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#26 Old 21st Dec 2009 at 11:12 PM
Ghani - Except he actually has hair on his chest. Hasn't shaved it, chippendales style.

Alissa - "Hey, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do".

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
#27 Old 21st Dec 2009 at 11:17 PM Last edited by Alissa888 : 21st Dec 2009 at 11:27 PM.
Atropa - Now, I'm getting images of the girls holding down Tyler to wax him... laidback though he is, I can't see him letting them :P

Lena: Duty calls? And you just took it lying down? I'm sure it was really hard for you.

Olivia, on one of those days she doesn't want anyone to know about.

"Life is just a chance to grow a soul" - A. Powell Davies
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#28 Old 22nd Dec 2009 at 5:42 PM
Alissa - Well, he'd probably let them try, because he wouldn't really mind wrestling them for a bit. But yeah, can't see him letting them succeed. :p
And I just love that pic of "Olivia". *s* But you knew that already.

Also, figured I'd say this here, since it is an occ thread; I'm going back to work tomorrow - day shift - and am then working the night shift pretty much all through Xmas and New Years, so... posts from me might be a little scarce. Hopefully will be able to write at least one per day, but there are no guarantees. Just so you guys know.

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
#29 Old 22nd Dec 2009 at 9:35 PM
Ahahaha, Alissa, Olivia isn't the only one! Check out Moira in grandma's shirt and bad hair :P

If wishes were fishes we'd all cast nets
Original Poster
#30 Old 23rd Dec 2009 at 6:08 AM
kelsa - awww, poor Sienna! Esteban is hoping she gets to have conjugal visits...

Atropa - *giggles* I love that pic of Adrien. Even though it's super gay, Lola crushes on him so badly that she'd probably still be aroused by it. Tyler's pic is great too. He does look a bit like he's inviting some chicks to try waxing his chest for him.

Alissa - that pic of Olivia is sooo cute!

Ghani - wow, it's weird to see Moira so dressed down. Her IC pics are so glamorous.

Here's the new character, Cynthia, trying out the sexy lesbo stud look:

.:Kitty Klan:.
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#31 Old 26th Dec 2009 at 12:53 AM Last edited by robokitty : 8th Jan 2010 at 9:15 PM.
I hope everyone’s having a wonderful holiday! Now, for the next prompt...


To write super-sexy/super-funny/super-godmoddy OOC slash. If you don’t know what “slash” means, it is when two (or three or four or more) characters who aren’t a “canon” romantic couple are paired together for hot [usually gay] action, wish-fulfillment, and mega-LULz.

I’ll make a character banner as a prize for whoever fulfills the most slash requests. Members named robokitty are exempt from this prize.

1) Reply to this thread with the pairings/tripling/+ that you’d like to see, and other participants will pick one (or more) to fulfill. It’s okay to fulfill your own wish, and it’s okay if more than one person fulfills the same wish.

My Slash Requests:

Btw, I'm writing a Donnie/Katie slash where they cyber it out on World of Warcraft. It's totally sick. *blah blah blah blah blah, lulz*

2) To fulfill slash wishes, you MAY post PG-13 slash stories by replying in this thread. However, due to the PG-13 nature of this board, DO NOT post your rated R or NC-17 slash stories here.

I’ve created a livejournal community called oocrp where you can post “adult” slash. It should be fairly easy to find by typing it into livejournal, but if you’re having problems getting there, then PM me for the link. You do not need a livejournal account to comment or join.

Feel free to post any questions/comments in this thread.

I’ll keep this prompt open for 2 weeks, tentatively. Depending on interest level, that time may expand or contract.

This post will be updated to keep a running list of slash requests, whether they have been fulfilled, and where to find them.

Adrien/Damian - fulfilled by Alissa@oocrp

Damian/Clone(s) of Himself
Phoenix/Damian(+Lola optional)
Lena/Lola seducing Adrien
Adrien/Roman orgy
Claudia/Damian - fulfilled by Alissa@oocrp
Olivia/Car - fulfilled by Alissa@oocrp

Donnie/Toaster - fulfilled by robokitty@oocrp

Lilith/Leigh seducing Katie
Katie/Jude - fulfilled by robokitty@oocrp
Tyler/Josh - fulfilled by Alissa@oocrp
Matt/Esteban - fulfilled by robokitty@oocrp

Esteban/J.D. ganging up on Matt.


MISC (retired RPs, cross RP slash):

Hope you all have fun with this!

.:Kitty Klan:.
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#32 Old 26th Dec 2009 at 11:56 PM
LOL interesting theme! :P

Before I break my own brain thinking about that Aeode/Noah/Adrien scenario, I have a couple of suggestions of my own :P

-Damian/Clone(s) of Himself

-Lilith/Leigh seducing Katie (robokitty's suggestion)

If wishes were fishes we'd all cast nets
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#33 Old 27th Dec 2009 at 12:17 AM
Okay, Self-Center Central here, but... Dominic/Connor... :lovestruc Oh, and Lara/Lavinia. Dominic wouldn't know what to do with himself. :P

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
Original Poster
#34 Old 27th Dec 2009 at 4:38 AM
Thanks for posting the wishes, guys! I feel less creepy/guilty about writing dirty, dirty slash if it's for someone else

For those who checked the oocrp community beforehand, I changed the setup slightly so that new slash stories are posted as entries instead of comments (as a work-around to the character limit imposed on comments).

You can still make comments there w/out an account, but this means that anyone who wants to post a story NEEDS an LJ account. I created a sample account for this purpose:

Name: slashposter
Password: PM me for the password

Wishlist is updated, and I finished a totally porny slash post for Katie/Jude. Yay! I'm not sure what I'll write next... Damian/clones sounds like it'll be really funny, and Noah/Valerian? They're practically already there in slash territory

.:Kitty Klan:.
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#35 Old 27th Dec 2009 at 3:32 PM
robokitty - *lol* Oh Lord, that was one twisted slash fic. Loved the ending though. Too funny.

As for Noah/Valerian; indeed, they're probably as close to some slash action as you can get, without actual slash action. He he. Though I suppose that would go for pretty much anyone, when it comes to Valerian. Oh, and Psyche will probably strangle me for this but... Archon/Valerian(/Roe).
Also, I have to say, I'm surprised you didn't list Damian/Phoenix. Or Damian/Phoenix/Lola. I thought that would have been on your wishlist. :p

Oh, and I was just thinking about the old Vipers' Nest RP, and... Isabella/Elena popped into my head. Talk about power struggle. And of of course, the scenario already addressed ooc in that thread; Josephine/Cesar/Marie-Elisabeth.

Okay, I'll stop now.

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
#36 Old 27th Dec 2009 at 4:14 PM
Atropa - regarding Lara/Lavinia... yes, he'd know exactly what to do with himself :P

Personally, I want to see Tyler/Josh, Octavien/Dimitri, Mercy/Cesar, Dimitri/Elena, Damian/Draco, Valerian/Phoenix
Lol, Damian/Phoenix is too easy... especially when you think of how imaginative they can get with the feeding rituals :P

"Life is just a chance to grow a soul" - A. Powell Davies
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#37 Old 27th Dec 2009 at 4:22 PM
Alissa - Hehe, true, he probably would have no trouble whatsoever knowing what to do with himself.
And oooh, Tyler/Josh, that's a nice one. Mercy/Cesar... Now that's another couple that, much like Matt/Aeode, I feel there's nooooo chemistry whatsoever there. Not even BAD chemistry. Mercy/Octavien however... And Cesar/Dimitri.... Those would both make sense. Sort of. As does Elena/Dimitri.

But wait... Damian and Draco? Wtf?? Where did that come from?

And yeah, I know Damian/Phoenix makes sense, but it all stems from a convo me and robokitty had about the matter. *s*

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
#38 Old 27th Dec 2009 at 4:27 PM
LOL, Cesar/Dimitri would make sense? ...What did I miss?
And yeah, I can see Elena/Dimitri making sense.

Damian/Draco... lol, I don't know, but it would just be really funny to imagine Damian getting it on with a bird. Plus, it's a pure-bred bird and wouldn't tell anyone :P

And ah... okay.

Robokitty - Read the slashfic and :rolf:
a) Poor Natasha
b) Poor me!
Brilliant stuff.

"Life is just a chance to grow a soul" - A. Powell Davies
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#39 Old 27th Dec 2009 at 4:33 PM Last edited by AtropaMandragora : 27th Dec 2009 at 4:59 PM.
Cesar and Dimitri butted heads on a more personal level than did Octavien and Dimitri. Octavien was mostly pissed at the King, and Dimitri was mostly just the messenger, whereas Dimitri and Cesar didn't see eye to eye regarding raising children. And there was more hidden venom between those two, whereas Octavien was rather upfront. To me, personally, the stuff that's underneath the surface would be more to work with. But that might just be me.

And yeah, Damian might get it on with a bird, but not that kind of bird! That's just.... disturbing... And not in the good way. (To me anyway. Seriously would not want to read that.) *s*

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
#40 Old 27th Dec 2009 at 4:53 PM
Lol, well, there are worse ways to settle and argument.

And ooh, another slash I want to see is Esteban/Lola. Pretty likely, I'd have thought.

"Life is just a chance to grow a soul" - A. Powell Davies
Original Poster
#41 Old 27th Dec 2009 at 5:01 PM
Thanks guys. That ending seemed like the only appropriate way to finish the slashfic

And yeah... I definitely left out a bunch of pairings in the initial post, mostly because I could probably go on and on about different pairings I'd want to see and I wanted to finish writing my post already. Btw, Damian/Draco? Draco's cloaca is rather tempting.

But, Phoenix/Damian = YES. They're practically there already if it weren't for social taboos and all. As for adding Lola into the mix... ehh... as long as it results in more LULz. I would imagine Lola *really* wanting in on the action, but she keeps getting ignored by the men

Also Matt/Esteban plz. Matt could pick up Esteban to fix his "pipes." Or Esteban could awkwardly ask Matt for crib notes regarding Sienna, resulting in a hands-on lesson. Or other ridiculous scenarios... whatever will bring these two lovebirds together. Natalie may or may not be lurking voyeuristically.

Wishlist updated. Let me know if I missed anything.

.:Kitty Klan:.
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#42 Old 27th Dec 2009 at 5:08 PM
Okay, I've been really trying to get my mind out of the gutter, but every time I come into this thread, it's epic fail. (Gee, I wonder why). Matt/Esteban.... Yeah, definitely one I'd like to see. Or wait, Esteban/J.D. ganging up on Matt.

Also, I've forgotten the most obvious one of them all, which has already been discussed several times; Lena/Lola seducing Adrien. Team effort and all.

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
#43 Old 27th Dec 2009 at 6:37 PM
Lol, okay, Tyler and Josh slash has been posted.

"Life is just a chance to grow a soul" - A. Powell Davies
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#44 Old 27th Dec 2009 at 8:50 PM
Alissa -
That's really all I can say. It was great.

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
Original Poster
#45 Old 27th Dec 2009 at 8:52 PM
Updated wishlist.

And that Josh/Tyler fic? Awesome. I demand MOAR. And I wonder at Josh's predilection for overweight, balding school deans in granny panties.

Esteban/JD ganging up on Matt? Awww... poor Matt better take his vitamins and hope he heals quickly for that encounter.

And Lena/Lola/Adrien... I can't believe I forgot that one! Adrien really does have loads of sexual tension that follows him around everywhere, from men and women alike.

.:Kitty Klan:.
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#46 Old 27th Dec 2009 at 9:03 PM
I got one more: Dominic/Aeode, only because despite my best efforts to keep them out of eachother's pants in my Sims game, I failed again and again! XD (ACR really is great for slash, lol)

Also, I approve of Cesar/Marie-Elisabeth/Josephine

*goes to read now*

If wishes were fishes we'd all cast nets
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#47 Old 27th Dec 2009 at 10:06 PM
Just thought of another (along with Ghani ); Beyonca and Adrien. Yes, Adrien again (I suppose you guys have a point about all that sexual tension), and it is kind of an obvious one, but... hey, they've already done the verbal tango for a while, they might as well just get the rest over with.


Ghani just made an excellent point, about there being no MC pairings listed, so I of course have to add the one we all know I was going to add; Gabriel and Kate! :D

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
#48 Old 27th Dec 2009 at 11:38 PM
Ooh, I'd like to see Beyonca and Adrien too, actually. It seems a pretty natural pairing. Lol, Adrien really needs to wisen up to this inherent sexual tension around him!

And yes, yes, yes, Gabe and Kate - lol, she should have abandoned whatshisname (Caleb?) and got in on with him in the surgery :P

"Life is just a chance to grow a soul" - A. Powell Davies
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#49 Old 27th Dec 2009 at 11:46 PM
Wellllll, last post I wrote on the encounter had Gabriel arranging for someone else to keep and eye on Caleb, no?

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
Original Poster
#50 Old 28th Dec 2009 at 1:15 AM Last edited by robokitty : 28th Dec 2009 at 3:20 AM.
Wishlist updated.

As for Beyonca/Adrien... I get the impression that Beyonca much rather prefers to watch. Maybe Adrien's sexual tension will catch up to him in an enormous Roman style orgy, and Beyonca will take notes?

.:Kitty Klan:.
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