old Pencil & Paper RPG player and former Warhammer player, this is a small amount of dice for me.

However, the resulting dice rolls gave me these three Families:

Kerrigan Family
Harrietta Kerrigan - Elder Female Aries, Knowledge
Brennan Kerrigan - Child Male Gemini, Romance
Noah Kerrigan - Toddler Male Aries, Knowledge

Yamada Family
Yoshirou Yamada - Adult Male Virgo, Romance
Airi Yamada - Adult Female Aries, Pleasure
Nobuyuki Yamada - Child Male Libra, Romance
Saburo Yamada - Toddler Male Sagittarius, Knowledge
Yori Yamada - Elder Male Leo, Popularity

Engel Family
Filibert Engel - Adult Male Libra, Family
Daschel Engel - College Male Aquarius, Pleasure
Alena Engel - Toddler Female Aquarius, Popularity
#49 Old 5th Aug 2008 at 1:02 PM
I've just started it again tonight. Rolled 2 families, one is dad with a kid and 3 toddlers and another one is elder mother with adult son and teen daughter. Althought this challenge is supposed to offer a variety of aspirations and personalities I've only got fortune/family/popularity, canser/scorpio/capricorn and one single sagittarus sims Seriously, no other aspirations or star signs. My dice must be evil Anyway, I'm hooked and that's all what matters.
Undead Molten Llama
#50 Old 14th Aug 2008 at 8:36 PM
This is surprisingly like how I normally play. I create three or four families at once and let 'em rip. I'm not nearly so regimented with how I rotate them, though, and I usually just start out with an adult couple. I like the idea of doing that so that aging is synchronized; I didn't even think of that. I also like the random aspect. It forces me to play characters who aren't adult family or knowledge Sims, which is what I always seem to create in CAS.

So I rolled for my families last night and got halfway through creating the Sims before I fell asleep. Six families, lucky me. (I don't own a die, so I used a random integer generator I found online to do all the "rolling.") Two of the six families have six members each. Good thing I'm used to playing big families! One of those families of six has four toddlers in it. Ouch. I have a feeling I'll have to bend the "No cheats!" rule a bit with that one. The other family of six has four pleasure Sims, which I find difficult to play, so that will be a challenge, too. Then I have a single teen family, a single adult female family, a standard nuclear family of four, and a family with an elder and a child, so I'm hoping the elder doesn't die before the child transitions. (Although if he does, is it OK if the kid gets adopted by one of the other families, maybe by my single AF?)

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to playing this. Hopefully I'll finish setting it all up tonight and maybe have some time to actually play. The family with four toddlers is up first. Yikes. I'm not planning to keep score or anything, and I'll probably go longer than 5 generations. The only neighborhood I play otherwise has to be on at least its 15th generation, and it's huge because I only rarely let Sims die of old age. I keep aging them back. So I fear implosion. But I know I have to let people die in this challenge, so....

Oh, and I also liked and adopted the idea that a roll of 4 for life stage is a teen who goes straight to college. Two of my families have one of those. I actually like playing Uni a lot, even though it's long and sometimes boring. But that's how college really is.
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