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Lab Assistant
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#26 Old 17th Nov 2014 at 11:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Simlover7114
I can't wait to keep going! I'm pretty glad I don't have to deal with anything today, too much snow on the ground. Woo! Happy days and time to play! I am attempting at figuring out how to upload a blog, sadly I haven't gotten around to it yet.

I recommend creating a blog at www.blogspot.com/
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#27 Old 17th Nov 2014 at 11:53 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Simlover7114
Well, as most of you ought to know, the dogs have had their first litter, two little boys. Their names are Club and Spade, don't ask why Spade was randomized and Club came to mind. They are both strong little pups and are flourishing in the nice house that was scraped together by their owners. They adopted a horse to earn a bit of extra money from. Of course they bought a stallion so they could offer him as a stud, he could make them quite the profit. They currently only have about 1,000 simoleons but they are getting by. They are happily living and it turns out that Ace is a much gentler father than most were expecting. Lily is enjoying the quality time but still gets around to her own space to play some ball or cuddle up with her master. It's so peaceful, now Lily is having her next litter! Spade and Club aren't even grown yet and here comes the next little creatures.

This is awesome! I think your doing very well. If you look at my 100 Puppies Blog, you can see that I'm breeding pit bulls. The dogs on my blog have had their 1st litter. ANd, I may or may not have updated, but the dogs on my blog, are going to have another litter soon.
Test Subject
#28 Old 18th Nov 2014 at 12:34 AM
Lab Assistant
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#29 Old 18th Nov 2014 at 1:50 AM
I love how Charlie's standing on his hind legs! It's so cute!
Field Researcher
#30 Old 19th Nov 2014 at 8:30 PM
Hey new update! This one is quite long so I thought I'd make it in a spoiler. If you don't wanna hear it don't click that button.

Well, that was fun to write. Good luck to you all and HAVE A HAPPY DAY

"900 years of time and space, and I have never met someone who wasn't important."
Test Subject
#31 Old 19th Nov 2014 at 9:30 PM
I'm actually trying this! But, seeing how I have World Adventures, I get a LR where I don't have to pay bills, if I get enough LHP can I get the LR?
Lab Assistant
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#32 Old 19th Nov 2014 at 11:52 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Simlover7114
Hey new update! This one is quite long so I thought I'd make it in a spoiler. If you don't wanna hear it don't click that button.

Well, that was fun to write. Good luck to you all and HAVE A HAPPY DAY

Trust me, your not that bad at names. I bet I couldn't even think of King. Your doing VERY well with the challenge.
Lab Assistant
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#33 Old 19th Nov 2014 at 11:52 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ThinkingWithPortals101
I'm actually trying this! But, seeing how I have World Adventures, I get a LR where I don't have to pay bills, if I get enough LHP can I get the LR?

Yes, you can.
Field Researcher
#34 Old 20th Nov 2014 at 11:34 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HorseSimmer09
Trust me, your not that bad at names. I bet I couldn't even think of King. Your doing VERY well with the challenge.

Thanks, I still can never remember the last born's name... I was basing all of the first 8 from cards. Ace, King, Queen, Jack, of Diamond, of Hearts, of Club, of Spade, I named Ace and I was like OMG MR. KRABS I HAVE AN IDEA! Don't judge the way I live my life *snaps* (I'm weird yes I know... Well really you people are weird, I'm completely normal.)

"900 years of time and space, and I have never met someone who wasn't important."
Lab Assistant
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#35 Old 21st Nov 2014 at 1:51 AM
That's a REALLY creative way to think of names.
Lab Assistant
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#36 Old 30th Nov 2014 at 3:34 AM
Bump, I feel like my thread has gone deserted. :'(
Test Subject
#37 Old 30th Nov 2014 at 4:28 PM
I'm still trying to do this, but my house got all crazy with a foal, 3 adult dogs and a Sim child, so now I'm making a new one where it's a single Sim with her two dogs and a unicorn (I have a unicorn from TheSimsResource)
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#38 Old 1st Dec 2014 at 2:54 AM
That's to bad your first save didn't work out, but I'm still really excited that your still trying the challenge and I want to wish you guys luck!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#39 Old 4th Dec 2014 at 11:25 PM
Here's a bump, everyone!
Test Subject
#40 Old 9th Dec 2014 at 10:55 PM
can your sim be self-employed for the challenge and if you have another sim can they get a job?
Test Subject
#41 Old 11th Dec 2014 at 1:03 AM
I'm going to start this challenge tonight ^^
Test Subject
#42 Old 11th Dec 2014 at 9:10 AM
The beginning of our story! Pictures to come! I'm having so much fun with this challenge Kinsie st
ood in the front yard of her new home. She was beaming. Her chinese crested, Elspeth, flew past her excitedly. Kinsie wondered if she would ever stop, she seemed to be expecting every blade of grass. Kinsie jingled the keys as she walked up to the door which sent Elspeth into a frenzy. She opened the door and they both made there way into their new home. It was small but cozy and sparsely furnished. Elspeth shot up the spiral staircase, leading the way to the single bedroom. "There's nothing up here for you, Elle!" She jumped up on to the bed and layed down. Kinsie picked her up and giggled, Elspeth had already claimed her spot. Her eyes said "Now where are you sleeping?" Kinsie walked downstairs with Elle in tow, she hadn't showed her the best part. She slid open the back door and she nearly jumped out of her arms! It was the most room Elle had ever had to play and run, the whole reason Kinsie had her heart set on this house. Even if it had been almost three thousand simoleons out of her price range, she was going to make it work. As Elle explored Kinsey got a phone call, one she was expecting.
Test Subject
#43 Old 12th Dec 2014 at 1:50 AM Last edited by MeinTora : 12th Dec 2014 at 4:16 AM.
Elspeth's first litter produced FOUR puppies! The house is hectic, haha. I wanna start a blog when I get the time, so much fun ^^
Edit: I forgot to mention it was three girls and a boy. Posie, Poppie, Starling and Rowen ♥
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#44 Old 14th Dec 2014 at 4:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ClassicSimmer1019
can your sim be self-employed for the challenge and if you have another sim can they get a job?

Yeah, as long as your main sim doesn't have an actual job like, the political career and stuff like that. They can be self-employed. Sorry that it took me so long to respond to you.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#45 Old 14th Dec 2014 at 4:44 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MeinTora
I'm going to start this challenge tonight ^^

Good luck! In my opinion, it's hard for me to take care of several puppies/dogs at the same time. And again, that's just my opinion.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#46 Old 14th Dec 2014 at 4:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MeinTora
Elspeth's first litter produced FOUR puppies! The house is hectic, haha. I wanna start a blog when I get the time, so much fun ^^
Edit: I forgot to mention it was three girls and a boy. Posie, Poppie, Starling and Rowen ¢¾

Lol. It'll be a long way to 100. So, hang in there, because it's going to be a long ride with that many puppies. Oh, and please, when and if you create a blog, please, leave a link, I'd love to look at it.
Lab Assistant
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#47 Old 14th Dec 2014 at 5:09 PM
Hey guys! I just created a new blog. I hope you enjoy it! Here's the link.
Lab Assistant
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#48 Old 14th Dec 2014 at 6:31 PM
@KiriMaccyG - Did you stop the challenge or something? You haven't posted in a while, and the same to @SimLover7114.
Test Subject
#49 Old 16th Dec 2014 at 1:42 AM

Here are pictures...can't wait for these pups to grow up, they are a handful (we also really need the money) I'm going to miss Starling though! I have decided there will be 10 different fathers, each will have around ten puppies, that way I don't get bored with how the pups look. Playing more tonight...
Lab Assistant
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#50 Old 16th Dec 2014 at 2:46 AM
That's definetly a really good idea to have like 10 different fathers. Let me comment on the pictures..... The puppies are ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!!!
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