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Lab Assistant
#51 Old 6th Aug 2011 at 12:53 PM
Right. This time I am NOT boolproping. But I am inteening. Ill take away the points. No fear. I don't actually care.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique.
Just like everyone else.
-Margaret Mead
Lab Assistant
#52 Old 23rd Aug 2011 at 7:34 AM
i must admit i am still on my second generation of starving artists and she's still a child... lol... a very long challenge indeed. hehe, i will get back to it in a few days and see where it goes for the next generation... if all is well and life continues for each generation i will post updates as i go along. ten generations is a lot! if i was going to re-write this challenge i'd suggest trying to do it in five generations.
Lab Assistant
#53 Old 22nd Oct 2011 at 9:12 AM
When my game starts working again, this is totally happening. xD

Storyteller and lover of ridiculously overcomplicated plotlines. Very inactive and not especially interested in the Sims anymore (my game's been bugged out for months anyway).
Field Researcher
#54 Old 29th Oct 2011 at 1:04 AM
Ooo, this looks fun! Quick question - are you allowed to use the lamp/genie thing that the gypsy leaves?
#55 Old 3rd Nov 2011 at 4:49 PM
Hm, I have never tried a challenge before. I think I'll give this a whirl. It might be a good starter. I'll post updates when I get somewhere. =D
Test Subject
#56 Old 4th Nov 2011 at 7:35 PM
Default One question
Quote: Originally posted by discordkitty
This challenge has you, as a teen, struggling to make money through only two means - painting, or novel writing. See how far you get - will you make it through the teen years? Start a family? Have children? Post your hints, strategies and questions here!

The Challenge

Artist does not refer to the Uni job. It means you are all unemployed.

You start off with a CAS adult and a CAS teen. Move them into a 2x3 or 3x2 (whatever) lot, and then kill the adult. You can also move the adult out, but that would be robbing yourself of easy-peasy ghost points. Build a house for your lovely, lonely teen, and be sure to include an easel and/or a computer, because otherwise, you're in a spot of trouble.

Your teen can only earn money by painting or writing novels. Rewards from school are just fine, but your teen cannot get a job! It's tough at first, but eventually, like any good artist, they learn not to care about hunger/sleep/cleaning. Or at least, you stop caring. Generally, the social bunny will follow you around and be annoyed when you tell him to shove off and stop reading your manuscript over your shoulder.

Once you've made it through the teen years, it's time to start thinking about the next generation. You can move in/marry service NPC's, but you will lose a point and they cannot get a job. No townies, due to their jobs and large amounts of cash. You can also have illicit romances, be abducted by aliens, or adopt. These relationships can be with any sim, playable or not. You just can't move them in.

Raise your heir/s well, and be sure to give them loads of creativity points. It's advised to get them on the easel as soon as you can, so that they start bringing home the bacon right from the start.

Now you just repeat it for the generations to follow! The challenge ends when your last artist dies and the dynasty ends, or when you finally give in and get one of them hitched. Of course, it would also end if you went bankrupt and had nothing to sell but your easel, thus hitting a dead end. The challenge will also end with the death of the tenth generation. At that point, stop everything and count up your points.

To determine the aspiration of your heir, roll a die. The aspirations are as follows:
6=Pleasure Seeker/Choose your own.

Aging must stay ON.
Aspiration rewards are allowed.
Hacks/cheats such as the platinum-maxing painting and the tombstone of life and death are forbidden!
The twins/abduction hacks are forbidden!
NO reloading after an accidental death or a bad chance card.
Using move_objects/restarting are only allowed in the case of a bug, or for the sake of interior design.
You must stay on the same lot, except in the case of a bug.

Here's the scoring:

1/2 point for every family friend you have at the end(round spare halves up).
1 point for each generation completed (from the heir's birth to death).
1 point for every 5,000 simoleons in your family's net worth at the end.
1 point if all ghosts are free-roaming, meaning they can spook your sims.
2 points for having all the ghost colors. Scissors death is not required to claim this bonus, and you only need the Cowplant death if you have University.
2 points for each platinum grave on the lot at the end.
2 points for every first-generation alien born on the lot.
3 points if a teenager can get straight A's for the entire time they're in highschool.
4 points any time an artist sim maxes out the creativity skill. (add an extra 2 points if it's maxed out before teenhood)
5 points for every set of twins.
6 points for alien twins (this cancels out the alien-birth point)
6 points for keeping one masterpiece (max creativity) painting from each generation
And give yourself an extra 10 points if you can stick it out through all 10 generations.

-1 point for marrying/moving in a sim.
-1 point for every townie who dies on your lot.
-1 point for every inbred sim born.
-1 point for every time a sim drops into aspiration failure, requiring a visit from the therapist.
-2 points for every time the repo man comes.

as reposted by m1rr0r4ng3l on TSR

If a teenager loses his/her mother, Won't the social asistant come to fetch him/her?
Test Subject
#57 Old 4th Nov 2011 at 7:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Hyspasia
If a teenager loses his/her mother, Won't the social asistant come to fetch him/her?

Teens can't be taken by Social Services, in The Sims 2. They just die horrible deaths when you mistreat them, because they're no longer adorable/innocent. This is also why you can't adopt teens.

"Whipped Cream Twilight WATERFALLS!"
Lab Assistant
#58 Old 3rd Mar 2013 at 11:35 PM
I had this sim loose her parents ,My original plan was to make them split up ,have the younger daughter move out with the dad and then kill the mother ,But when you split them up the other one gets kicked out. So I killed the dad the day after they moved ,made the oldest daughter get a part-time job ,on sunday I killed the mom 2 days before the younger one turned into a teen. Both are teens ,older sibling 5 days untill adulthood. I only have nightlife so ,They have as big house ,the urns are on each side of the parents bed ,the side the parents slept on the first night there. Both of the teens have part time jobs at level 2. Kyra Jean and Valentina Rose Temptest are the teens. They only have about 3k right now. Only money they've made from paintings; 106 sim dollars. All of Krya Jean's paintings are all so pretty :lovestruc so I hung them up on the wall ,There's a painting of the dad's dining room chair in the parents room framed in gold ,and a portrait of Valentina Rose in the girls' room. She painted the same painting twice so I sold it ,Kyra Jean is also only 1 skill point away from mastering the creativity skill.
Mad Poster
#59 Old 4th Mar 2013 at 1:44 AM
Chloe93: still with us! I really like your story, especially your graphics. I don't know how to do any of that, only "go advanced", find the snapshot and attach it.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Lab Assistant
#60 Old 12th May 2013 at 9:20 PM
My computer broke so I lost all of my progress. I have a new one so I'll have to restart the challenge. I WAS SO FAR

The Sims 3 is my life.
#61 Old 16th May 2013 at 4:38 AM
Trying this challenge again for the first time in ages, and I have a question: Crafting benches. Can my starving artists be potters or tailors (or a world champion flower-arranger)?

Contemplating making Golden Sun stuff for TS2.
Test Subject
#62 Old 23rd May 2013 at 7:14 AM
Default Started the Challenge
Sims 2 doesn't work properly in my windows 7 so I havent installed the expansion packs(I only have University and Nightlife). So I started this challenge only on the base game. And so far it has been fun fun fun!!!

I started off with Debra Morgan and her teenaged daughter Lilian Morgan. I killed Debra off soon enough and there is a grave in the lot now. Lilian is quite pretty and she maxed out creativity before she became an adult. and She was a straight A+ student!! Whoa!! Was earning pretty good from paintings.. and wrote a novel too.. For a humble life it was a pretty good. She then adopted Jonathan as toddler.

Jonathan grew up pretty fast into a child with Platinum aspiration. and both of them are earning by painting now. Lilian has started another novel. And they still find time to socialize. Not that they have many friends though. Loving the fact I havent cheated a bit till now. Jonathan maxed out his creativity before he became a teen!!!!! Wow!!

I will surely post some pictures later, though do not expect good ones as I am not good at it at all..

Also I want to keep Lilians genes as she is pretty so is it possible to have more than 1 child in household? Or I have to move someone out?
Test Subject
#63 Old 28th May 2013 at 9:30 AM
This is awesome! :D
I will try this as soon as I find time to play the game XD
Lab Assistant
#64 Old 9th Jun 2013 at 3:11 AM
Default Is it JUST me???
I don't know why but this challange is SUPER easy- and very UNchallange like. I even have 3 free roaming ghosts and it's still not really difficult. I'm on my 3rd generation and all three have gotten into private school- only my first generation went into aspiration failure (because he caught his boyfriend cheating) and I have more than 40,000 simoleans to boot!

First thing I did was get a 3x5 lot and make a small one room house. Highest bed, highest stove, and an easel were my main furniture. Killed off mom, not too hard- and paint, paint, paint...did a romance/ intelligence combo. Fished at the community lot for food, got into the seceret lot for art, and eat out at the grills. Maxed my creativity so I moved on to cooking...once that was maxed and my grades were A+ I called the headmaster. Got in using a lobster dish I made for the cooking contest.

The only thing mod that would affect this is my 'no jealousy' mod- I actually took it out at the start but my entire neighborhood had become one big fight fest, with even newly created sims being targeted that I had to put it back in.

OH I do have on question- does anyone know why the child of two sims ONLY loses relationship points with the parent they live with if they see them cheating? He's been in the same room as the other parent when HE cheats but he doesn't have a reaction...but he'll always be in the negative with the 'mother'??

Forgot to mention that my founder was making OVER $3,000 per novel and $700 per painting- he could do like 3 paintings a day- I've expaned my building, bought the most expensive car and what not but I don't know what I'm doing wrong to make it soo easy...
And since toddlers can MAX their creativity the second generation is 1000xs easier!
Test Subject
#65 Old 10th Aug 2013 at 12:40 AM
I've been working on this for a couple days now its great exactly what i needed to break up the monotony thats been creeping back up and its difficult in all the best ways! Thanks for making and posting it.
Test Subject
#66 Old 22nd Aug 2013 at 4:23 AM
This challenge was going fairly smooth for me. I was having a lot of fun, it was easy to keep up with school (my starving artist, Kaia Docker, had perfect grades), and she maxed the creativity skill with 6 days left of teenage-hood. As a teenager, I had Kaia become best friends with a NPC named George Something-or-Other When she had her birthday, they started being lovers and then I accidentally moved him in when I tried to do something else, soooo I tried to kill him with a fire and I was planning on locking Kaia outside the house until the fire was contained and George was, well, dead. I thought I locked the door but I actually didn't so George died, Kaia died, and I became depressed. Definitely retrying this though!
Lab Assistant
#67 Old 6th Oct 2013 at 3:18 AM Last edited by NissanGTRFan : 6th Oct 2013 at 4:22 AM.
I am going to start this challenge myself. I will use a very, very brown teenager with a white-as-possible dad, and black mom.

She will have her paintings done in the basement.\

Sim Died Of Fright. I Killed A Whole Family Of 8 Sims On The Lot Before I Moved her In. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Lab Assistant
#68 Old 19th Oct 2013 at 7:00 AM Last edited by soriya : 27th Oct 2013 at 10:57 PM.
I just started this challenge and so far, my sim is doing good. I'll post some of the pics here when I get past the first week.

I have a question however, the challenge of the game is to only make money through painting or writing a novel. My question is, is the money tree allowed? According to the rules, Aspiration rewards is allow, but wouldn't the money tree be a loop hole in that? lol. I just want to clarify before I use some of my aspiration points.

Edit: I've posted my challenge here , if you're interested.
Lab Assistant
#69 Old 28th Jun 2017 at 4:20 PM
I bet this would work for sims 3. I'm going to try this but only as a test!
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