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#26 Old 14th Feb 2006 at 2:14 PM
Typo's are my biggest problem, i have one of those cordless keyboards so if the signle isnt right then random letters get missed out and stuff. It is easy to make mistakes but i guess everyone should read over their stories before posting them.

~Love is blind, i know this because you cant see me!~
#27 Old 15th Feb 2006 at 12:57 AM
Quote: Originally posted by cerchier2003
I don't think this is a detrimental thread. I did before you did some editing to most of your tutorials, though. Your tone was far too condescending for someone who wanted to help others with creative and technical issues. I knew immediately you had never performed as a tutor or teacher before.

This is a good idea. However, you should learn how to offer your knowledge without a patronizing tone.

I agree.

And for those who have issues with typos--get a beta reader (an actual person, not just the spell/grammar checker) to check for errors, but don't get someone that'll sugarcoat it and tell you it's perfect. Don't be afraid of constructive criticism. =)

I know that if I read a story repeatedly, my brain starts to glaze over and I don't see mistakes anymore. That's why in school your English teacher usually makes you do peer revisions. =P
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#28 Old 15th Feb 2006 at 5:51 AM
Quote: Originally posted by cerchier2003
I don't think this is a detrimental thread. I did before you did some editing to most of your tutorials, though. Your tone was far too condescending for someone who wanted to help others with creative and technical issues. I knew immediately you had never performed as a tutor or teacher before.

This is a good idea. However, you should learn how to offer your knowledge without a patronizing tone.

XD Actually, I taught someone with no prior knowledge of Photoshop how to use it like a pro in about 2 days... over AOL messenger, with no pictorial reference or actual face-to-face contact between us.
I did alot of Math and English tutoring in high school as well.
You guys have been the first ones to have any issues with how I teach. I guess it prolly also has to do, that I have a strange sense of humour and the other people that I've dealt with have known about that before they get into anything with me.

"Don't leave, don't give up on me."
Lab Assistant
#29 Old 15th Feb 2006 at 6:27 AM
Good idea, Lifa! If anyone needs help with spelling anything, or a proofread, I'm available. I'm also big on correct spelling and grammar, although I think Nazi is a bit strong to describe it! :D

**pokes at Professional Loser with a grin**
#30 Old 15th Feb 2006 at 9:45 PM
I think your advise is great and I don't understand what it is that people seem to be so touchy about.

I guess most internet communities are getting more and more into this carebear-cuddliness where you, before you give any opinion, have to excuse a thousand times if someone is OFFENDED!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#31 Old 16th Feb 2006 at 1:15 AM
Quote: Originally posted by cerchier2003
I wasn't trying to get into anything with you. If I was mistaken about your experience, I apologize. But anyone who has posted in chatrooms or forums know a sense of humor doesn't translate well if it isn't obvious or well known. My mistake shouldn't be surprising.

As I said, I think your topic is helpful. I disagreed with your tone as someone who intends to teach others.

Sorry, I didn't mean "get into anything" like you seem to make it mean ("start sh*t" sounds more like the way you're using it). Where I'm from it's just a generic "let's do it," sort of. It's so hard to translate idioms, sorry. I meant that the people I've taught have been familiar with me on a personal level, to rephrase it.

And actually, I'm more used to small online communities where most of the people are familiar with eachother. I talk to people I don't know sometimes too, don't get me wrong, but I haven't ever run into this much of a big issue before! O_O You're entitled to your opinions though.

"Don't leave, don't give up on me."
#32 Old 16th Feb 2006 at 3:06 AM
Lifa, I think this is wonderful that you're (notice the "right" you're, not your) doing this for the sims 2 community. It means that we'll see less grammar mess-ups and such and we'll see more great stories!
Test Subject
#33 Old 18th Feb 2006 at 7:41 PM
I have a question about story writeing. Whenever i have a long conversation going on i write it in script form because otherwise i find it hard to tell who is saying what when i read over. Here is a short example of mine.
Lazlo: So Vidcund's been abdcuted? Thats weird, i thought aliens never struck in the same place twice!
Pascal: No, thats lightning Lazlo.
Lazlo: Huh, well i hope they dont keep him long, i cant promise his pizza will still be here when he gets back.

The problem is i dont think it looks very profesional, do people not mind the script thing or is there another way of writing my dialouge without it getting confusing. Its only conversations i write this way. I just want to know in case i ever decide to upload any of my stories.

~Love is blind, i know this because you cant see me!~
#34 Old 18th Feb 2006 at 8:27 PM
Ok to tell you the truth when I started reading this I thought you were an interfearing busy body, then I thought you were bossy and annoying and then I realised you had some good points so I am glad you posted the thread.
Forum Resident
#35 Old 18th Feb 2006 at 8:41 PM
'should be stickied. And I'm taking notes...
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#36 Old 18th Feb 2006 at 11:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Lollipop_Girl
I have a question about story writeing. Whenever i have a long conversation going on i write it in script form because otherwise i find it hard to tell who is saying what when i read over. Here is a short example of mine.
Lazlo: So Vidcund's been abdcuted? Thats weird, i thought aliens never struck in the same place twice!
Pascal: No, thats lightning Lazlo.
Lazlo: Huh, well i hope they dont keep him long, i cant promise his pizza will still be here when he gets back.

The problem is i dont think it looks very profesional, do people not mind the script thing or is there another way of writing my dialouge without it getting confusing. Its only conversations i write this way. I just want to know in case i ever decide to upload any of my stories.

That's fine, but you could also leave out the scripted-in names as long as the convo is relatively short and only between two people. If you're doing this you could have the first speaking character address the second character so you know who's who.
Or you could have them acting while they're speaking, such as:
Lazlo paced back and forth so furiously that Pascal thought he might wear a hole in the carpet. "So Vidcund's been abdcuted?" he finally said, sounding thoughtful. "Thats weird, i thought aliens never struck in the same place twice!"
You can also use different metaphors for speaking, such as:
"No, that's lightning, Lazlo," Pascal mumbled boredly.

Just make sure that your pics back up what you're saying! I know it's tough but in a worried situation try to get pics of Sims being worried, not laughing out loud. ^_^

"Don't leave, don't give up on me."
Test Subject
#37 Old 18th Feb 2006 at 11:48 PM
I try that with the short conversations but with long ones it gets difficult. Especially when its got more than two people involved. I'd prefer it not to be in script form but i guess with longer conversations its the least confusing way of putting it. I like your way of writeing it but the problem is i always run out of space

~Love is blind, i know this because you cant see me!~
Lab Assistant
#38 Old 21st Feb 2006 at 9:22 PM
You have to use a site like http://photobucket.com, Panama, and insert your pictures into your thread that way. (Use the [IMG] code).
#39 Old 21st Feb 2006 at 11:59 PM
Panama, before Pooja gets here, go to THIS thread. It's a more descriptive way to describe how to post pictures. By none other than the one and ONLY POOJ!!!!! Sorry pooj.

Anyway, the link. http://www.sims2community.com/showthread.php?t=11618 There. Knock yourself out.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#40 Old 23rd Mar 2006 at 9:59 PM
Default Lesson Six : Reader Responsibility
One last thing (for now) that I've been seeing, is the lack of constructive comments given by the readers to the author. Although this isn't part of the storywriting per se, in a feedback-based environment such as this forum, it can be essential to the writing process.

To The Authors:
As an author, don't be afraid to ask people to critique your work--you only get better through learning from your mistakes! Also, please don't take offense to Constructive Criticism comments that people leave.

*Constructive Criticism - Take it, think about it, use it. If someone says "you spelled a few things wrong in Chapter 5" don't get your panties in a knot! Look at Chapter 5 to see whether their comment is true or not. If, after consideration, you agree with the comment, then do your best to fix the problem. At the end of the day, all it does is help to improve your work! Also remember that you don't have to change what you don't agree with and you don't have to listen to people who make comments like "u suck". (The authors here seem to be pretty good about taking constructive criticism.)

*Updates - I know that people can pressure you pretty hard for an update sometimes when you're not ready to update yet. You should, if at all possible, try to work ahead instead of working spontaneously (example: you release Chapter 5 when you're finished writing Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 so that you have time to revise Chapter 6 before you release it, instead of releasing Chapter 5 right as you finish writing it). And if you're not planning to update for some time, don't feel bad about telling them so! Never, NEVER rush yourself!

To The Readers:
As the reader of a story, you should always make it a point to be aware of not only the things that you do like about the story, but the things that could be improved! You should never be afraid to tell someone your honest feelings about the story, good or bad. However, keep in mind that this is your opinion about their work of art. It's really up to them whether they choose to agree with you or not and whether they decide to change what you think is wrong.

*Constructive Criticism - The easiest and least offensive way to convey positive criticism to the artist or author is in a Like/Could Be Improved format. Think of one or two things that you enjoyed about a story (memorable storyline, captivating cliffhangers, regularity of updates, attractive characters, etc.) and let the author know! They love to know what they're doing well, especially if it's sincere. Then, mention the thing that you think could use some work and be very specific about it... but don't be mean about it. "I think you accidentally captured a pic of someone laughing at that funeral" sounds better than "omg ur pix skillz suck!"
Constructive Criticism is NOT "omg ur great, rock on!" or "omg u sux + I hate ur story". I'm not asking you to lie to anyone about the quality of their work, I'm asking for you to help everyone improve!
A good example or constructive criticism would be: "I love the quality and composition of your pictures in the last chapter that you posted, however you might want to run your text through Spellcheck and make changes accordingly."

*Updates - Please. I know I speak for most of the authors out there when I say, do not beg and harass for updates! If it's been awhile, you might remind them, but if the post above yours is "omg when u update next?!" please don't post a comment saying "omg yah hurry up!" It makes the author feel rushed, and sometimes they don't put forward their best work because they're trying to please impatient readers. Remember, a good story is worth waiting for, and good art can't be rushed!

* You should also LINK to resources that you think the author could benefit from. If it's a problem with the picture composition quality, link to a pic taking tutorial. If the setting looks a little bare, link to items and/or recolours that you think would look good. If the sets really suck, link to some lots or houses that you think would look nice in the story. If all of the characters have the same hairstyle, link to some downloadable hairstyles that you enjoy in your game. Etc. With so many sites and downloads for The Sims 2, chances are you've seen things that other people haven't, so make it your job to inform them! It's a very thoughtful and helpful thing to do.

Now it's up to you guys to get out there with all of your great ideas and helpful opinions and do your part to make this forum ROCK!

"Don't leave, don't give up on me."
#41 Old 24th Mar 2006 at 12:15 AM
This was a big help! I have been reading all these stories thinking it would be great fun to write my own. I had a ton of questions, but this thread has answered quite a few of them. Thanx!
I may still need so things answered when I get started though.:D
And as far as all the people saying this will only help pro. writers, I totally disagree. Everyone should read this. You've mentioned things in here that every one will benefit from.
Test Subject
#42 Old 24th Mar 2006 at 12:19 AM
Well i found it useful..i finally became brave enough to post a story, and this page was great!

~Love is blind, i know this because you cant see me!~
Forum Resident
#43 Old 24th Mar 2006 at 12:30 AM
Too bad that thread wasn't there when I begun my story, long long ago, it'd have helped me have a good start ! I hope newbies will read that all and other stories too, it's handy to have a pretty good style nearly at once.
Test Subject
#44 Old 2nd May 2006 at 9:28 AM
I've been reading the stories for a while and i have to say this: it really isn't that hard to run a spellcheck. Grammar is trickier, it's true but there's no reason to have things misspelled all over the place.

I think this is a good thing, though. It never hurts to have the quality improve.
Field Researcher
#45 Old 12th May 2006 at 3:48 AM
Lifa, very nice! This should be a big help to all those story writers out there... Thank you very much, all the tips are very useful (and well written...).

"Why do we drink cow milk? Who was the guy who first looked at a cow and said 'I think I'll drink whatever comes out of these things when I squeeze 'em!'?" -Calvin and Hobbes
Test Subject
#46 Old 15th May 2006 at 1:39 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Panama
I wanna say smth:

I do think that critical comments help those who write stories to see what their weak and storng sides are, i do think we don't have to post "applaudes" or post nothing BUT
when someone STARTS diong something he or she needs to be encouraged just for the fact he took risks, shared and goes on...
When we learn to walk our parents say "Good job" no matter how we do it, and i think we all used to fall and hurt ourselves at the beginning.

Now I am writing my first story - the story is not the best one on this site - but i feel proud just because i decided to take risks, will I start my second story - I will screw more to the text by myself and will invite people to comment in a more sophisticated style...
But, i was frustrated a bit by Lifa's point: that once in a text i wrote Brian instead Brian.... :confused:

Still i accept Lifa's comment about clothes - she really noticed that within one chapter my military guy happend to change his work outfit... that's worth commenting...

Of course, those who start stories shouldn't expect admiration from hundred of people but critical comments can easily get them down.

We need to get critical feedbacks or comments upon HOW we are doing it, when we feel confident in this process and what's more important it's very that some of us will feel ok in 2-3 chaters and will feel comfortable critical comments but i saw threads where authors gave up their stories after more than 5 chapters saying that their stories are useless, really, you can find some of this threads on this site...

In conclusion, we really have to look carefully for mistakes or slip of the tongue and not to be pressured by posts "Update soon" (again lik Lifa mentioned), after all the quality of the sroty - is the way we respect our readers but
from the other side - let's be careful with our experienced comments, everyone 's on his/her own level... sometimes people need to hear that it's good that they post it.... next time we will comment on the quality but today "We appreciate that you share"

In a ver conclusion, guys, not all the authors are native speakers - I am Russian, for exemple, I speak English fluently but however it affects my grammar and the way i build talks - I really sometimes miss slang words and expressions

i have to say i agree with this completly, as one of those story writers who is giving up. i had a few people who took the time to read and comment and i feel bad knowing i'm going to be letting those people down. but when comparing the views with the number of people who were interested the math comes out to about 1%. i put a lot of effort into developing the sim and the story around her and i take it a bit personally that people coulden't be bothered to comment. i didnt care if the comments were critical because i know im not very good at writing and i would have liked the chance to learn just what i was doing wrong. i have a great deal more of the story written out in a rough draft, around 5 or more chapters. that will probably never be seen by anyone and i'm still adding more because "I" want to tell this sims story. i thought others might enjoy reading it but i guess i was wrong about that. this thread was helpful and i used it several times, but without feedback it's like telling stories by the fireside after everyone else has gone to sleep. in other words pointless. i guess what i'm getting at is, if you are going to read someones story take the time to comment. let them know you liked it or what you thought could be improved. let them know you want to read more of it and maybe even thank them for sharing it with you. i can say from personal experience that if more comments had been made, id still be adding chapters to my own story. the people who are posting the storys will be much more inclined to keep posting if we see our work is not being ignored. thanks.


:: EDIT :: i am going to continue with my story i couldent just leave the fans i do have hanging

:: RE_EDIT :: i give up ...the story is gone, no one cared anyway...i am going to finish it but i wont be sharing it here... i dont have the time to provide free entertainment for ungrateful people

"sticks and stones may break my bones ...but whips and chains excite me...uhhh...come to think of it...so do sticks and stones"
#47 Old 2nd Jun 2006 at 7:35 AM
It was very considerate of you to give story writers some tips on how to write better. My grammar isn’t the greatest but you gave really good examples. It also helps out those who don’t know English very well.
Field Researcher
#48 Old 22nd Jun 2006 at 2:06 PM
Lifa, I just found this thread and it's amazing I fully disagree with people who think you're being too 'in-your-face'... buuuut anyway, thanks so much! Awesome thread, awesome hints, I might post a story with the help of this thread

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Lab Assistant
#49 Old 27th Jun 2006 at 6:04 AM
yes i think this helps a lot thankz. Although I dont quite agree with the gramar. . . . quite a bit. . . but you have a point. Thankz

; x

Forgive me if I make you puke when I throw my love around . . . . . . .
Test Subject
#50 Old 2nd Aug 2006 at 10:03 PM
I really need help, the pictures don't show when i submit the thread! I done the right code and everything but what have I done wrong? does it need HTML?
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