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Field Researcher
#26 Old 30th Jan 2010 at 5:57 PM
This is actually very fun! It took me about 3 hours to make my sims and the houses hahah but ...
Oh, just a question, can we have high chairs?
Field Researcher
#27 Old 30th Jan 2010 at 6:50 PM
And another question: the fire sister will have the baby at home, am I correct?
Test Subject
#28 Old 30th Jan 2010 at 7:49 PM
Can Fire have more than one child with each man? This way she would never run out of men. Also, can Water have either a pond or a pool (I feel this would be appropriate, as she is the water sim)?

When Fire has had all the children she can before she becomes an adult can we start a second generation of the game with four of her daughters (logically she should have at least four children of each gender)? Or to give the game a bit of a twist every odd generation (e.g. 1, 3 and 5) could be women and every even generation (e.g. 2, 4 and 6) could be men. I will wait for the o.k. before doing any of these things.

Thanks, Joolz87
Field Researcher
#29 Old 30th Jan 2010 at 9:05 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Joolz87
Can Fire have more than one child with each man? This way she would never run out of men.

I was wondering the same thing, but didn't want to ask three questions in three posts when the first two hadn't even been answered! =P

Quote: Originally posted by Joolz87
When Fire has had all the children she can before she becomes an adult can we start a second generation of the game with four of her daughters (logically she should have at least four children of each gender)? Or to give the game a bit of a twist every odd generation (e.g. 1, 3 and 5) could be women and every even generation (e.g. 2, 4 and 6) could be men. I will wait for the o.k. before doing any of these things.

If I am understanding right, the four sisters are to be immortal, using the "Ambrosia" cooking recipe, and so the Fire Sister will never grow into an adult.
Test Subject
#30 Old 31st Jan 2010 at 11:31 AM
[QUOTE=Joolz87]Can Fire have more than one child with each man? This way she would never run out of men.QUOTE]

I would also like to know the answer to this question. And extending on it, can Fire have children with adult and elder men? Aswell, I think I have found a solution where she would never run out of men if she's only allowed to have one child with each (excluding twins). If you keep the setting so that everyone else in the town can still live then they could have more (boy) babies, they would grow up, and then Fire could have children with them!

Edit: Don't know what happened to the quote
#31 Old 31st Jan 2010 at 5:02 PM
sounds cool ! I think I will join ^^
life spin on normal right?

All and all, no good.
Test Subject
#32 Old 31st Jan 2010 at 8:17 PM
aw man! i tried it before i posted anything and i lost quickly

no one liked my fire girl and it took a long time for baby, by then i forgot about ambrosia to keep them young and water sister grew up

THEN in the middle of her party the repo-man came

oh well, i tried! mabye i'll just restart
Field Researcher
#33 Old 31st Jan 2010 at 8:36 PM
smashersaurus I WUV your house. Me wants but knows me can't have *cries*
Test Subject
#34 Old 1st Feb 2010 at 6:20 AM
I've been playing for a little while and my sisters are doing well. I decided to take the way I was guaranteed not to lose, and build up the skills first before I started with the babies. Also, I made sure that my first goal was to be able to make ambrosia. It was frustrating, but now they have six life trees growing. My sisters are also 100 percent self sufficient. They take care of all of their repairs, grow and cook their own food, do all of the cleaning, and sell paintings and fish for a living. I didn't want to have a baby until they were maxed out on many skills so I wouldn't fail. So right now at least one sister is maxed in creativity cooking, fishing, gardening, and handiness with logic and guitar at 9. I've worked it out to where my sisters have not spent a single dime in a really long time. Anyway, here they are. My house is boring and uninteresting, and not worth posting pics of.

They just had a daughter named Rain.

Fire Sister, Phoenix

Water Sister, Brooke

Air Sister, Allegra

Earth Sister, Gaea
Test Subject
#35 Old 1st Feb 2010 at 1:19 PM
(not sure why the pics turned out to be this dark, but anyway...)
Meet the Ambrosian family:

Amor, the fire sister

Aria, the air sister

Gea, the earth sister

Mar, the water sister

This is their house, unfurnished though

Hope I'll manage to meet all the requirements, since I'm new to challenges
Test Subject
#36 Old 1st Feb 2010 at 3:37 PM
wow, nice house, mine SUCKED. i had to make water house 3 stories tall!
Test Subject
#37 Old 1st Feb 2010 at 5:43 PM
In my earlier messages I forgot to ask (because I am so stupid ), what exactly does ambrosia do and how do you use it? And what's a life fruit tree?

AmyJS :D
Test Subject
#38 Old 2nd Feb 2010 at 2:34 AM
ambrosia makes them 7 sim days younger. You need level 10 cooking and a death fish and a life plant. A life fruit is a fruit that makes them 1 sim day younger. you can find the seed near the graveyard. it is the special seed.

even though you didn't ask, to get a death fish you buy an alley catfish from the store and fish with it at the pool on the hill next to the cliff. It should catch some angel fish. Take the angel fish to the graveyard and wait for it to get smokey. When it does fish with the angel fish, you will catch death fish. hope this helped.
Test Subject
#39 Old 2nd Feb 2010 at 5:10 AM Last edited by Simerica : 2nd Feb 2010 at 10:19 AM.
To add to what Randab said, you can get a death fish from fishing in the graveyard between the hours of 12 am and 5 am. I was able to catch angelfish with just a lure, so I didn't have to get the alley catfish to use as bait. I did not try fishing for a death fish with just a lure, so I am unsure on how many you would catch with one. I catch around six deathfish a night.

Also just to add again to what Randab said from my personal experience, I had a really hard time growing life trees at first. I would plant special seeds but the seeds would always grow into other plants. I decided not to take any chances and used outstanding fertilizers with my special seeds, and only planted them with a sim who was at a level 10 gardening skill. I don't know if that's what made the difference, but it was only when I did that that I was finally able to grow two life trees. It took a few tries through for me to be successful at this. Now I have an endless supply since the fruit can be planted.
Forum Resident
#40 Old 2nd Feb 2010 at 12:01 PM
I've never done a challenge before, but this one got my attention. Especially after seeing all the pictures of the sims and the houses.
Some questions though...

If you have WA, then I take it you can use the buydebug cheat to get the martial arts dummy and breaking board on the lot, am I right? If so, can you take anything else, like a nectar machine, camera, ect?

Is collecting allowed, and if so, are there any restrictions?

Apart from Air, can the other sisters learn skills from the books? And is Air allowed to put any skills into practice?
Test Subject
#41 Old 2nd Feb 2010 at 7:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Simerica
To add to what Randab said, you can get a death fish from fishing in the graveyard between the hours of 12 am and 5 am. I was able to catch angelfish with just a lure, so I didn't have to get the alley catfish to use as bait. I did not try fishing for a death fish with just a lure, so I am unsure on how many you would catch with one. I catch around six deathfish a night.

Also just to add again to what Randab said from my personal experience, I had a really hard time growing life trees at first. I would plant special seeds but the seeds would always grow into other plants. I decided not to take any chances and used outstanding fertilizers with my special seeds, and only planted them with a sim who was at a level 10 gardening skill. I don't know if that's what made the difference, but it was only when I did that that I was finally able to grow two life trees. It took a few tries through for me to be successful at this. Now I have an endless supply since the fruit can be planted.

So the only way you can grow a life fruit tree is by collecting special seeds? And the other ingrediants are a death fish AND a death plant? But if the Earth sister is the only one who can garden how will she get the seeds if she's only allowed to go off the lot to go to the grocer's?

And can someone tell me how you upload pictures on here?
Test Subject
#42 Old 2nd Feb 2010 at 9:02 PM
you don't need death plant, you only need life plant.

and i was confused about earth to, but i kinda broke a few rules so she could...

*get life seed
*fish for death fish

cause if she doesn't, who does?!
Forum Resident
#43 Old 2nd Feb 2010 at 11:49 PM
The Death Plant is to get the Death Flower. If you have that in your inventory and you die, the Grim Reaper takes the flower and he'll spare you.
=> Which leads me to the question...
Are we allowed to have a death flower in our inventory?

I think earth is allowed to leave the lot to get those things. Otherwise we will never be able to grow life fruits and get death fish on the lot.
But I have a question about that too:
Can earth go fishing at other places aswell, like the sea and the lakes?

And finally, if you have WA, can earth have a training dummy and a weight lift machine, instead of 2 dummies?

I have my 4 sisters ready and now I'm building the house. I'm excited to get started
Test Subject
#44 Old 8th Feb 2010 at 12:50 PM Last edited by catvonpaxton : 8th Feb 2010 at 2:59 PM.
Sooooo happy i found this!
When my toddler girl grows up i will punish her first with the sextupplet/deadbet parents challenge and make sure i get two boys and 4 SISTERS!!! (And will adjust the trait later) :lovestruc
My sims fun is saved for weeks to come..thanks for that!

I also like the idea to unlook small goodies for the 4 sisters....lets say after 6 or 10 kids? They could all togeather go on a trip where everything is allowed (specially become pregnant by a nice frenchman or chinese to spice up the genpol) or have a fun night out and making the townies wild...

Will post pictures as soon as i start!

EDIT: Am i acctually allowed to use my in-game borns when i find a way to wipe out their skills? I just loved the idea to connect two challanges into one with sims i am already connected to and i think the supercomputer can get rid of the skills. Pretty Pleeeeeeeaaaaase!
As i'm playing in the amazing Niua Simoa World i have no clue where to find life fruit and deadfish...but still have two generations to find it out...
Soooooo exited to start this!!!
Test Subject
#45 Old 10th Feb 2010 at 1:26 PM Last edited by catvonpaxton : 13th Feb 2010 at 8:18 PM.
Okay i have another question: The 4 sisters have all skilling objects except something for logic!
Wouldn't it be good to implement a telescope or chess table for the air sister?

I'm building my house since 3 days...Because its fits my storyline and taste better i built it on a 40x40 lot instead and did not devide in equal quarters, further i will add abit more chairs and loungers for decoration purposes. (I can not play a lot for generations and generations when i think its not perfectly decorated, sorry i'm sick with that).
So i asume i'm out of the official scoring-system!?!
However, i will post pics of my lot and my 4 sisters Seraphina (fire), Lana (water), Ava (air) and Gaia (earth) when they are ready to move in...
Soooooooooooo exited to start playing on...hmmmm....saturday probably...then everything is set up!

Here we go...The Beginning....

Abandoned by their mum, left alone with their teenage siter ginger Seraphine, Lana, Ava and Gaia didn't had the easiest start...

As toddlers:





Their mother Minka, leader of the free world, left the girls with a promise and a mission...Make a difference in this world, grow your children to perfection, give them everything (everything i never could give you)...I built and furnished this house for you. It will be yours on your 21th birthday. Use it wisely....

The house(s)

Gaias Part:

Avas Part:

(removed the telescope again)

Seraphinas Bedroom:

Seraphinas Bar:

Lanas part and how the girls moved in on monday...
Hope you like :D
Lab Assistant
#46 Old 19th Feb 2010 at 7:09 PM
LOVE this challenge! All my sisters have had their ambrosia, water and air have completed their lifetime wishes (fire and earth are sooo close), and there are currently two children: a child named Aaron and a baby named Eden. I haven't done that well, though; I've already failed the challenge because I didn't have time to read all the toddler books to Aaron. I'm still going to keep playing, though. I think the toddler phase is the hardest, because toddlers want to sleep all the time, but there's so much they should be doing! Anyway, here are some pics of my sisters.

First up is Ildri Eterne, my fire sister. All the sisters are a little obsessed with that fire pit:

Next is Aerilyn Eterne, my air sister. She's in the fire sister's house here:

Here's Ilayda Eterne, my water sister. All the pics of her I have are in the kitchen, which is appropriate, since that's where she spends most of her waking hours. Aerilyn's in the background doing the dishes for a change:

I haven't managed to get a really nice picture of Gaiana, the earth sister, yet. As soon as I do, I'll post it here!

No pics of the house, because the lovely and talented smashersaurus let me use hers! I love it; it's perfect for the challenge. So if you want to see what my house looks like, go look at her posts.
Test Subject
#47 Old 20th Feb 2010 at 2:42 AM
I SO love the idea of this challenge! Thank you for sharing.

All your sims and houses are very beautiful!

I built the houses and played and lost because I didn't get ambrosia made. So I made a single gardening sim and figured out the gardening/fishing/cooking thing. I had only played artist/writing/guitar before. :D

Now I am ready to try again. lol This time I will figure out how to take pics XD - and maybe remember to take them...
Lab Assistant
#48 Old 20th Feb 2010 at 5:43 AM
Quote: Originally posted by xshelaghx
I SO love the idea of this challenge! Thank you for sharing.

All your sims and houses are very beautiful!

I built the houses and played and lost because I didn't get ambrosia made. So I made a single gardening sim and figured out the gardening/fishing/cooking thing. I had only played artist/writing/guitar before. :D

Now I am ready to try again. lol This time I will figure out how to take pics XD - and maybe remember to take them...

Taking pictures is very easy. All I do is press C and the game takes a screenshot, which you can find in the My Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 3 > Screenshots folder. The next time you're not sure how to do something like making Ambrosia or any other task in the game, I highly recommend Carl's The Sims 3 Guide. That website has sooo much great information on all of the different skills, jobs, lifetime wishes, etc. Be careful, though, because there are also a lot of spoilers.
Test Subject
#49 Old 20th Feb 2010 at 5:28 PM
I love your Simis tairourou! :lovestruc They totally look like their elements...Show us your earthsim also?

My 4 sisters are teens at the moment and i'm getting sick of waiting to move them into this house and fullfil their mission...Think gonne age them up today
Test Subject
#50 Old 15th Mar 2010 at 12:38 AM
What happens if our fire sister has a boy? mine did triples actally
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