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Ms. Byte (Deceased)
Original Poster
#26 Old 25th Apr 2010 at 6:07 PM
Not sure why MorphMaker's FNV function would have generated the same for both unless you gave it the same text to generate the ID from. Anyway, problem solved.

There's actually two IDs involved - the BGEO and blend instance IDs and the label text ID. I think both have to be unique.
Mad Poster
#27 Old 26th Apr 2010 at 10:31 AM
Cheers for the face files. I solved my issue with importing into Milkshape. It was something stupid on my part. I was using the wrong import option. Doh!

My deviantART, MTS Yearbook Origin ID = Alistu
Lab Assistant
#28 Old 27th Apr 2010 at 12:06 AM
Hey there. It's me again. XD
I've got another question. Is there a possibility to change the shape of the head? with a slider maybe? 'Cause you know, the sims3 heads are always so... thin. :/ I don't know, but they are not really head-shaped, are they? o.o I mean, everybody has another head shape, and I would really like to change this shape in CAS. But I guess, I would need a slider for that. Would the process be the same, like with the face sliders? Or would that be a bone-based slider?

I attached a picture, to make my intentions clear. :P
Don't pay attention to the ears. I already solved that problem. XD
Mad Poster
#29 Old 27th Apr 2010 at 11:34 AM
Could you not just widen the whole head and then narrow the jaw with the existing CAS sliders or does that not give the result you are after?

I've still yet to try making any sliders myself. I keep getting distracted.

My deviantART, MTS Yearbook Origin ID = Alistu
Lab Assistant
#30 Old 27th Apr 2010 at 12:39 PM
Well, not exactly... because then the whole head gets broader. But I only want to widen the parts, I marked on the picture. Your solution would probably work, but the result would depend on the shape of the hair mesh used on the sim. It would come out quite acceptable on the sim on my picture, what with the hair mesh used. But there are also meshes, which fit the head shape, so if you widen the head too far, it would look pretty strange, I assume...
Well I can try out and create some more face-sliders and experiment. But it would probably be easier to just create a slider for the marked head area. In case it's not a bone-based issue, that is...

Distracted? ôo Why is that? Do you have any understanding problems with the Tutorial, or do you just have problems concentrating on the whole process? Well, the creating-process itself is only a question of a few minutes. For me, that is. Importing the LOD file in milkshape (2 times of course XD), making the changes, exporting the whole thing as a geom file, and then creating the slider with MM.
What exactly do you have problems with? If you have any problems at all.
Ms. Byte (Deceased)
Original Poster
#31 Old 27th Apr 2010 at 1:06 PM
Melody: The head shape changes you seem to be talking about would probably be better accomplished with bone-based sliders which would also affect the hair mesh.
Lab Assistant
#32 Old 27th Apr 2010 at 4:22 PM
Yep. I thougt so.
Well, I made a new geom-based slider, which solves the problem pretty fine for now. I'm not so familiar with bone-based sliders yet. Have never worked with them before. But I know someone here on MTS who is pretty good at creating bone-based sliders. I already asked him for help, so all I can do is wait and see, what he brings up.
However, I think I will skim through some Tutorials and look what I can find. :D
Mad Poster
#33 Old 27th Apr 2010 at 8:30 PM
Distracted in a way that I turn the computer on with the intention of making a slider but instead end up spending three hours playing games on the internet. >.<

I think I need to wait until I have a day off work. I have three sliders I want to attempt involving the ears, chin and nose bridge. I'll probably start with the nose one and see how it goes.

My deviantART, MTS Yearbook Origin ID = Alistu
Lab Assistant
#34 Old 28th Apr 2010 at 7:08 PM
Well, I already have some sliders now. I have 2 for the ears to move them up/down and in/out (nearer to the head, or further away from it).
Then one for the facesides (cheekbones/cheeks) to make the face broader or thinner, one for the forehead (to flatten it), and one for this nose thingy (this little part between the nostrils) to move it more up or more down. Yeah, that's all for now. Until I get an idea for another slider, that is. XD The possibilitys are unlimited, als long as you stay in the face area.
Lab Assistant
#35 Old 4th May 2010 at 7:54 PM
Could the bone based sliders created with the same method? Do I just move the bones around? Or do I have to do something else???
Ms. Byte (Deceased)
Original Poster
#36 Old 4th May 2010 at 8:12 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sims_reality
Could the bone based sliders created with the same method? Do I just move the bones around? Or do I have to do something else???

You'd have to use Delphy's CAS Slider Template Creator to make a package with the basic bone slider files in it. Then extract the bone delta files and use his BoneDelta Editor to add and modify specific bone modifications for the slider to affect. (It comes with one bone set up to - I think - change the head size. Use that as an example.) Replace the bone delta in the package with your modified version, put it in your game and see how it does.

Here's the download for the tools: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=372169
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
#37 Old 4th Jul 2010 at 2:05 PM
I'm kind of confused, reading this tutorial and looking at the screenshots, vs. what is actually in MorphMaker. The whole workflow of the program seems to have changed - for instance, the whole "Create BGEO" button, I'm not seeing anywhere - I'm not sure how I'm meant to generate a BGEO without that button... or do the stuff with the other two buttons at the bottom, as they're not there either. I so desperately want to make some sliders and have gotten through the first bits in Milkshape just fine - but I'm stuck when it actually gets to MorphMaker. Help... please?
Lab Assistant
#38 Old 4th Jul 2010 at 2:45 PM
The create BGEO button can be found by pressing one of two buttons on the bottom left under the "Make Morphs" section. The 'slider' button actually has what you are looking for, but both buttons open to a panel that has a create BGEO button (that both do exactly the same thing). But the make slider panel can create a package (after you make a BEGO, or else it fails assembling the package) complete with english strings.

The tutorial was made when the tools were in beta, so the location of the buttons have changed a lot (and for the better because the original UI was often confusing).

What I think is really helpful for the later part of making sliders is to have the proper plugins for s3pe, that way you don't have to get confused changing the file extensions to get them to work in Delphy's tools: here's some sample code, just copy it to a text file, set the directory to to appropriate location, then save the file with the extension ".helper" and put it into the S3PE helpers folder
For the Blend Unit Editor:
ResourceType: 0xB52F5055
Label: Edit Blend Unit
Command: C:\Users\*****\Desktop\Sims 3 Mod Work\Apps\Delphy Tools\MTS_Delphy_1009047_BlendUnitEditor\BlendUnitEditor.exe
Arguments: {}

And for the other one:
ResourceType: 0x0358B08A
Label: Edit Facial Blend
Command: C:\Users\****\Desktop\Sims 3 Mod Work\Apps\Delphy Tools\MTS_Delphy_1009036_FacialBlendEditor\FacialBlendEditor.exe
Arguments: {}
Ms. Byte (Deceased)
Original Poster
#39 Old 4th Jul 2010 at 3:12 PM
The problem is that FaceMorphMaker and BodyMorphMaker have been rolled into one program now since they basically do the same things. I should probably modify my tutorial, but for right now:

Screenshot 1 - The basic MorphMaker screen. First, fill in your project name and either click the arrow button to calculate an Instance ID or fill in your own.

Screenshot 2 - Click the buttons under 'Import meshes' to pull up the screens to load your morph meshes. Ex: click Toddler and load up the toddler meshes, etc. You don't have to load all the ages/genders, any morph you make will affect only the ones you load meshes for. Make sure you put them in the right LODs - start with 0 for faces, 1 for clothing.

Screenshot 3 - Click the buttons under 'Make morphs' to get the screens to actually make files and packages. For a facial slider use the Slider button. If you've got your project name and ID and at least one mesh loaded, the Create BGEO button will be active. Select the body region and CAS info and the other buttons will become active. Same for the Clothing button, but the only thing to fill in is the optional Group ID.

For facial sliders, create a BGEO first. If the slider is bidirectional, create a separate set of morph meshes and a separate BGEO for each direction. Then use the 'Create Package' button and select your BGEO(s).

For clothing, create BGEO for as many morphs as you're making. Then use the 'Add morphs to package' button to modify a pre-existing package (probably from CTU) to add and link the modified or new morphs.

Hope this helps - maybe I'll put a whole new tutorial for the combined tool on my to-do list.

And I see Rez beat me to it... And has a useful suggestion.
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
#40 Old 4th Jul 2010 at 8:16 PM Last edited by HystericalParoxysm : 4th Jul 2010 at 9:37 PM.
Thanks so much, Rez and Cmar! I really appreciate it.

Between your help and some from Delphy, I've been able to get a bi-directional slider working, woo! Now to make... so... many... more... Yay!

I'm attaching some .ms3d files - these are the templates I'm using to make my face sliders. They're just Cmar's faces from the first post, but two imported into MS, first one hidden, second one given the comments - so they're all ready to just start editing. I've done lod0 and lod1 for all ages - not lod2.

Figure it might save some other folks some time, if you're making multiple sliders or bi-directional sliders.
Attached files:
File Type: 7z  Templates.7z (720.1 KB, 64 downloads)
#41 Old 4th Jul 2010 at 10:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by CmarNYC
You'd have to use Delphy's CAS Slider Template Creator to make a package with the basic bone slider files in it. Then extract the bone delta files and use his BoneDelta Editor to add and modify specific bone modifications for the slider to affect. (It comes with one bone set up to - I think - change the head size. Use that as an example.) Replace the bone delta in the package with your modified version, put it in your game and see how it does.

Here's the download for the tools: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=372169

Another nice thing some might found out already is that you can use Milkshape to help you create bone sliders.
The same values you use in Milkshape to move the bone you can use in Delphy's bonetool.
when you do this in ANIM mode you can also see wat all related vertices do as they move along.
So you can easily shape a body for instance in Milkshape and use those values in Delphy's bonetool.
Works 10 times quicker then just guessing

It also will give you alot info on how the bones are connected and their movement.
Lab Assistant
#42 Old 13th Jul 2010 at 2:26 AM Last edited by cwurts00 : 13th Jul 2010 at 2:27 AM. Reason: something to add
I'm getting an error in Morphmaker when I try to create the BGEO file. If I use the file I exported from milkshape, it tells me that it is not a morph mesh file. If I import it to postal and save it as a .GEOM, Morphmaker gives me an error 57: Attempt to read past end of file. What am I doing wrong?
Lab Assistant
#43 Old 13th Jul 2010 at 3:02 AM
Quote: Originally posted by cwurts00
I'm getting an error in Morphmaker when I try to create the BGEO file. If I use the file I exported from milkshape, it tells me that it is not a morph mesh file. If I import it to postal and save it as a .GEOM, Morphmaker gives me an error 57: Attempt to read past end of file. What am I doing wrong?

It sounds like you didn't change the GEOM comment in Milkshape to the morph data. In the groups tab select your morph mesh, then press the comment button. The only thing that should be in the comment for a morph is this:
FVFItems: 3
TableType: 0
References: 1
TGIRef00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Anything else and it will export a bad geom that will not be usable by morph maker.
Lab Assistant
#44 Old 14th Jul 2010 at 7:08 AM
Morphmaker is driving me crazy! I am able to get the slider to show in CAS, but I keep doing something wrong so it doesn't function. I keep redoing it in Morphmaker, and occasionally I get it correct by accident, but I can never figure out what I'm doing right for the next time, and end up loading the game 7 or 8 times for no good reason. So, I export the file from milkshape, choosing one of the two GEOM00 or GEOM01, but not the other. Next, I load morphmaker and type in the name of my file; generate a hash with the same name; select adultMale from the left menu and select ONE file - my simgeom file that I exported from milkshape; in "slider" I click "Create BGEO, and name it mySliderRight; then I go through and save it; Next I choose new Morph Project; Choose Project Name; generate Hash; choose AdultMale; Select the same simgeom file; This time in slider, I click "Create Package", and type in "mySlider.package"; When it asks me to select the BGEO, I choose mySliderRight, and follow through until I get the main menu; then I just select File:exit.

This is what I do every time, with a few glitches now and then. One of the "glitches" is actually correct, but I just can't find it. Do you know what I'm doing wrong?
Ms. Byte (Deceased)
Original Poster
#45 Old 14th Jul 2010 at 3:22 PM
If you're following the tutorial, GEOM01 should be your morph mesh, the one with the modified comments as in Rez's post just above. This is the mesh you should be using. MorphMaker will only accept a morph mesh so I assume you're successfully exporting one. The first thing you should check is that the morph mesh is correct, by restarting Milkshape and importing the base mesh and then your morph mesh over it. If you see the base shape and a second mesh that's got the shape you want for your slider, then your mesh is correct. If not, you may have moved the vertices of the base as well as the morph or done something else wrong.

Your morph mesh should go in the first LOD0 slot in MorphMaker. (Just checking.)

There's no need to start a new project if you're making a one-directional slider - just create the BGEO and then create the package, choosing the BGEO file you just made. Not a mistake exactly, just saying.

Last, if you have other custom sliders, are you using a mod to increase the slider number limit?
Lab Assistant
#46 Old 14th Jul 2010 at 11:21 PM
It turns out it was the milkshape export after all. I don't know why it didn't work, but the simgeom looked like the original instead of the changed one. Now unless I can find a way to export it properly from the saved file, I will have to start from scratch.
Ms. Byte (Deceased)
Original Poster
#47 Old 15th Jul 2010 at 12:25 AM
Quote: Originally posted by cwurts00
It turns out it was the milkshape export after all. I don't know why it didn't work, but the simgeom looked like the original instead of the changed one. Now unless I can find a way to export it properly from the saved file, I will have to start from scratch.

That's happened to me more than once. Usually I forgot to hide the base mesh.
Lab Assistant
#48 Old 15th Jul 2010 at 3:22 AM
I am now trying to make a bi-directional slider. I am very satisfied with the sliders I have made so far, except that when I move the slider to the left, it behaves as if I am moving it to the right. Is there a known fix for this?
Ms. Byte (Deceased)
Original Poster
#49 Old 15th Jul 2010 at 1:55 PM
Make sure you're making a separate BGEO for the left action, and loading it into MorphMaker at the 'Make Package' stage.

I had a bug in the left-slider link - did you download the patched version of MorphMaker? This was something like a week ago.
Lab Assistant
#50 Old 15th Jul 2010 at 7:04 PM
I downloaded the latest version, but no matter how many times I reload it, if I use the bi-directional option, it uses the "right" BGEO in both directions.
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