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#26 Old 18th May 2010 at 6:17 PM
That does sound interesting. I would certainly check it out if it was made now I have entered the great MTS RPing world.

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#27 Old 22nd May 2010 at 8:03 PM
Okay guys, I know the timing is really bad, since I'm going away in a couple of days, but... to everyone I'm currently RPing with; there might be quite a delay in my replies. Something happened the other day that's kind of messing with both my inspiration and my ability to focus, and so I'm currently finding it very difficult to sit down and write. However, I will still try my darndest to have replies up before I leave on the 27th.
Thanks for understanding.

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#28 Old 4th Jun 2010 at 8:50 PM
Okay, just figured I'd say I'm back. Might take me a couple of days to get back in the saddle again, but hopefully it won't be too long.

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#29 Old 20th Jun 2010 at 1:50 AM
Sorry to be blunt, but is this place still alive?
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#30 Old 20th Jun 2010 at 2:04 AM
Well, if you look at the posting dates of, say, the top 5 roleplays here, you'll see that they all have had replies within the last week.

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
Test Subject
#31 Old 24th Jun 2010 at 7:12 AM
Default RP idea
I'm not sure how this really works, but I have an idea that I'd like to put out.

It's a futuristic scenario on Earth, planetary exploitation has led the death of the once self-sustained ecosystems that fed life on the planet. Starvation, pollution, and plague have resulted in the collapse of free society, and humanity is reduced to pockets of starving nomads.

Several agencies have sprung up in the chaos. The lack of a structured society means the lack of ethics, and technological advancements equivalent to 3 industrial revolutions have taken place. However, each coalition jealously guards their secrets, and the state of humanity remains stagnant.

Several centuries have passed in this manner, and in that time hopeful groups of people have allied together. They've abandoned Earth to terraform other planets, and they leave behind a rotting cesspool.

One extra -terrestrial agency has decided to return to earth in attempts to reclaim it. Earth is now a rotting cesspool fill with hoards of forsaken people, a few mutated creatures, and a few scientific organizations stubbornly continuing their research, even though it benefits no one.

Our first protagonist is one known as JLR-37867, one of millions of brains produced and tested within the Agai-corp labs, a earth-bound organization. Unlike the thousands of failures before him, JLR performed remarkable well within the artificial world he was placed in.

He lived in a mythical land much like Hyrule or Middle Earth, a world in which magic existed and fantasy was real. After his success with this world, he was ejected from the only reality he had known. Synthetic copies of his brain were made and placed into robotic bodies, while his organic brain was stored away.

He awakens in a cruel world as model 2x-JLR01, the newest footsoldier for Agaicorp. He has no choice but to follow orders, as he exists only as their creation. His first task is to eliminate the previous 2x models (also based on organic simulation tested brains).

Ideally people can initially roleplay as the older 2x's, determining their personality and response to being replaced, I have a lot more options, as this story quickly adds on several characters, one of which being JLR's organic brain.

Another character is simply referred to as Corvus, who is a 200-year old humans being, sole survivor of the osiris experiment (more details if anyone's interested)

Another character is a blood icicle zombie!!!! (don't worry it all makes sense)

I have lots more but initially I'd like to ask if anyone would be interested in this kind of thing. that's all, thanks
Top Secret Researcher
#32 Old 24th Jun 2010 at 5:02 PM
I would be interested in a post apocalyptic RP, no doubt, but if I might make a suggestion?
All of the RPs here have people create their own characters, make their own history, and all that. The two you are describing sound as if they are already fully fleshed out by the game mod (you), and thus are better as NPC's, so the RP can grow organically based on what the players think about. Usually in a situation like this where there are multiple possible species, you would just describe each of them in the original post, and then put up a quota (no more than 2 super brains, or no more than 5 humans, or something), and also say that the RP can't start until a certain smaller quota is filled (at least one human and one super brain).

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Test Subject
#33 Old 24th Jun 2010 at 8:20 PM
Default Thanks for feedback
That makes a lot of sense, all the characters I described would be npcs.

People that wanted to join this would have several options.

-the could choose to be one of the older 2x models, synthetic brains based on organic ones that did not succeed in the Agai simulation, but performed rather well. As such, they would have the freedom to determine their own personality and their course of action. JLR01 will confront them early on and they can choose how to react to being replaced.

-they could choose to be a Garlock mutant, one of the roaming genetic anomaly(s). Naturally this gives a lot more freedom in determining mindset, abilities, and alignment.

I would limit the older 2x players to about 3, with 1 being the requirement. Garlocks have no restriction either way.

for those who want to create their own unique characters, the can select from several options.

A flesh and blood human (wouldn't have more than 3)

A cyborg (no limit)

An AI droid (also no limit)

for those three above, players would have to determine origin story and technology used, if any is.

This earth has several technology's available nanotech, monomolecular weaponry, zero point energy, cloning, genetic manipulation...use your imagination.

As long as the character makes sense, there shouldn't be a problem. Just don't be overpowered, and strong powers need explanation.

Psychokinesis is available too, but only to organic life, and is a very rare and difficult power to develop, but is potentially the most powerful. (the more organic your body is, the easier it is, cyborgs will have a tough time developing it, but cyborgs have more durable bodies {obviously})

Possible origins are:

escaped experiment

Earth organization lackey (hell you can even the the scientist in charge of the organization, but you'll have to flesh out the entire company)

Abandoned or forgotten weaponry (hibernating cyborg or robot)

agent in employ of the earth reclaiming front (ERF) these guys escaped earth and colonized the moon, but decided to return to earth and "reclaim" it. The have powerful satellites orbiting the planet,they're the only organization that does.

You could even been from another space group, but these characters are unlikely to visit earth.

You can always make your own, but it better make sense!

The overall goal, for most characters, will be to escape earth.

How you do this is entirely up to you, but if one thing is sure, it is that it will not be an easy task.

So that's some additional stuff, hopefully a bit more substantial. That is, if anyone's interested.
Top Secret Researcher
#34 Old 24th Jun 2010 at 9:05 PM
Alrighty then, my concerns are assuaged. I would join such an RP.

The humor of a story on the internet is in direct inverse proportion to how accurate the reporting is.
Test Subject
#35 Old 12th Aug 2010 at 9:01 AM
I was wondering...

Are certain forum games such as Vending machine allowed

cuz if it is then I was thinking of doing vending machine

Its where the first player inserts something, like a coin.

Then the next player says what the first player gets and inserts another thing.

Here is an example:

P1: Inserts coin

P2: You get a puppet
Inserts camera

P3: You get a Sports car
inserts photo of parents

P4: You get photo of my face looking at that photo

...And so on.

Whaddya think?
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#36 Old 12th Aug 2010 at 1:17 PM
Pupdudeisback - That's not a roleplay, that's a forum game. This is a roleplay forum.

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#37 Old 12th Aug 2010 at 4:35 PM

Is there a place for forum games on this site?
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#38 Old 12th Aug 2010 at 4:44 PM
Probably the Social Groups forum, if any.

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#39 Old 12th Aug 2010 at 5:04 PM

And sorry bout the posting in dead rp thing, i didn't know it was dead and i wanted to join...
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#40 Old 12th Aug 2010 at 5:08 PM
Well, in the future, you might want to take a look at the posting dates, and the previous posts, not to mention the bolded "Attention!" announcements at the bottom of inactive threads, that clearly state how long the thread has been inactive. They're all pretty clear indicators.

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
Test Subject
#41 Old 1st Sep 2010 at 4:08 AM
I am looking for someone to do a yu-gi-oh role play with. its been really hard to find anyone to role play with since Quizilla "died" it would be much easier to email me as i don't usually check threads. jadenxjesse@yahoo.com and it goes from there deciding on characters and plotting out an adventure. i'm always interested in making new friends.
Lab Assistant
#42 Old 21st Oct 2010 at 12:21 AM
I am interested in setting up a modern vampire RPG. I'm thinking of a secret society-style RP, with vampires of all ages (and the beautiful type-of course). I might not be the person actually running it, but I'd be interested in worldbuilding it.
Field Researcher
#43 Old 24th Oct 2010 at 10:19 PM Last edited by TMNTForever : 24th Oct 2010 at 10:30 PM. Reason: Being more open to change
Default Would this be an RP?
I had this idea and I'm not sure if it would be an RP.

The idea is that players would post what they want their sim to look like, using normal and certain custom content I have (I will post a couple of pictures of what the cc looks like [and yes, I will use the black sensors over the parts that are obscene to minors]). Then I would pile 8 sims into a house and tell their story.

If this is not an RP, please tell me where to place it. If this is already being done, please tell me.

I am open to suggestions.

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#44 Old 25th Oct 2010 at 3:54 PM
TMNTForever - I'm afraid that's not an actual roleplay, no. At least not in the sense referred to here. In this forum, we take on the roles of fictional characters (that are not necessarily sims-related in any way, shape or form) and write stories and interactions from their perspective. It's called play-by-post roleplaying, and you can read more about it here. What you're describing sounds more like a bit of a hybrid, between a solo roleplay, and a Sims story.

That said, solo roleplays are of course welcome, but if you're planning on using pictures to illustrate the story, then it does belong in the Sims story forum instead.

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
Field Researcher
#45 Old 31st Oct 2010 at 4:16 PM
Dyou think my idea is better in the social groups?

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Deadly Assassin Ninja...on a tricycle...
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Test Subject
#46 Old 6th Nov 2010 at 7:02 PM
I am interested in starting a rp called :Bethamy Highschool a fantasy highschool for ghouls goblins and things of those sorts. I would like to know if people would be interested in telling me how to work this forum so i can add my photos and post the thread up.

Theres no half-singing in the shower, your either a rock star or an opera diva.

Theres no half-trying in Sims, your either a Newbie or a experinced player

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Test Subject
#47 Old 7th Nov 2010 at 6:12 PM
Hello, I'm completely new here to RPing and this site in general. I'm wondering, if you start an RPG, can you have your own character involved? And in RPGs, what are the limits to characters and their powers? Or is that up to the creator?
I think I would enjoy playing many of the RPGs on this page, and I would love if you all would tell me if you ever started them.
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#48 Old 9th Nov 2010 at 3:01 PM
TMNTForever - Honestly, it sounds like it's better done as a Sims story. Though I'm not sure how you should go about setting it up, with people's input the way you described it.

chloebee102 - I think you need to be a little more specific. How do you mean "how to work this forum"? If you want to start a roleplay, you start a new thread containing the neccessary info, such as basic rules, basic plot, application forms, etc. I'd recommend taking a look at some of the other RPs in this forum, for exampled of what info is needed/useful. And, of course, I'm always here to help.

sajere1 - Yup, you can indeed have your own characters involved. I don't think there has been a single RP lately, where the host hasn't participated themselves. As for limits regarding characters and their powers; it's basically up to the game host to decide such things. However, there is usually the godmodding rule; players roleplay their own characters only, and are not allowed to take control of someone else's character. That said, it's not a required rule. If a host wishes to set up an RP where players are allowed to control each other's characters, they're free to do so. Just as long as it is made clear in the game rules.

~ * ~ Volition ~ * ~
Test Subject
#49 Old 11th Nov 2010 at 12:33 AM
I mean like I dont really no how to use the thread maker like how to add pictures on it or how to add links and make it bold and stuff? Is there some sort of thread that tells you how to use the thread maker thingy?

Theres no half-singing in the shower, your either a rock star or an opera diva.

Theres no half-trying in Sims, your either a Newbie or a experinced player

SiMs FoReVeR
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#50 Old 11th Nov 2010 at 1:15 AM
chloebee102 - You'll find a brief tutorial on posting pictures here. As for formatting the text, first make sure you have the options set to "extra formatting controls". To check/change it, go to "User Links" in the top right corner on this site, press "Edit options", scroll to the bottom to where it says "Miscellaneous Options", and make sure the scroll list by "Message Editor Interface" says "Standard Editor - Extra formatting controls". If it doesn't, change it, and press "Save changes". Then you go back to the Roleplay forum, and press the button to create a new thread. Now you should see buttons similar to the text formatting options in MS Word and the like. B for Bold, I for Italic, etc. Just hover the mouse cursor over them, and they'll tell you what they are. To insert an image, you click the "Insert image" button, and just put the URL in the box that pops up.

If you're still unsure and want to test, I suggest sending a private message to yourself. That way, you can mess around and try things out, without anyone else seeing it, until you've got it figured out.

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